< Mark 1 >

1 [The] beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ Son (*ko*) of God;
Shisoweru Shiwagira ashi sha Yesu Kristu, Mwana gwa Mlungu.
2 (Even as *N(k)O*) it has been written in (Isaiah *NO*) (in the *N(k)O*) (prophet: *N(K)O*) Behold (I myself *KO*) send the messenger of Mine before face of You, who will prepare the way of You (before of you. *K*)
Yankuyanja gambira Isaya mbuyi gwa Mlungu ntambu yakalembiti, “Mlungu kalongiti, ‘Guloli numtuma ntumintumi gwangu hakakulonguleri Hakakunywawili njira yaku.’
3 [The] voice of one crying in the wilderness do prepare the way of [the] Lord, straight do make the paths of Him.
Liziwu lya muntu lipikanika kushiwala, ‘Mumtenderi kala Mtuwa njira yakuwi, mumnyawili weri njira zyakuwi!’”
4 Came John (who *no*) is baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming [a] baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins.
Yohani kalawiriti kushiwala, kawabwelera wantu na kuwabatiza, pakawagambira, “Mleki vidoda vyenu na mbatizwi na Mlungu hakawalekiziyi vidoda vyenu.”
5 And were going out to him all the of Judea region and of Jerusalem all and were being baptized by him in the Jordan river confessing the sins of them.
Wantu wavuwa wamgenderiti Yohani, wantu yawalawiti Yerusalemu na Yudeya, walekiti vidoda vyawatenditi na yomberi kawabatiziti mulushemba lwa Yoridani.
6 (And *no*) was (now *k*) John having clothed himself in hair of a camel and a belt of leather around the waist of him and he is eating locusts and honey wild.
Yohani kavaliti nguwu yayinyawitwi kwa mibaira ya nkanyama ngamiya, mushunu kalitawiti lugoyi lwa lukuli na shiboga shakuwi shiweriti lwashi na wanjombi.
7 And he was preaching saying; He comes who [is] mightier than I after me, of whom not I am sufficient having stooped down to untie the strap of the sandals of Him.
Yohani kabweriti pakalonga, “Pa neni kankwiza muntu mkulu kuliku neni. Neni nfaa ndiri ata kuyopola lugoyi lwa vilwatu vyakuwi.
8 I myself (indeed *k*) baptized you (in *ko*) water, He himself however will baptize you with [the] Spirit Holy.
Neni nukubatizani kwa mashi, kumbiti yomberi hakawabatizani kwa Rohu Mnanagala.”
9 And it came to pass in those days [that] came Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan by John.
Mashaka galii Yesu kiziti kulawa Nazareti lushi lwa Galilaya na kabatiziwitwi na Yohani mulushemba lwa Yoridani.
10 And immediately going up (from *N(k)O*) the water he saw tearing open the heavens and the Spirit (as *N(k)O*) a dove descending (upon *N(k)O*) Him;
Pala palii Yesu pakalawiti mumashi, kawona kumpindi kwa Mlungu kuvuguka na Rohu Mnanagala kamkangalira gambira ng'unda.
11 And a voice came out of the heavens: You yourself are the Son of Mine the beloved, in (you *N(K)O*) I am well pleased.
Na liziwu lilawira kumpindi kwa Mlungu, lilonga, “Gwenga gwa Mwana gwangu yanukufira, gunfiriziya.”
12 And immediately the Spirit Him drives out into the wilderness.
Pala palii Rohu Mnanagala kamlonguziyiti Yesu kushiwala.
13 And He was (there *k*) in the wilderness forty days being tempted by Satan And He was with the wild animals; and the angels were ministering to Him.
Su kaweriti kushiwala aku mashaka malongu msheshi, pakajeresiwa na Shetani. Kalikaliti aku pamuhera na wankanyama wa kuntundu na wantumintumi wa kumpindi wamtenderiti.
14 (and *o*) after And the delivering up of John came Jesus into Galilee proclaiming the gospel (kingdom *K*) of God
Yohani pawamtatiriti kala mushibetubetu, Yesu kagenditi lushi lwa Galilaya, kulii kanjiti kubwera Shisoweru Shiwagira sha Mlungu,
15 and saying that Has been fulfilled the time and has drawn near the kingdom of God; do repent and do believe in the gospel.
pakalonga, “Shipindi shiza! Ufalumi wa Mlungu wapakwegera. Mleki vidoda vyamtenda na mushijimiri Shisoweru Shiwagira!”
16 (And *no*) (passing *N(k)O*) (now *k*) by the Sea of Galilee He saw Simon and Andrew the brother (of him *k*) (*o*) (of Simon *no*) (net-casting *N(k)O*) (a net *k*) into the sea; they were for fishermen.
Yesu kaweriti kankupita mumpeku mwa litanda lya Galilaya, kamwona Simoni na Andereya mlongu gwakuwi, womberi waweriti wankulowa wasomba.
17 And said to them Jesus; Come after Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.
Yesu kawagambira, “Munfati neni, hanuwafundi mwenga muweri walowa wantu.”
18 And immediately having left the nets (of them *k*) they followed Him.
Pala palii wazileka nyavu zyawu na wamfata.
19 And having gone on (from there *k*) a little He saw James the [son] of Zebedee and John the brother of him, and they [were] in the boat adjusting the nets,
Yesu pakagenditi palongolu padidini, kawawoniti Yakobu na Yohani wana wa Zebedayu walivagiti mumtumbwi wankunyawa nyavu zyawu.
20 And immediately He called them. and having left the father of them Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants they went away after Him.
Pala palii Yesu kawashema wamfati, womberi wamleka Zebedayu tati gwawu pamuhera na wantumintumi wakuwi mumtumbwi.
21 And they go into Capernaum. and immediately on the Sabbaths having entered into the synagogue He was teaching.
Yesu na wantumintumi wakuwi wagenditi lushi lwa Kafarinaumu, palifikiti Lishaka lya Kwoyera Yesu kagenditi munumba ya Mlungu na kanja kufunda.
22 And they were astonished at the teaching of Him; He was for teaching them as authority having and not as the scribes.
Wantu yawampikaniriti Yesu walikangashiti nentu ntambu yakafunditi, toziya kafunditi ndiri gambira wafunda wawu wa Malagaliru ga Musa, kumbiti kafunditi gambira muntu yakawera na uwezu.
23 And (immediately *NO*) there was in the synagogue of them a man with a spirit unclean and he cried out
Shipindi shilaa shilii kuweriti na muntu yakaweriti na washamshera Munumba ya Mlungu, yomberi kabotanga,
24 saying; (ha *K*) What to us and to You, Jesus of Nazareth? Did You come to destroy us? I know You who are, the Holy [One] of God!
“Yesu gwa Nazareti, gwana shishi na twenga? Shagwizira gutwagamiziyi? Neni nukumana kala kuwera gwenga gwa gaa, gwenga gwa Mnanagala gwa Mlungu.”
25 And rebuked him Jesus saying: do be silent and do come forth out of him!
Yesu kamkalipira shamshera ulii, “Umatu, gumwuki muntu ayu.”
26 And having thrown into convulsions him the spirit unclean and (having shouted *N(k)O*) in a voice loud it came forth out of him.
Shamshera kambegeziya nentu muntu ulii pakabotanga, shakapanu kamlekeziya.
27 And were astonished (all *N(k)O*) so as to question among (themselves *N(k)O*) saying; What is this? (what *k*) teaching (*k*) new (this that *k*) With authority; even to the spirits unclean He commands, and they obey Him!
Wantu woseri walikangashiti nentu na wanjiti kulikosiya, “Shishi ashi? Aga mafundu ga syayi yagawera na uwezu! Muntu ayu kawera na makakala ga kuwawinga washamshera na womberi wamjimira!”
28 (And *no*) went out (now *k*) the news of Him immediately (everywhere *NO*) into all the surrounding region of Galilee.
Su visoweru vyakatenditi Yesu vipikinirika kanongola koseri mumkowa gwa Galilaya.
29 And immediately out of the synagogue (they going out they came *NK(O)*) into the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John.
Palaa palii pawalawiti Munumba ya Mlungu, womberi wagenditi pamuhera na Yakobu na Yohani mpaka ukaya kwa Simoni na Andereya.
30 and the mother-in-law of Simon was laying sick fevering, And immediately they speak to Him about her.
Pawasokiti palii, womberi wamgambiriti Yesu kuwera mikamwana gwa Simoni kapyupa kagonja mushitanda.
31 And having come to [her] He raised up her having taken hold of the hand (of her; *ko*) And left her the fever (immediately *K*) and she was ministering to them.
Su Yesu kamgendera mlweri, kamkola liwoku na kumgolosiya, mawu ulii kawera mkomu na kanja kuwatelekera.
32 When evening now having come, when (went down *N(k)O*) the sun, they were bringing to Him all those sick being and those being demonised;
Pamihi mshenji paguzyetiti, wantu wamjegera Yesu walweli woseri na walii yawaweriti na washamshera.
33 And was all the city gathered at the door.
Wantu woseri wa lushi lulii wajojinikiti paluwaga lwa numba.
34 And He healed many sick being of various diseases and demons many He cast out And not He was allowing to speak the demons because they knew Him (Christ to be. *O*)
Yesu kawaponiziyiti wantu wavuwa yawaweriti na malweri ga kila ntambu. Viraa kawawingiti washamshera, kafiriti ndiri washamshera watakuli shintu shoseri toziya waweriti wankumumana.
35 And very early in night still much having risen up He went out and He departed into solitary a place and there and there He was praying.
Shilawu yakuwi ligonugonu, Yesu kalawa kunja kwa lushi na kagenditi pahala pa gweka kumluwa Mlungu.
36 And (he went after *N(k)O*) Him (*ko*) Simon and those with him;
Kumbiti Simoni na wayaguwi wagenditi kumsakula.
37 and (having found *N(k)O*) Him (also *no*) they say to Him that Everyone seeks You.
Na pawamwoniti kala wamgambira, “Kila muntu kankukusakula!”
38 And He says to them; let us go (another way *NO*) into those [places] which are having villages so that also there I may preach; for this therefore (I have come forth. *N(k)O*)
Kumbiti Yesu kawankula, “Tugendeni pahala pamonga pa lushi zyaziwera pakwegera, su neni nwezi kubwera aku viraa toziya ashi ndo shashinjegiti kushitenda.”
39 And (He was going *N(k)O*) preaching (in the synagogues *N(k)O*) of them in all Galilee and demons casting out.
Su yomberi kagenda Mugalilaya kwoseri pakabwera mnumba za Mlungu na kuwawinga washamshera.
40 And comes to Him a leper imploring Him and kneeling down (to him *ko*) and saying to Him that If You may be willing You are able me to cleanse.
Mungumbula yumu kamgenderiti Yesu kasuntumala na kamluwa, “Pagufira gumweni gumpungi neni.”
41 (*k*) (And *N(k)O*) (Jesus *k*) (having compassion *NK(O)*) having stretched out the hand of Him He touched him and says to him; I am willing, do be cleansed.
Yesu kamwonera lusungu nentu, kamkola liwoku kalonga, “Neni nfira, gupungwi.”
42 And (when was speaking he *K*) immediately departed from him the leprosy, and he was cleansed.
Palaa palii Muntu ungumbula umlekeziya.
43 And having sternly warned him immediately He sent away him
Shakapanu Yesu kambereziya muntu ulii, kamlekeziya kagendi zyakuwi
44 And He says to him; do see [that] nothing to none may you speak; But do go, yourself do show to the priest and do offer for the cleansing of you what commanded Moses for a testimony to them.
pakamgambira, “Nagumgambira muntu yoseri visoweru avi, kumbiti gugendi gwakaliranguziyi kwa mtambika gwa Numba ya Mlungu na gulaviyi malaviwu kwajili ya kupungwa kwaku gambira Musa ntambu yakalagaliriti kuwera ukapitawu kwa woseri kuwera guponiziwa.”
45 And having gone out he began to proclaim much and to spread abroad the matter so that no longer He to be able openly into [the] city to enter, but out (in *N(k)O*) solitary places He was. and they were coming to Him (from every side. *N(k)O*)
Kumbiti muntu ulii kagenda kanja kubwera visoweru vya kuponiziwa kwakuwi kwa kila yakamwona. Su Yesu kasinda kuliyonisiya mulushi lulii, yomberi kalikaliti pahala pa gweka. Pamuhera na hangu wantu waweriti wankumgendera yomberi kulawa wega zoseri.

< Mark 1 >