< Job 16 >

1 Bvt Iob answered, and said,
Pamenepo Yobu anayankha kuti,
2 I haue oft times heard such things: miserable comforters are ye all.
“Ndinamvapo zambiri monga zimenezi; nonsenu ndinu anthu osatha kutonthoza mtima mnzanu.
3 Shall there be none ende of wordes of winde? or what maketh thee bold so to answere?
Kodi mawu anu ochulukawo adzatha? Kodi chikukuvutani nʼchiyani kuti muzingoyankhula mawu otsutsawa?
4 I could also speake as yee doe: (but woulde God your soule were in my soules stead) I could keepe you company in speaking, and could shake mine head at you,
Inenso ndikanatha kuyankhula monga inu, inuyo mukanakhala monga ndilili inemu; Ine ndikanatha kuyankhula mawu omveka bwino kutsutsana nanu ndi kukupukusirani mutu wanga.
5 But I woulde strengthen you with my mouth, and the comfort of my lips should asswage your sorowe.
Ndipo mawu a pakamwa panga akanakulimbikitsani; chitonthozo chochokera pa milomo yanga chikanachepetsa ululu wanu.
6 Though I speake, my sorow can not be asswaged: though I cease, what release haue I?
“Koma ine ndikati ndiyankhule ululu wanga sukuchepa; ndipo ndikati ndikhale chete, ululu wanga sukuchokabe.
7 But now hee maketh mee wearie: O God, thou hast made all my congregation desolate,
Ndithudi, Inu Mulungu mwanditha mphamvu; mwawononga banja langa lonse.
8 And hast made me full of wrinkles which is a witnesse thereof, and my leannes ryseth vp in me, testifying the same in my face.
Inu mwandimanga ndipo kundimangako kwakhala umboni; kuwonda kwanga kwandiwukira ndipo kukuchita umboni wonditsutsa.
9 His wrath hath torne me, and hee hateth me, and gnasheth vpon mee with his teeth: mine enemie hath sharpened his eyes against me.
Mulungu amabwera kwa ine mwankhanza ndipo amadana nane, amachita kulumira mano; mdani wanga amandituzulira maso.
10 They haue opened their mouthes vpon me, and smitten me on the cheeke in reproch; they gather themselues together against me.
Anthu amatsekula pakamwa pawo kundikuwiza; amandimenya pa tsaya mwachipongwe ndipo amagwirizana polimbana nane.
11 God hath deliuered me to the vniust, and hath made mee to turne out of the way by the hands of the wicked.
Mulungu wandipereka kwa anthu ochita zoyipa ndipo wandiponyera mʼmanja mwa anthu oyipa mtima.
12 I was in welth, but he hath brought me to nought: he hath taken me by the necke, and beaten me, and set me as a marke for himselfe.
Ine ndinali pamtendere, koma Mulungu ananditswanya; anandigwira pa khosi ndi kundiphwanya. Iye anandisandutsa choponyera chandamale chake;
13 His archers compasse mee rounde about: he cutteth my reines, and doth not spare, and powreth my gall vpon the ground.
anthu ake oponya mauta andizungulira. Mopanda kundimvera chisoni, Iye akulasa impsyo zanga ndipo akutayira pansi ndulu yanga.
14 He hath broken me with one breaking vpon another, and runneth vpon me like a gyant.
Akundivulaza kawirikawiri, akuthamangira pa ine monga munthu wankhondo.
15 I haue sowed a sackcloth vpon my skinne, and haue abased mine horne vnto the dust.
“Ndasokerera chiguduli pa thupi langa ndipo ndayika mphamvu zanga pa fumbi.
16 My face is withered with weeping, and the shadow of death is vpon mine eyes,
Maso anga afiira ndi kulira, ndipo zikope zanga zatupa;
17 Though there be no wickednesse in mine hands, and my prayer be pure.
komatu manja anga sanachite zachiwawa ndipo pemphero langa ndi lolungama.
18 O earth, couer not thou my blood, and let my crying finde no place.
“Iwe dziko lapansi, usakwirire magazi anga; kulira kwanga kofuna thandizo kusalekeke!
19 For lo, now my witnesse is in the heauen, and my record is on hie.
Ngakhale tsopano mboni yanga ili kumwamba; wonditchinjiriza pa mlandu wanga ali komweko.
20 My friends speake eloquently against me: but mine eye powreth out teares vnto God.
Wondipembedzera ndi bwenzi langa, pamene maso anga akukhuthula misozi kwa Mulungu;
21 Oh that a man might pleade with God, as man with his neighbour!
iye, mʼmalo mwanga, amamudandaulira Mulungu monga munthu amadandaulira bwenzi lake.
22 For the yeeres accounted come, and I shall go the way, whence I shall not returne.
“Pakuti sipapita zaka zambiri ndisanayende mʼnjira imene sindidzabwerera.”

< Job 16 >