< Mark 7 >
1 One day the Pharisees and some of the teachers of the Law who had come from Jerusalem gathered round Jesus.
Neuze ar farizianed ha lod eus ar skribed, deuet eus Jeruzalem, a yeas da gavout Jezuz;
2 They had noticed that some of his disciples ate their food with their hands “defiled,” by which they meant unwashed.
gwelout a rejont ur re bennak eus e ziskibien o kemer o fred gant daouarn lous, da lavarout eo, hep bezañ bet gwalc'het, [hag e kavjont da damall].
3 (For the Pharisees, and indeed all strict Jews, will not eat without first scrupulously washing their hands, holding in this to the traditions of their ancestors.
(Rak ar farizianed hag an holl Yuzevien ne zebront ket hep gwalc'hiñ o daouarn betek an ilin, o terc'hel hengoun ar re gozh;
4 When they come from market, they will not eat without first sprinkling themselves; and there are many other customs which they have inherited and hold to, such as the ceremonial washing of cups, and jugs, and copper pans).
ha pa zeuont eus ar marc'had, ne zebront ket kennebeut hep bezañ en em walc'het. Ha kalz a draoù all a zo ivez, o deus resevet evit o mirout, evel gwalc'hiñ an hanafoù, ar podoù, al listri-arem hag ar gweleoù.)
5 So the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law asked Jesus this question – ‘How is it that your disciples do not follow the traditions of our ancestors, but eat their food with defiled hands?’
War gement-se ar farizianed hag ar skribed a c'houlennas outañ: A-belec'h e teu, ma ne heul ket da ziskibien-te hengoun ar re gozh, ha ma kemeront o fred hep bezañ gwalc'het o daouarn?
6 His answer was, ‘It was well said by Isaiah when he prophesied about you hypocrites in the words – “This is a people who honour me with their lips, while their hearts are far removed from me;
Eñ a respontas dezho: Pilpouzed, Izaia en deus profedet mat diwar ho penn, p'en deus lavaret: Ar bobl-mañ a enor ac'hanon a vuzelloù, met o c'halonoù a zo gwall bell diouzhin.
7 but vainly do they worship me, For they teach but human precepts.”
Met e ven eo ec'h enoront ac'hanon, o teskiñ kredennoù a zo gourc'hemennoù tud.
8 You neglect God’s commandments and hold to human traditions.
Rak, o lezel gourc'hemenn Doue, e virit hengoun an dud, o walc'hiñ ar podoù hag an hanafoù, hag oc'h ober kalz a draoù all heñvel outo.
9 Wisely do you set aside God’s commandments,’ he exclaimed, ‘to keep your own traditions!
Lavarout a reas dezho c'hoazh: Gwall-vat e torrit gourc'hemenn Doue evit mirout an hengoun;
10 For while Moses said “Honour your father and your mother,” and “Let anyone who abuses their father or mother suffer death,”
rak Moizez en deus lavaret: Enor da dad ha da vamm, ha: Piv bennak a villigo e dad pe e vamm a vo lakaet d'ar marv;
11 you say “If a person says to their father or mother ‘Whatever of mine might have been of service to you is Corban’” (which means “Set apart for God”) –
met c'hwi a lavar: An hini a lavaro d'e dad pe d'e vamm: Ar pezh am bije gallet reiñ dit a zo Korban, da lavarout eo ur prof da Zoue,
12 why, then you do not allow them to do anything further for their father or mother!
ne lezit ket anezhañ d'ober netra ken evit e dad pe e vamm,
13 In this way you nullify the words of God by your traditions, which you hand down; and you do many similar things.’
o kas da netra ger Doue gant ho hengoun hoc'h eus graet; ha kalz a draoù all a rit evel-se.
14 Then Jesus called the people to him again, and said, ‘Listen to me, all of you, and mark my words.
Neuze, o vezañ galvet an holl bobl, e lavaras dezho: Selaouit holl ac'hanon, ha komprenit kement-mañ:
15 There is nothing external to a person, which by going into them can defile them; but the things that come out of a person are the things that defile them.’
Netra eus ar pezh a zo er-maez eus an den hag a ya ennañ, ne c'hell e huduraat; met ar pezh a zeu eus an den, ar re-se eo a hudura anezhañ.
Ra selaouo, an neb en deus divskouarn da glevout.
17 When Jesus went indoors, away from the crowd, his disciples began questioning him about this saying.
Pa voe aet en ti, goude bezañ kuitaet ar bobl, e ziskibien a c'houlennas outañ petra oa ar barabolenn-se.
18 ‘What, do even you understand so little?’ exclaimed Jesus. ‘Don’t you see that there is nothing external to a person, which by going into a person, can defile them,
Eñ a lavaras dezho: Bez' oc'h ivez hep skiant? Ne gomprenit ket penaos netra eus ar pezh a ya eus er-maez an den, ne c'hell e lousaat?
19 because it does not pass into his heart, but into his stomach, and is afterwards got rid of?’ – in saying this Jesus pronounced all food clean.
Rak an dra-se ne ya ket er galon, met er c'hof, a belec'h e kouezh el lec'h distro, ar pezh a c'hlana ar boued holl.
20 ‘It is what comes out from a person,’ he added, ‘that defiles them,
Lavarout a rae eta: Ar pezh a zeu eus an den, eo ar pezh a hudara anezhañ.
21 for it is from within, out of the hearts of people, that there come evil thoughts – sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery,
Rak a-ziabarzh, eus kalon an dud eo, e teu ar soñjoù fall, an avoultriezhioù, ar gastaouerezhioù, al lazherezhioù, al laeroñsioù,
22 greed, wickedness, deceit, indecency, envy, slander, haughtiness, folly;
an avaristed, ar fallentezoù, ar faosoni, al loustoni, al lagad avius, an droukkomz, an ourgouilh, ar follentez.
23 all these wicked things come from within, and do defile a person.’
An holl fallentezoù-se a zeu eus an diabarzh hag a hudara an den.
24 On leaving that place, Jesus went to the district of Tyre and Sidon. He went into a house, and did not wish anyone to know it, but could not escape notice.
Hag, o vont ac'hano, ez eas da gostezioù Tir ha Sidon; o vezañ aet en un ti, e felle dezhañ na ouije den kement-se, met ne c'hellas ket chom kuzhet.
25 For a woman, whose little daughter had a foul spirit in her, heard of him immediately, and came and threw herself at his feet –
Rak ur wreg, a oa trec'het he merc'h gant un spered hudur, o vezañ klevet komz dioutañ, a zeuas hag en em daolas d'e dreid.
26 the woman was a foreigner, from Syrian Phoenicia – and she begged him to drive the demon out of her daughter.
Ar wreg-mañ a oa gresian, ha sirofenikian a bobl; hag e pedas anezhañ da gas an diaoul kuit eus he merc'h.
27 ‘Let the children be satisfied first,’ answered Jesus. ‘For it is not fair to take the children’s food, and throw it to dogs.’
Jezuz a lavaras dezhi: Lez da gentañ ar vugale da gaout o gwalc'h; rak n'eo ket mat kemer bara ar vugale, hag e deurel d'ar chas bihan.
28 ‘Yes, Master,’ she replied. ‘Even the dogs under the table do feed on the children’s crumbs.’
Met hi a respontas hag a lavaras dezhañ: Gwir eo, Aotrou; koulskoude ar chas bihan a zebr, dindan an daol, bruzun ar vugale.
29 ‘For saying that,’ he answered, ‘you may go. The demon has gone out of your daughter.’
Neuze eñ a lavaras dezhi: Abalamour d'ar gomz-se, kae, an diaoul a zo aet eus da verc'h.
30 The woman went home, and found the child lying on her bed, and the demon gone.
Hag, o vezañ distroet d'he zi, e kavas an diaoul aet kuit, hag he merc'h gourvezet war ar gwele.
31 On returning from the district of Tyre, Jesus went, by way of Sidon, to the Sea of Galilee, across the district of the Ten Towns.
Jezuz, o vezañ kuitaet kostezioù Tir ha Sidon, a zeuas tost da vor Galilea, o treuziñ bro Dekapoliz.
32 Some people brought to him a man who was deaf and almost dumb, and they begged Jesus to place his hand on him.
Hag e voe degaset dezhañ un den bouzar ha mut, hag e voe pedet da lakaat e zaouarn warnañ.
33 Jesus took him aside from the crowd quietly, put his fingers into the man’s ears, and touched his tongue with saliva.
O vezañ e dennet eus ar bobl a-du, e lakaas e vizied en e zivskouarn; hag o vezañ kemeret eus e grañch, e stokas e deod,
34 Then, looking up to heaven, he sighed, and said to the man, ‘Ephphatha!’ which means “Be opened.”
hag, o sevel e zaoulagad etrezek an neñv, e huanadas hag e lavaras: Effata, da lavarout eo, digor-te.
35 The man’s ears were opened, the string of his tongue was freed, and he began to talk plainly.
Kerkent e zivskouarn a voe digoret, e deod a voe dizereet, hag e komze hep poan.
36 Jesus insisted on their not telling anyone; but the more he insisted, the more perseveringly they made it known,
Jezuz a zifennas outo na lavarjent kement-se da zen; met mui e tifenne outo, seul vui e vrudent anezhañ.
37 and a profound impression was made on the people. ‘He has done everything well!’ they exclaimed. ‘He makes even the deaf hear and the dumb speak!’
Souezhet meurbet e lavarent: Kement a ra a zo burzhudus; d'ar re vouzar e ra klevout, ha d'ar re vut komz.