< Proverbs 28 >

1 Every wicked fleeth when no man pursueth; but the righteous are like the confident young lion.
They flee and there not [is one who] pursues [the] wicked and righteous [people] like a young lion he is confident.
2 When there is transgression in a land, it hath many for its princes; but under a man of understanding and knowledge [its] prosperity will long continue.
By [the] transgression of a land [are] many princes its and by a person understanding knowing thus it will last long.
3 A poor man that oppresseth the indigent is like a sweeping rain which bringeth no bread.
A man poor and [who] oppresses poor [people] rain [which] washes away and there not [is] food.
4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked; but such as observe the law contend with them.
[those who] forsake [the] law They praise [the] wicked and [those who] keep [the] law they engage in strife with them.
5 Bad men understand not justice; but they that seek the Lord understand all things.
People of evil not they understand justice and [those who] seek Yahweh they understand everything.
6 Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.
[is] good A poor [person] [who] walks in integrity his more than [the] [person] perverse of two ways and he [is] rich.
7 Whoso keepeth the law is an intelligent son; but he that is a companion of gluttons bringeth dishonor on his father.
[one who] keeps [the] law [is] a son Understanding and [one who] associates with gluttons he shames father his.
8 He that increaseth his wealth by interest and usury will gather it for him that will be kind to the poor.
[one who] increases Wealth his by interest (and usury *Q(K)*) for [one who] shows favor to poor [people] he gathers it.
9 When one turneth away his ear so as not to listen to the law, even his prayer becometh an abomination.
[one who] turns aside Ear his from hearing [the] law also prayer his [is] an abomination.
10 Whoso causeth the upright to go astray on an evil way, will surely fall into his own ditch; but the men of integrity will inherit what is good.
[one who] leads astray Upright [people] - in a way evil in own pit his he he will fall and blameless [people] they will inherit good.
11 The rich man is wise in his own eyes; but the indigent that hath understanding can search him through.
[is] wise In own eyes his a person rich and a poor [person] understanding he examines thoroughly him.
12 When the righteous exult, there is great splendor; but when the wicked rise up, a man hath to be sought for.
When rejoice righteous [people] great glory and when arise wicked [people] he is searched for everyone.
13 He that concealeth his transgressions will not prosper; but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them will obtain mercy.
[one who] conceals Transgressions his not he will prosper and [one who] confesses and [one who] forsakes [them] he will be shown mercy.
14 Happy is the man that always dreadeth [to do evil]; but he that hardeneth his heart will fall into unhappiness.
How blessed! [is] a person [who] fears continually and [one who] hardens heart his he will fall in calamity.
15 As a roaring lion, and a greedy bear, so is a wicked ruler over an indigent people.
A lion roaring and a bear rushing a ruler wicked over a people poor.
16 The prince that is void of understanding is also a great oppressor; [but] he that hateth unjust gain will prolong his days.
A ruler lacking of understanding and great of extortion ([one who] hates *Q(K)*) unjust gain he will prolong days.
17 A man oppressed by the load of having shed human blood will flee even to the pit: let no man hold him.
A person oppressed by [the] blood of a life to [the] pit he will flee may not people support him.
18 Whoso walketh in integrity will be saved; but he that walketh perversely on two paths, will fall on one.
[one who] walks Blameless he will be delivered and [one who] is crooked of two ways he will fall at one.
19 He that tilleth his ground will have plenty of bread; but he that runneth after idle persons will have enough of poverty.
[one who] tills Land his he will be satisfied food and [one who] pursues empty [things] he will be satisfied poverty.
20 A faithful man will abound with blessings; but he that maketh haste to be rich will not go unpunished.
A person of faithfulness [will be] great of blessings and [one who] hastens to gain riches not he will go unpunished.
21 To have respect to persons is not good; because even for a piece of bread will a man transgress.
To pay regard to face not [is] good and on a piece of bread he will transgress a man.
22 He that is eager for wealth is a man of an evil eye, and he knoweth not that want will come upon him.
[is] hastening To wealth a person evil of eye and not he knows that poverty it will come to him.
23 He that reproveth a man after [my example] will obtain more grace than he that flattereth with the tongue.
[one who] reproves A person after me favor he will find more than [one who] makes smooth [the] tongue.
24 Whoso robbeth his father or his mother, and saith, it is no transgression, —the same is a companion of a destroyer.
[one who] robs - Father his and mother his and [one who] says there not [is] a transgression [is] a companion he of a person of destruction.
25 He that hath an insatiable desire stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the Lord will be abundantly gratified.
A [person] arrogant of self he stirs up strife and [one who] relies on Yahweh he will be made fat.
26 He that trusteth in his own sense is a fool; but whoso walketh in wisdom, will ever escape.
[one who] trusts In own heart his he [is] a fool and [one who] walks in wisdom he he will be delivered.
27 He that giveth unto the poor will not have any want; but he that hideth his eyes will have an abundance of curses.
[one who] gives To the poor there not [is] lack and [one who] hides eyes his great of curses.
28 When the wicked rise, men conceal themselves; but when they perish, the righteous increase.
When arise wicked [people] he hides himself everyone and when perish they they increase righteous [people].

< Proverbs 28 >