< Nehemiah 9 >

1 On the twenty-fourth day of this same month, the Israelites met together, fasting and wearing sackcloth, with dust on their heads.
Shu ayning yigirme tötinchi küni Israillar roza tutup, boz kiyip, üsti-béshigha topa chachqan halda yighildi;
2 Those of Israelite ancestry separated themselves from the foreigners, and stood to confess their sins and those of their forefathers.
Israil nesli özlirini barliq yat taipilerdin ayrip chiqti, andin öre turup özlirining gunahlirini we ata-bowilirining ötküzgen qebihliklirini étirap qildi.
3 They spent three hours standing there reading the Book of the Law of the Lord their God, and another three hours confessing their sins and worshiping the Lord their God.
Ular shu künning töttin biride öz yéride turup özlirining Xudasi bolghan Perwerdigarning Tewrat-qanun kitabini oqudi; künning yene töttin biride özlirining gunahlirini tonudi we Xudasi bolghan Perwerdigargha sejde qildi.
4 The Levites stood on the stage and called out loudly to the Lord their God. (Their names were Jeshua, Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, and Chenani.)
Lawiylardin Yeshua, Bani, Kadmiyel, Shebaniya, Bunni, Sherebiya, Bani we Kénanilar pelempeylerde turup özlirining Xudasi bolghan Perwerdigargha ünlük awaz bilen nida qildi.
5 Then the Levites announced: “Stand up and praise the Lord your God who lives eternally: ‘May who you are and your glory be blessed, and may you be lifted up above all blessing and praise.’” (The names of the Levites were Jeshua, Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabneiah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah.)
Lawiy Yeshua, Kadmiyel, Bani, Hashabiniya, Sherebiya, Xodiya, Shebaniya we Pitahiyalar: «Ornunglardin qopup Xudayinglar bolghan Perwerdigargha ebedil’ebedgiche teshekkür-medhiye qayturunglar» — dédi we mundaq [dua-hemdusana uqudi]: — «[I Xuda], insanlar Séning shanu-shewketlik namingni ulughlisun! Berheq, barliq teshekkür-medhiyiler naminggha yétishmeydu!
6 They prayed, “Only you are the Lord. It was you who made the sky, the heavens with all their stars, the land and everything on it, the seas and everything in them. You give life to all of them, and all the heavenly beings worship you.
Sen, peqet Senla Perwerdigardursen; asmanlarni, asmanlarning asminini we ularning barliq qoshunlirini, yer we yer üstidiki hemmini, déngizlar we ular ichidiki hemmini yaratquchidursen; Sen bularning hemmisige hayatliq bergüchisen, asmanlarning barliq qoshunliri Sanga sejde qilghuchidur.
7 You are the Lord, the God who chose Abram, who led him out of Ur of the Chaldeans and named him Abraham.
Sen berheq Perwerdigar Xudadursen, Sen Abramni talliding, uni Kaldiyening Ur shehiridin élip chiqting, uninggha Ibrahim dégen namni ata qilding.
8 You knew he would be faithful to you, and made an agreement with him to give him and his descendants the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Jebusites, and Girgashites. You kept your promise, because you do what is right.
Sen uning qelbining Özüngge sadiq-ishenchilik ikenlikini körüp, uning bilen ehde tüzüp Qanaaniylarning, Hittiylarning, Amoriylarning, Perizziylerning, Yebusiylarning we Girgashiylarning zéminini uning ewladlirigha teqdim qilip bérishni wede qilding; Sen heqqaniy bolghanliqingdin, sözliringni ishqa ashurdung.
9 You saw how much our forefathers were suffering in Egypt. You heard their cries for help at the Red Sea.
Sen ata-bowilirimizning Misirda jebir-zulum chékiwatqanliqini körüp, ularning Qizil déngiz boyidiki nalisigha qulaq salding.
10 You performed miraculous signs and wonders against Pharaoh, all his officials, and all his people of his land, for you recognized how arrogantly they treated our forefathers. You created a wonderful reputation for yourself that people still recognize to this day.
Sen Misirliqlarning ulargha qandaq yoghanchiliq bilen muamile qilghanliqini bilginingdin kéyin Pirewn, uning barliq xizmetchiliri we uning zéminidiki barliq xelqqe möjizilik alamet we karametlerni körsitip, Özüng üchün bügün’ge qeder saqlinip kéliwatqan ulugh bir nam-shöhretni tikliding.
11 You split the sea apart in front of them so that they could walk through it on dry ground. But you threw their pursuers into the depths of the sea, like stones thrown into raging waters.
Sen yene [ata-bowilirimiz] aldida déngizni bölüp, ular déngizning otturisidin quruq yer üstidin méngip ötti; ularni qoghlap kelgenlerni chongqur déngiz tégige tashlap gherq qiliwetting, xuddi jushqunluq déngizgha tashlan’ghan tashtek gherq qilding.
12 You led them with a column of cloud during the day, and a column of fire at night, showing them the way which they should go.
Sen ularni kündüzi bulut tüwrüki bilen, kéchisi ot tüwrüki bilen yétekliding, bular arqiliq ularning mangidighan yolini yorutup berding.
13 You descended on Mount Sinai. You spoke to them from heaven. You gave them right ways to live, true laws, and good regulations and commandments.
Sen Sinay téghigha chüshüp, asmanda turup ular bilen sözliship, ulargha toghra höküm, heqiqiy ishenchlik qanunlar, yaxshi belgilimiler we emrlerni ata qilding.
14 You explained your holy Sabbath to them. You gave them commandments and regulations and laws through your servant Moses.
Sen ulargha Özüngning muqeddes shabat kününgni tonuttung, qulung Musaning wastisi bilen ulargha emrler, belgilimiler we Tewrat qanunini tapiliding.
15 When they were hungry you gave them bread from heaven, and when they were thirsty you brought water out of the rock for them. You told them to go and take ownership of the land which you had sworn to give them.
Sen ulargha ach qalghanda yésun dep asmandin nan, ussighanda ichsun dep qoram tashtin su chiqirip berding; Sen ulargha bérishke qolungni kötürüp qesem qilghan eshu zéminni kirip igilenglar, déding.
16 But they and our forefathers acted arrogantly and became stubborn, and didn't pay attention to your commands.
Lékin ular, yeni ata-bowilirimiz meghrulinip, boyni qattiqliq qilip emrliringge qulaq salmidi.
17 They refused to listen to you, and forgot about all the miracles you did for them. They became obstinate and decided to choose themselves a leader to take them back to slavery in Egypt. But you are a forgiving God, gracious and merciful, slow to get angry, and full of trustworthy love. You did not give up on them,
Ular itaet qilishni ret qildi, Séning ularning otturisida yaratqan karamet möjiziliringni yad etmidi, belki boyni qattiqliq qildi, asiyliq qilip, qul qilin’ghan jaygha ketmekchi bolup, öz aldigha yolbashchi tiklidi. Lékin Sen epuchan, méhir-shepqetlik hem rehimdil, asan ghezeplenmeydighan, zor méhir-muhebbetlik Tengridursen; shunga Sen ularni tashliwetmiding.
18 even when they made themselves a metal calf and said, ‘This is your god who led you out of Egypt,’ and committed terrible blasphemies.
Ular hetta téxi özlirige bir quyma mozayni yasap: «Mana bu silerni Misirdin élip chiqqan ilah!» dégen waqtida hem qattiq kupurluq qilghinida,
19 But you because you are so merciful didn't abandon them in the desert. The column of cloud didn't stop guiding them during the day, and the column of fire continued to light their way at night.
Sen tolimu rehimdil bolghanliqing üchün ularni yenila bayawanda tashlap qoymiding; kündüzi bulut tüwrüki ularning üstidin néri ketmey, ulargha yol bashlidi; kéchisi ot tüwrükimu ulardin néri ketmey, ulargha nur bérip, mangidighan yolini körsetti.
20 You gave your good Spirit to teach them. You did not stop feeding them with your manna, and you gave them water when they were thirsty.
Sen Özüngning méhribane Rohingni chüshürüp ulargha telim berding; Sen ularning yéyishi üchün «manna»ni ayimiding, ussuzluqini qandurush üchün suni berding.
21 You took care of them for forty years in the desert. Their clothes didn't wear out, they didn't want for anything. Their feet didn't even swell up!
Sen ularni bayawanda qiriq yil qamdap kelding; héchnémisi kem bolmidi, kiyimliri konirimidi, putlirimu ishshimidi.
22 You gave them kingdoms and nations; you assigned their borders. They took control of the land of Sihon, king of Heshbon, and of Og, king of Bashan.
Sen padishahliqlar we taipilerni ularning qoligha berding, bularni ularning zéminigha chégralar qilip berding. Shuning bilen ular Sihon padishahning zéminini, Heshbonning padishahining zéminini we Bashan padishahi Ogning zéminini igilidi.
23 You made their descendants as countless as the stars of heaven, and led them to the land you had promised their fathers they would enter and possess.
Sen ularning perzent-ewladlirini asmandiki yultuzlardek awuttung; Sen ularni ata-bowilirigha: «Siler bu zéminni igileshke uninggha kiringlar» dep teqdim qilghan zémin’gha bashlap kirding.
24 Their descendants went in and took over the land. Right in front of them you conquered the Canaanites who lived there, handing over their kings and people so they could do with them whatever they wanted.
Ularning ewladliri kirip u zéminni igilidi; Sen u zéminda turuwatqan Qanaan ahalisini ulargha béqindurdung hem zémindiki padishahlarni we ularning qebile-qowmlirini: «Siler ulargha xalighanche muamile qilinglar» dep ularning qoligha tapshurdung.
25 They captured fortified cities and fertile land. They took over houses full of valuable things, water cisterns, vineyards, olive groves, and many fruit trees. They ate until they were full, and grew fat. They were so happy at how good you were to them.
Ular mustehkem sheherlerni, munbet yerlerni ishghal qilip, herxil ésil buyumlargha tolghan öylerge, kolap qoyulghan quduqlargha, üzümzarliqlar, zeytunluqlar we intayin köp méwilik derexlerge ige boldi; yep-ichip semrip, Séning zor méhribanliqingdin söyünüshti!
26 But they completely rebelled against you. They tossed your Law over their shoulders. They killed your prophets who warned them to try and bring them back to you, and they committed terrible blasphemies.
Lékin ular gedenkeshlik qilip Séningdin yüz örüp, Tewrat qanunungni arqisigha tashlidi, ularni yéninggha yandurmaq üchün agah-guwahliq yetküzgen peyghemberliringni öltürüp esheddiy kupurluq qildi.
27 So you handed them over to their enemies who treated them badly. In their suffering they cried out to you for help. But you heard their cries from heaven, and because you're so merciful you sent them leaders to save them from their enemies.
Shunga Sen ularni jebir-zulum salghuchilarning qoligha tapshurdung, derweqe ular ularni qiynidi; ular qiynalghan waqitlirida Sanga yalwurushqanidi, Sen asmanlarda turup ulargha qulaq salding, zor rehimdilliqing boyiche ulargha qutquzghuchilarni ewetetting, ular bularni ezgüchilerning qolidin qutquzatti.
28 However, as soon as they had peace, they went back to doing evil in your sight. So once more you handed them over to their enemies, who dominated them. They came back to you, and they cried out to you again. But you heard from heaven once more, and you saved them time and again because you are so merciful.
Lékin ular aramliqqa érishkendin kéyin yene Séning aldingda rezillik qilishqa bashliwidi, Sen ularni yene düshmenlirining qoligha tapshurdung, ular ularning üstidin hökümranliq qildi; ular yene Séning aldingda nale-peryat qilishiwidi, Sen asmanlarda turup qulaq sélip, rehimdilliqliring boyiche ularni yénish-yénishlap qutquzdung.
29 You warned them to come back to your Law, but they were arrogant. They ignored your commands, and sinned against your rules, which, as you previously said, ‘If people obey they will live by them.’ They obstinately turned their backs on you and refused to listen.
Sen ularni Özüngning Tewrat-qanununggha qaytishqa agahlandurdung; lékin ular meghrurlinip, emrliringge qulaq salmidi, hökümliring aldida gunah qildi (insan hökümliringge emel qilsa, ular shu sewebtin hayatta bolidu). Ular jahilliq bilen boynini tolghap, gedenkeshlik qilip sanga qulaq sélishni ret qildi.
30 You were patient with them for many years. You warned them by your Spirit through your prophets, but they didn't listen, so you handed them over to the other nations.
Ulargha uzun yil sewr-taqet qilding, Rohing peyghemberliringning wastisi bilen agah-guwahliq bergen bolsimu, ular yenila qulaq salmidi; shunga Sen ularni herqaysi el-yurtlardiki taipilerning qoligha tapshurdung.
31 But because of your wonderful mercy you did not finish with them, and you did not abandon them, for you are a gracious and merciful God.
Halbuki, Sen zor rehimdilliqliring tüpeylidin ularning neslini pütünley qurutuwetmiding hem ularni tashliwetmiding; chünki Sen méhir-shepqetlik hem rehimdil Tengridursen.
32 So now, our God, the great and powerful and awesome God who keeps his agreement of trustworthy love, please don't see as unimportant all the hardships that have happened to us, and to our kings and leaders, our priests and prophets, our forefather and all your people, from the time of the Assyrian kings of Assyria up till now.
Emdi ah Xudayimiz, ehdengde turup özgermes muhebbitingni körsitidighan ulugh, qudretlik we dehshetlik Tengri, emdi Séningdin bizning, padishahlirimizning we emirlirimizning, kahinlirimizning, peyghemberlirimizning, ata-bowilirimizning shundaqla Özüngning barliq xelqingning Asuriye padishahining zamanidin buyan bügün’giche béshimizgha chüshken barliq azab-oqubetlerni kichik ish dep qarimasliqingni ötünimiz.
33 But you have done what is right regarding everything that has happened to us. You have always acted faithfully, while we have done so much evil.
Béshimizgha kelgen barliq ishta Sen adilsen; chünki Séning qilghining heqiqet boyiche boldi, bizning qilghinimiz rezilliktur.
34 Our kings, our leaders, our priests, and our forefathers did not follow your Law, and they ignored your commands and regulations you ordered them to keep.
Padishahlirimiz, emirlirimiz, kahinlirimiz bilen ata-bowilirimizning hemmisi Séning Tewrat qanununggha emel qilmay, emrliringge we Séning ulargha ispatlap bergen agah-guwahliqliringgha héch qulaq salmidi.
35 But they, even during the time they had their own kingdom, with so many blessings you had given them in the wide and fertile land you had provided for them, even then they refused to serve you and would not turn from their evil ways.
Ular Sen ulargha muyesser qilghan padishahliqta turushtin, ulargha ata qilghan zor memurchiliqtin we shuningdek ularning aldigha yayghan bu keng munbet zémindiki turmushtin behrimen boluwatqan bolsimu, lékin ular Séning ibadet-xizmitingde bolmidi yaki özlirining rezil qilmishliridin yanmidi.
36 Look at us now, slaves in the land you gave our forefathers to enjoy its fruit and all its good things. Look at us slaves here!
Mana, biz bügün qullarmiz! Sen méwisi bilen nazu-németliridin yéyishke ata-bowilirimizgha teqdim qilip bergen zéminda tursaqmu, biz mana uningda qul bolup qalduq!
37 The rich harvests of this land go to the kings you have placed over us because of our sins. They rule over our bodies and our cattle, doing whatever they want. We are suffering so much!”
[Zémin] Sen bizning gunahlirimiz üchün bizni idare qilishqa békitken padishahlargha mol mehsulatlirini bérip turidu; ular bedenlirimizni hem charwa mallirimizni öz meyliche bashqurup kéliwatidu; biz zor derd-elemde bolduq».
38 In response the people declared, “Considering all this, we are making a solemn agreement, putting it in writing. It is sealed by our leaders, Levites, and priests.”
«— Biz mana mushu barliq ishlar tüpeyli muqim bir ehdini tüzüp yézip chiqtuq; emirlirimiz, Lawiylirimiz bilen kahinlirimiz buninggha öz möhürlirini basti».

< Nehemiah 9 >