< Mark 2 >

1 And (He was entering *N(k)O*) again into Capernaum after [some] days (and *k*) it was heard that (in [the] house *N(k)O*) He is.
Pa mashaka gavuwa ndiri, Yesu kawuyiti Kafarinaumu, wantu wapikinira handa kawuya ukaya.
2 And (immediately *KO*) were gathered together many so that no more to have space not even [space] at the door, and He was speaking to them the word.
Wantu wavuwa wajojinikiti palii mpaka paweriti kwahera lupenu mnumba, ata kunja pamlyangu. Nayomberi kaweriti kankuwabwerera shisoweru sha Mlungu.
3 And they come bringing to Him a paralytic being carried by four.
Su wantu wamu wiziti pawamjega muntu yakalewelekiti, yomberi kapapitwi na wantu wamsheshi.
4 And not being able (to bring to *N(k)O*) to Him on account of the crowd they removed the roof where He was and having broken up [it] they let down the pallet (where *N(k)O*) the paralytic was lying.
Toziya wantu waweriti wavuwa, wasinditi kumjega pakwegera na Yesu. Su wabomoliti pashitwiku pahala pakaweriti Yesu. Shapakanu wamsulusiya muntu ulii yakalewelekiti pakawera mumkeka.
5 (And *no*) having seen (now *ko*) Jesus the faith of them He says to the paralytic; Son, (are forgiven of you *N(k)O*) the sins (of you. *k*)
Yesu pakawoniti njimiru yawu, kamgambiriti muntu ulii yakalewelekiti, “Mwana gwangu, vidoda vyakuwi vilekiziwa.”
6 were now some of the scribes there sitting and reasoning in the hearts of them;
Wafunda wamu wa Malagaliru ga Musa waweriti walivaga kweni aku, walihola mumyoyu mwawu,
7 Why this [man] thus does speak? (He blasphemes! *N(k)O*) Who is able to forgive sins only except one God?
“Iwera ashi muntu ayu kankutakula ntambu ayi? Ayu kankumwigiranga Mlungu! Gani kawezi kulekiziya vidoda? Mlungu gweka yakuwi ndiri?”
8 And immediately having known Jesus in the spirit of Him that thus (they themselves *o*) are reasoning within themselves (He speaks *N(k)O*) to them; Why these things reason you in the hearts of you?
Pala palii Yesu kashimana shilii shawaliholiti mumyoyu mwawu. Yomberi kawakosiya, “Ashashi mwankulihola hangu mumyoyu mwenu?
9 Which is easier, to say to the paralytic; (Are forgiven of you *N(k)O*) the sins, or to say; (do arise *N(k)(o)*) and do take up the mat of you and do walk?
Shizotopa ng'anji shii, kumgambira muntu yakalewelekiti, ‘Vidoda vyaku vilekiziwa’ ama kumgambira, ‘Gwimuki, gutoli mkeka gwaku gugendi?’
10 That however you may know that authority has the Son of Man to forgive sins on the earth He says to the paralytic;
Su nfira muvimani kuwera Mwana gwa Muntu kana uwezu gwa kulekiziya vidoda pasipanu.” Shapakanu kamgambira muntu ulii yakalewelekiti,
11 To you I say; (do arise *N(k)O*) (and *k*) do take up the mat of you and do go to the home of you.
“Nukugambira, gugoloki, gutoli mkeka gwaku, gugendi ukaya kwaku!”
12 And he arose and immediately having taken up the mat he went forth (before *N(k)O*) all so as for to be amazed all and to glorify God saying that Thus never did we see.
Yomberi kagoloka, palaa palii kanyasula mkeka gwakuwi kagendagenda pakalolwa na wantu woseri. Woseri walikangasha, wamkwisa Mlungu pawalonga, “Hatweniwoni shintu gambira ashi nakamu!”
13 And He went forth again beside the sea, and all the crowd was coming to Him, and He was teaching them.
Yesu kagenda kayi kumpeku kulitanda lya Galilaya. Lipinga likulu lya wantu limgendera, nayomberi kanja kuwafunda.
14 And passing on He saw Levi the [son] of Alphaeus sitting at the tax booth and He says to him; do follow Me. And having arisen he followed Him.
Pakaweriti kankupita, kamwona Lawi mwana gwa Alifayu, kalivaga mnumba mwa kulipira kodi. Yesu kamgambira, “Gunfati.” Lawi kagoloka, kanfata.
15 And (it came to pass *N(k)(o)*) (in the *ko*) reclining of Him in the house of him, that many tax collectors and sinners were reclining with Jesus and with the disciples of Him; there were for many, and (they were following *N(k)O*) Him.
Shakapanu, Yesu kaweriti kankuliya shiboga ukaya kwa Lawi. Watola kodi wavuwa na walii yawawashema wawera na vidoda waweriti wankuliya pamuhera na Yesu na wafundwa wakuwi, toziya kuweriti na wantu wavuwa yawaweriti wankumfata.
16 And the scribes (*k*) (of the Pharisees *N(k)O*) (*o*) having seen (that *N(k)O*) (he eats *N(k)(o)*) with the sinners and tax collectors were saying to the disciples of Him; (Why [is it] *k*) that with the tax collectors and sinners He eats (and drinks? *KO*)
Wafunda wamu wa Malagaliru ga Musa waweriti shipinga washishema Mafalisayu pawamuwoniti Yesu kankuliya pamuhera na “walii yawawashema wawera na vidoda” na watola kodi, womberi wawakosiya wafundwa wakuwi, “Iwera ashi Yesu kankuliya pamuhera na watola kodi na yawawera na vidoda?”
17 And having heard Jesus says to them: (that *no*) No need have those being strong of a physician but those sick being; Not I came to call [the] righteous but sinners (into repentance. *K*)
Yesu pakagapikaniriti aga kawagambira, “Wantu washinashina wamfira ndiri bwana mganga, kumbiti walweli wamfira. Niza ndiri kuwashema wantu yawalihola wankumfiriziya Mlungu, kumbiti niza kuwashema yawawera na vidoda.”
18 And were the disciples of John and the (of the *K*) (Pharisees *N(k)O*) fasting And they come and they say to Him; Because of why the disciples of John and the (disciples *no*) of the Pharisees fast, but Your disciples not fast?
Wafundwa wa Yohani Mbatiza na wafundwa wa Mafalisayu waweriti wankufunga kuliya. Wantu wamu wamgendera Yesu na kumkosiya, “Iwera hashi wafundwa wa Yohani Mbatiza na wafundwa wa Mafalisayu wankufunga kuliya, kumbiti wafundwa waku wafunga ndiri kuliya?”
19 And said to them Jesus; Not are able the sons of the bridechamber in which the bridegroom with them is to fast? As long as time they have the bridegroom with (them *N(k)O*) not they are able to fast.
Yesu kawankula, “Wantu pawawera mumsambu gwa ndowa waweza hashi kufunga kuliya shipindi mpalu gwa ndowa kapamuhera nawomberi? Nakaka mpalu gwa ndowa pakawera na womberi hapeni wafungi kuliya.
20 Will come however [the] days when may have been taken away from them the bridegroom, and then they will fast in (that *N(K)O*) (*N(k)O*) (day. *N(K)O*)
Kumbiti shipindi shankwiza, mpalu gwa ndowa hakawusiwi kwawu, na panu ndo hawafungi kuliya.
21 (and *k*) No [one] a patch of cloth unshrunk sews on (clothing old; *N(k)O*) lest then except tears away the patch (from *no*) it new from the old, And worse a tear takes place.
“Kwahera muntu yakasona shiraka sha nguwu ya syayi mu nguwu ngona. Pakatenda hangu, shiraka sha syayi hashidegi nguwu ngona, na palii papadegekiti pongereka.
22 And no [one] puts wine new into wineskins old; lest then except, (will burst *N(k)O*) the wine (new *k*) the wineskins and the wine (is destroyed *N(K)O*) and the wineskins (will perish; *ko*) Instead wine new into wineskins new (must be put. *ko*)
Na kwahera muntu yakaweza kutula divayi ya syayi muviwiga vigona. Pakatenda hangu, divayi ya syayi hayivipantangi viwiga avi, divayi hayitiki, na viwiga havipantangiki. Kumbiti divayi ya syayi itulwa muviwiga vya syayi.”
23 And it came to pass He on the Sabbaths (passing through *NK(o)*) through the grainfields, and the disciples of Him began [their] way to make plucking the heads of grain.
Lishaka limu lya kwoyera, Yesu pamuhera na wafundwa wakuwi waweriti wankupita mumalambu ga nsaka. Pawaweriti wankupita, wafundwa wakuwi wanjiti kubenanga mikunguwi ya nsaka.
24 And the Pharisees were saying to Him; Behold why do they (in *k*) on the Sabbaths that which not is lawful?
Su Mafalisayu wamgambira Yesu, “Guloli! Iwera ashi wafundwa waku wankutenda shintu shashileweritwi mulishaka lya kwoyera?”
25 And (he himself *k*) (says *N(k)O*) to them; Surely you did read what did David when need he had and hungered he himself and those with him?
Yesu kawankula, “Hamwebetuli ntambu Dawudi yakatenditi pamuhera na wayaguwi palii pawaweriti na njala na wahera shintu?
26 How he entered into the house of God in [the days of] Abiathar (the *k*) high priest and the loaves of the presentation ate which not it is lawful to eat only except (for the priests, *N(k)O*) And he gave even to those with him being?
Dawudi kingiriti Mnumba ya Mlungu mumashaka galii ga mtambika mkulu Abiyatali. Kaliya mabumunda yagalaviyitwi kwa Mlungu, mabumunda gagalekeziwa ndiri kugaliya kumbiti watambika gweka yawu ndo yawalekeziwitwi kugaliya, Dawudi kagaliyiti na kuwapanana wayaguwi.”
27 And He was saying to them; The Sabbath on account of the man was made, (and *no*) not the man on account of the Sabbath.
Shapakanu Yesu kawagambira, “Lishaka lya kwoyera walitula kwajili ya wantu, na wantu ndiri kwajili ya lishaka lya kwoyera!
28 So then Lord is the Son of Man also even of the Sabbath.
Su Mwana gwa Muntu ndo Mtuwa ata gwa lishaka lya kwoyera.”

< Mark 2 >