< Psalms 24 >

1 David’s. A Melody. To Yahweh, belongeth, The earth and the fulness thereof, The world, and they who dwell therein;
Gospodnja je zemlja i što je god u njoj, vasiljena i sve što živi na njoj.
2 For, he, upon the seas, hath founded it, and upon the currents, doth make it firm.
Jer je on na morima osnova, i posred rijeka utvrdi je.
3 Who shall ascend the mountain of Yahweh? And who shall stand in his holy place?
Ko æe izaæi na goru Gospodnju? i ko æe stati na svetom mjestu njegovu?
4 The clean of hands, and pure of heart, —who hath not uplifted, to falsehood, his soul, nor sworn deceitfully,
U koga su èiste ruke i srce bezazleno, ko ne izrièe imena njegova uzalud i ne kune se lažno.
5 Shall bear away a blessing from Yahweh, and righteousness, from his delivering God.
On æe dobiti blagoslov od Gospoda, i milost od Boga spasa svojega.
6 This, is the generation of them who inquire of him, who seek thy face, O God of Jacob. (Selah)
Taki je rod onijeh koji ga traže, i koji su radi stajati pred licem tvojim, Bože Jakovljev!
7 Lift up, O ye gates, your heads, and lift yourselves up, ye age-abiding doors, That the king of glory may come in.
Vrata! uzvisite vrhove svoje, uzvisite se vrata vjeèna! Ide car slave.
8 Who is the king of glory? Yahweh, strong and mighty, Yahweh, mighty in war.
Ko je taj car slave? Gospod krjepak i silan, Gospod silan u boju.
9 Lift up, O ye gates, your heads, yea lift [them] up, ye age-abiding doors, That the king of glory may come in.
Vrata! uzvisite vrhove svoje, uzvisite se vrata vjeèna! Ide car slave.
10 Who then is the king of glory? Yahweh of hosts, He, is the king of glory. (Selah)
Ko je taj car slave? Gospod nad vojskama; on je car slave.

< Psalms 24 >