< Ezra 8 >

1 This is a list of the family leaders and genealogical records of those who came back with me from Babylon during the reign of King Artaxerxes:
Padishah Artaxshashta seltenet sürüp turghan waqitta, Babildin méning bilen bille qaytqanlarning ata jemet bashliqliri we ularning nesebnamiliri töwendikiche: —
2 From the sons of Phinehas, Gershom. From the sons of Ithamar, Daniel. From the sons of David, Hattush,
Finihasning ewladliridin Gershon, Itamarning ewladliridin Daniyal, Dawutning ewladliridin Hattush,
3 son of Shecaniah. From the sons of Parosh, Zechariah, and with him 150 men were registered.
Shékaniyaning ewladliridin, yeni Paroshning ewladliridin Zekeriya we uning bilen nesebnamide tizimlan’ghan erkekler jemiy bir yüz ellik kishi;
4 From the sons of Pahath-moab, Eliehoenai, son of Zerahiah, and with him 200 men.
Pahat-Moabning ewladliridin Zerahiyahning oghli Elyoyinay we uning bilen bille qaytqan erkekler ikki yüz kishi;
5 From the sons of Zattu, Shecaniah, son of Jahaziel, and with him 300 men.
Shékaniyaning ewladliridin bolghan Yahaziyelning oghli we uning bilen bille qaytqan erkekler üch yüz kishi;
6 From the sons of Adin, Ebed, son of Jonathan, and with him 50 men.
Adinning ewladliridin Yonatanning oghli Ebed we uning bilen bille qaytqan erkekler ellik kishi;
7 From the sons of Elam, Jeshaiah, son of Athaliah, and with him 70 men.
Élamning ewladliridin Ataliyaning oghli Yeshaya we uning bilen bille qaytqan erkekler yetmish kishi;
8 From the sons of Shephatiah, Zebadiah, son of Michael, and with him 80 men.
Shefatiyaning ewladliridin Mikailning oghli Zebadiya we uning bilen bille qaytqan erkekler seksen kishi;
9 From the sons of Joab, Obadiah, son of Jehiel, and with him 218 men.
Yoabning ewladliridin Yehiyelning oghli Obadiya we uning bilen bille qaytqan erkekler ikki yüz on sekkiz kishi;
10 From the sons of Bani, Shelomith, son of Josiphiah, and with him 160 men.
Shélomitning ewladliridin Yosifiyaning oghli we uning bilen bille qaytqan erkekler bir yüz atmish kishi;
11 From the sons of Bebai, Zechariah, son of Bebai, and with him 28 men.
Bibayning ewladliridin Bibayning oghli Zekeriya we uning bilen bille qaytqan erkekler yigirme sekkiz kishi;
12 From the sons of Azgad, Johanan, son of Hakkatan, and with him 110 men.
Azgadning ewladliridin Hakkatanning oghli Yohanan we uning bilen bille qaytqan erkekler bir yüz on kishi;
13 From the sons of Adonikam, those who were last, their names being Eliphelet, Jeuel, and Shemaiah, and with them 60 men.
Adonikamning ewladliridin eng axirida qaytqanlarning isimliri Elifelet, Jeiyel we Shémaya bolup, ular bilen bille qaytqan erkekler atmish kishi;
14 From the sons of Bigvai, Uthai and Zaccur, and with them 70 men.
Bigwayning ewladliridin Utay bilen Zabbud we ular bilen bille qaytqan erkekler yetmish kishi.
15 I gathered the returning exiles together at the Ahava Canal. We camped there for three days while I reviewed who had come—the ordinary people, the priests, and the Levites. I discovered there wasn't a single Levite
— Men ularni Axawagha aqidighan Deryaning boyigha yighdim; biz u yerde chédir tikip üch kün turduq. Xelqni we kahinlarni arilap qarisam u yerde Lawiylar yoq iken.
16 so I sent for Eliezer, Ariel, Shemaiah, Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam, who were leaders, and for Joiarib and Elnathan, who were men with good insight.
Shunga men bashliqlardin Eliézer, Ariyel, Shémaya, Elnatan, Yarib, Elnatan, Natan, Zekeriya bilen Meshullamlarni we ulargha qoshup oqumushluq alimlardin Yoarib bilen Elnatanni chaqirtip kélip,
17 I told them to go to Iddo, the leader of the Temple servants at Casiphia, asking him and his relatives to send us ministers for the Temple of our God.
ulargha hawale qilip Kasifiya dégen yerge, Iddo dégen Ataman bilen körüshüshke ewettim. Men Kasifiya dégen yerde Iddogha we uning ibadetxana xizmetkarliri bolghan qérindashlirigha deydighan geplerni aghzigha sélip, ularning bu yerge Xudayimizning öyi üchün xizmet qilidighan xizmetchilerni bizge ekélishni ötündum.
18 Since our gracious God was with us, they brought us Sherebiah, a man with good insight from the sons of Mahli, son of Levi, son of Israel, together with his sons and brothers, a total of eighteen men;
Xudayimizning shapaetlik qoli bizde bolghachqa, ular bizge Israilning ewrisi, Lawiyning newrisi Mahlining ewladliri ichidin oqumushluq bir ademni, yeni Sherebiyani we uning oghulliri hem qérindashliri bolup jemiy on sekkiz kishini bashlap keldi.
19 and Hashabiah, along with Jeshaiah, from the sons of Merari, and his brothers and their sons, a total of twenty men.
Ular yene Hashabiya we uning bilen bille Merarining ewladliridin Yeshaya hem uning qérindashliri hem ularning oghulliri bolup, jemiy yigirme kishini,
20 In addition they brought 220 of the Temple servants, a group appointed by David and his officials to help the Levites. These were all registered by name.
Yene ilgiri Dawut we uning emirliri Lawiylarning xizmitide bolushqa teyinligen «Netiniylar»din ikki yüz yigirme kishini bashlap keldi, bularning hemmisi isimliri bilen tizimlandi.
21 At the Ahava Canal I called for a fast so we could confess our sins before God and ask him for a safe journey for us and our children, along with all our possessions.
Shu chaghda Axawa deryasi boyida men Xudayimizning aldida özümizni töwen qilip, özimiz we kichik balilirimiz hem barliq mal-mülkimiz üchün Xudayimizdin aq yol tileshke roza tutayli, dep jakarlidim.
22 I had been reluctant to ask the king to give us a military escort to protect us from enemies on the way. We had told the king, “Our gracious God takes care of everyone who follows him, but shows his anger against anyone who abandons him.”
Chünki biz eslide padishahqa: «Xudayimizning qoli Uni barliq izdigenlerning üstige iltipat körsitishke qoyulidu; lékin Uning qudriti bilen ghezipi Özini tashlighanlargha zerbe bérishke teyyardur» dégeniduq, emdi yene uningdin yoldiki düshmenlerge taqabil turushqa piyade we atliq leshkerler teyinlep bérishni telep qilghanliqimdin xijil bolup qaldim.
23 So we fasted and asked God to protect us, and he answered our prayers.
Shuning bilen biz roza tutup Xudayimizdin shu ish toghruluq ötünduq, u duayimizni ijabet qildi.
24 Then I designated twelve of the leading priests, and Sherebiah, Hashabiah, and ten of their brothers,
Men kahin bashliri ichidin on ikki ademni we Sherebiya, Hashabiya we ular bilen bille bolghan aka-ukiliridin on ademni tallap,
25 and I weighed out and handed them the donations of silver and gold, and the items that the king, his counselors, his leaders, and all the people of Israel there had given for the Temple of our God.
ulargha altun, kümüsh we qacha-quchilarni, yeni padishah, uning meslihetchiliri, emirliri we shuningdek shu yerde turuwatqan barliq Israillar «köydürme hediye» süpitide Xudayimizning öyige hediye qilghan sowghatlarni tapshurdum.
26 I weighed out and placed in their hands 650 talents of silver, silver Temple items weighing 100 talents, 100 talents of gold,
Men kümüshtin alte yüz ellik talant, yüz talant éghirliqtiki kümüsh qacha-qucha, yüz talant altunni ularning qoligha ölchep tapshurdum.
27 20 gold bowls worth 1,000 darics, and two articles of highly-polished bronze, as valuable as gold.
Ulargha tapshurghanlirimdin yene altun das yigirme bolup, qimmiti ming darik, süpetlik we walildap parqiraydighan mis chong das ikki bolup, altundek qimmetlik idi.
28 I told them, “You are set apart for the Lord, and these Temple items are too. The silver and gold are a voluntary offering to the Lord, the God of your forefathers.
Men ulargha: — Siler Perwerdigargha muqeddestursiler, qacha-quchilarmu muqeddestur, altun-kümüshler ata-bowanglarning Xudasi Perwerdigargha ixtiyariy hediye qilin’ghan sowghattur.
29 You are to guard them and keep them safe until you hand them over, weighing them before the high priests, the Levites and the family leaders in Israel at Jerusalem, in the treasury rooms within the Lord's Temple.”
Taki Yérusalémdiki Perwerdigarning öyidiki ambar-xezinilerge yetküzüp, kahinlar we Lawiylarning bashliri we Israillarning qebile-jemet bashliqlirining aldida tarazidin ötküzgüche bularni obdan qarap qoghdanglar, dédim.
30 The priests and Levites took responsibility for the silver and gold and the Temple items that had been weighed out to be brought to the Temple of our God in Jerusalem.
Shuning bilen kahinlar bilen Lawiylar Yérusalémdiki Xudayimizning öyige apiridighan, tarazidin ötküzülgen shu altun-kümüsh we qacha-quchilarni tapshuruwaldi.
31 On the twelfth day of the first month, we left the Ahava Canal to go to Jerusalem, and our God was with us to protect us from enemy ambushes along the way.
Shuning bilen birinchi ayning on ikkinchi küni biz Axawa deryasining boyidin qozghilip Yérusalémgha chiqishqa mangduq. Xudayimizning qoli üstimizde bolghachqa, u bizni düshmenlirimizdin we yolda paylap turghan qaraqchilardinmu qutquzdi.
32 Eventually we arrived in Jerusalem and rested there for three days.
Biz Yérusalémgha kélip u yerde üch kün turduq;
33 On the fourth day the silver and the gold and the Temple items were weighed out in the Temple of our God and handed over to Meremoth, son of Uriah the priest, accompanied by Eleazar, son of Phinehas. Also present were the Levites, Jozabad, son of Jeshua, and Noadiah, son of Binnui.
tötinchi küni Xudayimizning öyide altun-kümüsh we qacha-quchilar tarazida ölchinip kahin Uriyaning oghli Meremotning qoligha tapshuruldi; uning yénida Finihasning oghli Eliazar, yene Lawiylardin Yeshuaning oghli Yozabad bilen Binnuiyning oghli Noadiyahlar bar idi.
34 Everything was checked, both by number and weight, and the total weight was written down at the time.
Hemme nerse sani boyiche we éghirliqi boyiche ölchendi we shuning bilen bille herbirining éghirliqi pütüp qoyuldi.
35 Then the exiles who had returned from captivity sacrificed burnt offerings to the God of Israel—twelve bulls for all of Israel, ninety-six rams, seventy-seven lambs, and a sin offering of twelve goats. All were sacrificed as a burnt offering to the Lord.
Shu chaghda esli élip kétilgenlerning ewladliri, yeni sürgünlüktin qaytqanlar Israillarning Xudasigha «köydürme qurbanliq» süpitide pütkül Israil üchün on ikki torpaq, toqsan alte qochqar, yetmish yette qoza sundi, yene gunah qurbanliqi süpitide on ikki téke sundi; bularning hemmisi Perwerdigargha atalghan köydürme qurbanliq idi.
36 They also delivered the king's decrees to the chief officers of the king and the governors of the province west of the Euphrates, who then provided assistance to the people and to God's Temple.
Ular padishahning yarliq xetlirini padishahning waliylirigha we Deryaning bu gherb teripidiki hökümdarlargha tapshuruwidi, ular xelqqe we Xudaning öyining ishlirigha izchil yardem berdi.

< Ezra 8 >