< Proverbs 17 >
1 Better is a dry morsell, if peace be with it, then an house full of sacrifices with strife.
Tsara ny sombi-mofo maina misy fiadanana Noho ny trano feno hena misy fifandirana.
2 A discrete seruant shall haue rule ouer a lewde sonne, and hee shall deuide the heritage among the brethren.
Ny mpanompo hendry dia hanapaka ny zanaka manao izay mahamenatra Sady hizara lova amin’ ny mpirahalahy.
3 As is the fining pot for siluer, and the fornace for golde, so the Lord trieth the heartes.
Ny memy ho an’ ny volafotsy, ary ny fatana fandrendrehana ho an’ ny volamena; Fa Jehovah ihany no Mpamantatra ny fo.
4 The wicked giueth heed to false lippes, and a lyer hearkeneth to the naughtie tongue.
Ny mpanao ratsy mampandry sofina amin’ ny molotra mandainga; Ary ny mpandainga mihaino ny lela mampidi-doza.
5 Hee that mocketh the poore, reprocheth him, that made him: and he that reioyceth at destruction, shall not be vnpunished.
Izay mihomehy ny malahelo manala baraka ny Mpanao azy; Ary izay faly amin’ ny fahorian’ ny sasany dia tsy maintsy hampijalina.
6 Childres children are the crowne of the elders: and the glory of ye children are their fathers.
Satroboninahitry ny antitra ny zafiny; Ary voninahitry ny zanaka ny rainy.
7 Hie talke becommeth not a foole, much lesse a lying talke a prince.
Ny teny jadona tsy tandrifiny halahatry ny adala, Koa mainka fa tsy tokony ho an’ ny zanak’ andriana ny molotra mandainga.
8 A rewarde is as a stone pleasant in the eyes of them that haue it: it prospereth, whithersoeuer it turneth.
Ny kolikoly dia toy ny vato soa eo imason’ izay mahazo azy, Ka na aiza na aiza alehany dia ambinina ihany.
9 Hee that couereth a transgression, seeketh loue: but hee that repeateth a matter, separateth the prince.
Izay te-ho be fitiavana dia manaron-keloka; Fa izay mamohafoha teny mampisaraka ny tena mpisakaiza.
10 A reproofe entereth more into him that hath vnderstanding, then an hundreth stripes into a foole.
Ny anatra dia manan-kery kokoa amin’ ny hendry Noho ny kapoka injato amin’ ny adala.
11 A sedicious person seeketh onely euill, and a cruel messenger shall be sent against him.
Ny maditra dia fatra-pitady ny ratsy, Ka dia iraka lozabe no irahina hamely azy.
12 It is better for a man to meete a beare robbed of her whelpes, then a foole in his follie.
Aleo mifanena amin’ ny bera very anaka Toy izay amin’ ny adala feno hadalana.
13 He that rewardeth euil for good, euil shall not depart from his house.
Izay mamaly ratsy ny soa, Ny ratsy tsy hiala ao an-tranony.
14 The beginning of strife is as one that openeth the waters: therefore or the contention be medled with, leaue off.
Ny fiandohan’ ny ady dia toy ny manata-drano, Koa ilaozy ny fifandirana, dieny tsy mbola mifandramatra.
15 He that iustifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the iust, euen they both are abomination to the Lord.
Izay manamarina ny meloka, na izay manameloka ny marina, Dia samy fahavetavetana eo imason’ i Jehovah.
16 Wherefore is there a price in the hand of the foole to get wisdome, and he hath none heart?
Hatao inona re ity vola an-tànan’ ny adala? Hamidy fahendrena va? tsy manan-tsaina izy.
17 A friende loueth at all times: and a brother is borne for aduersitie.
Izay tena sakaiza tokoa dia tia amin’ ny andro rehetra, Sady miseho ho rahalahy hamonjy amin’ ny fahoriana.
18 A man destitute of vnderstanding, toucheth the hande, and becommeth suretie for his neighbour.
Olona tsy ampy saina izay mifandray tanana Hiantoka eo anatrehan’ ny sakaizany.
19 He loueth transgression, that loueth strife: and he that exalteth his gate, seeketh destruction.
Izay tia ady dia tia heloka; Ary izay manao vavahady avo mitady fahasimbana.
20 The froward heart findeth no good: and he that hath a naughtie tongue, shall fall into euill.
Izay madi-po tsy hahita soa; Ary izay manana lela mandainga hivarina any amin’ ny loza.
21 He that begetteth a foole, getteth himselfe sorow, and the father of a foole can haue no ioy.
Izay miteraka adala hahazo alahelo; Ary ny rain’ ny adala tsy ho faly.
22 A ioyfull heart causeth good health: but a sorowfull minde dryeth the bones.
Ny fo ravoravo mahasalama tsara; Fa ny fanahy kivy mahamaina ny taolana.
23 A wicked man taketh a gift out of the bosome to wrest the wayes of iudgement.
Ny ratsy fanahy mandray kolikoly avy any anaty lamba Ho entiny mamadika ny rariny.
24 Wisdome is in the face of him that hath vnderstanding: but the eyes of a foole are in the corners of the world.
Eo anoloan’ ny manan-tsaina ny fahendrena; Fa ny mason’ ny adala dia mibirioka any amin’ ny faran’ ny tany.
25 A foolish sonne is a griefe vnto his father, and a heauines to her that bare him.
Ny zanaka adala mampalahelo ny rainy Sady fahoriana mangidy amin’ ny reniny niteraka azy.
26 Surely it is not good to condemne the iust, nor that ye princes should smite such for equitie.
Tsy mety raha mampijaly ny marina, Na mamely ny manan-kaja noho ny fahamarinany.
27 Hee that hath knowledge, spareth his wordes, and a man of vnderstanding is of an excellent spirit.
Izay mahafihim-bava no manam-pahalalana; Ary izay mahatsindry fo no manan-tsaina.
28 Euen a foole (when he holdeth his peace) is counted wise, and hee that stoppeth his lips, prudent.
Na ny adala aza, raha tsy miteny, dia atao ho hendry, Ary izay mahafihim-bava dia toa manan-tsaina.