< Psalms 104 >
1 My soule, prayse thou the Lord: O Lord my God, thou art exceeding great, thou art clothed with glorie and honour.
Misaora an’ i Jehovah, ry fanahiko. Jehovah Andriamanitro ô, lehibe indrindra Hianao, Famirapiratana sy voninahitra no fitafinao,
2 Which couereth himselfe with light as with a garment, and spreadeth the heauens like a curtaine.
Mitafy ny mazava tahaka ny lamba Izy Ary mamelatra ny lanitra tahaka ny lay,
3 Which layeth the beames of his chambers in the waters, and maketh the cloudes his chariot, and walketh vpon the wings of the winde.
Ary mametraka ny rairain-drihan’ ny tranony amin’ ny rano, Sady manao ny rahona matevina ho kalesiny ka mandeha amin’ ny elatry ny rivotra,
4 Which maketh his spirits his messengers, and a flaming fire his ministers.
Ary manao ny rivotra ho irany Sy ny lelafo ho mpanompony.
5 He set the earth vpon her foundations, so that it shall neuer moue.
Nanorina ny tany tambonin’ ny fanorenany Izy, Mba tsy hihetseha-ny mandrakizay doria.
6 Thou coueredst it with the deepe as with a garment: the waters woulde stand aboue the mountaines.
Ny rano lalina no nasaronao azy tahaka ny lamba; Nandifotra ny tendrombohitra aza ireny.
7 But at thy rebuke they flee: at the voyce of thy thunder they haste away.
Noho ny teny mafy nataonao dia nandositra ny tendrombohitra, Noho ny feon’ ny kotrokoranao dia nirifatra izy
8 And the mountaines ascend, and the valleis descend to the place which thou hast established for them.
Nisondrotra ny tendrombohitra, nietry ny lohasaha ho any amin’ izay namboarinao hitoerany.
9 But thou hast set them a bounde, which they shall not passe: they shall not returne to couer the earth.
Efa nasianao fetra tsy hihoarany izy Mba tsy hiverina hanarona ny tany.
10 He sendeth the springs into the valleis, which runne betweene the mountaines.
Mampandeha loharano eny amin’ ny lohasaha Izy; Eny anelanelan’ ny tendrombohitra no alehan’ ireny,
11 They shall giue drinke to all the beasts of the fielde, and the wilde asses shall quench their thirst.
Ka isotroan’ ny bibi-dia rehetra, Sy analan’ ny boriki-dia ny hetahetany;
12 By these springs shall the foules of the heauen dwell, and sing among the branches.
Eo amboniny no itoeran’ ny voro-manidina; Ary eo amin’ ny ran-tsan-kazo no anenoany.
13 He watereth the mountaines from his chambers, and the earth is filled with the fruite of thy workes.
Manondra-drano ny tendrombohitra avy amin’ ny tranony ambony Izy; Ny vokatry ny asanao no mahavoky ny tany.
14 He causeth grasse to growe for the cattell, and herbe for the vse of man, that he may bring forth bread out of the earth,
Mampaniry ahitra ho an’ ny biby fiompy Izy Sy anana hahasoa ny olona. Ary mamoaka hanina avy amin’ ny tany.
15 And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oyle to make the face to shine, and bread that strengtheneth mans heart.
Ary divay izay mampifaly ny olona, ka mampinendonendo ny tavany mihoatra noho ny diloilo, Ary mofo hanohanana ny ain’ ny olona.
16 The high trees are satisfied, euen the cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted,
Voky ny hazon’ i Jehovah, Dia ny sederan’ i Libanona, izay namboleny;
17 That ye birdes may make their nestes there: the storke dwelleth in the firre trees.
Izay anaovan’ ny voron-kely ny akaniny; Ary ny vano, dia ao amin’ ny kypreso no anaovany ny tranony.
18 The high mountaines are for the goates: the rockes are a refuge for the conies.
Ny tendrombohitra avo dia ho an’ ny osi-dia; Ny harambato no fiarovana ho an’ ny hyraka.
19 He appoynted the moone for certaine seasons: the sunne knoweth his going downe.
Nanao ny volana ho fotoana Izy, Ary ny masoandro mahalala ny filentehany.
20 Thou makest darkenesse, and it is night, wherein all the beastes of the forest creepe forth.
Mahatonga aizina Hianao, dia tonga ny alina, Ka mivezivezy ny biby rehetra any an’ ala;
21 The lions roare after their praye, and seeke their meate at God.
Ny liona tanora mierona maniry toha Ka mitady ny haniny avy amin’ Andriamanitra.
22 When the sunne riseth, they retire, and couche in their dennes.
Miposaka ny masoandro, dia miverina ireny, Ary ao an-davany no amitsahany.
23 Then goeth man forth to his worke, and to his labour vntill the euening.
Fa ny olona kosa mivoaka ho any amin’ ny taozavany, Sy ny asany mandra-paharivan’ ny andro.
24 O Lord, howe manifolde are thy workes! in wisdome hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.
Endrey ny hamaroan’ ny asanao, Jehovah ô! Fahendrena no nanaovanao azy rehetra; Henika ny zavatra nataonao ny tany.
25 So is this sea great and wide: for therein are things creeping innumerable, both small beastes and great.
Indro ny ranomasina sady lehibe no malalaka, Any no misy zava-mihetsiketsika tsy tambo isaina, Dia zava-miaina, na kely na lehibe.
26 There goe the shippes, yea, that Liuiathan, whom thou hast made to play therein.
Any no alehan’ ny sambo Sy ny trozona, izay noforoninao hilaolao any.
27 All these waite vpon thee, that thou maiest giue them foode in due season.
Ireo rehetra ireo miandry Anao, Mba homenao ny haniny amin’ ny fotoany.
28 Thou giuest it to them, and they gather it: thou openest thine hand, and they are filled with good things.
Manome Hianao, dia manangona izy; Manokatra ny tananao Hianao, dia voky ny soa izy;
29 But if thou hide thy face, they are troubled: if thou take away their breath, they dye and returne to their dust.
Manafina ny tavanao Hianao, dia raiki-tahotra izy; Alainao indray ny ainy, dia maty izy Ka mody any amin’ ny vovoka nanalana azy,
30 Againe if thou send forth thy spirit, they are created, and thou renuest the face of the earth.
Maniraka ny Fanahinao Hianao, dia ary izy, Ary manavao ny tarehin’ ny tany Hianao.
31 Glory be to the Lord for euer: let the Lord reioyce in his workes.
Ho mandrakizay anie ny voninahitr’ i Jehovah; Aoka Jehovah hifaly amin’ ny asany.
32 He looketh on the earth and it trembleth: he toucheth the mountaines, and they smoke.
Jereny ny tany, dia mihorohoro; Tendren’ ny tànany ny tendrombohitra, dia midonaka.
33 I will sing vnto the Lord all my life: I will prayse my God, while I liue.
Hihira ho an’ i Jehovah aho, raha mbola velona koa; Hankalaza an’ Andriamanitro aho, raha mbola miaina.
34 Let my wordes be acceptable vnto him: I will reioyce in the Lord.
Ho maminy anie ny fisainako Azy; Izaho no hifaly amin’ i Jehovah.
35 Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and the wicked till there be no more: O my soule, prayse thou the Lord. Prayse ye the Lord.
Ho lany ringana tsy ho etỳ amin’ ny tany ny mpanota, Ary ny ratsy fanahy tsy ho etỳ intsony. Misaora an’ i Jehovah, ry fanahiko. Haleloia.