< Psalms 33 >

1 Shout for joy O righteous [people] in Yahweh for upright [people] [is] fitting praise.
Psalmus David. [Exsultate, justi, in Domino; rectos decet collaudatio.
2 Give thanks to Yahweh with harp with lyre of ten make music to him.
Confitemini Domino in cithara; in psalterio decem chordarum psallite illi.
3 Sing to him a song new do well to play with a shout of joy.
Cantate ei canticum novum; bene psallite ei in vociferatione.
4 For [is] upright [the] word of Yahweh and all work his [is] in faithfulness.
Quia rectum est verbum Domini, et omnia opera ejus in fide.
5 [he is] loving Righteousness and justice [the] covenant loyalty of Yahweh it is full the earth.
Diligit misericordiam et judicium; misericordia Domini plena est terra.
6 By [the] word of Yahweh [the] heavens they were made and by [the] breath of mouth his all host their.
Verbo Domini cæli firmati sunt, et spiritu oris ejus omnis virtus eorum.
7 [he is] gathering Like heap [the] waters of the sea [he is] putting in storehouses [the] deeps.
Congregans sicut in utre aquas maris; ponens in thesauris abyssos.
8 Let them fear from Yahweh all the earth from him let them be afraid all [the] inhabitants of [the] world.
Timeat Dominum omnis terra; ab eo autem commoveantur omnes inhabitantes orbem.
9 For he he spoke and it was he he commanded and it stood forth.
Quoniam ipse dixit, et facta sunt; ipse mandavit et creata sunt.
10 Yahweh he makes ineffectual [the] counsel of nations he frustrates [the] plans of peoples.
Dominus dissipat consilia gentium; reprobat autem cogitationes populorum, et reprobat consilia principum.
11 [the] counsel of Yahweh for ever it stands [the] plans of heart his to a generation and a generation.
Consilium autem Domini in æternum manet; cogitationes cordis ejus in generatione et generationem.
12 How blessed! [is] the nation which Yahweh [is] God its the people - [which] he has chosen to an inheritance for himself.
Beata gens cujus est Dominus Deus ejus; populus quem elegit in hæreditatem sibi.
13 From [the] heavens he looks Yahweh he sees all [the] children of humankind.
De cælo respexit Dominus; vidit omnes filios hominum.
14 From [the] place of dwelling his he looks to all [the] inhabitants of the earth.
De præparato habitaculo suo respexit super omnes qui habitant terram:
15 The [one who] forms together heart their the [one who] attends to all deeds their.
qui finxit sigillatim corda eorum; qui intelligit omnia opera eorum.
16 Not king [is] saved by greatness of army a warrior not he is delivered by greatness of strength.
Non salvatur rex per multam virtutem, et gigas non salvabitur in multitudine virtutis suæ.
17 [is] a vain hope Horse for victory and by [the] greatness of strength its not it delivers.
Fallax equus ad salutem; in abundantia autem virtutis suæ non salvabitur.
18 Here! [the] eye of Yahweh [is] to [those] fearing him to [those who] hope for covenant loyalty his.
Ecce oculi Domini super metuentes eum, et in eis qui sperant super misericordia ejus:
19 To deliver from death life their and to preserve alive them in famine.
ut eruat a morte animas eorum, et alat eos in fame.
20 Self our it waits for Yahweh [is] help our and shield our he.
Anima nostra sustinet Dominum, quoniam adjutor et protector noster est.
21 For in him it rejoices heart our for in [the] name of holiness his we trust.
Quia in eo lætabitur cor nostrum, et in nomine sancto ejus speravimus.
22 May it be covenant loyalty your O Yahweh toward us just as we hope for you.
Fiat misericordia tua, Domine, super nos, quemadmodum speravimus in te.]

< Psalms 33 >