< Psalms 77 >
1 “To the chief musician on Jeduthun, by Assaph a psalm.” [I lift up] my voice unto God, and I cry; [I lilt up] my voice unto God: do then give ear unto me.
KAHEA aku la au i ke Akua ma ko'u leo, Ma ko'u leo i ke Akua, a hoolohe mai la ia ia'u.
2 On the day of my distress I sought the Lord; in the night my hand was stretched out, and did not cease: my soul refused to be comforted.
I ko'u la i popilikia ai, nonoi aku la au i ka Haku: Kikoo aku la kuu lima i ka po, aole i haule: Hoole iho la kuu naau, aole ia e hoomahaia.
3 I think of God, and moan: I reflect, and my spirit is overwhelmed. (Selah)
Hoomanao aku la au i ke Akua, a kupikipikio iho la; Noonoo aku la au, a maule iho la kuu naau. (Sila)
4 Thou holdest my eyes awake: I am troubled and I cannot speak.
Ua paa ia oe na alu o ko'u mau maka: Ua lauwiliia hoi au, aole hiki ke olelo aku.
5 I think over the days of old, the years of ancient times.
Noonoo no au i na la kahiko, I na makahiki hoi o ka wa mamua loa aku.
6 I call to remembrance my song in the night; with my own heart I reflect: and my spirit maketh diligent search.
Hoomanao iho la au i kuu mele i ka po: Me kuu naau wau i kukakuka iho ai; Huli ikaika hoi ko'u manao.
7 Will the Lord cast me off for ever? and will he never more give his favor again?
E kipaku anei ka Haku i ka manawa pau ole? Aole anei ia e maliu hou mai?
8 Is his kindness spent for ever? is his promise come to an end for all generations?
Ua pauhia anei kona lokomaikai? Ua hala mau loa aku anei kana olelo?
9 Hath God forgotten to be gracious? or hath he shut up in anger his mercies? (Selah)
Ua hoopoina anei ke Akua i ka lokomaikai? Ua puliki anei oia i kona aloha iloko o ka huhu? (Sila)
10 And I said, This shall be my entreaty, [for] the years of the right hand of the Most High.
I aku la au, o ko'u nawaliwali keia, O na makahiki o ka lima akau o ka Mea kiekie loa.
11 I will remember the deeds of the Lord; for I will remember out of ancient times thy wonders.
E hoomanao aku au i na hana mana a Iehova: E hoomanaoio no hoi au i na mea kupanaha au, i ka wa kahiko.
12 I will meditate also of all thy work, and on thy deeds will I reflect.
E noonoo aku au i kau hana a pau, A e manao nui hoi i kau mau haua mana.
13 O God, in holiness is thy way: where is there a god so great as God?
Aia kou aoao, e ke Akua, ma kahi hoano, Owai la ke Akua nui e like me ke Akua?
14 Thou art the God that dost wonders: thou hast made known among the people thy strength.
O oe ke Akua nana i hana na mea mana: Ua hoike mai no hoi oe i kou ikaika mawaena o na kanaka.
15 Thou hast redeemed with [a mighty] arm thy people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. (Selah)
I kou lima iho no oe i panai ai i kou poe kanaka, I na mamo a Iseraela, a me Iosepa. (Sila)
16 The waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee; they shook: also the depths trembled.
Ike aku la na wai ia oe, e ke Akua; Ike aku la na wai ia oe, a haalulu iho la: Kupikipikio no hoi na hohonu.
17 The clouds poured out water; the skies sent forth thunder: also thy arrows sped along.
Ninini mai la hoi na ao i ka wai: Hoohekili mai la hoi na ao; Hoholo ae la na uila ou.
18 The voice of thy thunder was in the whirlwind; lightnings gave light to the world; the earth trembled and quaked,
Maloko o ka puahiohio ka leo o kou hekili: Hoomalamalama mai la na uila i ka honua: Naue iho la ka honua me ka haalulu.
19 Through the sea led thy way, and thy path was through mighty waters, and thy footsteps could not be known.
Aia kou kuamoo ma ka moana, A o kou alanui hoi ma na wai nui; Aole i ikeia kou mau kapuwai.
20 Thou didst lead like a flock thy people by means of Moses and Aaron.
Alakai aku no oe i kou poe me he ohana hipa la, Ma ka lima o Mose, ma laua o Aarona.