< Psalms 119 >

1 [ALEPH.] How happy the men of blameless life, who walk in the law of Yahweh.
Svētīgi tie, kas nenoziedzīgi savos ceļos, kas staigā Tā Kunga bauslībā.
2 How happy they who observe his testimonies, with a whole heart, they seek him.
Svētīgi tie, kas Viņa liecības tur, kas no visas sirds Viņu meklē,
3 Yea, they have not wrought perversity, In his ways, have they walked.
Netaisnību nedara, bet staigā pa Viņa ceļiem.
4 Thou, hast commanded thy precepts, that they should be diligently kept.
Tu esi pavēlējis, Tavus baušļus cieti sargāt.
5 Oh would that my ways might be settled! that I might keep thy statutes.
Kaut mani ceļi uz to vien dzītos, Tavus likumus sargāt.
6 Then, shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all thy commandments.
Kad es raudzīšos uz visiem Taviem baušļiem, tad netapšu kaunā.
7 I will thank thee with uprightness of heart, when I have learned thy righteous regulations.
Es Tev pateikšos ar skaidru sirdi, kad būšu mācījies Tavas taisnības tiesas.
8 Thy statutes, will I keep, Do not thou forsake me utterly.
Es turēšu Tavus likumus; neatstāj mani pavisam.
9 [BETH.] Wherewithal can a young man keep pure his way? By taking heed, according to thy word.
Kā jauneklis savu ceļu turēs šķīstu? Kad viņš turas pēc Taviem vārdiem.
10 With all my heart, have I sought thee, Suffer me not to be led astray from thy commandments.
Es Tevi meklēju no visas sirds; neliec man nomaldīties no Taviem baušļiem.
11 In my heart, have I treasured what thou hast said, to the end I may not sin against thee.
Es paturu Tavus vārdus savā sirdī, ka negrēkoju pret Tevi.
12 Blessed art thou, O Yahweh—Teach me thy statutes.
Slavēts esi Tu, Kungs; māci man Tavus likumus.
13 With my lips, have I recounted All the regulations of thy mouth.
Ar savām lūpām es izteikšu visas Tavas mutes tiesas.
14 In the way of thy testimonies, have I rejoiced, Like as over all riches.
Es priecājos par Tavas liecības ceļu kā vien par kādu mantu.
15 In thy precepts, will I meditate, that I may discern thy paths.
Es pārdomāju Tavas pavēles un ņemu vērā Tavus ceļus.
16 In thy statutes, will I find my dear delight, I will not forget thy word.
Es priecājos par Taviem likumiem; Tavu vārdu es neaizmirstu.
17 [GIMEL.] Bestow thy bounties upon thy servant—let me live, That I may observe thy word.
Dari labu Savam kalpam, ka es dzīvoju un pasargu Tavu vārdu.
18 Unveil thou mine eyes, that I may discern Wondrous things out of thy law.
Atdari manas acis, ka es uzlūkoju Tavas bauslības brīnumus.
19 A sojourner, am, I, in the earth, Do not hide from me, thy commandments.
Es esmu svešinieks virs zemes; neapslēp priekš manis Tavus baušļus.
20 My soul is crushed with longing for thy just decisions at all times.
Mana dvēsele ir satriekta caur ilgošanos pēc Tavām tiesām vienmēr.
21 Thou hast rebuked the proud as accursed, who stray from thy commandments.
Tu rāji pārgalvjus, tos nolādētos, kas no Taviem baušļiem nomaldās.
22 Roll from off me, reproach and contempt, For, thy testimonies, have I observed.
Novērs no manis kaunu un negodu, jo es turu Tavas liecības.
23 Even rulers have taken their seat, against me, have talked, Thy servant, will still meditate in thy statutes.
Kaut arī lieli kungi sēž un runā pret mani, bet Tavs kalps apdomā Tavus likumus.
24 Yea, thy testimonies, are my dear delight, My counsellors.
Tavas liecības ir mans prieks un padoms.
25 [DALETH.] My soul, cleaveth to the dust, Give me life, according to thy word.
Mana dvēsele līp pie pīšļiem; dari man dzīvu pēc Tava Vārda.
26 My ways, I recounted, and thou didst answer me, Teach me thy statutes.
Es izteicu savus ceļus, un Tu mani paklausi; māci man Tavus likumus.
27 The way of thy precepts, cause thou me to understand, and I will indeed meditate in thy wonders.
Liec man saprast Tavu likumu ceļus, ka es varu pārdomāt Tavus brīnumus.
28 My soul weepeth itself away, for grief, Confirm thou me, according to thy word.
Mana dvēsele raud noskumusi; stiprini mani ar Tavu Vārdu.
29 The way of falsehood, take thou from me, and, with thy law, O favour me.
Novērs no manis viltības ceļu un dāvini man Tavu bauslību.
30 The way of faithfulness, have I chosen, Thy regulations, have I deemed right.
Patiesības ceļu es esmu izredzējies, Tavas tiesas esmu licis savā priekšā.
31 I have kept close to thy testimonies, O Yahweh! do not put me to shame.
Es turos pie Tavām liecībām, ak Kungs, nepamet mani kaunā.
32 The way of thy commandments, will I run, for thou wilt enlarge my heart.
Kad Tu manu sirdi atvieglini, tad es teku Tavas bauslības ceļu.
33 [HE.] Point out to me, O Yahweh, the way of thy statutes, that I may observe it unto the end.
Māci man, Kungs, Tavu likumu ceļus, ka es tos pasargu līdz galam.
34 Give me understanding, that I may observe thy law, that I may keep it with a whole heart.
Dod man saprašanu, ka es Tavu bauslību sargu un to turu no visas sirds.
35 Guide me in the path of thy commandments, for, therein, do I find pleasure.
Vadi mani uz Tavas bauslības ceļu, jo pie tā man ir labs prāts.
36 Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not unto unjust gain.
Loki manu sirdi pie Tavām liecībām, un ne pie mantu kārības.
37 Turn away mine eyes, from beholding vanity, In thy way, give me life.
Nogriez manas acis, ka tās neskatās uz nelietību, dari mani dzīvu uz Tava ceļa.
38 Establish, unto thy servant, thy word, which pertaineth to the reverence of thee.
Apstiprini Savam kalpam Tavu vārdu, tiem par labu, kas Tevi bīstas.
39 Cause to pass away my reproach, that I have feared, for, thy regulations, are good.
Novērs manu kaunu, par ko es bīstos, jo Tavas tiesas ir labas.
40 Lo! I have longed for thy precepts, In thy righteousness, give me life.
Redzi, es mīlu Tavas pavēles; dari mani dzīvu pēc Tavas taisnības.
41 [WAW.] And let thy lovingkindness reach me, O Yahweh, thy salvation, according to thy word.
Kungs, lai man nāk Tava žēlastība, Tava pestīšana pēc Tava vārda,
42 So shall I have something to answer him that reproacheth me, That I have trusted in thy word.
Ka varu atbildēt savam mēdītājam, jo es paļaujos uz Tavu vārdu.
43 And do not snatch away from my mouth the word of truth in any wise, because, for thy regulation, have I waited.
Un neatrauj pavisam no manas mutes patiesības vārdu, jo es ceru uz Tavām tiesām.
44 That I may keep thy law continually, to times age-abiding and beyond.
Es turēšu Tavu bauslību vienmēr, mūžīgi mūžam.
45 That I may walk to and fro in a large place, because, thy precepts, have I sought.
Un es staigāšu bez bēdām, jo es meklēju Tavas pavēles.
46 That I may speak of thy testimonies before kings, and not be ashamed.
Par Tavām liecībām es runāšu ķēniņu priekšā un nepalikšu kaunā.
47 That I may find dear delight in thy commandments, which I have loved.
Es priecājos par Taviem baušļiem, ko es mīlēju.
48 That I may lift up my hands unto thy commandments, which I have loved, and may meditate in thy statutes.
Un es paceļu savas rokas pie Taviem baušļiem, ko es mīlēju, un pārdomāju Tavus likumus.
49 [ZAYIN.] Remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope.
Piemini Savam kalpam to vārdu, uz ko Tu man lieci cerēt.
50 This, is my comfort in mine affliction, that, thy word, hath given me life.
Šī ir mana iepriecināšana manās bēdās, jo Tava apsolīšana mani dara dzīvu.
51 Insolent men, have derided me exceedingly, From thy law, have I not swerved.
Pārgalvji mani apsmej pārlieku, bet es neatkāpjos no Tavas bauslības.
52 I have remembered thy regulations, [which have come down] from age-past times, O Yahweh, and have consoled myself.
Kungs, kad es pieminu Tavas tiesas no senlaikiem, tad topu iepriecināts.
53 A raging heat, hath seized me, by reason of the lawless, who forsake thy law.
Lielas dusmas mani pārņēmušas to bezdievīgo dēļ, kas Tavu bauslību atstāj.
54 Songs, have thy statutes become to me, in my house of sojourn.
Tava bauslība ir mana dziesma manas svešniecības namā.
55 I have remembered, in the night, thy Name, O Yahweh, and have kept thy law.
Kungs, naktī es pieminu Tavu vārdu un turu Tavu bausli.
56 This, have I had, because, thy precepts, have I observed.
Tā ir mana manta, ka es turu Tavas pavēles.
57 [HETH.] My portion, is Yahweh, I have promised that I would keep thy words.
Tu, Kungs, esi mana daļa; es esmu solījis, turēt Tavus Vārdus.
58 I have sought the smile of thy face with all my heart, Show me favour, according to thy word.
Es Tevi pielūdzu no visas sirds; esi man žēlīgs pēc Tavas apsolīšanas.
59 I have thought upon my ways, and have turned my feet unto thy testimonies.
Es apdomāju savus ceļus un griežu savas kājas pie Tavām liecībām.
60 I have hastened, and not delayed, to keep thy commandments.
Es steidzos un nekavējos, Tavus baušļus turēt.
61 The meshes of the lawless, have surrounded me, Thy law, have I not forgotten.
Bezdievīgie man apmetuši valgus, taču es neaizmirstu Tavu bauslību.
62 At midnight, I arise to give thanks unto thee, For thy righteous regulations.
Nakts vidū es ceļos, Tev pateikties par Tavas taisnības tiesām.
63 Companion, am I, to all who revere thee, and to them who keep thy precepts.
Es piebiedrojos visiem, kas Tevi bīstas, un visiem, kas tur Tavas pavēles.
64 Of thy lovingkindness, O Yahweh, the earth, is full, Thy statutes, teach thou me.
Kungs, zeme ir pilna Tavas žēlastības; māci man Tavus likumus.
65 [TETH.] Well, hast thou dealt with thy servant, O Yahweh, according to thy word.
Tu dari labu Savam kalpam, ak Kungs, pēc Sava vārda.
66 Good judgment and knowledge, teach thou me, For, in thy commandments, have I trusted.
Māci man labu saprašanu un atzīšanu, jo es ticu Taviem baušļiem.
67 Before I was afflicted, I myself was going astray, but, now, thy word, have I kept.
Pirms tapu pazemots, es alojos; bet nu es turu Tavu Vārdu.
68 Good, thou art, and doing good, Teach me thy statutes.
Tu esi labs un dari labu, māci man Tavus likumus.
69 Insolent men have plastered falsehood over me, I, with a whole heart, will observe thy precepts.
Pārgalvji izperē melus pret mani, bet es turu Tavas pavēles no visas sirds.
70 Gross, like fat, is their heart, I, in thy law, have found dear delight.
Viņu sirds ir bieza kā tauki, bet es priecājos par Tavu bauslību.
71 It is, well for me, that I was afflicted, That I might learn thy statutes.
Labi man, ka esmu apbēdināts, lai mācos Tavus likumus.
72 Better to me, is the law of thy mouth, than thousands of gold and silver.
Tavas mutes bauslība man ir labāka nekā tūkstoši zelta un sudraba.
73 [YODH.] Thine own hands, have made me, and formed me. Give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments.
Tavas rokas mani radījušas un taisījušas; dari mani gudru, ka es mācos Tavus baušļus.
74 They who revere thee, shall see me and rejoice, that, for thy word, I waited.
Kas Tevi bīstas, mani uzlūko un priecājās; jo es gaidu uz Taviem vārdiem.
75 I know, O Yahweh, that righteous are thy regulations, and, in faithfulness, didst thou afflict me.
Es zinu, Kungs, ka Tavas tiesas ir taisnas, un Tu mani esi pazemojis pēc Tavas uzticības.
76 Let thy lovingkindness, I beseech thee, serve to comfort me, according to thy word to thy servant.
Lai jel Tava žēlastība man ir par iepriecināšanu, tā kā Tu Savam kalpam esi solījis.
77 Let thy compassions reach me, that I may live, for, thy law, is my dear delight.
Lai Tava žēlastība man notiek, ka es dzīvoju, jo Tava bauslība ir mans prieks.
78 Let insolent men, be ashamed, because, by means of falsehood, they have dealt with me perversely, I, will meditate in thy precepts.
Lai top kaunā pārgalvji, kas mani ar meliem nospieduši; bet es pārdomāju Tavas pavēles.
79 Let them who revere thee, turn unto me, even they who know thy testimonies.
Lai pie manis griežas, kas Tevi bīstas, un kas pazīst Tavas liecības.
80 Let my heart be thorough in thy statutes, that I may not be ashamed.
Lai mana sirds ir skaidra pie Taviem likumiem, ka netopu kaunā.
81 [KAPH.] My soul, hath languished for thy salvation, For thy word, have I hoped.
Manai dvēselei slāpst pēc Tavas pestīšanas; es ceru uz Taviem vārdiem.
82 Mine eyes have failed for thy word, saying, When wilt thou comfort me?
Manas acis ilgojās pēc Tavām apsolīšanām, ka es saku: kad Tu mani iepriecināsi?
83 Though I have been like a wine-skin in the smoke, thy statutes, have I not forgotten.
Jo es esmu kā ādas trauks dūmos; taču es neaizmirstu Tavus likumus.
84 How few are the days of thy servant! When wilt thou execute sentence on my persecutors?
Cik tad Tavam kalpam dienu? Kad Tu turēsi sodu pār maniem vajātājiem?
85 Insolent men digged for me pits, men who are not according to thy law.
Pārgalvji man rok bedres, tie, kas neturas pēc Tavas bauslības.
86 All thy commandments, are faithful, With falsehood, have they persecuted me, O help me!
Visi Tavi baušļi ir patiesība; tie mani vajā ar meliem, - palīdzi man!
87 A little more, and they had consumed me in the earth, but, I, forsake not thy precepts.
Tie mani gandrīz iznīcinājuši virs zemes, bet es neesmu atstājis Tavas pavēles.
88 According to thy lovingkindness, give thou me life, so will I keep the testimonies of thy mouth.
Atspirdzini mani pēc Tavas žēlastības, tad es sargāšu Tavas mutes liecību.
89 [LAMED.] Age-abidingly, O Yahweh, hath thy word been set up in the heavens.
Kungs, Tavs vārds pastāv mūžīgi debesīs.
90 To generation after generation, is thy faithfulness, Thou hast established the earth, and it standeth.
Tava patiesība stāv līdz radu radiem. Tu zemi esi stiprinājis, ka tā stāv.
91 By thy regulations, do they stand to-day, for, all, are thy servants.
Pēc Taviem likumiem tie vēl šodien stāv, jo viss Tev kalpo.
92 Had not thy law been my dear delight, then, had I perished in mine affliction.
Ja Tava bauslība nebūtu bijusi mans prieks, tad es jau sen būtu bojā gājis savās bēdās.
93 Unto times age-abiding, will I not forget thy precepts, For, by them, hast thou given me life.
Tavas pavēles es neaizmirsīšu ne mūžam, jo caur tām Tu mani esi atspirdzinājis.
94 Thine, am I, —oh save me! For, thy precepts, have I sought.
Tavs es esmu, atpestī mani; jo es meklēju Tavas pavēles.
95 For me, have the lawless waited, to destroy me, Thy testimonies, will I diligently consider.
Bezdievīgie glūn uz mani, mani samaitāt, bet es lieku vērā Tavas liecības.
96 To all perfection, have I seen an end, Broad is thy commandment, exceedingly.
Es esmu redzējis, ka ikvienam stiprumam ir gals, bet Tavs bauslis pastāv bez gala.
97 [MEM.] Oh how I love thy law! All the day, is it my (meditation)
Cik ļoti es mīlēju Tavu bauslību! To es pārdomāju ikdienas.
98 Beyond mine enemies, will thy commandment make me wise, for, age-abidingly, shall it be mine.
Ar Saviem baušļiem Tu dari mani gudrāku pār maniem ienaidniekiem, jo tie (baušļi) ir mūžam pie manis.
99 Beyond all my teachers, have I shown discretion, for, thy testimonies, are my (meditation)
Es esmu vairāk izmācīts nekā visi mani mācītāji, jo es pārdomāju Tavas liecības.
100 Beyond the elders, will I show understanding, for, thy precepts, have I observed.
Es esmu prātīgāks nekā tie vecie, jo es turu Tavas pavēles.
101 From every way of wickedness, have I withheld my feet, that I might keep thy word.
Es atrauju savu kāju no visiem blēžu ceļiem, ka es sargāju Tavu vārdu.
102 From thy regulations, have I not turned aside, for, thou, hast directed me.
Es neatkāpjos no Tavām tiesām, jo Tu mani māci.
103 How smooth to my palate is thy speech, More than honey, to my mouth.
Cik saldi ir Tavi vārdi manai mutei, saldāki par medu manām lūpām!
104 Out of thy precepts, will I get understanding, For this cause, do I hate every false way.
Caur Tavām pavēlēm es topu prātīgs, tādēļ es ienīstu visus viltus ceļus.
105 [NUN.] A lamp to my feet, is thy word, and a light to my path.
Tavs vārds ir manas kājas spīdeklis un gaišums uz maniem ceļiem.
106 I sware, and have fulfilled, To keep thy righteous regulations.
Es esmu zvērējis un to turēšu stipri, ka es sargāšu Tavas taisnības tiesas.
107 I have been afflicted exceedingly, —O Yahweh, give me life according to thy word.
Es esmu ļoti apbēdināts, Kungs, atspirdzini mani pēc Tava vārda.
108 The freewill offerings of my mouth, accept, I pray thee, O Yahweh, And, thy regulations, teach thou me.
Ak Kungs, lai Tev jel patīk manas mutes upuri, un māci man Tavas tiesas.
109 My life, is in my hand continually, Yet, thy law, have I not forgotten.
Mana dvēsele stāv vienmēr manā rokā, taču es neaizmirstu Tavu bauslību.
110 The lawless have set a snare for me, Yet, from thy precepts, have I not strayed.
Bezdievīgie man liek valgus, taču es nealojos no Tavām pavēlēm.
111 As an inheritance have I taken thy testimonies unto times age-abiding, for, the joy of my heart, they are.
Tavas liecības es turu par savu mantu mūžīgi, jo tās ir manas sirds līksmība.
112 I have inclined my heart to perform thy statutes, Age-abidingly, to the end.
Es griežu savu sirdi, darīt Tavus likumus mūžīgi līdz pat galam.
113 [SAMECH.] Half-hearted ones, do I hate, but, thy law, do I love.
Es ienīstu tos divprātīgos un mīlēju Tavu bauslību.
114 My hiding-place and my buckler, thou art, For thy word, have I waited.
Tu esi mans patvērums un manas priekšturamās bruņas; uz Tavu vārdu es gaidu.
115 Depart from me, ye evil-doers, —that I may observe the commandments of my God.
Atstājaties no manis, jūs ļauna darītāji, ka es varu turēt sava Dieva baušļus.
116 Uphold me according to thy word, that I may live, and do not shame me out of my hope!
Uzturi mani pēc Tava Vārda, ka es dzīvoju, un lai es kaunā netopu savā cerībā.
117 Sustain me, that I may be saved, and may find dear delight in thy statutes continually.
Stiprini mani, ka topu vesels, tad es skatīšos uz Taviem likumiem vienmēr.
118 Thou hast made light of all who stray from thy statutes, for their fraud is, falsehood.
Tu atmeti visus, kas no Taviem likumiem nomaldās; jo meli ir viņu viltus būšana.
119 Dross, have I accounted all the lawless of the earth, therefore do I love thy testimonies.
Tu atmeti visus bezdievīgos virs zemes kā sārņus, tādēļ es mīļoju Tavas liecības.
120 My flesh, bristled up from dread of thee, and, of thy regulations, stand I in fear.
Es tā bīstos no Tevis, ka šaušalas pāriet pār manām miesām, un man ir bail no Tavām sodībām.
121 [AYIN.] I have done justice and righteousness, —Do not leave me to mine oppressors.
Es daru tiesu un taisnību; nenodod mani maniem varas darītājiem.
122 Be thou surety for thy servant for good, Let not insolent men oppress me.
Aizstāvi Tu Savu kalpu uz labu, ka pārgalvji mani nepārvar.
123 Mine eyes, have become dim for thy salvation, and for thy righteous word.
Manas acis ilgojās pēc Tavas pestīšanas un pēc Tava taisnā vārda.
124 Deal with thy servant according to thy lovingkindness, and, thy statutes, teach thou me.
Dari pēc Savas žēlastības Savam kalpam un māci man Tavus likumus.
125 Thy servant, I am—give me understanding, so shall I get to know thy testimonies.
Es esmu Tavs kalps; dari man gudru, ka es atzīstu Tavas liecības.
126 It is time that Yahweh should work, They have frustrated thy law!
Laiks ir, ka Tas Kungs Savu darbu dara; tie lauzuši Tavu bauslību.
127 For this cause, do I love thy commandments, More than gold, yea than fine gold!
Tādēļ es mīļoju Tavu bauslību vairāk nekā zeltu un šķīstu zeltu.
128 For this cause, all thy precepts concerning all things, I deem right, Every way of falsehood, I hate.
Tādēļ es turu visas pavēles par it taisnām; ikkatru viltus ceļu es ienīstu.
129 [PE.] Wonderful are thy testimonies, For this cause, hath my soul observed them.
Tavas liecības ir brīnišķas, tādēļ mana dvēsele tās tur.
130 The opening of thy words, sheddeth light, Giving understanding to the simple.
Kad Tavi Vārdi atveras, tad tie apgaismo un dara vientiesīgos gudrus.
131 My mouth, have I opened wide, and panted, because, for thy commandments, have I longed.
Savu muti es atdaru ilgodamies, jo Tavu baušļu man gribās.
132 Turn thyself unto me, and show me favour, —As is befitting, to the lovers of thy Name.
Griezies pie manis un esi man žēlīgs, kā Tu mēdzi darīt tiem, kas Tavu vārdu mīl.
133 My steps, direct thou by thy word, and let no iniquity, have dominion over me.
Stiprini manus soļus iekš Taviem vārdiem, un lai ļaunums nevalda pār mani.
134 Set me free from the oppression of man, so will I keep thy precepts.
Atpestī mani no cilvēku spaidiem, tad es turēšu Tavas pavēles.
135 Thy face, light thou up on thy servant, and teach me thy statutes.
Apgaismo Savu vaigu pār Savu kalpu un māci man Tavus likumus.
136 Streams of water, have run down mine eyes, because men have not kept thy law.
Manas acis izraud asaru upes, tāpēc ka netur Tavu bauslību.
137 [ZADHE.] Righteous art thou, O Yahweh, —and, equitable, are thy regulations.
Kungs, Tu esi taisns un Tavas tiesas ir taisnas.
138 Thou hast righteously commanded thy testimonies, yea in great faithfulness.
Taisnībā Tu esi piekodinājis un lielā patiesībā Savas liecības.
139 My zeal, hath put an end to me, for mine adversaries have forgotten thy words.
Mans karstums mani gandrīz nomācis, tāpēc ka mani pretinieki aizmirst Tavus vārdus.
140 Refined is thy word, to the uttermost, and, thy servant loveth it.
Tavi Vārdi ir ļoti šķīsti, un Tavs kalps tos mīļo.
141 Small, am I, and despised, Thy precepts, have I not forgotten.
Es esmu mazs un nievāts, bet Tavas pavēles es neaizmirstu.
142 Thy righteousness, is righteous to times age-abiding, and, thy law, is truth.
Tava taisnība ir taisnība mūžīgi, un Tava bauslība ir patiesība.
143 Straitness and distress, have befallen me, Thy commandments, are my dear delights.
Bēdas un bailes man uzgājušas, bet Tavi baušļi ir mans prieks.
144 Righteous are thy testimonies, unto times age-abiding, Give me understanding, that I may live.
Tavu liecību taisnība ir mūžīga; liec man to saprast, tad es dzīvošu.
145 [KOPH.] I have cried out with all my heart, answer me, O Yahweh; Thy statutes, will I observe.
Es saucu no visas sirds, paklausi mani, Kungs, tad es turēšu Tavus likumus.
146 I have cried out unto thee, oh save me, That I may keep thy testimonies.
Es Tevi piesaucu, palīdzi man, ka turu Tavas liecības.
147 I forestalled the twilight, and cried for help, For thy word, I waited.
Es nāku ar mazu gaismiņu un kliedzu; uz Tavu Vārdu es ceru.
148 Mine eyes forestalled the night-watches, To meditate in thy word.
Agri manas acis mostas, pārdomāt Tavus Vārdus.
149 My voice, O hear, according to thy lovingkindness, O Yahweh! according to thy wont, give me life.
Klausi manu balsi pēc Tavas žēlastības; Kungs, atspirdzini mani pēc Tavām tiesām.
150 They have drawn near, who pursue villainy, From thy law, have they gone far away.
Kas dzenās pēc blēdības, tie laužās uz mani, tie atkāpjas tālu no Tavas bauslības.
151 Near art thou, O Yahweh, and, all thy commandments, are truth.
Kungs, Tu esi tuvu, un visi Tavi baušļi ir patiesība.
152 Long, have I known, from thy testimonies, That, to times age-abiding, thou didst establish them.
No iesākuma es zinu, ka Tu Savas liecības esi stiprinājis uz mūžību.
153 [RESH.] Behold mine affliction, and rescue me, For, thy law, have I not forgotten.
Uzlūko manās bēdās un izglāb mani, jo Tavu bauslību es neaizmirstu.
154 Plead my cause, and redeem me, By thy word, give me life
Iztiesā Tu manu tiesu un atpestī mani, atspirdzini mani pēc Taviem Vārdiem.
155 Far from the lawless, is salvation, For, thy statutes, have they not sought.
Pestīšana paliek tālu no bezdievīgiem, jo tie nemeklē Tavus likumus.
156 Thy compassions, are great, O Yahweh, According to thy regulations, give me life.
Kungs, liela ir Tava apžēlošanās; atspirdzini mani pēc Tavām tiesām.
157 Many, are my persecutors and mine adversaries, From thy testimonies, have I not swerved.
Daudz ir manu vajātāju un pretinieku; bet es neatkāpjos no Tavām liecībām.
158 I have seen traitors, and felt loathing, Because, thy word, they kept not.
Es redzu pārkāpējus, un man sāp, ka tie netur Tavus Vārdus.
159 See thou that, thy precepts, I have loved, O Yahweh, according to thy lovingkindness, give me life.
Uzlūko, ka es Tavas pavēles mīļoju; ak Kungs, atspirdzini mani pēc Tavas žēlastības.
160 The sum of thy word, is truth, and, age-abiding, is every one of thy righteous regulations.
Tavs vārds visnotaļ ir patiesība, un visas Tavas taisnās tiesas paliek mūžīgi.
161 [SHIN.] Rulers, have persecuted me, without cause, But, of thy word, hath my heart stood in awe.
Lieli kungi mani vajā bez vainas, bet mana sirds bīstas no Taviem Vārdiem.
162 Joyful am I over thy word, Like the finder of spoil in abundance.
Es priecājos par Tavu Vārdu, kā kas dabūjis lielu laupījumu.
163 Falsehood, I hate and abhor, Thy law, do I love.
Es ienīstu melus un turu tos par negantību; Tavu bauslību es mīļoju.
164 Seven times in the day, have I praised thee, For thy righteous regulations.
Es Tevi teicu septiņkārt dienā par Tavām taisnām tiesām.
165 Blessing in abundance, have the lovers of thy law, and nothing to make them stumble.
Kas Tavu bauslību mīļo, tiem ir liels miers un tie nekur nepiedurās.
166 I have looked for thy salvation, O Yahweh, and, thy commandments, have I done.
Ak Kungs, es gaidu uz Tavu pestīšanu un daru pēc Taviem baušļiem.
167 My soul hath kept thy testimonies, yea I have loved them greatly.
Mana dvēsele tur Tavas liecības, un es tās ļoti mīļoju,
168 I have kept thy precepts, and thy testimonies, For, all my ways, are before thee.
Es pasargu Tavas pavēles un Tavas liecības, jo visi mani ceļi ir Tavā priekšā.
169 [TAU] Let my shouting come near before thee, O Yahweh, According to thy word, give me understanding.
Ak Kungs, lai mana saukšana nāk priekš Tava vaiga! Dari mani gudru pēc Tava Vārda!
170 Let my supplication come in before thee, According to thy word, deliver me.
Lai mana sirds lūgšana nāk priekš Tava vaiga! Izglāb mani pēc Tava Vārda!
171 My lips, shall pour out, praise, When thou shalt teach me thy statutes.
Manas lūpas teiktin teiks Tavu slavu, kad tu man māci Tavus likumus.
172 My tongue, shall respond, with thy word, For, all thy commandments, are righteous.
Mana mēle dziedās no Taviem vārdiem, jo visi Tavi baušļi ir taisnība.
173 Be thy hand ready to help me, For, thy statutes, have I chosen.
Lai Tava roka man nāk palīgā, jo Tavas pavēles es esmu izredzējies.
174 I have longed for thy salvation, O Yahweh, and, thy law, is my dear delight.
Kungs, man gribās Tavas pestīšanas, un Tava bauslība ir mans prieks.
175 Let my soul live, that it may praise thee, So shall thy regulation help me.
Lai dzīvo mana dvēsele, ka tā Tevi var teikt, un lai Tavas tiesas man palīdz.
176 I have strayed like a wandering sheep, O seek thy servant, For, thy commandments, have I not forgotten.
Es maldos kā pazudusi avs, - meklē Savu kalpu, jo es neaizmirstu Tavas pavēles.

< Psalms 119 >