< 2 Kings 1 >

1 And it rebelled Moab against Israel after [the] death of Ahab.
Mushure mokufa kwaAhabhu, vaMoabhu vakamukira Israeri.
2 And he fell Ahaziah through the window-lattice in upper room his which [was] in Samaria and he became ill and he sent messengers and he said to them go consult Baal Zebub [the] god of Ekron if I will live from sickness this.
Zvino Ahazia akanga awira pasi napawindo rekamuri reimba yake yapamusoro kuSamaria akakuvara. Saka akatuma nhume akati kwavari, “Endai mundobvunza Bhaari-Zebhubhi, mwari weEkironi, kuti aone kana ndichizopora pakukuvara uku.”
3 And [the] angel of Yahweh he spoke to Elijah the Tishbite arise go up to meet [the] messengers of [the] king of Samaria and speak to them ¿ becasue not there not [is] a God in Israel [are] you going to consult Baal Zebub [the] god of Ekron.
Asi mutumwa waJehovha akati kuna Eria muTishibhi, “Kwira kumusoro undosangana nenhume dzamambo weSamaria uti kwavari, ‘Imhaka yokuti muIsraeri hamuna Mwari here zvamunondobvunza Bhaari-Zebhubhi, mwari weEkironi?’
4 And therefore thus he says Yahweh the bed where you have gone up there not you will come down from it for certainly you will die and he went Elijah.
Naizvozvo zvanzi naJehovha: ‘Hauchabva pamubhedha pawakarara ipapo. Zvirokwazvo uchafa!’” Naizvozvo Eria akaenda.
5 And they returned the messengers to him and he said to them why? this have you returned.
Nhume dzakati dzadzokera kuna mambo, akavabvunza akati, “Madzokereiko?”
6 And they said to him a man - he came up to meet us and he said to us go return to the king who he sent you and you will speak to him thus he says Yahweh ¿ because not there not [is] a God in Israel [are] you sending to consult Baal Zebub [the] god Ekron therefore the bed where you have gone up there not you will come down from it for certainly you will die.
Ivo vakamupindura vakati, “Mumwe murume akauya akasangana nesu. Zvino akati kwatiri, ‘Dzokerai kuna mambo akutumai mundoti kwaari, “Zvanzi naJehovha: Imhaka yokuti muIsraeri hamuna Mwari here zvaunotuma nhume kundobvunza Bhaari-Zebhubhi, mwari weEkironi? Naizvozvo hauchaburuki pamubhedha pawakarara ipapo. Zvirokwazvo uchafa!”’”
7 And he spoke to them what? [was] [the] appearance of the man who he came up to meet you and he spoke to you the words these.
Mambo akavabvunza akati, “Ko, murume akauya akasangana nemi akakutaurirai izvi akanga akadini?”
8 And they said to him a man an owner of hair and a loincloth of hide [was] girded on loins his and he said [was] Elijah the Tishbite that.
Ivo vakapindura vakati, “Akanga ari murume akapfeka nguo dzine mvere nebhanhire reganda muchiuno chake.” Mambo akati, “NdiEria muTishibhi.”
9 And he sent to him a commander of a fifty and fifty [men] his and he went up to him and there! [he was] sitting on [the] top of the hill and he spoke to him O man of God the king he has spoken come down!
Ipapo akatuma mukuru weboka ravarume makumi mashanu navanhu vake kuna Eria. Mukuru uyu akaenda kuna Eria akanga akagara pamusoro pechikomo, ndokuti kwaari, “Munhu waMwari, zvanzi namambo, ‘Burukai!’”
10 And he answered Elijah and he spoke to [the] commander of the fifty and if [am] a man of God I let it come down fire from the heavens and let it consume you and fifty [men] your and it came down fire from the heavens and it consumed him and fifty [men] his.
Eria akamupindura akati, “Kana ndiri munhu waMwari, moto ngauburuke uchibva kudenga ukuparadze iwe navanhu vako makumi mashanu!” Ipapo moto wakaburuka uchibva kudenga ukamuparadza iye navanhu vake.
11 And he returned and he sent to him a commander of a fifty another and fifty [men] his and he answered and he spoke to him O man of God thus he says the king quickly come down!
Zvadaro mambo akazotumazve mumwe mukuru weboka ravarume makumi mashanu navanhu vake makumi mashanu! Mukuru uyu akati kuna Eria, “Munhu waMwari, zvanzi namambo, ‘Burukai izvozvi!’”
12 And he answered Elijah and he spoke to them if [am] [the] man of God I let it come down fire from the heavens and let it consume you and fifty [men] your and it came down [the] fire of God from the heavens and it consumed him and fifty [men] his.
Eria akati kwaari, “Kana ndiri munhu waMwari, moto ngauburuke uchibva kudenga ukuparadze iwe navanhu vako vana makumi mashanu.” Ipapo moto waMwari wakaburuka uchibva kudenga ukamuparadza iye navanhu vake makumi mashanu.
13 And he returned and he sent a commander of a fifty third and fifty [men] his and he went up and he went [the] commander of the fifty third and he bowed down on knees his - to before Elijah and he sought favor to him and he spoke to him O man of God let it be precious please life my and [the] life of servants your these fifty [men] in view your.
Saka mambo akatumazve mumwe mukuru wechitatu ana varume makumi mashanu. Uyu mukuru wechitatu akakwira akazviwisira pasi namabvi ake pamberi paEria. Akamukumbira akati, “Haiwa, munhu waMwari, ndapota, upenyu hwangu nohwavarume ava makumi mashanu, isu varanda venyu, ngahuve hunokosha pamberi penyu.
14 Here! it has come down fire from the heavens and it has consumed [the] two [the] commanders of the fifties former and fifty [men] their and now let it be precious life my in view your.
Tarirai moto wakabva kudenga ukaparadza vakuru vaviri vokutanga navanhu vavo vose. Asi zvino upenyu hwangu ngahuve chinhu chinokosha pamberi penyu.”
15 And he spoke [the] angel of Yahweh to Elijah go down him may not you be afraid of him and he arose and he went down him to the king.
Zvino mutumwa waJehovha akati kuna Eria, “Buruka pamwe chete naye; usamutya.” Naizvozvo Eria akasimuka akaenda naye kuna mambo.
16 And he spoke to him thus he says Yahweh because that you have sent messengers to consult Baal Zebub [the] god of Ekron ¿ because not [is] there not a God in Israel to consult word his therefore the bed where you have gone up there not you will come down from it for certainly you will die.
Akaudza mambo kuti, “Zvanzi naJehovha: Imhaka yokuti muIsraeri hamuna Mwari here zvawatuma nhume kundobvunza Bhaari-Zebhubhi, mwari weEkironi? Nokuti waita izvi, hauchambobva pamubhedha pawakarara. Zvirokwazvo uchafa!”
17 And he died according to [the] word of Yahweh - which he spoke Elijah and he became king Jehoram in place of him. In year two of Jehoram [the] son of Jehoshaphat [the] king of Judah for not he belonged to him a son.
Naizvozvo akafa, sezvakanga zvarehwa neshoko raJehovha rakataurwa naEria. Nokuti Ahazia akanga asina mwanakomana, Joramu akazomutevera paushe pagore rechipiri raJehoramu, mwanakomana waJehoshafati, mambo weJudha.
18 And [the] rest of [the] matters of Ahaziah which he did ¿ not [are] they written on [the] scroll of [the] matters of the days of [the] kings of Israel.
Zvino, mabasa akaitwa pamazuva okutonga kwaAhazia, nezvaakaita iye hazvina kunyorwa here mubhuku renhoroondo dzamadzimambo eIsraeri?

< 2 Kings 1 >