< Psalms 139 >

1 “To the chief musician, by David, a psalm.” O Lord! thou hast searched me through, and thou knowest [me].
Kumqondisi wokuhlabela. ElikaDavida. Ihubo. Oh Thixo, usungihlolile usungazi.
2 Thou indeed knowest my sitting down and my rising up, thou understandest my thinking while yet afar off.
Uyakwazi lapho ngihlala lalapho ngiphakama; uyayibona imicabango yami lanxa ukhatshana.
3 My walking and my lying down hast thou limited, and with all my ways art thou acquainted.
Uyananzelela ukuphuma kwami lokulala phansi kwami; uzazi kuhle zonke izindlela zami.
4 For, while there is not a word on my tongue, lo, thou, O Lord, knowest it entirely.
Ilizwi lingakabi khona elimini lwami usulazi lonke, wena Thixo.
5 Behind and before hast thou hedged me in, and thou placest upon me thy hand.
Uyangihonqolozela emuva laphambili; ubekile isandla sakho phezu kwami.
6 Too wonderful is such knowledge for me: it is too exalted, I cannot attain unto it.
Ukwazi okunje kungumangaliso kimi, kuphakeme kakhulu ngeke ngikufinyelele.
7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee away from thy presence?
Ngingaya ngaphi ngisuke eMoyeni wakho na? Ngingabalekela ngaphi ngisuke kuwe na?
8 If I should ascend into heaven, thou art there; and if I should make my bed in the nether world, behold, thou art there. (Sheol h7585)
Ngingakhuphukela emazulwini, ukhona lapho; nxa ngilala ezinzikini, ukhona lapho. (Sheol h7585)
9 If I should lift up the wings of the morning-dawn, if I should dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea:
Aluba ngindiza ngamaphiko okusa, aluba ngisehlela ngaphetsheya kolwandle,
10 Even there would thy hand lead me, and thy right hand would seize hold of me.
lalapho isandla sakho sizangikhokhela, isandla sakho sokunene sizangibamba singiqinise.
11 If I said, Surely darkness shall enshroud me, and into night [be turned] the light about me:
Nxa ngisithi, “Ngempela ubumnyama buzangifihla ukukhanya kube yibusuku eduze kwami,”
12 Yet even darkness can obscure nothing from thee; but the night will shine like the day; both the darkness and the light are alike [to thee].
lalobo bumnyama kabukuba mnyama kuwe; ubusuku buzakhanya njengemini, ngoba ubumnyama buyikukhanya kuwe.
13 For thou possessest my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
Ngoba wadala ingaphakathi yobuyimi; wangiphetha kuhle ndawonye esiswini sikamama.
14 I will thank thee therefore, that I am [so] fearfully [and] wonderfully made: wonderful are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
Ngiyakudumisa ngokuthi ngabunjwa ngesimanga esesabekayo; iyamangalisa imisebenzi yakho, lokho ngikwazi kamhlophe.
15 My being was not concealed from thee, when I was made in secret, when I was [so to say] embroidered in the lowest parts of the earth.
Isimo samathambo ami sasingafihlekanga kuwe lapho ngangisenziwa endaweni esithekileyo. Lapho ngangiselukelwa ndawonye ezinzikini zomhlaba,
16 My undeveloped substance did thy eyes see; and in thy book were all of them written down—the days which have been formed, while yet not one of them was here.
amehlo akho awubona umzimba wami ungakabi lesimo. Zonke insuku ezamiselwa mina zabhalwa encwadini yakho lalunye lwazo lungakabi khona.
17 And how precious are unto me thy thoughts, O God! how mightily great is their sum!
Iligugu elinganani kimi imicabango yakho, Oh Nkulunkulu! Bukhulu kanganani ubunengi bayo!
18 Should I count them, they would be more numerous than the sand: I awake, and I am still with thee.
Aluba ngingayibala ingedlula ubunengi bezinhlamvu zetshebetshebe. Ngithi nxa ngivuka ngibe ngilokhu ngilawe.
19 If thou wouldst but slay the wicked, O God! and ye men of blood, depart from me.
Ungasake ubabulale ababi, awu Nkulunkulu! Sukani kimi lina bachithi begazi!
20 Who speak of thee for a wicked end, thy enemies, that bear [thy name] for a vain purpose.
Bakhuluma ngawe beqonde ububi; abakuphikisayo badlala ngebizo lakho.
21 Behold, those that hate thee I ever hate, O Lord; and for those that rise up against thee do I feel loathing.
Kangibazondi yini abakuzondayo na Oh, Thixo, ngibenyanye labo abakuvukelayo na?
22 With the utmost hatred do I hate them: enemies are they become unto me.
Ngiyabazonda ngenzondo yonke; ngithi bayizitha zami.
23 Search me through, O God, and know my heart; probe me, and know my thoughts:
Ngihlola, Oh Nkulunkulu, uyazi inhliziyo yami; ngizama ukuze wazi ukunqineka kwemicabango yami.
24 And see if there be a way of perverseness in me, and lead me on the way of eternity.
Ake ubone ingabe kulendledlana embi kimi, ungihole ngendlela yaphakade.

< Psalms 139 >