< 1 Timothy 6 >

1 Let as many seruaunts as are vnder the yoke, count their masters worthie of all honour, that the Name of God, and his doctrine be not euill spoken of.
Du bi wa ba gran du ba toh ba ti koh ba ni daraja, duba ti naki saboda duba na kpa inde Irji ti meme ni blabla ma na.
2 And they which haue beleeuing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren, but rather doe seruice, because they are faithfull, and beloued, and partakers of the benefite. These things teach and exhort.
Igran bi wa ba nei ni ba ti koh bi bangaskiya du ba na kpa ba tsir na don ba mri vayi kpaba, nakima baka ti dun ni kwazo ba tikoh waba ciriba idu bihu Irji kaunatatu ka koya di tsro ba ikpie bi yi
3 If any man teach otherwise, and consenteth not to the wholesome wordes of our Lord Iesus Christ, and to the doctrine, which is according to godlinesse,
Inde ndi ri ye si bla kpie ri kan, dana kpa yeim ni tre Bachi bu Yesu Kristi, ni tre Irji.
4 He is puft vp and knoweth nothing, but doteth about questions and strife of words, whereof commeth enuie, strife, railings, euill surmisings,
Ani wur wo ni san da na to ikpie na, nakima a hei ni jayaya ni san yeiu, nitre, itre, itre bi yi ba jin hug, ni vie, ni mre, ni meme tre.
5 Frowarde disputations of men of corrupt mindes and destitute of ye trueth, which thinke that gaine is godlines: from such separate thy selfe.
Ani ji rashi jintuwa, ye ni mi ndi wa ba hei ni gigla hankula, ba kaba ni jaji da ni tre di hu Irji ahi koh u ti klen, iftlft ifqa wu ka chu tu me rhu ni mi ikpie baki ifqa
6 But godlinesse is great gaine, if a man be content with that he hath.
Ziza'a hu Irji di ghen a kikle riba.
7 For we brought nothing into the world, and it is certaine, that we can carie nothing out.
Nakima kina ji kpie di ye ni gbugbulu na kina iya ji kpie di rhu ni mi na.
8 Therefore when wee haue foode and raiment, let vs therewith be content.
Nakima kika dagana ni biri ni kpie u' sur.
9 For they that will be rich, fall into tentation and snares, and into many foolish and noysome lustes, which drowne men in perdition and destruction.
Naki biwa ba son zama biklen, ba joku ni mi jaraba ba trako, ba joku ni mi ikpie bi meme, ni sha'awoyi bi meme, ni ko gye wa ani jin ndi hi yo ni mi lalaci ni kug.
10 For the desire of money is the roote of all euill, which while some lusted after, they erred from the faith, and pearced themselues through with many sorowes.
Nakima son klen ahi ijah kowane meme kpie, ndi bari yadda ba wa klen, baka ikoh jaji ba ja nitu ba shijin ne gbugbuu.
11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things, and follow after righteousnesse, godlines, faith, loue, patience, and meekenes.
Wu ndi u Irji, na ri iri kpie baki na, hu adalci, ikon irji, aminci, ison, vu suron, ni ti kpie didi.
12 Fight the good fight of faith: lay holde of eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. (aiōnios g166)
Taku didima u' jaji, vu ivri u sise ni sei wa ba yo ye ni mi, itu wayi na shaida ni shishi ndi gbugbu'u nitu ipkie wa a didima (aiōnios g166)
13 I charge thee in the sight of God, who quickeneth all thinges, and before Iesus Christ, which vnder Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession,
Mo no u doka i ni shishi irji wa ani no vri ni kpie ba wawu'u, ni shi Almasihu Yesu, wa ahla kpie wa na didima ni Bilatus Babunti.
14 That thou keepe this commandement without spot, and vnrebukeable, vntill the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ,
Hu doka dede du kpie u mre na hei ni mi na har ye Bachi bu Yesu Almasihu.
15 Which in due time hee shall shewe, that is blessed and Prince onely, the King of Kings and Lord of Lordes,
Irji ni tsro yema ni dede iton ma Irji u lulu, makadacin iko. Ichu wa ani yi sarauta, Bachi bu'u mulki.
16 Who onely hath immortalitie, and dwelleth in the light that none can attaine vnto, whom neuer man sawe, neither can see, vnto whome bee honour and power euerlasting, Amen. (aiōnios g166)
Wa wu i ni kangrt ma ana kug na wa ani sun ni mi kpan, wa bana cih hi na. Ba ndi wa ani toh, ko ba hangi u' nikon a tabata ni 'u', ni iko u sisei ni sei Amin. (aiōnios g166)
17 Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high minded, and that they trust not in vncertaine riches, but in the liuing God, (which giueth vs aboundantly, all things to enioy) (aiōn g165)
Hla ni bi kle ni mi gbugbulu i duba na zu tu na, duba na yo suron ni klen wa ana krie na, nakima baka yo suron ni Irji wa ani nota klen u jaji don kika ji dadi. (aiōn g165)
18 That they doe good, and be riche in good woorkes, and readie to distribute, and comunicate,
Hla ni bawu duba ti nagarta, da ti klen ni du didima da ta zo ni bu wo.
19 Laying vp in store for themselues a good foundation against the time to come, that they may obteine eternall life.
Naki bazi nituba harshashi u' didima, nitu ikpie wa'asi ye nibau' wa ba kpa rayuwa u kwarai.
20 O Timotheus, keepe that which is committed vnto thee, and auoide prophane and vaine babblings, and oppositios of science falsely so called,
Timotawus mla ikpie wa bana no. na cib hi ni bi tre ruru ni sen yieu ni kpie wa ani ga kpa ba, wa ba yo di ilimi u ce.
21 Which while some professe, they haue erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee, Amen. ‘The first Epistle to Timotheus, written from Laodicea, which is the chiefest citie of Phrygia Pacaciana.’
Indi bari basi duh iri kpie bi yi, don duba kauce ni jaji. Naki du alheri sun ni wa Amin.

< 1 Timothy 6 >