< Job 19 >

1 And he answered Job and he said.
Tetapi Ayub menjawab:
2 Until when? will you torment! self my and will you crush? me with words.
"Berapa lama lagi kamu menyakitkan hatiku, dan meremukkan aku dengan perkataan?
3 This ten times you have insulted me not you have been ashamed you have ill-treated me.
Sekarang telah sepuluh kali kamu menghina aku, kamu tidak malu menyiksa aku.
4 And even truly I have erred with me it lodges error my.
Jika aku sungguh tersesat, maka aku sendiri yang menanggung kesesatanku itu.
5 If truly above me you will magnify yourselves and you may argue on me disgrace my.
Jika kamu sungguh hendak membesarkan diri terhadap aku, dan membuat celaku sebagai bukti terhadap diriku,
6 Know then that God he has wronged me and net his over me he has closed.
insafilah, bahwa Allah telah berlaku tidak adil terhadap aku, dan menebarkan jala-Nya atasku.
7 There! I cry out violence and not I am answered I cry for help and there not [is] justice.
Sesungguhnya, aku berteriak: Kelaliman!, tetapi tidak ada yang menjawab. Aku berseru minta tolong, tetapi tidak ada keadilan.
8 Way my he has walled up and not I will pass and on paths my darkness he puts.
Jalanku ditutup-Nya dengan tembok, sehingga aku tidak dapat melewatinya, dan jalan-jalanku itu dibuat-Nya gelap.
9 Honor my from on me he has stripped off and he has removed [the] crown of head my.
Ia telah menanggalkan kemuliaanku dan merampas mahkota di kepalaku.
10 He has torn down me all around and I have gone and he has uprooted like a tree hope my.
Ia membongkar aku di semua tempat, sehingga aku lenyap, dan seperti pohon harapanku dicabut-Nya.
11 And he has kindled towards me anger his and he has considered me himself like foes his.
Murka-Nya menyala terhadap aku, dan menganggap aku sebagai lawan-Nya.
12 Together - they have come troops his and they have piled up on me way their and they have encamped all around tent my.
Pasukan-Nya maju serentak, mereka merintangi jalan melawan aku, lalu mengepung kemahku.
13 Brothers my from with me he has put far away and acquaintances my surely they have become estranged from me.
Saudara-saudaraku dijauhkan-Nya dari padaku, dan kenalan-kenalanku tidak lagi mengenal aku.
14 They have ceased kindred my and acquaintances my they have forgotten me.
Kaum kerabatku menghindar, dan kawan-kawanku melupakan aku.
15 [the] sojourners of House my and female servants my to a stranger they consider me a foreigner I have become in view their.
Anak semang dan budak perempuanku menganggap aku orang yang tidak dikenal, aku dipandang mereka orang asing.
16 To servant my I call and not he answers with mouth my I seek favor to him.
Kalau aku memanggil budakku, ia tidak menyahut; aku harus membujuknya dengan kata-kata manis.
17 Breath my it is loathsome to wife my and I am repulsive to [the] sons of womb my.
Nafasku menimbulkan rasa jijik kepada isteriku, dan bauku memualkan saudara-saudara sekandungku.
18 Also young boys they reject me I arise and they spoke against me.
Bahkan kanak-kanakpun menghina aku, kalau aku mau berdiri, mereka mengejek aku.
19 They abhor me all [the] men of council my and whom I love they have turned against me.
Semua teman karibku merasa muak terhadap aku; dan mereka yang kukasihi, berbalik melawan aku.
20 On skin my and on flesh my it clings bone my and I have escaped! with [the] skin of teeth my.
Tulangku melekat pada kulit dan dagingku, dan hanya gusiku yang tinggal padaku.
21 Show favor to me show favor to me O you friends my for [the] hand of God it has touched me.
Kasihanilah aku, kasihanilah aku, hai sahabat-sahabatku, karena tangan Allah telah menimpa aku.
22 Why? are you persecuting me like God and from flesh my not are you satisfied?
Mengapa kamu mengejar aku, seakan-akan Allah, dan tidak menjadi kenyang makan dagingku?
23 Who? will he give then and they will be written down! words my who? will he give on the scroll so they may be inscribed.
Ah, kiranya perkataanku ditulis, dicatat dalam kitab,
24 With a stylus of iron and lead for ever in the rock they will be engraved!
terpahat dengan besi pengukir dan timah pada gunung batu untuk selama-lamanya!
25 And I I know vindicator my he lives and last on dust he will stand.
Tetapi aku tahu: Penebusku hidup, dan akhirnya Ia akan bangkit di atas debu.
26 And after skin my people have struck off this and from flesh my I will see God.
Juga sesudah kulit tubuhku sangat rusak, tanpa dagingkupun aku akan melihat Allah,
27 Whom I - I will see for myself and own eyes my they will see and not a stranger they are faint kidneys my in bosom my.
yang aku sendiri akan melihat memihak kepadaku; mataku sendiri menyaksikan-Nya dan bukan orang lain. Hati sanubariku merana karena rindu.
28 If you will say what? will we persecute him and [the] root of [the] matter it has been found in me.
Kalau kamu berkata: Kami akan menuntut dia dan mendapatkan padanya sebab perkaranya!,
29 Be afraid yourselves - of [the] sword for rage [is] iniquities of [the] sword so that you may know! (that a judgment. *Q(k)*)
takutlah kepada pedang, karena kegeraman mendatangkan hukuman pedang, agar kamu tahu, bahwa ada pengadilan."

< Job 19 >