< Psalms 58 >

1 For the music director. According to “Do Not Destroy.” A psalm (miktam) of David. You leaders, do you really say what is right? Do you judge people fairly?
Ho an’ ny mpiventy hira. Al-tasheth. Miktama nataon’ i Davida. Moa ny tsi-fitenenana va ataonareo ho filazana ny marina? Mitsara mahitsy va ianareo, ry zanak’ olombelona?
2 No, for in your minds you plan evil. You cause violence everywhere!
Tsy izany, fa ny fonareo no amoronanareo ny ratsy; mandanja ny fandozan’ ny tananareo etỳ an-tany ianareo.
3 The wicked are sinners from birth; from the moment they're born they tell lies.
Mivily hatrany am-bohoka ny ratsy fanahy; mania hatrany an-kibo izy ka miteny lainga.
4 They have venom like that of a poisonous snake, and just like a cobra they stop listening,
Misy poizina tahaka ny an’ ny menarana aminy; eny, tahaka ny vipera marenina izay manentsin-tadiny izy,
5 refusing to hear the voice of the snake charmers or the spellbinders.
Ka tsy mihaino ny feon’ ny mpanao ody, na dia izay mpahay ody indrindra aza.
6 God, break their teeth, and smash the jaws of these lions, Lord.
Andriamanitra ô, torotoroy ny nifiny eo am-bavany; omboty ny vazan’ ny liona tanora, Jehovah ô.
7 May they vanish like water that flows away; when they shoot their arrows may they miss their mark.
Aoka ho ritra tahaka ny ranotrambo izy; raha atraniny ny zana-tsipìkany, dia aoka ho tapa-doha ireny;
8 May they be like the slime of snails that dissolves away, like a stillborn child that never saw the light of day.
Aoka ho tahaka ny lelosy izay mihalevona eny am-pandehanana izy; Aoka ho tahaka ny zaza-vakimanta izay tsy mahita masoandro izy.
9 Before the cooking pot is hot from burning thorns, whether fresh or dry, God will blow them away.
Dieny tsy mbola mafanan’ ny afon-tsilo ny vilaninareo, aoka ho entin’ ny tafio-drivotra ireny, na ny lena na ny maina.
10 Those who live right will be happy when they see there is punishment; they will wash their feet in the blood of the wicked.
Hifaly ny marina, raha mahita ny famaliana; hanasa ny tongony amin’ ny ran’ ny ratsy fanahy izy;
11 They will say, “There is definitely a reward for those who live right; there is certainly a God who judges fairly on earth.”
Dia hiteny ny olona ka hanao hoe: misy valiny tokoa ho an’ ny marina; misy tokoa Andriamanitra Izay mitsara etỳ ambonin’ ny tany.

< Psalms 58 >