< 1 Chronicles 23 >

1 And David he was old and he was satisfied days and he made king Solomon son his over Israel.
Dhavhidhi paakanga akwegura ava namakore mazhinji, akaita kuti mwanakomana wake Soromoni ave mambo pamusoro peIsraeri.
2 And he gathered all [the] leaders of Israel and the priests and the Levites.
Akaunganidzawo vatungamiri vose veIsraeri pamwe chete navaprista navaRevhi.
3 And they were counted the Levites from a son of thirty year[s] and up-wards and it was number their to skulls their to men thirty and eight thousand.
VaRevhi vose vana makore makumi matatu zvichienda mberi vakaverengwa, uye varume vose vakasvika zviuru makumi matatu nezvisere.
4 From these [are] to act as overseers over [the] work of [the] house of Yahweh twenty and four thousand and officials and judges six thousand.
Dhavhidhi akati, “Pane ava, zviuru makumi maviri nezvina vachava vatariri vebasa rokuvakwa kwetemberi yaJehovha uye zviuru zvitanhatu vachava vakuru navatongi.
5 And four thousand gatekeepers and four thousand [those] praising Yahweh with instruments which I made to praise.
Zviuru zvina vachava vachengeti vamasuo uye zviuru zvina vacharumbidza Jehovha nezviridzwa zvandakapa nokuda kwechikonzero ichi.”
6 And he divided them David divisions. [the] sons of Levi to Gershon Kohath and Merari.
Dhavhidhi akapatsanura vaRevhi akavaisa mumapoka zvichienderana navanakomana vaRevhi vaiti: Gerishoni, Kohati naMerari.
7 Of the Gershonite[s] Ladan and Shimei.
VokwaGerishoni vaiva: Radhani naShimei.
8 [the] sons of Ladan the chief Jehiel and Zetham and Joel three.
Vanakomana vaRadhani vaiva: Jehieri dangwe, Zetami naJoere, vatatu pamwe chete.
9 [the] sons of Shimei (Shelomith *Q(K)*) and Haziel and Haran three these [were] [the] heads of the fathers of Ladan.
Vanakomana vaShimei vaiva: Sheromoti, Hazieri naHarani, vatatu pamwe chete. Ava ndivo vaiva vakuru vemhuri dzaRadhani.
10 And [the] sons of Shimei Jahath Zina and Jeush and Beriah these [were] [the] sons of Shimei four.
Uye vanakomana vaShimei vaiva: Jahati, Ziza, Jeushi naBheria. Ava ndivo vaiva vanakomana vaShimei, vana pamwe chete.
11 And he was Jahath the chief and Zizah the second and Jeush and Beriah not they had many sons and they became a house of a father a group one.
(Jahati aiva wokutanga, Ziza ari wechipiri, asi Jeushi naBheria vakanga vasina vanakomana vakawanda; saka vakaverengwa semhuri imwe chete ine basa rimwe chete.)
12 [the] sons of Kohath Amram Izhar Hebron and Uzziel four.
Vanakomana vaKohati vaiva: Amiramu, Izhari, Hebhuroni naUzieri, vana pamwe chete.
13 [the] sons of Amram Aaron and Moses and he was separated Aaron to consecrate it a holy one of holy ones he and descendants his until perpetuity to make smoke before Yahweh to serve him and to bless in name his until perpetuity.
Vanakomana vaAmiramu vaiva: Aroni naMozisi. Aroni akatsaurwa iye nezvizvarwa zvake nokusingaperi, kuti anatse zvinhu zvaiva zvitsvene-tsvene, kuti vape zvipiriso pamberi paJehovha, kushumira pamberi pake uye kutaura maropafadzo muzita rake nokusingaperi.
14 And Moses [the] man of God descendants his they were named on [the] tribe of the Levite[s].
Vanakomana vaMozisi munhu waMwari vakaverengwa sechikamu chorudzi rwaRevhi.
15 [the] sons of Moses Gershom and Eliezer.
Vanakomana vaMozisi vaiva: Gerishomi naEriezeri.
16 [the] sons of Gershom Shebuel the chief.
Zvizvarwa zvaGerishomi: Shubhaeri ndiye aiva wokutanga.
17 And they were [the] sons of Eliezer Rehabiah the chief and not it belonged to Eliezer sons other and [the] sons of Rehabiah they were numerous upwards.
Zvizvarwa zvaEriezeri zvaiva: Rehabhia ndiye aiva wokutanga. (Eriezeri haana kuzoita vamwe vanakomana, asi Rehabhia akaita vanakomana vakawanda kwazvo.)
18 [the] sons of Izhar Shelomith the chief.
Vanakomana vaIzhari: Sheromiti ndiye aiva wokutanga.
19 [the] sons of Hebron Jeriah the chief Amariah the second Jahaziel the third and Jekameam the fourth.
Vanakomana vaHebhuroni: Jeria ndiye wokutanga, Amaria wechipiri, Jahazieri wechitatu naJekameami wechina.
20 [the] sons of Uzziel Micah the chief and Isshiah the second.
Vanakomana vaUzieri: Mika wokutanga naIshia wechipiri.
21 [the] sons of Merari Mahli and Mushi [the] sons of Mahli Eleazar and Kish.
Vanakomana vaMerari, vaiva: Mari naMushi. Vanakomana vaMari vaiva: Ereazari naKishi.
22 And he died Eleazar and not they belonged to him sons that except daughters and they took them [the] sons of Kish relatives their.
(Ereazari akafa asina vanakomana: aingova navanasikana chete. Hama dzavo, vanakomana vaKishi vakavaroora.)
23 [the] sons of Mushi Mahli and Eder and Jeremoth three.
Vanakomana vaMushi vaiva: Mari, Edheri, naJerimoti, vatatu pamwe chete.
24 These [were] [the] descendants of Levi to [the] house of ancestors their [the] chiefs of the fathers to [men] enrolled their by number of names to skulls their doer[s] of the work of [the] service of [the] house of Yahweh from a son of twenty year[s] and up-wards.
Ava ndivo vaiva zvizvarwa zvaRevhi nemhuri dzavo, vakuru vemhuri sezvazvakanga vakanyorwa pasi pamazita avo uye vachiverengwa mumwe nomumwe, zvichireva vashandi vaiva namakore makumi maviri naanopfuura vaishanda mutemberi yaJehovha.
25 For he had said David he has given rest Yahweh [the] God of Israel to people his and he has settled in Jerusalem until for ever.
Nokuti Dhavhidhi akanga ati, “Sezvo Jehovha, Mwari waIsraeri apa zororo kuvanhu vake uye akauya kuzogara muJerusarema nokusingaperi,
26 And also to the Levites there not [is] to carry the tabernacle and all articles its for service its.
vaRevhi havachafaniri kuramba vachitakura tabhenakeri kana mimwe midziyo yose yaishandiswa pabasa rayo.”
27 For by [the] words of David last they [were] [the] number of [the] descendants of Levi from a son of twenty year[s] and upwards.
Maererano nokurayira kwaDhavhidhi kwokupedzisira, vaRevhi vakaverengwa kubva pana vana makore makumi maviri kana anopfuura ipapo.
28 For function their [was] to [the] side of [the] descendants of Aaron for [the] service of [the] house of Yahweh over the courts and over the store-rooms and over [the] purification of every holy thing and [the] work of [the] service of [the] house of God.
Basa ravaRevhi raiva rokubatsira zvizvarwa zvaAroni, mukubata basa romutemberi yaJehovha: kuvatariri voruvanze, makamuri omumativi, kunatsa zvinhu zvose zvaiera, nokuita mamwe mabasa paimba yaMwari.
29 And to [the] bread of the row and to fine flour for a grain offering and to [the] wafers of the unleavened bread and to the baked cake and to the mixed [dough] and to every measurement and measurement.
Vaiva vachengeti vechingwa chaiiswa patafura, upfu hwakatsetseka hwezvipiriso zvezviyo, zvingwa zvitete zvisina mbiriso, kubika nokusanganisa, uye zviero zvose zvouwandu noukuru.
30 And to stand in the morning in the morning to give thanks and to praise Yahweh and thus to the evening.
Vaifanirawo zvakare kumira mangwanani oga oga vachitenda uye vachirumbidza Jehovha. Vaifanira kuita zvimwe chetezvo manheru
31 And to every of ering up of burnt offerings to Yahweh for the sabbaths for the new moons and for the appointed feasts by number according to [the] ordinance on them continually before Yahweh.
uye napose paipiwa zvipiriso zvinopiswa kuna Jehovha pamaSabata uye napamitambo yoKugara kwoMwedzi napane mimwe mitambo yakarayirwa. Vaifanira kushanda pamberi paJehovha nguva dzose nouwandu hwaidiwa uye nenzira yavakanga varayirwa kuti vaiite.
32 And they kept [the] duty of [the] tent of meeting and [the] duty of the holy place and [the] duty of [the] descendants of Aaron relatives their for [the] service of [the] house of Yahweh.
Nokudaro vaRevhi vakaita mabasa omuTende Rokusangana, romuNzvimbo Tsvene uye vari pasi pehama dzavo zvizvarwa zvaAroni, mubasa roushumiri mutemberi yaJehovha.

< 1 Chronicles 23 >