< Jeremias 41 >

1 The word that came to Jeremias from the Lord (now Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon, and all his army, and all the country of his dominion, were warring against Jerusalem, and against all the cities of Juda, ) saying,
A wata na goma sha bakwai sai Ishmayel ɗan Netaniya, ɗan Elishama, wanda yake mai jinin sarauta yake kuma ɗaya daga cikin hafsoshin sarki, ya zo tare da mutum goma wurin Gedaliya ɗan Ahikam a Mizfa. Yayinda suke ci tare a can,
2 Thus has the Lord said; Go to Sedekias king of Juda, and you shall say to him, Thus has the Lord said, This city shall certainly be delivered into the hands of the king of Babylon, and he shall take it, and shall burn it with fire:
sai Ishmayel ɗan Netaniya da mutum goma waɗanda suke tare da shi suka kashe Gedaliya ɗan Ahikam, ɗan Shafan, da takobi, suka kashe wannan da sarkin Babilon ya naɗa a matsayin gwamna a kan ƙasar.
3 and you shall not escape out of his hand, but shall certainly be taken, and shall be given into his hands; and your eyes shall see his eyes, and you shall enter into Babylon.
Ishmayel ya kuma kashe dukan Yahudawan da suke tare da Gedaliya a Mizfa, haka ma ya yi da sojojin Babiloniyawan da suke can.
4 But hear the word of the Lord, O Sedekias king of Juda; Thus says the Lord,
Kashegari bayan an kashe Gedaliya, kafin wani ya san abin da ya faru,
5 You shall die in peace: and as they wept for your fathers that reigned before you, they shall weep also for you, [saying], Ah lord! and they shall lament for you down to the grave: for I have spoken the word, said the Lord.
sai ga mutane tamanin daga Shekem, Shilo da Samariya suka zo da gemunsu a aske, da tufafinsu a kece, da jikunansu a tsage, suka kawo hadayun gari da turare tare da su a gidan Ubangiji.
6 And Jeremias spoke to king Sedekias all these words in Jerusalem.
Ishmayel ɗan Netaniya ya fito daga Mizfa don yă sadu da su. Sa’ad da ya sadu da su, sai ya ce, “Ku zo wurin Gedaliya ɗan Ahikam.”
7 And the host of the king of Babylon warred against Jerusalem, and against the cities of Juda, and against Lachis, and against Azeca: for these strong cities were left among the cities of Juda.
Da suka shiga cikin birni, sai Ishmayel ɗan Netaniya da mutanen da suke tare da shi suka karkashe su suka zubar a rijiya.
8 The word that came from the Lord to Jeremias, after king Sedekias had concluded a covenant with the people, to proclaim a release;
Amma goma daga cikinsu suka ce wa Ishmayel, “Kada ka kashe mu, muna da alkama da sha’ir, mai da kuma zuma, a ɓoye a gona.” Saboda haka ka bar mu kada ka kashe mu tare da sauran.
9 That every one should set at liberty his servant, and every one has handmaid, the Hebrew man and Hebrew woman, that no man of Juda should be a bondman.
To, rijiyar da ya zubar da gawawwakin mutanen da ya kashe tare da ta Gedaliya ita ce wadda Sarki Asa ya haƙa a matsayin kāriya saboda Ba’asha sarkin Isra’ila. Ishmayel ɗan Netaniya ya cika ta da gawawwaki.
10 Then all the nobles, and all the people who had entered into the covenant, [engaging] to set free every one his man-servant, and every one his maid, turned,
Ishmayel ya mai da dukan sauran mutanen da suke Mizfa bayi’ya’yan sarki mata tare da dukan sauran da aka bari a can, waɗanda Nebuzaradan shugaban matsaran sarki ya bari a hannun Gedaliya ɗan Ahikam. Ishmayel ɗan Netaniya ya kwashe su ganima, ya tashi don yă haye zuwa wurin Ammonawa.
11 and gave them over to be menservants and maidservants.
Sa’ad da Yohanan ɗan Kareya da dukan shugabannin sojojin da suke tare da shi suka ji dukan laifofin da Ishmayel ɗan Netaniya ya aikata,
12 And the word of the Lord came to Jeremias, saying,
sai suka kwashe dukan mutanensu suka tafi don su yaƙi Ishmayel ɗan Netaniya. Suka iske shi kusa da babban tafki a Gibeyon.
13 Thus says the Lord; I made a covenant with your fathers in the day wherein I took them out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, saying,
Sa’ad da dukan mutanen da suke tare da Ishmayel suka ga Yohanan ɗan Kareya da shugabannin sojojin da suke tare da shi, sai suka yi farin ciki.
14 When six years are accomplished, you shall set free your brother the Hebrew, who shall be sold to you: for he shall serve you six years, and [then] you shall let him go free: but they listened not to me, and inclined not their ear.
Dukan mutanen da Ishmayel ya kame a Mizfa suka juya, suka tafi wurin Yohanan ɗan Kareya.
15 And this day they turned to do that which was right in my sight, to proclaim every one the release of his neighbor; and they had concluded a covenant before me, in the house whereon my name is called.
Amma Ishmayel ɗan Netaniya da mutanensa takwas suka tsere daga Yohanan suka gudu zuwa wurin Ammonawa.
16 But you turned and profaned my name, to bring back every one his servant, and every one his handmaid, whom you had sent forth free [and] at their own disposal, to be to you menservants and maidservants.
Sai Yohanan ɗan Kareya da dukan shugabannin sojojin da suke tare da shi suka bi da dukan waɗanda suka tsira daga Mizfa waɗanda ya karɓe daga Ishmayel ɗan Netaniya bayan ya kashe Gedaliya ɗan Ahikam, wato, sojoji, mata, yara da fadawan da ya kawo daga Gibeyon
17 Therefore thus said the Lord; You have not listened to me, to proclaim a release every one to his neighbor: behold, I proclaim a release to you, to the sword, and to the pestilence, and to the famine; and I will give you up to dispersion [among] all the kingdoms of the earth.
Sai suka ci gaba, suka dakata a Gerut Kimham kusa da Betlehem a kan hanyarsu zuwa Masar
18 And I will give the men that have transgressed my covenant, who have not kept my covenant, which they made before me, the calf which they prepared to sacrifice with it,
don su kuɓuce wa Babiloniyawa. Sun ji tsoronsu domin Ishmayel ɗan Netaniya ya kashe Gedaliya ɗan Ahikam, wanda sarkin Babilon ya naɗa gwamna a kan ƙasar.
19 the princes of Juda, and the men in power, and the priests, and the people;
20 I will even give them to their enemies, and their carcases shall be food for the birds of the sky and for the wild beasts of the earth.
21 And I will give Sedekias king of Judea, and their princes, into the hands of their enemies, and the host of the king of Babylon [shall come upon] them that run away from them.
22 Behold, I [will] give command, says the Lord, and will bring them back to this land; and they shall fight against it, and take it, and burn it with fire, and the cities of Juda; and I will make them desolate without inhabitants.

< Jeremias 41 >