< Isaiah 1 >

1 [the] vision of Isaiah [the] son of Amoz which he saw on Judah and Jerusalem in [the] days of Uzziah Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah [the] kings of Judah.
Visio Isaiæ, filii Amos, quam vidit super Judam et Jerusalem, in diebus Oziæ, Joathan, Achaz, et Ezechiæ, regum Juda.
2 Hear O heavens and give ear O earth for Yahweh he has spoken children I have brought up and I have raised and they they have rebelled against me.
[Audite, cæli, et auribus percipe, terra, quoniam Dominus locutus est. Filios enutrivi, et exaltavi; ipsi autem spreverunt me.
3 It knows an ox owner its and a donkey [the] feeding trough of owner its Israel not it knows people my not it considers carefully.
Cognovit bos possessorem suum, et asinus præsepe domini sui; Israël autem me non cognovit, et populus meus non intellexit.
4 Woe to! - a nation [which] sins a people heavy of iniquity of spring [who] do evil children [who] behave corruptly they have forsaken Yahweh they have spurned [the] holy [one] of Israel they have become estranged back part.
Væ genti peccatrici, populo gravi iniquitate, semini nequam, filiis sceleratis! dereliquerunt Dominum; blasphemaverunt Sanctum Israël; abalienati sunt retrorsum.
5 Concerning what? will you be struck again will you increase? rebellion all [the] head [is] for sickness and all [the] heart [is] faint.
Super quo percutiam vos ultra, addentes prævaricationem? omne caput languidum, et omne cor mœrens.
6 From [the] sole of [the] foot and to [the] head there not in it [is] soundness bruise[s] and welt[s] and wound[s] fresh not they have been pressed out and not they have been bound up and not it has been softened with oil.
A planta pedis usque ad verticem, non est in eo sanitas; vulnus, et livor, et plaga tumens, non est circumligata, nec curata medicamine, neque fota oleo.
7 Land your [is] a desolation cities your [have been] burned fire ground your to before you strangers [are] devouring it and desolation [is] like [the] overthrow of strangers.
Terra vestra deserta; civitates vestræ succensæ igni: regionem vestram coram vobis alieni devorant, et desolabitur sicut in vastitate hostili.
8 And she has been left [the] daughter of Zion like a shelter in a vineyard like a watchman's hut in a cucumber field like a city besieged.
Et derelinquetur filia Sion ut umbraculum in vinea, et sicut tugurium in cucumerario, et sicut civitas quæ vastatur.
9 If not Yahweh of hosts he had left to us survivor[s] like a little like Sodom we were Gomorrah we were like.
Nisi Dominus exercituum reliquisset nobis semen, quasi Sodoma fuissemus, et quasi Gomorrha similes essemus.
10 Hear [the] word of Yahweh O rulers of Sodom give ear to [the] instruction of God our O people of Gomorrah.
Audite verbum Domini, principes Sodomorum; percipite auribus legem Dei nostri, populus Gomorrhæ.
11 Why? to me [the] multitude of sacrifices your he says Yahweh I have been surfeited burnt offerings of rams and [the] fat of fatlings and [the] blood of bulls and lambs and goats not I am pleased.
Quo mihi multitudinem victimarum vestrarum? dicit Dominus. Plenus sum: holocausta arietum, et adipem pinguium, et sanguinem vitulorum et agnorum et hircorum, nolui.
12 If you come to present yourselves presence my who? did he require this from hand your to trample courts my.
Cum veniretis ante conspectum meum, quis quæsivit hæc de manibus vestris, ut ambularetis in atriis meis?
13 Not you must repeat to bring an offering of worthlessness incense [is] an abomination it to me new moon and sabbath [the] calling of convocation[s] not I am able to endure wickedness and solemn assembli[es].
Ne offeratis ultra sacrificium frustra: incensum abominatio est mihi. Neomeniam et sabbatum, et festivitates alias, non feram; iniqui sunt cœtus vestri.
14 New moons your and appointed feasts your it hates self my they have become on me a burden I am weary to bear [them].
Calendas vestras, et solemnitates vestras odivit anima mea: facta sunt mihi molesta; laboravi sustinens.
15 And when spread out you hands your I will hide eyes my from you also for you will multiply prayer not I [will be] hearing hands your blood they are full.
Et cum extenderitis manus vestras, avertam oculos meos a vobis, et cum multiplicaveritis orationem, non exaudiam: manus enim vestræ sanguine plenæ sunt.
16 Wash cleanse yourselves remove [the] wickedness of deeds your from before eyes my cease to do evil.
Lavamini, mundi estote; auferte malum cogitationum vestrarum ab oculis meis: quiescite agere perverse,
17 learn To do good seek justice set right [the] oppressor vindicate [the] fatherless conduct a case for [the] widow.
discite benefacere; quærite judicium, subvenite oppresso, judicate pupillo, defendite viduam.]
18 Come please so let us argue our case together he says Yahweh though they are sins your like scarlet like snow they will become white though they are red like crimson like wool they will be.
[Et venite, et arguite me, dicit Dominus. Si fuerint peccata vestra ut coccinum, quasi nix dealbabuntur; et si fuerint rubra quasi vermiculus, velut lana alba erunt.
19 If you will be willing and you will obey [the] good thing[s] of the land you will eat.
Si volueritis, et audieritis me, bona terræ comeditis.
20 And if you will refuse and you will rebel [the] sword you will be eaten for [the] mouth of Yahweh it has spoken.
Quod si nolueritis, et me ad iracundiam provocaveritis, gladius devorabit vos, quia os Domini locutum est.
21 How! it has become a prostitute a town faithful full of justice righteousness it lodged in it and now murderers.
Quomodo facta est meretrix civitas fidelis, plena judicii? justitia habitavit in ea, nunc autem homicidæ.
22 Silver your it has become dross drink your [has been] mixed with water.
Argentum tuum versum est in scoriam; vinum tuum mistum est aqua.
23 Leaders your [are] rebels and companions of thieves all of it [is] loving a bribe and [is] pursuing rewards [the] fatherless not they vindicate and [the] lawsuit of a widow not it comes to them.
Principes tui infideles, socii furum. Omnes diligunt munera, sequuntur retributiones. Pupillo non judicant, et causa viduæ non ingreditur ad illos.
24 Therefore [the] utterance of the lord Yahweh of hosts [the] mighty one of Israel woe! I will ease myself from foes my and I will avenge myself from enemies my.
Propter hoc ait Dominus, Deus exercituum, Fortis Israël: Heu! consolabor super hostibus meis, et vindicabor de inimicis meis.
25 And I will turn hand my on you so I may refine like potash dross your and I will remove all slag your.
Et convertam manum meam ad te, et excoquam ad puram scoriam tuam, et auferam omne stannum tuum.
26 And I will restore judges your as at the former [time] and counselors your as at the beginning after thus it will be called to you [the] city of righteousness a town faithful.
Et restituam judices tuos ut fuerunt prius, et consiliarios tuos sicut antiquitus; post hæc vocaberis civitas justi, urbs fidelis.
27 Zion with justice it will be redeemed and repentant [ones] its with righteousness.
Sion in judicio redimetur, et reducent eam in justitia.
28 And a crushing of rebels and sinners together and [those who] forsake Yahweh they will come to an end.
Et conteret scelestos, et peccatores simul; et qui dereliquerunt Dominum consumentur.
29 For they will be ashamed from [the] oaks which you have desired and you may be abashed from the gardens which you have chosen.
Confundentur enim ab idolis quibus sacrificaverunt, et erubescetis super hortis quos elegeratis,
30 For you will be like an oak [which is] withering leafage its and like a garden which water not [belongs] to it.
cum fueritis velut quercus defluentibus foliis, et velut hortus absque aqua.
31 And he will become the strong [person] tow and work his a spark and they will burn both of them together and there not [will be one who] extinguishes.
Et erit fortitudo vestra ut favilla stuppæ, et opus vestrum quasi scintilla, et succendetur utrumque simul, et non erit qui extinguat.]

< Isaiah 1 >