< Philippians 4 >

1 So, my beloved and longed for brethren, my joy and my crown, stand fast in the Lord, beloved.
Te dongah, kai kah omngaihnah rhuisam, ka manuca te ka thintloh tih kan ngaidam. Te vanbangla thintlo rhoek aw Boeipa dongah pai uh.
2 I exhort, Euodia, and I exhort Syntyche, to think the same thing in the Lord.
Evodia te ka hloep tih Boeipa ah amah la poek ham Suntuki khaw ka hloep.
3 Yea, I also entreat thee, noble yoke-fellow, assist those women, whosoever labored with me in the gospel, both along with Clement, and the rest of my fellow-workers, whose names are in the book of life.
Ue namah khaw kan dawt. Hmantang ah yingyawn lamtah amih te talong pai. Amih loh olthangthen dongah kai taengah m'puei uh coeng. Kalemen neh a tloe rhoek te khaw kamah kah bibipuei rhoek pai ni. Amih kah ming tah hingnah cabu dongah om coeng.
4 Rejoice in the Lord always: I say to you again, Rejoice.
Boeipa ah omngaih uh taitu lah. Koep ka thui eh omngaih uh lah.
5 Let your clemency be made known to all men; the Lord is nigh.
Nangmih kah kodo te hlang boeih taengah ming sak. Boeipa tah yoei coeng.
6 Be solicitous about nothing; but in all prayer and supplication, let your request be made known to God.
Mawn uh boeh, tedae a cungkuem dongah thangthuinah neh rhenbihnah khaw uemonah neh na bihhoenah te Pathen taengah phoe saeh.
7 And the peace of God, that passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Te vaengah lungbuei boeih lakah aka tanglue Pathen kah ngaimongnah loh nangmih kah thinko neh nangmih kah poeknah te Khrih Jesuh dongah a khoembael bitni.
8 Finally, brethren, so many things as are true, so many things as are noble, so many things as are righteous, so many things as are pure, so many things as are lovely, so many things as are of good report; if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise, think on these things.
A tloihsoi la manuca rhoek aw, a thuem aka om boeih, a hin aka om boeih, aka dueng boeih, aka cuem boeih, lungloeinah koi boeih, thang aka then boeih, khoboethen neh koehnah ham a mai atah he he poek uh.
9 Whatsoever things you have indeed learned and received and heard and seen in me, do the same: and the God of peace will be with you.
Te te kai taengah na cang uh tih na dang uh coeng, na yaak uh tih na hmuh uh coeng. Te te saii uh lamtah ngaimongnah Pathen loh nangmih taengah ha om bitni.
10 But I greatly rejoice in the Lord, because indeed you have at length revived to think about me; in whatsoever you indeed were thinking, nevertheless you lacked opportunity.
Te dongah hnukbuet kah ka poek te nan cuen sak coeng dongah Boeipa ah ka omngaih tangkik. Amah te na ngaihlih uh ngawn dae na hloo uh.
11 Not that I speak concerning deficiency: for I have learned to be content with those things amid which I am.
Ka vawtthoek bangla te khaw ka thui moenih. Kai tah mebang ka tong vaengah khaw ngaikhuek la om ham ka cang coeng.
12 I indeed know how to be poor, and I know how to abound: in every thing and in all things I learned both to flourish and to be poor, both to abound and to be destitute.
Tlarhoel ham khaw ka ming. Khuehtawn ham khaw ka ming. Cungkuem neh cungkuem dongah bunghah ham neh bungpong ham khaw, khuehtawn ham neh vawtthoek ham khaw ka thuep coeng.
13 I can do all things through him who fills me up with dynamite.
Kai aka thaphoh kung rhangneh a cungkuem khaw ka thai coeng.
14 Moreover you did beautifully, communicating with my tribulation.
Tedae kai kah phacip phabaem dongah na thum uh te a thuem ni na saii uh.
15 And you indeed know, O Philippians, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I came out from Macedonia, no church communicated with me in the word of giving and receiving, except you alone;
Te phoeiah Philipi rhoek aw, nangmih long khaw olthangthen a tongcuek vaengkah te ming uh. Makedonia lamloh ka caeh vaengah nangmih bueng kah doenah pawt koinih doedannah dongah ol nen pataeng hlangboel loh kai m'boek moenih.
16 because also in Thessalonica both once and twice you sent to my need.
Thessalonika ah pataeng ka ngoengaih dongah vai khaw hnavoei khaw nan pat uh.
17 Not that I seek a gift; but I seek fruit abounding to your credit.
Tete kutdoe ka toem moenih. Tedae nangmih kah olka dongah a thaih te pungtai sak ham ka toem.
18 But I have all things, and I abound: I am full, having received from Epaphroditus those things from you, an odor of a sweet savor, a sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to God.
Tedae a cungkuem te ka dang tih coih. Nangmih lamkah te Epapharoditu taeng lamloh ka dang tih ka rhoeh pataeng. Te te Pathen taengah botui kah a bova, uemo koi neh a doe koi hmueih la om.
19 But my God will supply all your need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Tedae ka Pathen loh Khrih Jesuh dongkah thangpomnah neh amah kah khuehtawn tarhing ah na ngoe boeih te han cung sak bitni.
20 To God even our Father be the glory unto the ages of the ages. Amen. (aiōn g165)
Te dongah a Pa Pathen te kumhal duela thangpomnah om saeh. Amen. (aiōn g165)
21 Salute every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren who are with me salute you.
Jesuh Khrih ah hlangcim boeih te toidal uh. Ka taengkah manuca rhoek loh nangmih te kut n'tuuk uh.
22 All the saints, and especially those from the house of Caesar, salute you.
Nangmih hlangcim rhoek boeih neh olpuei la Kaisar im kah rhoek loh kut kan tuuk uh.
23 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
Boeipa Jesuh Khrih kah lungvatnah tah nangmih kah Mueihla neh om saeh.

< Philippians 4 >