< 2 Kings 17 >

1 In the twelfth year of Ahaz king of Judah, began Hosea son of Elah to reign in Samaria, over Israel, [and he reigned] nine years.
Hagi Ahasi'ma Juda vahe kinima 12fu'a kafuma nemanigeno'a, Ela nemofo Hosea'a Israeli vahe kinia fore huno Sameria kumate mani'neno, 9ni'a kafufi Israeli vahera kegava hu'ne.
2 And he did the thing that was wicked in the eyes of Yahweh, —only, not like the kings of Israel who were before him.
Hosea'a Ra Anumzamofo avurera havi avu'avaza hu'ne. Hianagi ko'ma Israeli vahe'mo'za kinima mani'za e'naza kini vahe'mo'zama hu'naza havi zamavu zamavara zamagatereno osu'ne.
3 Against him, came up Shalmaneser king of Assyria, —and Hoshea became his servant, and rendered him a present.
Hagi Hoseama Israeli kinima mani'nea knafina, Asiria kini ne' Salmanese'a Israeli vahera eme hahu zamagatere'ne. Ana higeno Hosea'a Asiria kini nete huvempa huno, agri agorga mani'neno maka kafufina takisi zagoa amino vu'ne.
4 Then found the king of Assyria, in Hosea, a conspiracy, in that he had sent messengers unto So king of Egypt, and had not brought up a present to the king of Assyria, as [he had done] year by year, —therefore the king of Assyria shut him up, and bound him in prison.
Hianagi Hosea'a ko'ma kafugu kafugu'ma nehiaza huno, Asiria kini nera takisi zagoa omi'ne. Ana nehuno eme aza hinogu Hosea'a Isipi kini ne' Sontega kea atrentege'za mago'a vahe'mo'za eri'za vu'naze. Hagi ananke'ma kini ne' Salmaneserima nentahino'a, ome azerino kina hunte'ne.
5 And the king of Assyria came up throughout all the land, —yea he came up to Samaria, and besieged it three years.
Hagi ana'ma huteno'a Asiria kini ne' Salmaneseli'a, sondia vahezaga'a zamavareno vuno Israeli vahera ha'huzmanteno ana maka mopa erivareteno, eno 3'a kafufi Sameria kumara hara eme huzmante'ne.
6 In the ninth year of Hoshea, did the king of Assyria capture Samaria, and carried Israel away captive to Assyria, —and settled them in Halah, and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and the mountains of Media.
Hagi Hosea'ma Israeli vahe kinima 9ni'a kafuma nemanigeno'a, Asiria kini ne'mo'a Sameria kumara hara eme huzmagatereno enerino, Israeli vahera zamavareno Asiria vuno, mago'a vahera zamatrege'za Hala kumate nemanizageno, mago'a Habori ti tva'onte Gosani kaziga nemanizageno, mago'a Midia vahe'ma nemaniza ranra kumatmimpi zamatrege'za mani'naze.
7 And thus it came to pass that Israel sinned against Yahweh their God, who brought them up out of the land of Egypt, from under the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt, —yea they did reverence to other gods;
Hagi ana maka knazama Israeli vahete'ma fore hu'neana, zamagra Ra Anumzana zamagri Anumzamo'ma, Isipi kini ne' Fero hankavefinti'ma zamavareno'ma Isipi mopafinti'ma atirami'nea Anumzamofo avurera kumi nehu'za, havi anumzantamimofo koro hunezmante'za mono huzmantazagu, anazana fore hu'ne.
8 and walked in the statutes of the nations, whom Yahweh had dispossessed from before the sons of Israel, —and [in the statutes] of the kings of Israel, which they had made.
Ana nehu'za Ra Anumzamo'ma negazageno'ma anama mani'naza mopafinti vahe'ma zamahenati tre'nea vahe'mokizmi havi zamavu zamavara nevariri'za, Israeli kini vahe'mo'za eri agafama hu'naza havi zamavu zamava'enena zamavariri'naze.
9 And the sons of Israel did, secretly, things which were not right, against Yahweh their God, —and built for themselves high places in all their cities, from the watchmen’s tower, to the fortified city.
Ana nehu'za Israeli vahe'mo'za oku'a mago'a zamavu zamava hazazamo Ra Anumzana zamagri Anumzamofo avurera knarera osu'ne. Zamagra osi kumateti vuno ranra kumate'ma vigeno havi anumzante'ma mono'ma hunte kumatmina tro hunte vagare'naze.
10 And they set up for themselves pillars and Sacred Stems, upon every high hill, and under every green tree;
Ana maka ranra agona ramimpine, maka ranra zafa agafafina Asera havi anumzante'ma mono'ma hunte havene, Asera amema'ama me'nea zafaramina asente vagare'naze.
11 and burned incense there, in all the high places, like the nations whom Yahweh drave out from before them, —and did things that were wicked, so as to provoke Yahweh to anger;
Anama havi anumzante'ma mono'ma hunte kuma'ma tro'ma huntaza kumatmintera, anama umani'naza mopafi vahe'ma negazageno Ra Anumzamo'ma zamahenati atre'nea vahe'mo'zama hu'nazaza hu'za mna nentakezana kre mna vu'naze. Ana havi zamavu zamava'ma hazazamo Ra Anumzamofona azeri arimpa ahe'naze.
12 and they served the manufactured gods, as to which Yahweh had said to them, Ye shall not do this thing.
Hagi ko'ma Ra Anumzamo'ma huno, kaza osu havi anumzantera monora huonteho huno'ma zamasami'neana, ke'a rutagre'za ana zantaminte monora hunte'naze.
13 And Yahweh testified against Israel and against Judah, through all his prophets—every one who had a vision, saying—Turn ye from your wicked ways, and keep my commandments, my statutes, according to all the law which I commanded your fathers; and which I sent unto you through my servants the prophets.
Ra Anumzamo'a kasnampa vahe'ene mago'a kva vahe'enena huzmantege'za, Israeli vahe'ene Juda vahera koro kea amanage hu'za zamasami'naze, havi tamavu tamava'ma nehaza zana atretma, Nagri kasegene, tra kenena amage anteho. E'i ana kasegea tamagehe'inku amage anteho hu'na zami'noa kasege, eri'za vahe'nia kasnampa vahe zamagipi huvazi'na zamasami'noe huno hu'ne.
14 Howbeit they hearkened not, —but stiffened their neck, like the neck of their fathers, who trusted not in Yahweh their God;
Hianagi Israeli vahe'mo'za Ra Anumzamofo kea ontahi'za zamasenimo'a hanavetige'za, zamafahe'zama Ra Anumzana zamagri Anumzama antahiomiza mono'ma huonte'nazaza hu'za monora huonte'naze.
15 but rejected his statutes, and his covenant, which he solemnised with their fathers, and his testimonies wherewith he testified against them, —and followed vanity, and became vain, and followed the nations that were round about them, as to whom Yahweh charged them, so that they should not do like them.
Hagi Israeli vahe'mo'za Ra Anumzamofo tra kema, zamafahe'inema huhagerafi huvempa kema hu'nea ke'ne, mago'a koro ke'ma huzmante'nea kegura zamefi humi'naze. Hagi havi anumzana amnezante monora ome hunente'za, zamagranena amne'za se'naze. Hagi kora Ra Anumzamo'a Israeli vahera zamasamino, ru kumate vahe'mo'zama hanaza zamavu'zama zana zamavaririta osiho huno zamasami'ne. Hianagi Ra Anumzamofo kea rutagre'za ana havi zamavu'zmavazana hu'naze.
16 But they forsook all the commandments of Yahweh their God, and made for themselves something molten—two calves, and made a Sacred Stem, and bowed themselves down to all the army of the heavens, and served Baal;
Ana nehu'za Israeli vahe'mo'za Ra Anumzana Anumzazamimofo kasegea ana maka runetagre'za, ainireti kre'za tare bulimakao anentatre tro nehu'za, Asera havi anumzamofo amema'a antre'za tro hunente'za, monafi hanafitamine Bali havi anumzante'ene monora huzamante'naze.
17 and made their sons and their daughters pass through the fire, and used divinations and enchantments, and sold themselves to do the thing that was wicked in the eyes of Yahweh, provoking him to wrath.
Ana nehu'za zamagra ne'mofa'zamia zamahe'za tevefi Kresramana nevu'za, zamene vahete'ene, fri vahe hankro'enema keaga nehaza vahetega, zamaza hanazegu nevu'za, Israeli vahe'mo'za Ra Anumzamofo avurera monko a'nemo'zama nehazaza hu'za zamagra'a zagore ome atre'za havi zamavu'zmavaza hazazamo Anumzamofona azeri arimpa ahe'ne.
18 So Yahweh shewed himself exceeding angry with Israel, and removed them from his presence, —there was none left, save the tribe of Judah, alone.
E'ina hu'negu Ra Anumzamo'a Israeli vahera tusi rimpa hezamanteno, amefi hunezamino, mopazamifintira zamaretrege'za afete vu'naze. Ana higeno magore huno Israeli vahera mopa zamifina omanizage'za, Juda naga'mo'za zamagrake mopafina mani'naze.
19 Even Judah, kept not the commandments of Yahweh their God, —but walked in the statutes of Israel, which they had made.
Hianagi Juda naga'mo'za zamagranena ana zanke hu'za, Ra Anumzana Anumzazamimofo kasegea amagera onte'naze. Zamagra Israeli vahe'mo'zama hu'naza havi zamavu zamavaza zamage'ante'za hu'naze.
20 So Yahweh rejected all the seed of Israel, and humiliated them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, —until he had cast them out from his presence;
E'ina hu'negu Ra Anumzamo'a ana maka Israeli vahera agri avugatira zamefi hunezamino, zamatrege'za ha' vahe'mo'za eme zamazeri haviza hu'naze.
21 for he rent Israel away from the house of David, and they made Jeroboam son of Nebat, king, —and Jeroboam thrust away Israel from following Yahweh, and caused them to commit a great sin.
Hagi korapara Israeli vahe'ene Juda vahe'enena kini ne' Deviti kegava huzmantege'za mani'nazane. Hianagi henka Anumzamo Deviti nagapintira Israeli vahera refko hutrege'za zamagra'a zamagiare oti'naze. Anama nehu'za Israeli vahe'mo'za Nebati nemofo Jeroboamuna kini'zamia azeri oti'naze. Hianagi Jeroboamu'a Israeli vahera zamavazu hige'za, Ra Anumzana zamefi humi'za rama'a kumi hu'naze.
22 And the sons of Israel walked in all the sins of Jeroboam which he had committed, —they turned not away therefrom;
Hagi Israeli vahe'mo'za Jeroboamu'ma hu'nea kumira zamefira huomi'za, kazigazi hu'za ana maka kumira hu'naze.
23 until that Yahweh removed Israel from his presence, according as he spake through all his servants the prophets, —and so Israel was driven away from off their own soil, to Assyria, until this day.
Hagi Israeli vahe'mo'za ana zamavu zamavara hu'za neazageno, Ra Anumzamo'ma eri'za vahe'a kasnampa vahe zamagipi huvazino koro kema huzamante'nea nanekemo'a nena raga'a efore hu'ne. Ana hutege'za Asiria vahe'mo'za Israeli vahera eme ha'huzamante'za zamavare'za Asiria moparega kina ome huzmantazage'za anantega umani'ne'za meni'nena mani'naze.
24 And the king of Assyria brought [men] from Babylon, and from Cuthah, and from Avvah, and from Hamath, and [from] Sepharvaim, and caused them to dwell in the cities of Samaria, instead of the sons of Israel, —so they took possession of Samaria, and dwelt in the cities thereof.
Hagi anante Siria kini ne'mo'a Babiloni rankumate'ene Katama kumate'ene Avama kumate'ene Hamati kumate'ene Sefarvaimi kumate'ma hu'za nemaniza vahera zamavareno, Sameriama me'nea kumatamimpina Israeli vahe'ma nomaniza nompi eme zamatrege'za ana kumatmimpi mani'naze. Ana nehu'za Sameria rankuma'enena eri'za mani'naze.
25 And so it was, that, when they first dwelt there, they revered not Yahweh, —therefore Yahweh sent among them, lions, which were slaying them.
Hagi ana Israeli vahe kumapima emaniza vahe'mo'za Ra Anumzamofona korora hunte'za monora huonte'naze. E'ina hazagu Ra Anumzamo'a laioni huzamantege'za e'za ana vahera mago'a eme zamahe fri'naze.
26 Therefore spake they unto the king of Assyria, saying, The nations whom thou hast removed and settled in the cities of Samaria, know not the custom of the God of the land, —and he hath sent among them lions, and lo! they are slaying them, because they know not the custom of the God of the land.
Hagi ana higeno mago'a vahe'mo'za vu'za Asiria kini nera amanage hu'za ome asami'naze, Kagrama zamavarenka Sameria kumatmimpima ome zamante'nana, vahe'mo'za ana mopafima nemania Anumzamofo kasegea ontahi'naze. E'ina hu'negu ana mopafi Anumzamo'a laioni huzamantege'za eza ana vahera eme zamahe fri'naze.
27 So the king of Assyria commanded, saying—Carry thither, one of the priests, whom ye brought away captive from thence, that they may go, and dwell there, —and teach them the custom of the God of the land.
Hagi anante Asiria kini nemo'a amanage huno vahera huzamante'ne, Israeliti'ma zamavaretama eme kinama huzamante'nona pristi nagapinti vutma mago ome avreta Sameria ome antenkeno mani'neno, ana mopafi Anumzamofo kasegea vahera rempi huzamino.
28 Then came one of the priests whom they had carried away captive from Samaria, and dwelt in Bethel, —and he began teaching them how they should do reverence unto Yahweh.
Hagi anante Israeliti pristi naga'ma eme kinama huno Asiriama mani'nazafinti mago avare'za vu'za Sameria ome atrazageno Beteli kumate umani'neno, ana vahera Ra Anumzamofoma koro hunte'za mono'ma hunte'naza avu'ava zana rempi huzami'ne.
29 Howbeit the nations severally were making their own gods, —and did put them in the houses of the high places, which, the Samaritans, had made, each several nation, in their cities wherein, they, were dwelling.
Hianagi ru vahe ru vahe'ma Israeli vahe ranra kumatamimpima enemaniza vahe'mo'za zamagra'a anumza tro hutere hu'za nemaniza kumate kumatera antetere hu'naze. Ana nehu'za havi anumzazamimofo amema'a tro hu'za, Israeli vahe'mo'zama havi anumzamofonte mono'ma hunte kuma'ma tro'ma hunte'naza kumatmintera antevare'naze.
30 So then, the men of Babylon, made Succoth-benoth, and, the men of Cuth, made Nergal, and, the men of Hamath, made Ashima:
Hagi Babiloni vahe'mo'za Sukot-Benotie nehaza havi anumzamofo amema'a tro hazage'za, Kuta vahe'mo'za Nergalie nehaza havi anumzamofo amema'a tro hazage'za, Hamati vahe'mo'za Asimae nehaza havi anumzamofo amema'a tro hazage'za,
31 and, the Avvites, made Nibhaz and Tartak, and, the Sepharvites, did consume their sons in the fire, to Adrammelech and Anammelech gods of Sepharvaim.
Avate vahe'mo'za Nibfazie nehaza havi anumzane, Tartakie nehaza havi anumzantremokizni zanamema'a tro hazage'za, Sefarvaimi vahe'mo'za Adramelekie nehaza anumzane, Anamelekie nehaza havi anumzantrente ne'mofavrezamia zamahe'za ofa kresramna vu'naze.
32 Thus became they reverers of Yahweh, —and yet made for themselves, from the whole compass of them, priests of high places, who became offerers for them in the house of the high places.
Hagi zamagra ana nehu'za, Ra Anumzamofona Agri'enena monora hunte'naze. Hianagi zamagra'a vahepinti pristi vahera huhampri zamantage'za ofama hu kumatera mani'ne'za, ofama eri'za aza zantamina kresramna vu zamante'naze.
33 Yahweh, were they revering, —and yet, their own gods, were they serving, according to the custom of the nations from whence they had brought them away captive.
Hagi zamagra Ra Anumzamofona koro hunte'naze. Hianagi zamagra mopa zamiregama mani'nezama ko'ma nehaza zamavu'zamavaza amage ante'za anumzazamire monora huntetere hu'naze.
34 Unto this day, are they offering according to the former customs, —they are not revering Yahweh, neither are they offering after their own statutes, or their own custom, nor yet after the law and the commandment which Yahweh commanded the sons of Jacob, whose name he made to be Israel:
Hagi meninena ana vahe'mo'za ko'ma nehaza zamavu zamavara otre'za huvava hu'za neaze. Ana nehu'za Ra Anumzamofona monora hunonte'za, kasegene, tra kea amagera nonte'za, Jekopunku'ma mago agi'a Israeli'e huno'ma antemi'nea ne'mofo naga'ma zami'nea kasegene tra kenena amagera onte'naze.
35 With, whom, Yahweh solemnised a covenant, and commanded them saying—Ye shall not revere other gods, —nor bow down to them, nor serve them, nor sacrifice to them;
Hagi Ra Anumzamo'ma Israeli naga'enema huhagerafi huvempa kema hu'neana amanage huno huzamante'ne, tamagra mago anumzantera monora huntege, kepri huta tamarenarege, eri'zana erintege, ofa kresramna vugera osutfa hiho.
36 But, Yahweh—who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, with great might, and with arm outstretched, him, shall ye revere, —and to him, shall ye bow down, and to him, shall ye sacrifice;
Hianagi Ra Anumzamona tusi'a hankavenireti nazana rusutena, Isipitira tamavre'na etirami'noa Anumza mani'noanki, Nagriteke kepri hutma tamarenareta monora hunenanteta, ofa kresramna vunanteho.
37 And, the statutes and the regulations, and the law and the commandment, which he wrote for you, shall ye surely observe to do, continually, —So shall ye not revere other gods;
Hagi maka tra ke'ne kase keni'anema amage anteho huno'ma krerami'nea kemofona kva hu'neta, maka zupa avariri fatgo hiho. Ana nehutma mago'a havi anumzamofonkura korora huta monora huozmanteho.
38 But, the covenant which I have solemnised with you, shall ye not forget, —So shall ye not revere other gods;
Hagi tamagranema huhagerafi huvempa kema hu'noankegura tamagesa nentahitma, mago'a havi anumzamofonkura korora hunteta monora ome huonteho.
39 But, Yahweh your God, shall ye revere, —then will, he, deliver you out of the hand of all your enemies.
Hianagi Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamonage monora hunenantekena maka ha' vahe'zamazampintira tamagu vazi'neno.
40 Howbeit they hearkened not, —but, according to their own former custom, were they offering.
Ra Anumzamo'a anage hianagi anankea ontahi'za, ko'ma hu'za e'naza zamavu zamavara kazigazi hu'za huvava hu'naze.
41 Thus were these nations doing reverence unto Yahweh, and yet, unto their own carved images, were they rendering service, —yea, their sons and their son’s sons, as the fathers offered, so are, they, offering until this day.
Hagi ana vahe'mo'za Ra Anumzamofona koro hunte'za monora hunte'nazanagi, zamagra havi anumza zamire'enena monora hunte'naze. Ana hazage'za mofavre zamimo'zane zamagehe'izanena zamafahe'mokizmi zamavu zamava zamavariri'za ana zanke meninena nehaze.

< 2 Kings 17 >