< Matthew 18 >

1 In that [very] hour came the disciples to Jesus saying; Who then [the] greatest is in the kingdom of the heavens?
Utu somoite Jisu laga chela khan Tai usorte ahise aru koise, “Tinehoile kun sorgo laga rajyote sobse dangor ase?”
2 And having called to [Him] (Jesus *k*) a child He set it in midst of them
Jisu pora Tai usorte ekta bacha ke mati kene taikhan majote bohise,
3 and said; Amen I say to you; only unless you may turn and may become as the little children, certainly not shall you enter into the kingdom of the heavens.
aru koise, “Moi hosa pora tumikhan ke koi ase, jitia tak apuni chutu bacha khan nisena nohoi, tumikhan ekjon bhi sorgo laga rajyote ghusi bole na paribo.
4 Whoever therefore (will humble *N(k)O*) himself as little child this, he is the greater in the kingdom of the heavens.
Etu karone, jun manu nijorke ekta bacha nisena chutu koribo, tai he sorgo laga rajyote sobse dangor ase.
5 And who[ever] (if *NK(o)*) shall receive one little child (such *N(k)O*) in the name of Me, Me myself receives.
Jun manu chutu bacha khan ke etu nisena Moi laga naam te ahibole diye tai Moike pai jai.
6 Who[ever] then maybe may cause to stumble one of the little ones of these who are believing in Me myself, it is better for him that may be hung a millstone heavy (around *N(k)(o)*) the neck of him, and he may be sunk in the depth of the sea.
Kintu jodi etu bacha khan majote ekjon bhi Moike biswas kore, aru kunba manu utu bacha ke paap kaam kori bole diye koile, utu manu nimite dangor pathor tai laga gola te bandhi kene nodi te dubi le he bhal hobo.
7 Woe to the world because of the causes of sin; Necessary [are] for (is *ko*) to come the stumbling blocks, but woe to the man (that [one] *k*) through whom the offense comes!
Etu prithibi laga manu khan ke bisi morom lage, juntu kaam khan nimite taikhan paap kori ase. Eitu khan sob purah hobo lage, kintu utu manu khan uporte aru dangor sajai hobo jun etu paap kaam hobole di ase.
8 If now the hand of you or the foot of you causes to sin you, do cut off (it *N(K)O*) and do cast [it] from you; better for you it is to enter into life crippled or lame than two hands or two feet having to be cast into the fire eternal. (aiōnios g166)
Jodi tumi laga hath nohoile theng nimite tumike girai de koile, etu ke kati dibi aru tumi laga gaw pora phelai dibi. Tumi nimite duita hath aru theng thaki kene norokte ja pora to gaw te hath nohoile theng nathaki kene sorgote ja to he bhal hobo. (aiōnios g166)
9 And if the eye of you causes to sin you, do gouge out it and do cast [it] from you; better for you it is one-eyed into life to enter than two eyes having to be cast into the hell of the fire. (Geenna g1067)
Jodi tumi laga suku nimite paap koribo diye koile, ulai dibi aru tumi laga gaw pora phelai dibi. Kilekoile tumi nimite duita suku thaki kene norokte ja pora to gaw te ekta suku thaki kene sorgote ja he bhal hobo. (Geenna g1067)
10 do see [that] not may you despise one of the little ones of these; I say for to you that the angels of them in [the] heavens through all [times] behold the face of the Father of mine who [is] in [the] heavens.
Hoshiar thakibi, etu chutu bacha khan eku kaam nai koi kene nabhabi bhi. Kilekoile Moi tumikhan ke koi ase, taikhan laga sorgodoth khan pora Moi laga sorgote thaka Baba laga chehera hodai sai thake.
11 (came *KO*) (for son of man to save those already perishing. *K*)
Kilekoile Manu laga Putro to harai ja khan nimite ahise.
12 What you do think? If may happen a certain man [has] a hundred sheep and shall have gone astray one of them, surely (he will leave *N(k)O*) the ninety nine on the mountains, (and *no*) having gone will seek the [one] going astray?
Tumikhan ki bhabona ase? Jodi ekjon manu logote eksoh mer khan ase, aru ekta harai jaise koile, tai ninyanve mer khan ke pahar te chari kene, ekta harai ja ke bisaribo nohoi?
13 And if he may happen to find it, Amen I say to you that he rejoices over it more than over the ninety nine which not gone astray.
Jodi tai pai jai, Moi hosa pora koi ase, utu ninyanve mer khan pora bhi harai ja ekta pai ja-a nimite bisi khushi hobo.
14 Thus not it is [the] will of the Father (of you *NK(O)*) who [is] in [the] heavens that may perish (one *N(k)O*) of the little ones of these.
Thik etu nisena, Sorgote thaka Baba laga itcha nohoi eitu khan nisena ekjon chutu hoile bhi harai jabole.
15 If now shall sin against you the brother of you, do go (and *k*) do reprove him between you and him alone. If you he shall hear, you have gained the brother of you.
Jodi tumi laga bhai pora tumi uporte paap korise koile, jabi aru tai laga golti koi dibi, tai aru tumi ekla duijon majote. Jodi tai tumi laga kotha hune koile, tumi laga bhai ke jiti loise.
16 only however unless he shall hear, do take with you more one or two that upon [the] testimony of two witnesses or of three may be strengthened every declaration.
Kintu jodi tai tumi laga kotha nahune koile, ekjon duijon ke tumi logote loijabi, eneka hoile duijon tinjon manu pora ki hoise, eitu khan taikhan laga mukh pora jani jabo.
17 If now he shall fail to listen to them, do tell [it] to the church. If now also to the church he shall fail to listen, he should be to you as the pagan and the tax collector.
Aru jodi taikhan laga kotha khan bhi nahune koile, girja ke etu laga kotha to koi dibi. Jodi tai girja laga bhi kotha nahune koile, taike ekjon Porjati aru poisa utha manu nisena chari di bhi.
18 Amen I say to you; as much as (if *NK(o)*) you shall bind on the earth, will have been bound in (*ko*) heaven; and as much as if you shall loose on the earth, will have been loosed in (*ko*) heaven.
Moi hosa pora koi ase tumikhan ke, ki jinis khan prithibi te bandibo etu sorgote bhi hobo; aru ji jinis khan prithibi te chari bo etu sorgote bhi hobo.
19 Again (Amen *NO*) I say to you that if two shall agree (of *no*) you on the earth concerning any matter that if they shall ask, it will be done for them by the Father of Mine who [is] in [the] heavens.
Aru bhi Moi hosa pora tumikhan ke koise, jodi duijon majote mon mili kene ki karone hoile bhi mangise koile, taikhan nimite Moi laga Baba jun sorgote ase eitu khan kori dibo.
20 Where for are two or three assembled unto My name, there am I in [the] midst of them.
Kilekoile juntu jagate duijon tinjon Moi naam te joma kore, taikhan majote Moi ase.”
21 Then having come Peter said to Him; Lord, how often will sin against me myself the brother of mine and I will forgive him? Up to seven times?
Etu pichete Peter ahise aru Jisu ke koise, “Probhu, kiman bar moi laga bhai ami uporte paap kaam koribo aru taike maph dibo? Sat bar tak?”
22 Says to him Jesus; Not I say to you up to seven times but up to seventy times seven!
Jisu taike koise, “Moi tumike sat bar tak koribo kowa nai, kintu sattar laga sat bar tak.
23 Because of this has become like the kingdom of the heavens to a man a king who desired to settle accounts with the servants of him.
Etu karone sorgo laga rajyo to ekjon raja nisena jun tai laga kaam kora manu logote hisab-kitab kori bole itcha kori loise.
24 When was beginning then he to settle (was brought to *NK(o)*) to him one a debtor of ten thousand talents.
Jitia tai hisab-kitab kori bole shuru hoise, tai usorte ekjon nokor ke loi anise, jun tai logot pora dos hajar talent pabo thakise.
25 [When] not is having [anything] now he to pay he commanded him the master (of him *k*) to be sold and the wife (of him *ko*) and the children and all as much as (he has *N(k)O*) and payment to be made.
Kintu tai logote eku pora bhi baki tirabole thaka nai, etu pora malik pora tai aru tai laga maiki bacha khan aru taikhan logot ki thakise etu sob bikiri koridi kene dhar tirabole hukum dise.
26 Having fallen down therefore the servant was bowing on his knees to him saying; (lord *ko*) do have patience with (me myself, *NK(o)*) and all I will pay to you.
Etu huni kene nokor matite girise aru malik age te athukari kene mangise, ‘Malik, amike olop somoi dibi, aru ami apuni ke sob tirai dibo.’
27 Having been moved with compassion now the master of the servant, that [one] released him and the debt forgave him.
Aru malik tai laga kotha huni kene morom lagi jaise, aru tai laga dhar maph kori dise aru taike chari dise.
28 Having gone out however the servant same found one of the fellow servants of him who was owing to him a hundred denarii, and having seized him he was throttling [him] saying; do pay (to me *k*) (if *N(k)O*) any you owe.’
Kintu, jitia etu nokor bahar te ulaise, tai logote ek sou denarii dhaar luwa nokor ke dikhise. Tai utu nokor ke gola te jor pora dhori kene eneka koise, ‘Moi laga ki dhar ase etu tirabi.’
29 Having fallen down therefore the fellow servant of him (into the feet of him *K*) was begging him saying; do have patience with (me myself, *NK(o)*) and (all things *K*) I will pay you.
Etu pichete utu nokor nichete girise aru taike kandi kene maph mangise, eneka koi kene, ‘Amike olop somoi dibi, aru ami apuni ke sob tirai dibo.’
30 But not he was willing, but having gone he cast him into prison until (what of him *ko*) he may pay that which is being owed.
Kintu utu age laga nokor to eneka kori bole itcha thaka nai. Ulta, tai jaise aru bondhi ghor bhitor te hali dise, jitia tak tai laga dhar natirai.
31 Having seen (therefore *N(k)O*) the fellow servants of him the [things] having taken place they were grieved deeply, and having gone they narrated to the master (of themselves *N(k)O*) all that having taken place.
Etu karone jitia dusra nokorkhan etu dikhise, taikhan bisi mon biya hoise, aru jai kene malik ke ki hoise etu sob koi dise.
32 Then having called to him the master of him says to him; Servant evil, all the debt, that [one] I forgave you because you begged me.
Etu pichete etu nokor laga malik taike matise, aru koise, ‘Tumi mon kala thaka nokor, moi tumi laga dhar khan sob maph kori dise, kele koile tumi kandi kene moike maph manga nimite.
33 Surely it was necessary also you to have pitied the fellow servant of you as also I myself also I myself you pitied?
Tumi bhi nijor manu ke daya koribo para nai, jineka moi tumi uporte daya korise?’
34 And having been angry the master of him delivered him to the jailers until that he may pay all which is being owed (to him. *ko*)
Aru malik gusa thakise aru taike sajai diya manu laga hathte dise, jitia tak tai baki khan natirai.
35 Thus also the Father of Mine (heavenly *N(k)O*) will do to you only unless you may forgive each the brother of him from the heart of you (the trespasses of them. *K*)
Etu nisena Moi laga sorgote thaka Baba bhi tumikhan ke eneka koribo, jitia tak tumikhan nijor bhai kokai khan ke maph nakoribo.”

< Matthew 18 >