< Proverbs 13 >
1 A wise son [becometh so] by the correction of his father; but a scorner hearkeneth not to rebuke.
Indodana ehlakaniphileyo iyemukela izeluleko zikayise, kodwa ihlongandlebe kalilaleli nxa likhuzwa.
2 From the fruit of a man's mouth doth he eat what is good; but the longing of the treacherous is for violence.
Umuntu uzuza okuhle ngamazwi omlomo wakhe, kodwa ababi batshisekela udlakela.
3 He that watcheth his mouth guardeth his soul; but he that openeth wide his lips [prepareth] himself destruction.
Lowo olinda izindebe zakhe ulinda impilo yakhe, kodwa lowo osuka abhede nje uyazibulala.
4 The sluggard longeth [in] his soul, and there [cometh] nothing; but the soul of the diligent will be abundantly gratified.
Ivila liyafisa kodwa lingazuzi lutho, kodwa izifiso zokhutheleyo ziyagcwaliseka.
5 The righteous hateth the word of falsehood; but the wicked bringeth shame and dishonor.
Abalungileyo bayakuzonda okungamanga, kodwa izigangi ziletha ihlazo lesigcono.
6 Righteousness keepeth [him that is] upright on his way; but wickedness perverteth the [man of] sin.
Ukulunga kuyamlinda umuntu oqotho, kodwa ububi buyamchitha oyisoni.
7 There is some one that pretendeth to be rich without having any thing; another that pretendeth to be poor while having abundant wealth.
Umuntu angazenza onothileyo, yena engelalutho, omunye azitshaye umyanga, kanti elenotho enengi.
8 As the ransom of a man's life [hath he often to give] his riches; but the poor heareth no threat.
Inotho yomuntu ingahlenga impilo yakhe, kodwa umyanga uvele kasongelwa muntu.
9 The light of the righteous burneth joyfully; but the lamp of the wicked will be quenched.
Isibane sabalungileyo sikhanya sithi kla! Kodwa isibane sezigangi siyafiphala ngentuthu.
10 Only through presumptuous conduct doth man produce contention; but with the well-advised is wisdom.
Ukuziqakisa kukhokhelela engxabanweni, kodwa ukuhlakanipha kufunyanwa kwabemukela ukwelulekwa.
11 Wealth [gotten] by vain deeds will be diminished; but he that gathereth by close labor will increase it.
Imali ezuzwe ngobuqili iyanyamalala, kodwa lowo oyizuza ngokuqogelela uyayandisa.
12 Expectation long deferred maketh the heart sick; but a tree of life is a desire which is fulfilled.
Ithemba eliphuzayo ligulisa inhliziyo, kodwa isifiso esigcwalisiweyo siyisihlahla sokuphila.
13 Whoso despiseth the word shall fall in debt to it; but he that feareth the commandment will be rewarded.
Lowo oweyisa izeluleko uzibizela ingozi, kodwa othobela umlayo uzaphiwa umvuzo.
14 The instruction of the wise is a source of life, [teaching] to avoid the snares of death.
Imfundiso yabahlakaniphileyo ingumthombo wokuphila, iphephisa umuntu emijibileni yokufa.
15 Good intelligence giveth grace; but the way of the treacherous is hard.
Ukuzwisisa okuhle kuletha ukuthandeka, kodwa indlela yabakhohlisayo inzima.
16 Every prudent man acteth with knowledge; but a fool spreadeth abroad his folly.
Wonke umuntu ohlakaniphileyo wenza konke ngolwazi, kodwa isiwula sitshengisa ubuthutha baso.
17 A wicked messenger falleth into unhappiness; but a faithful ambassador [bringeth] healing.
Isithunywa esibi siwela phakathi kohlupho, kodwa isithunywa esithembekileyo siletha ukusila.
18 Poverty and disgrace will overtake him that rejecteth correction; but he that observeth admonition will be honored.
Ongananzi ukuqondiswa wehlelwa yibuyanga lehlazo, kodwa onanza ukukhuzwa uyadunyiswa.
19 A desire accomplished is pleasant to the soul; but it is abomination to fools to depart from evil.
Simnandi emphefumulweni isifiso singagcwaliseka, kodwa iziwula kazifuni ukutshiya ububi.
20 He that walketh with wise men will become wise; but he that associateth with fools will be destroyed.
Ohamba lezihlakaniphi uyahlakanipha, kodwa othandana leziwula uwela engozini.
21 Evil pursueth the sinners; but the righteous will [God] repay with happiness.
Umnyama ulandelana loyisoni, kodwa impumelelo ingumvuzo wabalungileyo.
22 A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children; but the wealth of the sinner is treasured up for the righteous.
Umuntu olungileyo utshiyela izizukulwane sakhe ilifa, kodwa inotho yesoni ibekelwa abalungileyo.
23 Much food bringeth the new-tilled ground of the poor; but there are many others that are taken away through injustice.
Insimu yomyanga ingathela ukudla okunengi, kodwa umona wabalamandla uyayikhukhula.
24 He that withholdeth his rod hateth his son; but he that loveth him chastiseth him betimes.
Lowo ongasebenzisi uswazi uyayizonda indodana yakhe, kodwa lowo oyithandayo unqinekela ukuyiqondisa.
25 The righteous eateth to satisfy his desire [to eat]; but the belly of the wicked always suffereth want.
Olungileyo uyadla asuthe ntintinini, kodwa isisu somubi sihlala silambile.