< Psalms 106 >

1 Praise YAH, give thanks to YHWH, for [He is] good, for His kindness [is] for all time!
Rumbidzai Jehovha. Vongai Jehovha, nokuti akanaka; nokuti rudo rwake runogara nokusingaperi.
2 Who utters the mighty acts of YHWH? Sounds all His praise?
Ndianiko angaparidza mabasa aJehovha esimba, kana kureva kurumbidzwa kwake kwose?
3 O the blessedness of those keeping judgment, Doing righteousness at all times.
Vakaropafadzwa vanochengeta kururamisira, vanogara vachiita zvakarurama.
4 Remember me, O YHWH, With the favor of Your people, Look after me in Your salvation.
Ndirangarirei, imi Jehovha, pamunoratidza nyasha kuvanhu venyu, pamunovaponesa, mundibatsirewo,
5 To look on the good of Your chosen ones, To rejoice in the joy of Your nation, To boast myself with Your inheritance.
kuti ndifadzwe nokubudirira kwavasanangurwa venyu, kuti ndigovane pamufaro wavanhu venyu, uye ndibatane nenhaka yenyu pakurumbidza.
6 We have sinned with our fathers, We have done perversely, we have done wickedly.
Takatadza, sezvakaita madzibaba edu; takaita zvakaipa uye takaita mabasa akaipa.
7 Our fathers in Egypt, Have not considered wisely Your wonders, They have not remembered The abundance of Your kind acts, And provoke by the sea, at the Sea of Suph.
Madzibaba edu paakanga ari muIjipiti, havana kumbofunga nezvezvishamiso zvenyu; havana kurangarira tsitsi dzenyu zhinji, asi vakakumukirai pagungwa, iro Gungwa Dzvuku.
8 And He saves them for His Name’s sake, To make His might known,
Kunyange zvakadaro akavaponesa nokuda kwezita rake, kuti simba rake guru rizivikanwe.
9 And rebukes the Sea of Suph, and it is dried up, And causes them to go Through depths as a wilderness.
Akarayira Gungwa Dzvuku iro rikapwa; uye akavafambisa napakadzika sevanopfuura nomugwenga.
10 And He saves them from the hand Of him who is hating, And redeems them from the hand of the enemy.
Akavaponesa kubva muruoko rwomuvengi; akavadzikinura kubva muruoko rwomuvengi.
11 And waters cover their adversaries, One of them has not been left.
Mvura zhinji yakafukidza vadzivisi vavo; hakuna mumwe wavo akapona.
12 And they believe in His words, they sing His praise,
Ipapo vakatenda vimbiso dzake vakaimba vachimurumbidza.
13 They have hurried—forgotten His works, They have not waited for His counsel.
Asi vakakurumidza kukanganwa zvaakanga aita, uye vakasamirira kurayira kwake.
14 And they lust greatly in a wilderness, And try God in a desert.
Havana kuzvidzora pakukara kwavo mugwenga; vakaedza Mwari murenje.
15 And He gives to them their request, And sends leanness into their soul.
Saka akavapa zvavakakumbira, asi akatuma chirwere chinopedza muviri pamusoro pavo.
16 And they are envious of Moses in the camp, Of Aaron, YHWH’s holy one.
Vakaitira Mozisi godo mumusasa, naAroni, akanga akatsaurirwa kuna Jehovha.
17 Earth opens, and swallows up Dathan, And covers over the company of Abiram.
Nyika yakazaruka ikamedza Dhatani; ikaviga boka raAbhiramu.
18 And fire burns among their company, A flame sets the wicked on fire.
Moto wakapfuta pakati pavateveri vavo; murazvo ukaparadza vakaipa.
19 They make a calf in Horeb, And bow themselves to a molten image,
Vakaumba mhuru paHorebhi, vakanamata chifananidzo chakaumbwa.
20 And change their glory Into the form of an ox eating herbs.
Vakatsinhanisa kubwinya kwavo nomufananidzo wehando, inodya uswa.
21 They have forgotten God their Savior, The doer of great things in Egypt,
Vakakanganwa Mwari akavaponesa, uyo akanga aita zvinhu zvikuru muIjipiti,
22 Of wonderful things in the land of Ham, Of fearful things by the Sea of Suph.
mabasa anoshamisa munyika yaHamu namabasa anotyisa paGungwa Dzvuku.
23 And He commands to destroy them, Unless Moses, His chosen one, Had stood in the breach before Him, To turn back His wrath from destroying.
Saka akati, achavaparadza, dai Mozisi, musanangurwa wake, asina kumira pamberi pake kuti adzore hasha dzake pakuvaparadza.
24 And they kick against the desirable land, They have not given credence to His word.
Ipapo vakazvidza nyika inofadza; havana kutenda zvaakavimbisa.
25 And they murmur in their tents, They have not listened to the voice of YHWH.
Vakanyunyuta vari mumatende avo vakasateerera Jehovha.
26 And He lifts up His hand to them, To cause them to fall in a wilderness,
Saka akapika akasimudza ruoko rwake kuti achavaparadza murenje,
27 And to cause their seed to fall among nations, And to scatter them through lands.
achaparadza zvizvarwa zvavo pakati pendudzi, agovaparadzira munyika dzose.
28 And they are coupled to Ba‘al-Peor, And eat the sacrifices of the dead,
Vakazvibatanidza pamwe chete naBhaari wePeori, uye vakadya zvibayiro zvakabayirwa vamwari vakafa.
29 And they provoke to anger by their actions, And a plague breaks forth on them,
Vakatsamwisa Jehovha namabasa avo akaipa, uye denda rikavapo pakati pavo.
30 And Phinehas stands, and executes judgment, And the plague is restrained,
Asi Finehasi akasimuka, akaita zvakarurama, denda rikaguma.
31 And it is reckoned to him for righteousness, From generation to generation—for all time.
Izvozvo zvakanzi kwaari kururama kusvikira kuzvizvarwa nezvizvarwa nokusingaperi.
32 And they cause wrath by the waters of Meribah, And it is evil to Moses for their sakes,
Vakatsamwisa Jehovha pamvura zhinji yeMeribha, uye Mozisi akaoneswa nhamo nokuda kwavo;
33 For they have provoked his spirit, And he speaks wrongfully with his lips.
nokuti vakamukira Mweya waMwari, Mozisi akataura nehasha nomuromo wake.
34 They have not destroyed the peoples, As YHWH had commanded to them,
Havana kuparadza marudzi sokurayirwa kwavakaitwa naJehovha,
35 And mix themselves among nations, and learn their works,
asi vakavhengana nendudzi, vakatora tsika dzavo.
36 And serve their idols, And they are for a snare to them.
Vakanamata zvifananidzo zvavo, izvo zvakazova musungo kwavari.
37 And they sacrifice their sons and their daughters to the demons,
Vakabayira vanakomana vavo navanasikana vavo kumadhimoni.
38 And they shed innocent blood—Blood of their sons and of their daughters, Whom they have sacrificed to idols of Canaan, And the land is profaned with blood.
Vakateura ropa risina mhosva, iro ropa ravanakomana vavo neravanasikana vavo, vavakabayira kuzvifananidzo zveKenani, nyika ikasvibiswa neropa ravo.
39 And they are defiled with their works, And commit whoredom in their habitual doings.
Vakazvisvibisa nezvavakaita; vakazviitisa ufeve namabasa avo.
40 And the anger of YHWH Is kindled against His people, And He detests His inheritance.
Naizvozvo Jehovha akatsamwira vanhu vake, akasema nhaka yake.
41 And gives them into the hand of nations, And those hating them rule over them,
Akavaisa mumaoko endudzi, uye vakatongwa navavengi vavo.
42 And their enemies oppress them, And they are humbled under their hand.
Vavengi vavo vakavadzvinyirira, uye vakavaisa pasi pesimba ravo.
43 He delivers them many times, And they rebel in their counsel, And they are brought low in their iniquity.
Akavarwira kakawanda, asi ivo vakanga vakarerekera pakumumukira vakaparadzwa muchivi chavo.
44 And He looks on their distress When He hears their cry,
Asi akatarisa kutambudzika kwavo paakanzwa kuchema kwavo;
45 And remembers His covenant for them, And is comforted, According to the abundance of His kindness.
akarangarira sungano yake nokuda kwavo, uye akazvidemba nokuda kworudo rwake rukuru.
46 And He appoints them for mercies Before all their captors.
Akaita kuti vanzwirwe tsitsi navose vakavatapa.
47 Save us, O our God YHWH, and gather us from the nations, To give thanks to Your Holy Name, To glory in Your praise.
Tiponesei, imi Jehovha Mwari wedu, uye mutiunganidze kubva kundudzi, kuti tigovonga zita renyu dzvene. Tigofara mukurumbidzwa kwenyu.
48 Blessed [is] YHWH, God of Israel, From age until age. And all the people said, “Amen, praise YAH!”
Jehovha ngaarumbidzwe, iye Mwari waIsraeri, kubva pakusingaperi kusvikira pakusingaperi. Vanhu vose ngavati, “Ameni!” Rumbidzai Jehovha.

< Psalms 106 >