< 1 Samuel 28 >
1 And it comes to pass in those days, that the Philistines gather their camps for the war, to fight against Israel, and Achish says to David, “You certainly know that you go out with me into the camp, you and your men.”
I dei dagarne fylkte filistarane krigsherane sine til strid mot Israel. Og Akis sagde med David: «Det skal du vita for visst, at du og kararne dine lyt fara i herferd med meg!»
2 And David says to Achish, “Therefore you know that which your servant does.” And Achish says to David, “Therefore I appoint you keeper of my head [for] all the days.”
David svara Akis: «Ja vel, då skal du ogso røyna kva tenaren din duger til!» Akis sagde med David: «Ja vel, so set eg deg til livvakt hjå meg alle dagar.»
3 And Samuel has died, and all Israel mourns for him, and buries him in Ramah, even in his city, and Saul has turned aside those having familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land.
Samuel var dåen. Heile Israel hadde gråte yver honom. Og dei hadde gravlagt honom heime i Rama. Og Saul hadde rudt ut or landet deim som mana fram draugar og spåvette.
4 And the Philistines are gathered, and come in, and encamp in Shunem, and Saul gathers all Israel, and they encamp in Gilboa,
Filistarane fylgte seg og lagde seg i læger attmed Sunem. Då fylkte ogso Saul heile Israel, og dei lægra seg ved Gilboa.
5 and Saul sees the camp of the Philistines, and fears, and his heart trembles greatly,
Då Saul såg filistarlægret, vart han so rædd at hjarta hans skalv.
6 and Saul inquires of YHWH, and YHWH has not answered him, either by the dreams, or by the Lights, or by the prophets.
Og Saul spurde Herren. Men Herren svara honom ikkje, antan gjenom draumar eller gjenom urim eller gjenom profetar.
7 And Saul says to his servants, “Seek a woman for me possessing a familiar spirit, and I go to her, and inquire of her”; and his servants say to him, “Behold, a woman possessing a familiar spirit [is] in En-dor.”
Då sagde Saul med tenarane sine: «Leita upp for meg ei som manar fram draugar, so gjeng eg åt henne og gjer spursmål til henne.» Tenarane svara: «I En-Dor er ei kona som manar fram draugar.»
8 And Saul disguises himself and puts on other garments, and goes, he and two of the men with him, and they come to the woman by night, and he says, “Please divine to me by the familiar spirit, and cause him whom I say to you to come up to me.”
Saul gjorde seg ukjenneleg, tok på seg andre klæde, og gjekk avstad med tvo fylgjesveinar. Dei kom til kona nattars tid. Og han sagde: «Få ein draug til å spå meg! Mana fram åt meg den eg nemner for deg!»
9 And the woman says to him, “Behold, you have known that which Saul has done, that he has cut off those having familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land; and why are you laying a snare for my soul—to put me to death?”
Kona svara: «Du veit då sjølv kva Saul hev gjort, at han hev rudt ut or landet deim som manar fram draugar og spåvette. Kvifor vil du då leggja ut snaror for meg, so eg må lata livet?»
10 And Saul swears to her by YHWH, saying, “YHWH lives, punishment does not meet you for this thing.”
Saul svor ein eid til henne ved Herren og sagde: «So sant Herren liver: ingi skuld skal råka deg for denne saki!»
11 And the woman says, “Whom do I bring up to you?” And he says, “Bring up Samuel to me.”
Kona spurde: «Kven vil du eg skal mana for deg?» Han svara: «Mana fram åt meg Samuel!»
12 And the woman sees Samuel, and cries with a loud voice, and the woman speaks to Saul, saying, “Why have you deceived me? For you [are] Saul!”
Då kona fekk sjå Samuel, sette ho i eit høgt skrik. Og ho sagde med Saul: «Kvifor hev du svike meg? Du er Saul!»
13 And the king says to her, “Do not fear; for what have you seen?” And the woman says to Saul, “I have seen gods coming up out of the earth.”
Kongen svara: «Ver hugheil! Kva er det du ser?» Kona sagde: «Eg ser ein gud koma upp or jordi.»
14 And he says to her, “What [is] his form?” And she says, “An aged man is coming up, and he [is] covered with an upper robe”; and Saul knows that he [is] Samuel, and bows—face to her earth—and pays respect.
«Korleis ser han ut?» spurde han. Ho svara: «Det er ein gamall mann som kjem upp, sveipt i ei kåpa.» Då skyna Saul det var Samuel, og lutte andlitet mot jordi og bøygde seg for honom.
15 And Samuel says to Saul, “Why have you troubled me, to bring me up?” And Saul says, “I have great distress, and the Philistines are fighting against me, God has turned aside from me, and has not answered me anymore, either by the hand of the prophets, or by dreams; and I call for you to let me know what I [should] do.”
Og Samuel spurde Saul: «Kvi uroar du meg og manar meg fram?» Saul svara: «Eg er i stor naud. Filistarane fører krig mot meg, og Gud hev vike frå meg og svarar meg ikkje, anten gjenom profetar eller gjenom draumar. Difor kalla eg på deg, so eg fær vita kva eg skal gjera.»
16 And Samuel says, “And why do you ask me, and YHWH has turned aside from you, and is your enemy?
Samuel svara: «Kvi spør du meg, når Herren hev vike frå deg og hev vorte uvenen din?
17 And YHWH does for Himself as He has spoken by my hand, and YHWH tears the kingdom out of your hand, and gives it to your neighbor—to David.
Herren hev no gjort med deg som han sagde gjenom min munn: Herren hev rive riket ut or di hand og gjeve det åt ein annan, åt David.
18 Because you have not listened to the voice of YHWH, nor did the fierceness of His anger on Amalek—therefore YHWH has done this thing to you this day;
Av di du ikkje lydde Herren og ikkje let den brennande harmen hans råka Amalek, difor hev Herren gjort dette mot deg no.
19 indeed, YHWH also gives Israel into the hand of the Philistines with you, and tomorrow you and your sons [are] with me; YHWH also gives the camp of Israel into the hand of the Philistines.”
Herren vil gjeva både deg og Israel i filistarmagt. I morgon skal du og sønerne dine vera hjå meg. Og jamvel Israels-lægret vil Herren gjeva i filistarmagt.»
20 And Saul hurries and falls—the fullness of his stature—to the earth, and fears greatly because of the words of Samuel; also power was not in him, for he had not eaten bread all the day, and all the night.
Då datt Saul brått til jordi so lang han var; so forfærd vart han for ordi frå Samuel. Magtløysa tok honom; for han hadde ikkje smaka matbiten eit heilt døger.
21 And the woman comes to Saul, and sees that he has been greatly troubled, and says to him, “Behold, your maidservant has listened to your voice, and I put my soul in my hand, and I obey your words which you have spoken to me;
Kona gjekk fram åt Saul. Og då ho såg kor reint forstøkt han var, sagde ho med honom: «Sjå terna di lydde deg, og eg våga livet og rette meg etter dei ordi du tala åt meg.
22 and now, please listen, you also, to the voice of your maidservant, and I set a morsel of bread before you; and eat, and there is power in you when you go in the way.”
So lyd no du terna di, so vil eg setja fram litevetta mat åt deg, og du må eta, so du kann magtast att fyrr du fer din veg.»
23 And he refuses and says, “I do not eat”; and his servants urge him on, and also the woman, and he listens to their voice, and rises from the earth, and sits on the bed.
Han vilde ikkje: «Eg vil ikkje eta», sagde han. Men då både tenarane og kona naubad honom, so let han seg segja, reis upp, og sette seg på sengi.
24 And the woman has a calf of the stall in the house, and she hurries and slaughters it, and takes flour, and kneads, and bakes it [into] unleavened things,
Kona hadde ein gjødkalv heime. Ho skunda seg, fekk slagta honom. So tok ho mjøl, knoda og baka søtebrød.
25 and brings [them] near before Saul, and before his servants, and they eat, and rise, and go on during that night.
So bar ho det fram for Saul og tenarane. Og då dei hadde ete, reis dei upp, og gjekk av stad same natti.