< Psalms 39 >

1 To the choirmaster (for Jeduthun *Q(K)*) a psalm of David. I said I will guard ways my from sinning with tongue my I will keep to mouth my a muzzle while still [the] wicked [is] to before me.
Zborovođi. Jedutunu. Psalam. Davidov. Odlučio sam: “Čuvat ću put svoj da ne zgriješim jezikom; usta ću svoja zauzdati dokle god preda mnom bude bezbožnik.”
2 I was dumb silence I was silent from good and pain my it was stirred up.
Zamukoh, zanijemjeh, glasa ne puštah, ali uzalud - bol mi postade gorča.
3 It became hot heart my - in inner being my in sighing my it burned fire I spoke with tongue my.
U meni srce je gorjelo, na samu pomisao buknuo bi oganj; tad progovorih svojim jezikom:
4 Make known to me O Yahweh - end my and [the] measure of days my what? [is] it let me know how! fleeting [am] I.
“Objavi mi, Jahve, moj svršetak i kolika je mjera mojih dana, da znam kako sam ništavan.
5 Here! handbreadths - you have made days my and lifespan my [is] like nothing before you [is] only all vanity all humankind [which] stands (Selah)
Evo, pedljem si mi dane izmjerio, život moj je kao ništa pred tobom: tek dašak je svaki čovjek.
6 Only an image - he goes about a person only vanity people are in turmoil! he heaps up and not he knows who? [will be] gathering them.
Poput sjene čovjek prolazi tek dašak je sve bogatstvo njegovo: zgrće, a ne zna tko će ga pokupiti.”
7 And now what? do I wait for O Lord hope my [is] to you it.
A sada, čemu da se nadam, Gospode? Sva je nada moja u tebi!
8 From all transgressions my deliver me a reproach of [the] foolish may not you make me.
Izbavi me svih mojih bezakonja, ne daj da ruglo budem luđaku!
9 I am dumb not I open mouth my for you you have acted.
Šutim i usta ne otvaram, jer tako si ti učinio.
10 Remove from on me plague your from [the] hostility of hand your I I have come to an end.
Bič svoj otkloni od mene, jer izdišem pod težinom ruke tvoje.
11 With rebukes on iniquity - you have disciplined a person and you have melted like moth desired [thing] his [is] only vanity all humankind (Selah)
Ti kaznama popravljaš čovjeka i sve mu najdraže kao moljac rastačeš: tek dašak je svaki čovjek.
12 Hear! prayer my - O Yahweh and cry for help my - give ear to! to tear[s] my may not you be silent for [am] a sojourner I with you a resident alien like all ancestors my.
Čuj, o Jahve, molitvu moju, vapaje mi poslušaj, na suze se moje ne ogluši! Jer u tebe ja sam došljak, pridošlica kao svi oci moji.
13 Smear from me so let me be cheerful before I will go and there not [will be] me.
Odvrati pogled od mene, da odahnem prije nego odem i više ne budem!

< Psalms 39 >