< Psalms 68 >

1 To the Chief Musician. David’s. A Melody, a Song. Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered, Yea let them that hate him flee before him:
ねがはくは神おきたまへ その仇はことごとくちり 神をにくむものは前よりにげさらんことを
2 As smoke is driven about, Let them be driven about, —As wax is melted before a fire, Let the lawless perish before God.
烟のおひやらるるごとくかれらを驅逐たまへ 惡きものは火のまへに蝋のとくるごとく 神のみまへにてほろぶべし
3 But let, the righteous, be glad, let them exult before God, Yea let them rejoice with gladness.
されど義きものには歓喜あり かれら神の前にてよろこびをどらん實にたのしみて喜ばん
4 Sing ye to God, Make music of his Name, —Lift up (a song), to him that rideth through the waste plains, —Since Yah is his name, exult ye before him.
神のみまへにうたへ その名をほめたたへよ 乗て野をすぐる者のために大道をきづけ かれの名をヤハとよぶ その前によろこびをどれ
5 The father of the fatherless, And the advocate of widows, Is God, in his holy habitation.
6 God, is he that causeth the solitary to dwell in a home, That bringeth out prisoners into prosperity, But, the rebellious, have made their habitation in a sunburnt land.
神はよるべなきものを家族の中にをらしめ囚人をとき福祉にみちびきたまふ されど悖逆者はうるほひなき地にすめり
7 O God! When thou camest forth before thy people, When thou didst stride through the wilderness, (Selah)
神よなんぢは民にさきだちいでて野をすすみゆきたまひき (セラ)
8 Earth, trembled, Yea, the heavens, dripped at the presence of God, —This Sinai—at the presence of God, the God of Israel.
そのとき地ふるひ天かみのみまへに漏る シナイの山すら神イスラエルの神の前にふるひうごけり
9 A bounteous rain, dost thou shed abroad, O God, upon thine inheritance, When exhausted, thou thyself, hast supported it:
10 Thy living host, have remained therein, Thou dost provide, in thy bounty, for the humbled ones—O God!
曩になんぢの公會はその中にとどまれり 神よなんぢは惠をもて貧きもののために預備をなしたまひき
11 Let, My Lord, but give the word, The herald bands, will be a mighty host:
主みことばを賜ふ その佳音をのぶる婦女はおほくして群をなせり
12 Kings of armies, they flee! they flee! And, she that stayeth at home, shall share the spoil.
もろもろの軍旅の王たちはにげさる 逃去りたれば家なる婦女はその掠物をわかつ
13 Though ye rest between the folds, The wings of the dove, shall be covered with silver, And, her pinions, with green-shimmering gold.
14 When the Almighty scattereth kings therein, It will gleam like snow in the gloom:
15 A mighty mountain, is the mountain of Bashan, A mountain of peaks, is the mountain of Bashan!—
16 Wherefore start ye up, ye mountains, ye peaks? The mountain God hath coveted for his habitation, Surely, Yahweh will inhabit it ever!
峰かさなれるもろもろの山よ なんぢら何なれば神の住所にえらびたまへる山をねたみ見るや 然れヱホバは永遠にこの山にすみたまはん
17 The chariots of God, are two myriads—thousands repeated, My Lord, is among them Sinai, is in the sanctuary!
神の戰車はよろづに萬をかさね千にちぢをくはふ 主その中にいませり 聖所にいますがごとくシナイの山にいまししがごとし
18 Thou hast ascended on high, Thou hast led in procession a body of captives, Thou hast received gifts consisting of men, Yea even the rebellious, That, Yah, Elohim, might settle down to rest.
なんぢ高處にのぼり虜者をとりこにしてひきゐ禮物を人のなかよりも叛逆者のなかよりも受たまへり ヤハの神ここに住たまはんが爲なり
19 Blessed be My Lord! Day by day, he beareth our burden for us, GOD himself, is our salvation. (Selah)
日々にわれらの荷をおひたまふ主われらのすくひの神はほむべきかな (セラ)
20 The GOD we have, is a GOD of saving deeds, And, due to Yahweh, My Lord, are escapes from death.
神はしばしばわれらを助けたまへる神なり 死よりのがれうるは主ヱホバに由る
21 Yea, God himself, will smite through the head of his foes, —The hairy crown of him that is marching on in his guilty deeds.
神はその仇のかうべを撃やぶりたまはん 愆のなかにとどまるものの髮おほき顱頂をうちやぶりたまはん
22 Said My Lord, From Bashan, will I bring back, —I will bring back from the depths of the sea:
23 That thou mayest bathe thy foot in blood, —The tongue of thy dogs, from the foes, hath its portion.
24 They have seen thy progress O God, The progress of my GOD, my king into the sanctuary:
神よすべての人はなんぢの進行きたまふをみたり わが神わが王の聖所にすすみゆきたまふを見たり
25 In front are the singers, Behind are the harpers, In the midst of damsels playing on timbrels:
26 In the congregations, bless ye God, My Lord, from among the called of Israel:
なんぢらすべての會にて神をほめよイスラエルのみなもとより出るなんぢらよ 主をほめまつれ
27 There, is Benjamin, the Diminutive—ruling them, The princes of Judah—their throng, The princes of Zebulun, The princes of Naphtali.
彼處にかれらを統るとしわかきベニヤミンあり ユダの諸侯とその群衆とありまたゼブルンのきみたちナフタリの諸侯あり
28 Thy God hath commanded thy strength, —The strength, O God, which thou hast wrought for us.
なんぢの神はなんぢの力をたてたまへり 神よなんぢ我儕のためになしたまひし事をかたくしたまヘ
29 Because of thy temple above Jerusalem, Unto thee, shall kings bear along a gift—
30 Rebuke thou, The wild beast of the reeds, The herd of mighty oxen among the calves of the peoples—Each one bowing down with bars of silver, —Scatter thou the peoples, who in wars take delight.
ねがはくは葦間の獣むらがれる牯犢のごときもろもろの民をいましめてかれらに白銀をたづさへきたり みづから服ふことを爲しめたまへ 神はたたかひを好むもろもろの民をちらしたまへり
31 Ambassadors come out of Egypt, The Ethiopian, eagerly stretcheth out his hands, unto God.
諸侯はエジプトよりきたり エテオピアはあわただしく神にむかひて手をのべん
32 Ye kingdoms of the earth, sing unto God, Praise in song Adonay. (Selah)
地のもろもろのくによ神のまへにうたへ主をほめうたへ (セラ)
33 Unto him that rideth upon the most ancient heavens, Lo! he uttereth his voice, a voice of strength.
上古よりの天の天にのりたま者にむかひてうたへ みよ主はみこゑを發したまふ勢力ある聲をいだしたまふ
34 Ascribe ye strength unto God, —Over Israel, is his majesty, And his strength, in the skies. To be revered is God, for his sanctuary, —
なんぢらちからを神に歸せよその稜威はイスラエルの上にとどまり その大能は雲のなかにあり
35 As for the GOD of Israel, he, is giving strength and abundant might to the people. Blessed be God!
神のおそるべき状はきよき所よりあらはる イスラエルの神はその民にちからと勢力とをあたへたまふ 神はほむべきかな

< Psalms 68 >