< 1 Kings 1 >

1 Now, King David, was old, advanced in days, —and they covered him with clothes, but he gat no heat.
Kini ne' Deviti'ma ozafa regeno avufamo'a tusi zasi higeno, rama'a franke eri'za eme kofinte'nazanagi, ana franketamimo'a azeri amuhoa osu'ne.
2 Wherefore his servants said unto him—Let there be sought for my lord the king, a young woman—a virgin, so shall she stand before the king, that she may become his companion, —and she shall lie in thy bosom, and my lord the king shall get, heat.
Ana'ma higeno'a eri'za vahe'amo'za amanage hu'za asami'naze, Vene omase'nesia mofa avreta esunkeno kegava huneganteno, kasumpina mase'neno kazeri amuho hanie.
3 So they sought a fair young woman, throughout all the bounds of Israel, —and found Abishag, the Shunammite, and brought her in, unto the king.
Anage nehu'za Israeli mopamofona mika kaziga knare mofa'nema kesagu hake'za vano hu'naze. Hagi Abisagi'e nehaza mofa Sunemi kumate ome kefore hute'za, avre'za kini nete e'naze.
4 Now, the young woman, was exceeding fair, —so she became unto the king a companion, and ministered unto him, but, the king, knew her not.
Hagi ana mofara hentofa mofakino, kini nera kegava hunte'neanagi, kini ne'mo'a ana mofara monko'zana huonte'ne.
5 And, Adonijah son of Haggith, exalted himself, saying—I, will be king. Therefore prepared he for himself chariots and horsemen, and fifty men to run before him.
Hagi ana knafina Deviti nemofo Adoniza'a Hagiti'e nehia a'mo kasente'nea mofavremo kini mani'nakure huno agra'a erintesga nehuno, karisiramine hosi afu agumpima vanoma nehaza vahe'ene, 50'a vahe'enena ugotama hunte'za kvama huntesagu zamazeri retro hu'ne.
6 Now his father had not displeased him all his days, by saying—Why, thus, hast thou done? Moreover also, he, was of exceeding handsome appearance, and, him, did his mother bear, after Absolom.
Hagi Kini ne' Deviti'a magore huno Adoniza'ma havizama nehigeno'a azeri fatgohu kea huno, Nagafare ama zana nehane huno antahi onke'ne. Hagi Adoniza agi'agonamo'a fana ohesa nekino, Absalomu kasenteteno, ana amefi'a kasente'nea ne' mani'ne.
7 So then he had speech with Joab, son of Zeruiah, and with Abiathar the priest, —and they gave help, following Adonijah.
Hagi Adoniza'a azama hanakeno'ma kinima mani'sigura, Zerua nemofo Joapune, pristi ne' Abiatanena oku'a nanekea retro hute'za Adonizana nevaririke aza hu'na'e.
8 But, Zadok the priest, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and Nathan the prophet, and Shimei, and Rei, and the mighty men who belonged to David, were not with Adonijah.
Hianagi pristi ne' Zadoki'ma, Jehoiada nemofo Benai'ma, profeti ne' Neteni'ma, Simeima, Reima, Deviti avufgare kva nehaza sondia vahe'mo'zanena Adonizana aza osu'naze.
9 And Adonijah sacrificed sheep and oxen and heifers, near the stone of Zoheleth, which is beside En-rogel, —and invited all his brethren, sons of the king, and all the men of Judah, servants of the king;
Hagi En-Rogeli nehaza tinkenare Zoheletie nehaza havere Adoniza'a sipisipi afu'tamine, ve bulimakao afutamine, afovage bulimakao afu anentataminena aheno kre sramana nevuno, afu'aganahe'ine, Deviti mofavreramine, maka Juda kumate kva vahetamine, kini ne'mofo eri'zama e'neriza vahetaminena kehige'za omeritru hu'naze.
10 but, Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, and the mighty men, and Solomon his brother, he invited not.
Hianagi kasnampa ne' Neteni'ma Benaiama, kini ne'mofo avufgare kva vahe'ma, nefu Solomoninena kea hige'za anama Kresramanama virera ome'naze.
11 Then spake Nathan unto Bath-sheba mother of Solomon, saying—Hast thou not heard that Adonijah son of Haggith hath become king, and, our lord David, knoweth it not?
Hagi Adoniza'a ana'ma nehigeno'a, Neteni'a Solomoni nerera Batsebante vuno amanage huno ome antahige'ne? Hagiti nemofo Adoniza'a kinima mani'neana, rantimo Deviti'a antahigeno, kagranena antahinano?
12 Now, therefore, come; let me give thee counsel, I pray thee, —so shalt thou rescue thine own life, and the life of thy son, Solomon.
E'ina hu'negu menina nagrama kasaminua ke'ma antahinka amagema antesunka, kagra kagu nevazinka negamofo ne' Solomoninena agu'vazigahane.
13 Go, and get thee in unto King David, and thou shalt say unto him—Didst not, thou thyself, my lord O king, swear unto thy handmaid, saying—Solomon thy son, shall become king after me, yea, he, shall sit upon my throne? Why, then, hath, Adonijah, become king?
Hagi Kini ne' Devitinte ame hunka vunka amanage hunka ome asamio, ranimoka kini nera kagra ko huvempa hunka amanage hu'nane, negamofo Solomoni nagrama frisugeno'a kinia manineno kini tranirera manigahie hunka hu'nane. Hagi nahigeno menina Adoniza'a kinia fore nehie?
14 Lo! while thou art yet speaking there with the king, I also, will come in after thee, and confirm thy words.
Hagi anagema hunka kini ne'ma nesaminanke'na, nagra kamefi efre'na, ana nanekeka'a eri hankaveti kea hugahue.
15 So Bath-sheba went in unto the king, into the chamber, now, the king, was very old, —and Abishag the Shunammite, was ministering unto the king.
Hagi anagema higeno'a Batseba'a kini ne'mo'ma nemasefinka umareri'ne. (Hagi kini ne'mo'a ozafaregeno Sunemu kumateti a'mo Abisaki kegava hunte'ne.)
16 And Bath-sheba bowed, and did homage unto the king, —and the king said—What aileth thee?
Hagi Batseba'a umarerino kini ne'mofo avuga avugosaregati umase'ne. Anama higeno'a kini ne'mo'a amanage huno antahigene, Na'anku kavenesie?
17 And she said unto him—My lord, thou thyself, didst swear by Yahweh thy God, unto thy handmaid, Assuredly, Solomon thy son, shall become king after me, —yea, he, shall sit upon my throne.
Anagema higeno'a Batseba'a amanage huno kenona hu'ne, ranimoka kagra Ra Anumzana Anumzanka'amofo avufi ko huvempa hunka amanage hu'nane, Negamofo Solomoni kinia mani'neno, kini tra'nirera manigahie hunka hu'nane.
18 But, now, lo! Adonijah, hath become king; now, therefore, my lord, O king, thou knowest it not:
Hianagi antahio, menina Adoniza'a ko' kinia fore huno mani'negenka, ranimoka kagra ontahinane.
19 and he hath sacrificed oxen and heifers and sheep, in abundance, and hath invited all the sons of the king, and Abiathar the priest, and Joab general of the army, —but, Solomon thy servant, hath he not invited.
Hagi agra ko rama'a bulimakao afutamine, afovage bulimakao anentatamine, sipisipi afutaminena aheno kre sramana nevuno, maka kini ne'moka mofavreramine, pristi ne' Abiatane, sondia vahe'mofo ugagota kva ne' Joapunena zamagia hige'za anampina ne'zana ome nene'za musena nehaze. Hianagi eri'za neka'a Solomonina agia osu'ne.
20 Thou, therefore, my lord, O king, the eyes of all Israel, are upon thee, —to tell them, who shall sit upon the throne of my lord the king, after him.
Hagi menina kini ne' ranimoka antahio, iza kinia azeri otisankeno kagri nona erigahie hu'za nehu'za, maka Israeli vahe'mo'za kagri kavufi kete'za mani'naze.
21 Otherwise it shall come to pass, when my lord the king shall sleep with his fathers, then shall I and my son Solomon be counted, offenders.
Hagi menima kagrama ana'ma osu'nenka frisankeno'a nenamofo Solomonine nagri'enena kumazafa vahekna hu'za tahe frigahaze.
22 And lo! while yet she was speaking with the king, Nathan the prophet, came in.
Hagi Batseba'ma ana nanekema zahufama nesamigeno'a kasnampa ne' Neteni'a kini ne'ma nemasefinka efre'ne.
23 So they told the king, saying, Lo! Nathan the prophet! And, when he had come in before the king, he bowed himself down to the king with his face to the ground.
Hagi Neteni'ma efregeno'a eri'za ne'mo'a kini nera asamino, Kasnampa ne' Neteni'a kagenaku ama'na ne-e huno asamigeno, Neteni'a eazamo kini ne'mofo avuga avugosaregati enemaseno,
24 Then said Nathan—My lord, O king, hast, thou, said, Adonijah, shall become king after me, —yea, he, shall sit upon my throne?
amanage hu'ne, Rania kini ne'moka, kagra hunka kini tranirera Adoniza kinia manigahie hunka hu'nano?
25 For he hath gone down to-day, and hath sacrificed oxen and heifers and sheep, in abundance, and hath invited all the sons of the king, and the generals of the army, and Abiathar the priest, and, there they are—eating and drinking before him, —and they have said—Long live King Adonijah!
Na'ankure Adoniza menina uramino ve bulimakao afutamine, afovage bulimakao anentatamine, sipisipi afutaminena rama'a aheno kresramana nevuno, kini ne'moka mofavreramine pristi ne' Abiatane, sondia vahe'mofo ugagota kva ne' Joapunena kehige'za avuga umanine'za ne'zane tinena nene'za zazakna kini manino vugahie hu'za nehaze.
26 But, me, even me thy servant, and Zadok the priest, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and Solomon thy servant, hath he not invited.
Hianagi nagri'ene, pristi ne' Zadokine, Jehoiada nemofo Benaiane, eri'za neka'a Solomoninena tagia osu'ne.
27 If, of my lord the king, this thing had been brought to pass, then wouldest thou not have made known unto thy servant, who should sit upon the throne of my lord the king, after him?
Hagi kini ne' ranimoka kagra hankeno ama'na zana fore hu'neo? Hagi nahigenka eri'za vaheka'amota kagri noma erino kini traka'are'ma kinima manisia vahera ontasami'nane.
28 Then responded King David, and said, Call me Bath-sheba. So she came in before the king, and stood before the king.
Anagema higeno'a kini ne, Deviti'a amanage hu'ne, Batsebana kehinkeno eno, higeno ke hazageno eazamo kini ne'mofo avuga eme otigeno,
29 And the king sware, and said, —By the life of Yahweh, who hath redeemed my life out of every strait,
kini ne'mo'a huno, Kasefa huno mani'nea Ra Anumzamo'ma mika hazenke zampinti'ma nagu'ma vazi'nea Anumzamofo agifi huvempa huankino, Solomoni kinia manigahie.
30 even as I sware unto thee by Yahweh, God of Israel, saying, Assuredly, Solomon thy son, shall become king after me, yea, he, shall sit upon my throne, in my stead, even so, will I do this day.
Hagi ko'ma Ra Anumzana Israeli vahe Anumzamofo agifima huvempama hu'noa kante anteno, menina negamofo Solomoni nagri nona erino kini tranirera kinia manigahie.
31 Then Bath-sheba bowed with her face to the ground, and did homage unto the king, —and said—Let my lord, King David, live to times age-abiding!
Hagi Deviti'ma anagema higeno'a, Batseba'a avugosaregati kini ne'mofo avuga nemaseno amanage hu'ne, Kini ne' ranimo Deviti'a manivava hanie.
32 Then said King David—Call me Zadok the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada. And they came in before the king.
Hagi Deviti'a eri'za vahe'a amanage huno zamasami'ne, Vuta pristi ne' Zadokine, kasnampa ne' Netenine, Jehodaia nemofo Benaianena kehinke'za eho, hige'za ome ke hazage'za avuga e'za eme oti'naze.
33 Then said the king unto them—Take ye with you the servants of your lord, and cause Solomon my son to ride upon the mule which pertaineth unto myself, —and bring him down unto Gihon;
Anama eoti'zageno'a amanage huno zamasami'ne, Eri'za ne'ni'a Solomonina nagri miulie donki afu' agumpi ome avrenteta avreta Gihoni tintega uramiho.
34 then shall Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him there as king over Israel, —and ye shall blow with the horn, and say—Long live King Solomon!
Hagi e'i anantega pristi ne' Zadoki'ene, kasnampa ne' Netenikea masavena Solomoni anumpina taginteke, Israeli vahe kinia azeri oti'o. Hagi e'ina'ma hute'nigeta ufena nereta amanage hiho. Kini ne' Solomoni'a zaza kna kinia manivava hugahie huta hiho.
35 Then shall ye come up after him, and he shall enter, and sit upon my throne, yea, he, shall become king in my stead; even, him, have I charged to become leader, over Israel, and over Judah.
Hagi tamagra avaririta amefi ne-enkeno eno nagri kini tratera emanino. Na'ankure nagra agri huhampri'noankino kini mani'neno Israeli vahe'ene Juda vahera kegava hugahie hu'na hu'noe.
36 Then did Benaiah son of Jehoiada make response unto the king, and say—Amen! so, say Yahweh, God of my lord the king.
Hagi anagema higeno'a Benaia'a amanage huno kenona kini nera hunte'ne, Tamage! Ra Anumzana rani kini ne'mofo Anumzamo'a ke'ma hiazana hugahie.
37 As Yahweh hath been with my lord the king, so, let him he with Solomon, —and make his throne greater than the throne of my lord, King David.
Hagi ranimoka kini ne' Devitiganema Ra Anumzamo'ma mani'neaza huno Solomoni'enena mani'neno aza nehinkeno, kagrira kagatereno agi'amo'a agatererfa kini ne' manigahie.
38 So Zadok the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada, with the Cherethites and the Pelethites, went down, and caused Solomon to ride upon the mule of King David, —and they escorted him to Gihon.
Hagi anagema hutegeno'a pristi ne' Zadokiki, kasnampa ne' Neteniki, Jehodaia nemofo Benaiaki, kini ne' kva netre Kereti'ene Peretiki hu'za Solomonina Kini ne' Deviti miuli donki afu agumpi avrente'za Gihoni tinte vu'naze.
39 Then took Zadok the priest, the horn of oil out of the Tent, and anointed Solomon, —and they blew with a [ram’s] horn, and all the people said, Long live King Solomon!
Hagi anante pristi ne' Zadoki'a seli mono nompinti pazivepima ante'naza olivi masave erino Solomoni anumpi taginteno kini azeri otige'za, maka vahetmimo'za ufe nere'za anage hu'naze, kini ne' Solomoni'a zazate kinia mani vava hugahie!
40 And all the people came up after him, the people themselves also, playing with flutes, and rejoicing with great joy, —so that the earth rent with the sound of them.
Hagi maka vahe'mo'za konke nere'za mopamo'a tore huga kante ante'za tusi avoge hu'za zagamera nehu'za, musena hu'za Solomonina avaririza mareri'naze.
41 And Adonijah, and all the guests who were with him, heard it, just as, they, had made an end of eating, —and, when Joab heard the sound of a horn, he said—Wherefore the noise of the city, in tumult?
Hagi Adonizama kema hige'za ne'zama nene'za musema hunaku'ma enaza, vahe'mo'za ne'zama ne'za musema huvagama nere'za Solomoni naga'mo'zama musema nehu'zama hazama'a antahi'naze. Hagi Joapu'ma ufenkrafama nentahino'a, amanage hu'ne, na'a nehu'za Jerusalemi rankumapintira rankea nehu'za ke hakarea nehaze? huno zamantahige'ne.
42 While yet he was speaking, lo! Jonathan son of Abiathar the priest, came in, —and Adonijah said—Come in, for, a worthy man, thou art, and, good tidings, dost thou bring.
Hagi Joapu'a zahufa anankea huvaga ore'negeno, Abiata nemofo pristi ne' Jonatani'a uhanati'ne. Hagi anama uhanatigeno'a Adoniza'a amanage hu'ne, Kagra so'e ne' mani'nenka knare musenke erinka neananki emarerio.
43 But Jonathan responded and said to Adonijah, —Of a truth, our lord, King David, hath made, Solomon, king.
Hianagi Jonatani'a amanage huno Adoniza kenona hu'ne, I'o, rantimo kini ne' Deviti'a Solomoni kinia azeri oti'ne!
44 And the king hath sent with him—Zadok the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada, with the Cherethites, and the Pelethites, —and they have caused him to ride upon the mule of the king;
Hagi pristi ne' Zadoki'ma, kasnampa ne' Neteni'ma, Jehoiada nemofo Benaia'ma kini nete kva netrene Kereti vahe'ene Pereti vahera Deviti'a huzmantege'za miuli donki afu'amofo agumpi Solomonina avrente'naze.
45 and Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet have anointed him king, in Gihon, and they went up from thence rejoicing, so that the city rang again, —That, is the noise ye have heard.
Hagi pristi ne' Zadoki'ene, kasanampa ne' Netenikea Gihoni tinte Solomonina masavena asenifi taginteke kinia azeri oti'nake'za vahetmimo'za musena hu'za avoa nehage'za Jerusalemi rankumapina azageno, rankumapima mani'naza vahe'mo'zanena musena nehu'za avoa nehagaza agasasanke kagra nentahine.
46 Moreover also, Solomon hath taken his seat upon the throne of the kingdom.
Ana nehazageno menina Solomoni'a kini trate mani'ne.
47 Moreover also, the servants of the king have been in, to bless our lord King David, saying—Thy God make the name of Solomon better than thy name, and make his throne greater than thy throne, —And the king bowed himself upon his bed.
Hagi ana'ma higeno'a kini ne' Deviti eri'za vahe'mo'za avuga vu'za humusena hunte'za amanage hu'naze, Anumzanka'amo'a Solomonina azahanigeno agi'amo'ene hankave'amo'enena kagrira agatereno marerisie. Anage hazageno kini ne' Deviti'a tafe'are mani'neno kepri huno Anumzamofona ra agi ami'ne.
48 Moreover also, thus and thus, hath said the king, —Blessed be Yahweh, God of Israel, who hath given, to-day, one to sit upon my throne, mine own eyes also beholding it.
Anagema hazageno'a kini ne'mo'enena amanage hu'ne, Ra Anumzana Israeli vahe Anumzamo'a ragi erigahie. Na'ankure menina Agra mago vahe azeri otigeno kini tranirera manige'na nagra navufinti koe huno hu'ne.
49 Then trembled and rose up, all Adonijah’s guests, —and departed, every man his own way.
Hagi Adonizama zamagi hige'za emani'neza ne'zama nenaza vahe'mo'za Jonatani'ma hiankema nentahi'za, zamagogofege'za panani hu'za fre'naze.
50 Adonijah also, feared because of Solomon, —and rose and went, and caught hold of the horns of the altar.
Hagi Adoniza'a Solomoninkura tusi kore nehuno, freno ruotge'ma hu'nea seli mono no kumapi vuno kre sramnamavu itamofo pazivete ome azeriteno mani'ne.
51 And it was told Solomon, saying, Lo! Adonijah, feareth King Solomon, —lo! therefore, he hath laid hold of the horns of the altar, saying, Let King Solomon swear unto me at once that he will not put his servant to death with the sword.
Hagi Solomonina ome asamiza amanage hu'naze, Adoniza'a kagrikura tusi koro hu'ne. Na'ankure agra kre sramnavu itamofo pazivete anukineno amanage nehie, Atrenkeno kini ne' Solomoni'a huvempa huno ese'zana nagrikura eri'za vahe'amo'na bainati kazintetira ahe ofrigahue huno hino.
52 Then said Solomon, If he will be a man of worth, there shall not one hair of him fall to the earth, —but, if mischief be found in him, then shall he die.
Hagi Solomoni'a amanage hu'ne, agrama knare ne'ma mani'nenigeno'a, magore huno avufgarera hazenkezana ometfa hugahie. Hianagi agrama hazenke ne'ma maninesuno'a frigahie.
53 So King Solomon sent, and brought him down from the altar, and he came in, and bowed himself down to King Solomon, —and Solomon said unto him—Go to thine own house.
Anage nehuno Solomoni'a vahe huzamantege'za Adonizana kre sramnamavu itama anukino mani'neretira ome avrefenka atre'za azageno, avugosaregati emasegeno, Solomoni'a amanage hu'ne, nonka'arega vuo.

< 1 Kings 1 >