< Luke 22 >

1 Now the feast of vnleauened bread drewe neere, which is called the Passeouer.
Avela ine paše o Prazniko e bikvascone marengoro, savo vičini pe Pasha.
2 And the hie Priests and Scribes sought how they might kill him: for they feared the people.
O šerutne sveštenici hem o učitelja e Zakonestar rodena ine sar te ćeren o Isus te ovel mudardo, ali darandile e narodostar.
3 Then entred Satan into Iudas, who was called Iscariot, and was of the nomber of the twelue.
Tegani o Sotoni đerdinđa ano Juda vičime Iskariot kova inele jekh oto dešu duj apostolja e Isusesere.
4 And he went his way, and communed with the hie Priestes and captaines, how he might betray him to them.
Ov dželo koro šerutne sveštenici hem koro narednici e hramesere stražakere hem dogovorinđa pe olencar sar te predel lenđe e Isuse.
5 So they were glad, and agreed to giue him money.
On ule radosna hem phende e Judase da ka den le pare.
6 And he consented, and sought opportunitie to betraye him vnto them, when the people were away.
I ov pristaninđa. I ađahar lelja te rodel šukar prilika te izdajini e Isuse kad naka ovel narodo uzalo leste.
7 Then came the day of vnleauened bread, when the Passeouer must be sacrificed.
Kad alo o prvo dive oto Prazniko e bikvascone marengoro, ko savo valjanđa te žrtvujini pe bakrore zaki Pasha,
8 And he sent Peter and Iohn, saying, Go and prepare vs the Passeouer, that we may eate it.
o Isus phenđa e Petrese hem e Jovanese: “Džan hem ćeren amenđe te ha e pashakoro hajba.”
9 And they saide to him, Where wilt thou, that we prepare it?
A on phende lese: “Kaj mangeja te ćera le?”
10 Then he said vnto them, Beholde, when ye be entred into the citie, there shall a man meete you, bearing a pitcher of water: folowe him into the house that he entreth in,
Ov phenđa lenđe: “Šunen. So ka đerdinen ki diz, ka resel tumen jekh manuš kova akhari pani ano khoro. Džan palo leste. Ko čher ko savo ka đerdini
11 And say vnto the good man of the house, The Master saith vnto thee, Where is the lodging where I shall eate my Passeouer with my disciples?
roden e domaćine hem vaćeren lese: ‘O učitelj pučela ki savi soba šaj te hal e pashakoro hajba ple učenikonencar?’
12 Then he shall shewe you a great hie chamber trimmed: there make it ready.
I ov ka mothoj tumenđe i bari upruni soba savi već pripremime. Adari ćeren amenđe zako hajba.”
13 So they went, and found as he had said vnto them, and made readie the Passeouer.
I on džele hem arakhle sa ađahar sar so phenđa lenđe o Isus i adari ćerde zako hajba e pashakoro.
14 And when the houre was come, hee sate downe, and the twelue Apostles with him.
I kad alo o vreme, o Isus čhivđa pe uzalo astali ple apostolencar.
15 Then he saide vnto them, I haue earnestly desired to eate this Passeouer with you, before I suffer.
I phenđa lenđe: “Edobor mangljum te hav akaja Pasha tumencar angleder so ka patinav.
16 For I say vnto you, Hencefoorth I will not eate of it any more, vntill it bee fulfilled in the kingdome of God.
Adalese so, vaćerava tumenđe, naka hav la više đikote lakoro čačikano značenje na pherđola ano carstvo e Devlesoro.”
17 And hee tooke the cup, and gaue thankes, and said, Take this, and deuide it among you,
Tegani lelja i čaša e moljaja, zahvalinđa e Devlese hem phenđa e apostolenđe: “Len akaja mol hem podelinen la maškara tumende.
18 For I say vnto you, I will not drinke of the fruite of the vine, vntill the kingdome of God be come.
Adalese so, vaćerava tumenđe, naka pijav više mol đikote o carstvo e Devlesoro na avela.”
19 And he tooke bread, and when he had giuen thankes, he brake it, and gaue to them, saying, This is my body, which is giuen for you: doe this in the remembrance of me.
I lelja o maro, zahvalinđa e Devlese, phaglja le hem dinđa le e apostolenđe vaćerindoj: “Akavai mlo telo savo dela pe zako tumenđe. Ćeren akava te setinen tumen mandar.”
20 Likewise also after supper he tooke the cup, saying, This cup is that newe Testament in my blood, which is shed for you.
Ađahar lelja hem i čaša e moljaja pali večera hem phenđa: “Akaja čaša e moljaja nevoi savez ano mlo rat savo čhorela pe tumenđe.
21 Yet beholde, the hand of him that betrayeth me, is with me at the table.
Ali ače, o manuš kova ka izdajini man mancari uzalo astali.
22 And truely the Sonne of man goeth as it is appointed: but woe be to that man, by whom he is betrayed.
Adalese so, me, o Čhavo e manušesoro, valjani te merav sar soi odredime, ali jao okole manušese kova ka izdajini man!”
23 Then they began to enquire among themselues which of them it should be, that should do that.
I o apostolja lelje te pučen pe maškara pumende kova olendar šaj te ovel adava so ka ćerel ađahar nešto.
24 And there arose also a strife among them, which of them should seeme to be ye greatest.
I o učenici lelje te raspravinen pe kovai olendar najbaro.
25 But hee saide vnto them, The Kings of the Gentiles reigne ouer them, and they that beare rule ouer them, are called bountifull.
A o Isus phenđa lenđe: “Avere nacijengere carija vladinena upro lende hem o vladarija lengere pumen vičinena ‘manuša kola ćerena šukaripe’.
26 But yee shall not be so: but let the greatest among you be as the least: and the chiefest as he that serueth.
Ali tumen ma oven esavke! Nego, o najbaro maškar tumende nek ovel sar najtikoro, a o vođa nek ovel sar sluga.
27 For who is greater, he that sitteth at table, or he that serueth? Is not he that sitteth at table? And I am among you as he that serueth.
A kovai po baro? Okova kovai uzalo astali ili okova kova kandela le? Na li okova kovai uzalo astali? A me maškara tumende injum sar okova kova kandela.
28 And yee are they which haue continued with me in my tentations.
Tumen injen adala kola ačhile mancar ano mle iskušenja.
29 Therefore I appoint vnto you a kingdome, as my Father hath appointed vnto me,
I me dava tumen te vladinen ano carstvo, sar so mlo Dad dinđa man:
30 That ye may eate, and drinke at my table in my kingdome, and sit on seates, and iudge the twelue tribes of Israel.
te han hem te pijen maje uzalo astali ano carstvo mlo, hem te bešen ko tronja te sudinen upro dešu duj plemija e Izraelesere.”
31 And the Lord saide, Simon, Simon, beholde, Satan hath desired you, to winowe you as wheate.
O Isus phenđa: “Simone, Simone, ače o Sotoni rodinđa e Devlestar te iskušini tumen sar kad neko čhorela o điv maškari sita.
32 But I haue prayed for thee, that thy faith faile not: therefore when thou art conuerted, strengthen thy brethren.
Ali me molinđum tuće te na našale ti vera. Adalese, kad palem ka irine tut mande, zorjar te phraljen.”
33 And he said vnto him, Lord, I am ready to goe with thee into prison, and to death.
A ov phenđa lese: “Gospode, injum spremno te džav tuja hem ko phandlipe hem ko meriba.”
34 But he said, I tell thee, Peter, the cocke shall not crowe this day, before thou hast thrise denied that thou knewest me.
A o Isus phenđa: “Vaćerava će, Petre, o bašno naka đilabi avdive đikote trin puti naka hovave da na pendžareja man.”
35 And he saide vnto them, When I sent you without bagge, and scrip, and shooes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing.
I phenđa e apostolenđe: “Kad bičhalđum tumen ko drom bizo kese e parencar, bizo torbe hem bizi buderi obuća, na li falinđa tumenđe nešto?” A on phende: “Ništa.”
36 Then he said to them, But nowe he that hath a bagge, let him take it, and likewise a scrip: and hee that hath none, let him sell his coate, and buy a sworde.
Tegani o Isus phenđa lenđe: “Ali akana kas isi kesa e parencar, nek lel la! Ađahar hem i torba! A kas nane mači, nek biknel plo ogrtači hem nek činelfse jekh.
37 For I say vnto you, That yet the same which is written, must be perfourmed in me, Euen with the wicked was he nombred: for doubtlesse those things which are written of me, haue an ende.
Adalese so, vaćerava tumenđe, valjani te pherđol adava soi mandar pisime ano Sveto lil: ‘Dikhle le sar jekhe zločinco.’ Čače, pherđola sa soi pisime mandar.”
38 And they said, Lord, beholde, here are two swordes. And he said vnto them, It is ynough.
A on phende: “Gospode, ače isi amen duj mačija!” A ov phenđa: “Šukari!”
39 And he came out, and went (as he was wont) to the mount of Oliues: and his disciples also followed him.
I iklindoj adathar, palo plo adeti, dželo ki e Maslinakiri gora. Oleja džele hem lesere učenici.
40 And when hee came to the place, hee said to them, Pray, lest ye enter into tentation.
I kad resle adari, phenđa lenđe: “Molinen tumen te na peren ano iskušenje!”
41 And he was drawen aside from them about a stones cast, and kneeled downe, and prayed,
I cidinđa pe olendar, edobor kobor šaj te frdel pe o bar, pelo ko kočija hem molinđa pe e Devlese,
42 Saying, Father, if thou wilt, take away this cuppe from mee: neuerthelesse, not my will, but thine be done.
vaćerindoj: “Dade! Te mangeja, cide akaja čaša e patnjaja mandar. Ali, nek ovel pali ti volja, a na pali mli.”
43 And there appeared an Angell vnto him from heauen, comforting him.
Tegani o anđeo mothovđa pe lese taro nebo hem hrabrinđa le.
44 But being in an agonie, hee prayed more earnestly: and his sweate was like drops of blood, trickling downe to the ground.
A kad inele ani po bari patnja, po zorale molinđa pe. Lesoro znoj ulo sar kapke oto rat save perena ine upri phuv.
45 And he rose vp from prayer, and came to his disciples, and found them sleeping for heauinesse.
I pali molitva uštino, alo đi ple učenici hem arakhlja len sar sovena adalese so inele umorna oto tugujiba.
46 And he said vnto them, Why sleepe ye? rise and pray, least ye enter into tentation.
Tegani pučlja len: “Sose sovena? Ušten hem molinen tumen te na peren ano iskušenje!”
47 And while he yet spake, beholde, a companie, and he that was called Iudas one of the twelue, went before them, and came neere vnto Iesus to kisse him.
Sar pana o Isus vaćeri ine adava, ale nakoro leste but manuša kolen anđa o Juda kova inele jekh oto dešu duj apostolja. Ov alo koro Isus te čumudini le ki čham.
48 And Iesus saide vnto him, Iudas, betrayest thou the Sonne of man with a kisse?
A o Isus pučlja le: “Judo, čumudipnaja li izdajineja e Čhave e manušesere?”
49 Now when they which were about him, saw what would follow, they said vnto him, Lord, shall we smite with sworde?
Kad o učenici kola inele adari dikhle da o Isus ka ovel dolime, pučle le: “Gospode, te napadina len li mačencar?”
50 And one of them smote a seruant of the hie Priest, and strooke off his right eare.
I jekh olendar khuvđa mačeja e prvosveštenikosere sluga hem čhinđa lesoro desno kan.
51 Then Iesus answered, and said, Suffer them thus farre: and he touched his eare, and healed him.
A o Isus phenđa ple učenikonenđe: “Ačhaven tumen adalestar!” I čhivđa plo vas upro lesoro kan hem sasljarđa le.
52 Then Iesus said vnto the hie Priests, and captaines of the Temple, and the Elders which were come to him, Bee ye come out as vnto a theefe with swordes and staues?
Tegani phenđa okolenđe so ale te dolen le, e šerutne sveštenikonenđe, e narednikonenđe e hramesere stražakere hem e starešinenđe: “Mačencar hem kaštencar aljen pala mande sar palo pobunjeniko.
53 When I was dayly with you in the Temple, yee stretched not foorth the handes against mee: but this is your very houre, and the power of darkenesse.
Divencar injumle tumencar ano Hram, i na dolinđen man. Ali akavai tumaro vreme hem o zoralipe e tominakoro vladini.”
54 Then tooke they him, and led him, and brought him to the hie Priestes house. And Peter followed afarre off.
I dolinde e Isuse hem adathar legarde le ko čher e prvosveštenikosoro. A o Petar odural džala ine palo lende.
55 And when they had kindled a fire in the middes of the hall, and were set downe together, Peter also sate downe among them.
Kad tharde jag ko maškar e borosoro hem beštine uzalo late, hem o Petar beštino olencar.
56 And a certaine mayde behelde him as hee sate by the fire, and hauing well looked on him, said, This man was also with him.
I nesavi sluškinja dikhlja le sar bešela uzali jag, i dikhlja po šukar ano leste hem phenđa: “I akava inele oleja!”
57 But he denied him, saying, Woman, I know him not.
A o Petar hovavđa vaćerindoj: “Đuvlije, na pendžarava le!”
58 And after a little while, another man sawe him, and saide, Thou art also of them. But Peter said, Man, I am not.
Na nakhlo but palo adava, dikhlja le nesavo aver manuš hem phenđa: “I tu injan jekh olendar!” A o Petar phenđa: “Manušeja, na injum!”
59 And about the space of an houre after, a certaine other affirmed, saying. Verely euen this man was with him: for he is also a Galilean.
I kad nakhlo đi sar jekh sati, aver nesavo uporno tvrdinđa: “Čače akava inele oleja, adalese soi hem ov Galilejco!”
60 And Peter saide, Man, I knowe not what thou sayest. And immediatly while hee yet spake, the cocke crewe.
A o Petar phenđa: “Manušeja, na džanav sostar vaćereja!” I odmah, sar pana vaćeri ine, o bašno đilabđa.
61 Then the Lord turned backe, and looked vpon Peter: and Peter remembred the worde of the Lord, how he had said vnto him, Before the cocke crowe, thou shalt denie me thrise.
Tegani o Gospod Isus irinđa pe hem dikhlja ano Petar, a o Petar setinđa pe lesere lafendar: “Vaćerava će, Petre, angleder so o bašno avdive ka đilabi, trin puti ka hovave da na pendžareja man.”
62 And Peter went out, and wept bitterly.
I o Petar iklilo taro boro hem zorale runđa.
63 And the men that helde Iesus, mocked him, and strooke him.
O čuvarija lelje te maren muj e Isuseja hem te maren le.
64 And when they had blindfolded him, they smote him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophecie who it is that smote thee.
Učharde lesere jaćha hem phende lese: “Prorokujin ko khuvđa tut!”
65 And many other thinges blasphemously spake they against him.
I bute avere lafencar vređinena ine e Isuse.
66 And assoone as it was day, the Elders of the people, and the hie Priests and the Scribes came together, and led him into their councill,
Kad dislilo, čedinde pe o starešine e jevrejengere, o šerutne sveštenici hem o učitelja e Zakonestar, ande e Isuse pumenđe ko sabor, ko Sinedrion,
67 Saying, Art thou that Christ? tell vs. And he said vnto them, If I tell you, ye wil not beleeue it.
hem phende lese: “Te injan tu o Hrist, phen amenđe!” A ov phenđa lenđe: “Te phenđum tumenđe, naka verujinen;
68 And if also I aske you, you will not answere me, nor let me goe.
a te pučljum tumen, naka odgovorinen.
69 Hereafter shall the Sonne of man sit at the right hand of the power of God.
Ali od akana me, o Čhavo e manušesoro, ka bešav ko počasno than, oti desno strana oto zoralipe e Devlesoro.”
70 Then sayd they all, Art thou then ye Sonne of God? And he sayd to them, Ye say, that I am.
A on sare pučle e Isuse: “Znači tu injan o Čhavo e Devlesoro?” A ov phenđa lenđe: “Ađahari sar so phenena: Me injum.”
71 Then sayd they, What neede we any further witnes? for we our selues haue heard it of his owne mouth.
Tegani on phende: “Na valjani amenđe više avera svedoci. Sare amen šunđam da korkoro pes osudinđa!”

< Luke 22 >