< Proverbs 29 >
1 A man that hardeneth his necke when he is rebuked, shall suddenly be destroyed and can not be cured.
Čovjek koji, po opomeni, ostaje tvrdoglav, u tren će se slomiti, i neće mu biti spasa.
2 When the righteous are in authoritie, the people reioyce: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people sigh.
Narod se veseli kad se množe pravednici, a puk uzdiše kad zavlada opaki.
3 A man that loueth wisdome, reioyceth his father: but he that feedeth harlots, wasteth his substance.
Čovjek koji ljubi mudrost, veseli oca svoga, a koji se druži s bludnicama, rasipa imetak.
4 A King by iudgement mainteineth ye countrey: but a man receiuing giftes, destroyeth it.
Kralj pravicom održava državu, a ruši je čovjek koji nameće daće.
5 A man that flattereth his neighbour, spreadeth a net for his steps.
Čovjek koji laska bližnjemu svome razapinje mrežu stopama njegovim.
6 In the transgression of an euill man is his snare: but the righteous doeth sing and reioyce.
U grijehu je zamka zlu čovjeku, a pravednik likuje i veseli se.
7 The righteous knoweth the cause of the poore: but the wicked regardeth not knowledge.
Pravednik razumije pravo malenih, a opaki ne shvaća spoznaju.
8 Scornefull men bring a citie into a snare: but wise men turne away wrath.
Podsmjevači uzbunjuju grad, a mudri stišavaju srdžbu.
9 If a wise man contend with a foolish man, whether he be angry or laugh, there is no rest.
Kad se mudrac parbi s bezumnikom, il' se srdio, il' se smijao, svejednako mira nema.
10 Bloodie men hate him that is vpright: but the iust haue care of his soule.
Krvopije mrze poštenoga, a pravednici mu se za život brinu.
11 A foole powreth out all his minde: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterward.
Bezumnik izlijeva sav svoj gnjev, a mudrac susteže svoju srdžbu.
12 Of a prince that hearkeneth to lyes, all his seruants are wicked.
Ako vladalac posluša riječ lažljivu, sve mu sluge postaju opake.
13 The poore and the vsurer meete together, and the Lord lighteneth both their eyes.
Siromah se i gulikoža susreću: Jahve obojici prosvjetljuje oči.
14 A King that iudgeth the poore in trueth, his throne shalbe established for euer.
Kralj koji sudi siromasima po istini ima prijesto čvrst dovijeka.
15 The rodde and correction giue wisdome: but a childe set a libertie, maketh his mother ashamed.
Šiba i ukor podaruju mudrost, a razuzdan mladić sramoti majku svoju.
16 When the wicked are increased, transgression increaseth: but ye righteous shall see their fall.
Kad se množe opaki, množi se i grijeh, ali pravednici promatraju propast njihovu.
17 Correct thy sonne and he will giue thee rest, and will giue pleasures to thy soule.
Ukori sina svoga, i zadovoljit će te i dati radost duši tvojoj.
18 Where there is no vision, the people decay: but he that keepeth the Lawe, is blessed.
Kad objave nema, narod se razuzda, a blago onome tko se drži Zakona!
19 A seruant will not be chastised with words: though he vnderstand, yet he will not answere.
Samim se riječima sluga ne popravlja, jer se ne pokorava iako umom shvaća.
20 Seest thou a man hastie in his matters? there is more hope of a foole, then of him.
Jesi li vidio čovjeka brza na riječima? I bezumnik ima više nade nego on.
21 He that delicately bringeth vp his seruant from youth, at length he will be euen as his sone.
Tko mazi slugu svoga od djetinjstva bit će mu poslije neposlušan.
22 An angrie man stirreth vp strife, and a furious man aboundeth in transgression.
Gnjevljiv čovjek zameće svađu, a naprasit čovjek počini mnoge grijehe.
23 The pride of a man shall bring him lowe: but the humble in spirit shall enioy glory.
Oholost ponizuje čovjeka, a ponizan duhom postiže časti.
24 He that is partner with a thiefe, hateth his owne soule: he heareth cursing, and declareth it not.
Tko s lupežom plijen dijeli, mrzi sebe samog: čuje proklinjanje i ništa ne otkriva.
25 The feare of man bringeth a snare: but he that trusteth in the Lord, shalbe exalted.
Strah čovjeku postavlja zamku, a tko se uzda u Jahvu, nalazi okrilje.
26 Many doe seeke the face of the ruler: but euery mans iudgement commeth from the Lord.
Mnogi traže milost vladaočevu, ali Jahve dijeli pravdu svakome.
27 A wicked man is abomination to the iust, and he that is vpright in his way, is abomination to the wicked.
Nepravednik je mrzak pravednicima, a pravednik je mrzak opakima.