< Job 28 >

1 There are silver mines and places where gold is refined.
Toe ao ty lakato fitsikaraham-bolafoty naho ty toem-pitranaham-bolamena.
2 Iron is extracted from the earth and copper is smelted from its ore.
Akareñe an-debok’ ao ty viñe, le tranaheñe am-bongam-bato ty torisike.
3 Miners take lamps into the darkness underground and search for ore as far as they can go in the shadows and the gloom.
Fongore’e ty ieñe, tsikarahe’e pak’ am-para-piefera’e ao ty vato, an-kamoromoroñañe naho an-talinjon-kavilasy ao.
4 They dig a mineshaft far from where people live or anyone ever goes. They swing from ropes that hang in the pits.
Anokafa’e lalam-pigodañañe, ­lavi-pimoneñañe; andikofam-pandia, ­miradorado ao, mitsikadròtse ­lavits’ ondaty.
5 Bread comes from the earth, but underneath it looks as if it has been turned upside-down by fire.
Ty tane toy, ama’e ty iboaha’ ty mahakama; ambane’e ao hoe trobotroboen’ afo.
6 Here the rocks contain lapis lazuli and the dust contains gold.
Angalan-tsafira o vato’eo, naho volamena an-debo’e ao.
7 No birds of prey can see these paths, no falcon's eye can perceive.
Tsy hay o voro-pamaokeo i lalañey; tsy trea’ ty maso’ i hitikitikey.
8 No wild beasts have passed that way; the lion has not walked there.
Tsy nilià’ o bibi-ly mpireñetseo; mbe tsy nipiapia ambone’e eo ty liona.
9 Miners attack the hard rock; they overturn the roots of mountains.
Ahiti’e mb’amo vato-pilakeo ty fità’e vaho avalitaboa’e reke-bahatse o vohitseo.
10 They tunnel through the rock, looking carefully for every precious stone.
Kaohe’e amo vatoo ty talàha vaho oni-pihaino’e ze atao vara.
11 They dam the sources of the rivers, and bring to light what is hidden.
Sebaña’e o torahañeo tsy hiorike; aboa’e mb’an-kazavàñe o raha nikafitseo.
12 But where can wisdom be found? Where is the place to gain understanding?
Fe aia ty hahaoniñañe hihitse? Aia ka ty toe’ o hilalao?
13 Human beings do not know the way to wisdom; it is not found among the living.
Tsy fohi’ondaty ty vili’e, toe tsy tendrek’ an-tane’ o veloñeo.
14 The deep waters say, ‘It's not here,’ and the sea says, ‘It's not here either.’
hoe i lalekey, Tsy amako atoa; le hoe i riakey, Tsy amako etoa.
15 It cannot be bought with gold; nor can it be purchased with silver.
Tsy ikaloam-bolamena, vaho tsy andanjàm-bolafoty.
16 Its value cannot be measured, even with the gold of Ophir; it is more precious than onyx or lapis lazuli.
Tsy añoharañe ami’ty volamena’ i Ofire, ndra an-tsohame sarotse ndra safira.
17 Gold or fine glass cannot compare with wisdom; it cannot be exchanged for gold jewelry.
Tsy añirinkiriña’ ty volamena ndra ty kristaly, tsy tsalohem-panake volamena ki’e.
18 Coral and crystal are not worth mentioning; the price of wisdom is far above rubies.
Tsy ivolañañe ty vaton-driake ndra vato-soa; ambone’ o hangeo ty fikaloan-kihitse.
19 Topaz from Ethiopia can't compare with it; it cannot be bought with the purest gold.
Tsy oharañe ama’e ty pit-dae’ i Kose, tsy ibalibalihem-bolamena hiringiri’e.
20 So where does wisdom come from? Where is the place to gain understanding?
Hirik’ aia arè o hihitseo? Vaho aia ty toe’ o hilalao?
21 Wisdom is hidden from the sight of all living things, even the birds of the air cannot see it.
Ie mikafits’ am-pihaino’ ze atao veloñe, vaho mietak’ amo voron-tiokeo.
22 Abaddon and Death say, ‘We've only heard a rumor of it.’
Hoe ty Tsikeokeoke naho i Havilasy: fa nahatsanon-talily aze o sofi’aio.
23 Only God understands the path to wisdom; he knows where it is found.
Arofoanan’ Añahare i lala’ey, fohi’e ka i toe’ey.
24 For he looks to the very end of the earth; he sees everything under heaven.
Jilove’e pak’ añ’olo’ ty tane toy, vazoho’e ze he’e ambanen-dikerañe ao.
25 He decided how strong the wind should blow, and regulated the waters.
Ie nanolora’e lanja o tiokeo, vaho nanjara’e an-kapoake o ranoo;
26 He set a limit for the rain and made a path for the lightning.
ie nafepè’e o orañeo, naho ty lala’ o helats’ampiñeo;
27 Then he considered wisdom. He examined it, gave it his approval, and declared it good.
Le nivazohoe’e, nitseize’e; najado’e vaho tsinikara’e.
28 He said to humankind, ‘To reverence the Lord is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.’”
Le hoe re am’ondatio, Inao: Ty fañeveñañe amy Talè, Izay ro hihitse; ty fisitahañe an-karatiañe ro hilala.

< Job 28 >