< 2 Kings 13 >

1 In the three and twentieth yeere of Ioash the sonne of Ahaziah King of Iudah, Iehoahaz the sonne of Iehu began to reigne ouer Israel in Samaria, and he reigned seuenteene yeere.
Ahaziyaning oghli, Yehudaning padishahi Yoashning seltenitining yigirme üchinchi yili, Yehuning oghli Yehoahaz Samariyede Israilgha padishah bolup, Samariyede on yette yil seltenet qildi.
2 And he did euil in the sight of the Lord, and followed the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which made Israel to sinne, and departed not therefrom.
U Perwerdigarning neziride rezil bolghanni qilip, Israilni gunahqa putlashturghan Nibatning oghli Yeroboamning gunahlirigha egiship mangdi; u ulardin héch chiqmidi.
3 And the Lord was angry with Israel, and deliuered them into the hand of Hazael King of Aram, and into the hand of Ben-hadad the sonne of Hazael, all his dayes.
Buning üchün Perwerdigarning ghezipi Israilgha qozghaldi; u ularni Suriyening padishahi Hazaelning we Hazaelning oghli Ben-Hadadning qoligha tapshurup berdi.
4 And Iehoahaz besought the Lord, and the Lord heard him: for he saw the trouble of Israel, wherewith the King of Aram troubled them.
Yehoahaz Perwerdigardin rehim tilidi; we Perwerdigar Israilning qisilip qalghanliqini körüp duasigha qulaq saldi. Chünki Suriyening padishahi ulargha zulum qiliwatatti.
5 (And the Lord gaue Israel a deliuerer, so that they came out from vnder the subiection of the Aramites. And the children of Israel dwelt in their tents as before time.
Perwerdigar Israilgha bir qutquzghuchi teyinlidi; shuning bilen ular Suriylerning qolidin azad bolup qutuldi. Kéyin Israil yene burunqidek öz öy-chédirliride makanlashti.
6 Neuerthelesse they departed not from the sinnes of the house of Ieroboam which made Israel sinne, but walked in them. euen the groue also remayned still in Samaria)
Lékin ular Israilni gunahqa putlashturghan Yeroboam jemetining gunahliridin chiqmidi; ular yenila shu yolda mangatti. Hetta Samariyede bir «Asherah» butmu qalghanidi.
7 For he had left of the people to Iehoahaz but fiftie horsemen, and tenne charets, and tenne thousand footemen, because the King of Aram had destroyed them, and made them like dust beaten to pouder.
[Suriyening padishahi] Yehoahazgha peqet ellik atliq leshkerni, on jeng harwisi bilen on ming piyade eskirinila qaldurghanidi. Chünki u Yehoahazning [qoshunini] yoqitip xamandiki topa-changdek qiliwetkenidi.
8 Concerning the rest of the actes of Iehoahaz and all that he did, and his valiant deedes, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?
Emdi Yehoahazning bashqa ishliri hem qilghanlirining hemmisi, jümlidin seltenitining hemme qudriti «Israil padishahlirining tarix-tezkiriliri» dégen kitabta pütülgen emesmidi?
9 And Iehoahaz slept with his fathers, and they buried him in Samaria, and Ioash his sonne reigned in his steade.
Yehoahaz ata-bowilirining arisida uxlidi we Samariyede depne qilindi. Andin oghli Yoash ornida padishah boldi.
10 In the seuen and thirtieth yere of Ioash King of Iudah began Iehoash the sonne of Iehoahaz to reigne ouer Israel in Samaria, and reigned sixteene yeere,
Yehudaning padishahi Yoashning seltenitining ottuz yettinchi yilida Yehoahazning oghli Yehoash Samariyede Israilgha padishah bolup, on alte yil seltenet qildi.
11 And did euil in the sight of the Lord: for he departed not from all the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat that made Israel to sinne, but he walked therein.
U Perwerdigarning neziride rezil bolghanni qildi; u Israilni gunahqa putlashturghan, Nibatning oghli Yeroboamning gunahlirining héchqaysisini tashlimidi; u shu yolda mangatti.
12 Concerning the rest of the actes of Ioash and all that he did, and his valiant deedes, and how he fought against Amaziah King of Iudah, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?
Emdi Yoashning bashqa ishliri hem qilghanlirining hemmisi, jümlidin uning Yehudaning padishahi Amaziya bilen jeng qilip körsetken qudriti «Israil padishahlirining tarix-tezkiriliri» dégen kitabta pütülgen emesmidi?
13 And Ioash slept with his fathers, and Ieroboam sate vpon his seate: and Ioash was buryed in Samaria among the Kings of Israel.
Yoash ata-bowilirining arisida uxlidi we Yeroboam uning textige olturdi. Yoash Samariyede Israilning padishahliri arisida depne qilindi.
14 When Elisha fell sicke of his sickenesse whereof he dyed, Ioash the King of Israel came downe vnto him, and wept vpon his face, and sayd, O my father, my father, the charet of Israel, and the horsemen of the same.
Élisha öz ejilini yetküzidighan késel bilen yatti. Israilning padishahi Yoash uning qéshigha kélip uning yüzige éngiship yighlap: I atam, i atam, Israilning jeng harwisi hem atliq eskerliri!» dep peryad kötürdi.
15 Then Elisha sayde vnto him, Take a bowe and arrowes. And he tooke vnto him bowe and arrowes.
Élisha uninggha: Bir ya bilen ya oqlirini keltürgin, dédi. U ya bilen ya oqlirini keltürgende
16 And he sayde to the King of Israel, Put thine hand vpon the bowe. And he put his hand vpon it. And Elisha put his hands vpon the Kings hands,
Élisha Israilning padishahigha: Qolungni yagha sélip tutqin, dédi. U qolini qoyghanda Élishamu qollirini padishahning qollirining üstige qoyup, uninggha:
17 And saide, Open the windowe Eastward. And when he had opened it, Elisha said, Shoote. And he shot. And he sayd, Beholde the arrowe of the Lordes deliuerance and the arrowe of deliuerance against Aram: for thou shalt smite the Aramites in Aphek, till thou hast consumed them.
— Meshriq tereptiki dérizini achqin, dédi. U uni achqanda Élisha: Atqin, dédi. U étiwidi, Élisha uninggha: Mana bu Perwerdigarning nusret ya oqi, yeni Suriyening üstidin nusret qazinidighan ya oqidur. Sen Suriylerni yoqatquche Afeqte ular bilen jeng qilisen, dédi.
18 Againe he said, Take the arrowes. And he tooke them. And he sayde vnto the King of Israel, Smite the ground. And he smote thrise, and ceased.
Andin u: — Ya oqlirini qolunggha alghin, dédi. Ularni alghanda, Élisha Israilning padishahigha: Ular bilen yerge urghin, dédi. U üch qétim urup toxtidi.
19 Then the man of God was angry with him, and sayde, Thou shouldest haue smitten fiue or sixe times, so thou shouldest haue smitten Aram, till thou haddest consumed it, where nowe thou shalt smite Aram but thrise.
Xudaning adimi uninggha achchiqlinip: Sen besh-alte qétim urushunggha toghra kéletti. Shundaq qilghan bolsang, sen Suriylerni urup yoqitip üzül-késil meghlup qilatting; lékin emdi Suriylerni urup, peqet üch qétimla meghlup qilalaysen, dédi.
20 So Elisha dyed, and they buryed him. And certaine bandes of the Moabites came into the land that yeere.
Élisha ölüp depne qilindi. Emdi her yili, yil béshida Moablardin top-top bulangchilar yurtqa parakendichilik salatti.
21 And as they were burying a man, behold, they saw the souldiers: therfore they cast the man into the sepulchre of Elisha. And when the man was downe, and touched the bones of Elisha, he reuiued and stoode vpon his feete.
Bir küni shundaq boldiki, xelq bir ölgen ademni yerlikige qoyuwatqanda, mana, ular bir top bulangchilarni körüp qaldi, ular jesetni Élishaning görige tashlidi. Jeset Élishaning ustixinigha tegkende, u tirilip, qopup tik turdi.
22 But Hazael King of Aram vexed Israel all the dayes of Iehoahaz.
Emma Suriyening padishahi Hazael bolsa Yehoahazning hemme künliride Israilgha zalimliq qilatti.
23 Therefore the Lord had mercy on them and pitied them, and had respect vnto them because of his couenant with Abraham, Izhak, and Iaakob, and would not destroy them, neither cast he them from him as yet.
Lékin Perwerdigar ulargha méhriban bolup ich aghritatti; Ibrahim bilen Ishaq we Yaqupqa baghlighan ehdisi tüpeylidin U ulargha iltipat qilip, ularni bügün’ge qeder halak qilmay, Öz huzuridin chiqiriwétishni xalimighanidi.
24 So Hazael the King of Aram dyed: and Ben-hadad his sonne reigned in his stead.
Suriyening padishahi Hazael öldi we oghli Ben-Hadad uning ornida padishah boldi.
25 Therefore Iehoash the sonne of Iehoahaz returned, and tooke out of the hand of Ben-hadad the sonne of Hazael the cities which he had taken away by warre out of the hand of Iehoahaz his father: for three times did Ioash beate him, and restored the cities vnto Israel.
Andin kéyin Yehoahazning oghli Yehoash Hazaelning oghli Ben-Hadadning qolidin Hazael öz atisi Yehoahazdin jengde tartiwalghan sheherlerni yanduruwaldi. Yehoash uni urup, üch qétim meghlup qilip, shuning bilen Israilning sheherlirini yandurwaldi.

< 2 Kings 13 >