< Philippians 1 >

1 To all Christ’s people at Philippi, with the supervisors and assistants, from Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus.
Paulus og Timotheus, Kristi Jesu Tjener, til alle de hellige i Kristus Jesus, som ere i Filippi, med Tilsynsmænd og Menighedstjenere.
2 May God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ bless you, and give you peace.
Nåde være med eder og Fred fra Gud vor Fader og den Herre Jesus Kristus!
3 Every recollection that I have of you is a cause of thanksgiving to God,
Jeg takker min Gud, så ofte jeg kommer eder i Hu,
4 always, in every prayer that I offer for you all – my prayers are full of joy –
idet jeg altid, i hver min Bøn, beder for eder alle med Glæde,
5 because of the share that you have had in spreading the good news, from the first day that you received it until now.
for eders Deltagelse i Evangeliet fra den første Dag indtil nu;
6 For of this I am confident, that he who began a good work in you will complete it in readiness for the day of Jesus Christ.
forvisset om dette, at han, som begyndte en god Gerning i eder, vil fuldføre den indtil Jesu Kristi Dag,
7 And, indeed, I am justified in feeling like this about you all; because you have a warm place in my heart – you who all, both in my imprisonment and in the work of defending and establishing the good news, shared my privilege with me.
således som det jo er ret for mig at mene dette om eder alle, efterdi jeg har eder i Hjertet både under mine Lænker og under Evangeliets Forsvar og Stadfæstelse, fælles som I jo alle ere med mig om Nåden.
8 God will bear me witness how I yearn for you all with the tenderness of Christ Jesus.
Thi Gud er mit Vidne, hvorledes jeg længes efter eder alle med Kristi Jesu inderlige Kærlighed.
9 And what I pray for is this – that your love may grow yet stronger and stronger, with increasing knowledge and all discernment,
Og derom beder jeg, at eders Kærlighed fremdeles må blive mere og mere rig på Erkendelse og al Skønsomhed,
10 until you are able to appreciate all moral distinctions. And I pray, too, that you may be kept pure and blameless against the day of Christ,
så I kunne værdsætte de forskellige Ting, for at I må være rene og uden Anstød til Kristi Dag,
11 bearing a rich harvest of that righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.
fyldte med Retfærdigheds Frugt, som virkes ved Jesus Kristus, Gud til Ære og Pris.
12 Friends, I want you to realize that what has happened to me has actually served to forward the good news.
Men jeg vil, I skulle vide, Brødre! at mine Forhold snarere have tjent til Evangeliets Fremme,
13 It has even become evident, not only to all the imperial guard, but to everyone else, that it is for Christ’s sake that I am in chains.
så at det er blevet åbenbart for hele Livvagten og for alle de øvrige, at mine Lænker bæres for Kristi Skyld,
14 And besides this, most of our fellow followers have gained confidence in the Lord through my chains, and now venture with far greater freedom to speak of God’s message fearlessly.
og de fleste af Brødrene fik i Tillid til Herren ved mine Lænker end mere Dristighed til at tale Guds Ord uden Frygt.
15 It is true that some do proclaim the Christ out of jealousy and opposition, but there are others who proclaim him from goodwill.
Nogle prædike vel også Kristus for Avinds og Kivs Skyld, men nogle også i en god Mening.
16 The latter do it from love for me, knowing that I have been appointed to plead the cause of the good news.
Disse gøre det af Kærlighed, vidende, at jeg er sat til at forsvare Evangeliet;
17 The former spread the news of the Christ in a factious spirit, and not sincerely, thinking to add to the pain of my chains.
men hine forkynde Kristus af Egennytte, ikke ærligt, men i den Tanke at føje Trængsel til mine Lænker.
18 But what of that? Only that in some way or other, either with assumed or with real earnestness, Christ is being made known; and at that I rejoice.
Hvad så? Kristus forkyndes dog på enhver Måde, være sig på Skrømt eller i Sandhed; og derover glæder jeg mig, og jeg vil også fremdeles glæde mig.
19 Yes, and I will rejoice, for I know that, through your prayers and through a rich supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, all this will make for my salvation.
Thi jeg ved, at dette skal blive mig til Frelse ved eders Bøn og Jesu Kristi Ånds Hjælp,
20 And this will fulfill my earnest expectation and hope that I will have no cause for shame, but that, with unfailing courage, now as before, Christ will be honored in my body, whether by my life or by my death,
efter min Længsel og mit Håb, at jeg i intet skal blive til Skamme, men at Kristus skal med al Frimodighed, som altid, så også nu, forherliges i mit Legeme, være sig ved Liv eller ved Død.
21 for to me life is Christ, and death is gain.
Thi det at leve er mig Kristus og at dø en Vinding.
22 But what if the life here in the body – if this brings me fruit from my labors? Then which to choose I cannot tell! I am sorely perplexed either way!
Men dersom dette at leve i Kødet skaffer mig Frugt af min Gerning, så ved jeg ikke, hvad jeg skal vælge;
23 My own desire is to depart and be with Christ, for this would be far better.
men jeg står tvivlrådig imellem de to Ting, idet jeg har Lysten til at bryde op og være sammen med Kristus; thi dette var såre meget bedre;
24 But, for your sakes, it may be more needful that I should still remain here in the body.
men at forblive i Kødet er mere nødvendigt for eders Skyld.
25 Yes, I am confident that this is so, and therefore I am sure that I will stay, and stay near you all, to promote your progress and joy in the faith;
Og i Forvisning herom ved jeg, at jeg skal blive i Live og forblive hos eder alle til eders Fremgang og Glæde i Troen,
26 so that, when you once more have me among you, you, in your union with Christ Jesus, may find in me fresh cause for exultation.
for at eders Ros ved mig kan blive rig i Kristus Jesus, ved at jeg atter kommer til Stede iblandt eder.
27 Under all circumstances let your lives be worthy of the good news of the Christ: so that, whether I come and see you, or whether I hear of your affairs at a distance, I may know that you are standing firm, animated by one spirit, and joining with one heart in a common struggle for the faith taught by the good news,
Kun skulle I leve Kristi Evangelium værdigt, for at, hvad enten jeg kommer og ser eder eller er fraværende, jeg dog kan høre om eder, at I stå faste i een Ånd, så at I med een Sjæl stride tilsammen for Troen på Evangeliet
28 without ever shrinking from your opponents. To them this will be a sign of their destruction and of your salvation – a sign from God.
og ikke lade eder forfærde i nogen Ting af Modstanderne; thi dette er for dem et Tegn på Undergang, men for eder på Frelse, og det fra Gud.
29 For, on behalf of Christ, you have had the privilege granted you, not only of trusting in him, but also of suffering on his behalf.
Thi eder er det forundt for Kristi Skyld - ikke alene at tro på ham, men også at lide for hans Skyld,
30 You will be engaged in the same hard struggle as that which you once saw me waging, and which you hear that I am waging still.
idet I have den samme Kamp, som I have set på mig og nu høre om mig.

< Philippians 1 >