< Esther 2 >

1 Later on, after all this had happened, King Xerxes' anger subsided and he thought about Vashti and what she'd done, and the decree issued against her.
Bu ishlar ötüp, padishah Ahashwéroshning ghezipi bésilghanda, u Washtini séghinip, uning qilghinini hem uning üstidin chiqirilghan yarliqi heqqide eslep oylinip qaldi.
2 His advisors suggested to him, “Why not order a search to find beautiful young virgins for Your Majesty?
Shu sewebtin padishahning xizmitide turghan ghojidarlar uninggha: — Aliyliri üchün sahibjamal yash qizlarni izdep tépip keltürgeyla;
3 Your Majesty should put officers in charge in each province of his empire to gather all the beautiful young women and bring them to the king's harem at the fortress of Susa. They should placed under the supervision of Hegai, the king's eunuch in charge of the women, and they should be given beauty treatments.
aliyliri padishahliqidiki herqaysi ölkilerde barliq güzel qizlarni yighip, Shushan qel’esidiki heremsaraygha keltürüshke emeldarlarni teyin’geyla; qizlar ordidiki qiz-ayallargha mes’ul bolghan heremaghisi Hégayning qoligha tapshurulghay; ulargha kéreklik upa-englikler teminlen’gey.
4 The young woman the king finds most attractive can become queen in place of Vashti.” The king thought this was a good idea, so he acted upon it.
Aliylirini söyündürgen qiz Washtining ornini bésip xanish bolsun, dédi. Bu gep padishahni xush qildi we u shundaq qildi.
5 There was a Jewish man living in the fortress of Susa named Mordecai, son of Jair, son of Shimei, son of Kish, a Benjamite
Shushan qel’eside Binyamin qebilisidin, Kishning ewrisi, Shimeyning newrisi, Yairning oghli Mordikay isimlik bir Yehudiy bar idi
6 who was among those taken prisoner with King Jehoiachin of Judah and carried into exile from Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.
(Kish bolsa Babil padishahi Néboqadnesar Yehuda padishahi Yekoniyah bilen bir top kishilerni tutqun qilip Yérusalémdin eketkende, ular bilen bille esir qilinip kétilgenidi).
7 He had brought up Hadassah (or Esther), his uncle's daughter, because she had no father or mother. The young woman had a beautiful figure and was very attractive. After her father and mother died, Mordecai had adopted her as his own daughter.
Mordikay özining taghisining qizi Hadassahni (yeni Ester) béqip chong qilghanidi, chünki uning ata-anisi yoq idi. Bu qiz güzel, teqi-turqi kélishken idi; ata-anisi ölüp ketken bolghachqa Mordikay uni öz qizi qatarida béqip chong qilghanidi.
8 When the king's order and decree had been announced, many young women were brought to the fortress of Susa under the supervision of Hegai. Esther was also taken to the king's palace and placed under the care of Hegai, who was in charge of the women.
Padishahning emri we yarliqi jakarlan’ghandin kéyin nurghun qizlar Shushan qel’esige keltürülüp Hégayning qoligha tapshuruldi; shundaq boldiki, Estermu ordigha keltürülüp ordidiki qiz-ayallargha mes’ul bolghan Hégayning qoligha tapshuruldi.
9 Esther caught his eye and he treated her favorably. He quickly arranged beauty treatments and special food for her. He also provided her with seven specially-chosen maids from the king's palace, and moved her and her maids to the best location in the harem.
Ester Hégaygha yaqqan bolup, u uninggha iltipat körsetti; u tézla uninggha upa-englik we tégishlik yémekliklerni teminlidi hem ordidin uninggha tallan’ghan yette kénizekni berdi; andin uni kénizekliri bilen heremsarayning eng ésil jayidin orun berdi.
10 Esther had not let anyone know her nationality or who her family was, because Mordecai had ordered her not to.
Ester özining milliti we tégi-tektini héchkimge éytmidi, chünki Mordikay uninggha buni ashkarilimasliqni tapilighanidi.
11 Each day Mordecai spent time walking around in front of the courtyard of the harem so he could find out how Esther was doing and what was happening to her.
Mordikay Esterning hal-ehwalidin xewer tépish we uninggha qandaq muamile qilinidighanliqini bilish üchün, herküni heremsarayning hoylisi aldida aylinip yüretti.
12 Before it was the turn of a young woman to go to King Xerxes, she had to complete twelve months of beauty treatments for women that were required: six months with oil of myrrh, and six with perfumed oils and ointments.
Qizlargha ait resmiyet boyiche, herbir qizning ordigha kirip padishah Ahashwérosh bilen bille bolush nöwitidin awwal, on ikki ay bedinini tazilishi kérek idi, chünki qizlarning «tazilinish künliri» mundaq yol bilen ada qilinatti: — alte ay murmekki méyi bilen, alte ay etir-englik we shundaqla qizlarning bedinini pakizlaydighan bashqa buyumlar bilen perdaz qilinishi kérek idi.
13 When it was time for the young woman to go to the king, she was given whatever she asked for to take with her from the harem to the king's palace.
Qiz padishahning huzurigha kiridighan chaghda mundaq qaide bar idi: — Ordigha kirgende uning néme telipi bolsa, shular heremsaraydin uninggha bériletti.
14 In the evening she would go, and in the morning she would return to a different harem under the supervision of Shaashgaz, who was the king's eunuch in charge of the concubines. She would not go back to be with the king again unless he was particularly attracted to her and called for her by name.
Qiz axshimi kirip kétip, etisi etigende qaytip chiqqanda heremsarayning «ikkinchi bölüm»ige qayturulup, toqal-kénizeklerge mes’ul bolghan padishahning heremaghisi Shaashghazning qoligha tapshurulatti; padishah u qizgha amraq bolup qélip, ismini atap chaqirmighuche, u ikkinchi ordigha kirip padishah bilen bille bolmaytti.
15 (Esther was the daughter of Abihail, Mordecai's uncle. Mordecai had adopted her as his own daughter.) When it was Esther's turn to go to the king, she didn't ask for anything to take with her except what Hegai advised. (He was the king's eunuch in charge of the women.) Esther was looked on with admiration by everybody.
Mordikayning taghisi Abixailning qizi Ester, yeni Mordikay öz qizi qilip béqiwalghan qizning padishah bilen bille bolushqa kirish nöwiti kelgende, u qizlargha mes’ul bolghan padishahning heremaghisi Hégay özige teyyarlap bergen nersilerdin bashqa héchnersini telep qilmidi. Esterni körgenlerning hemmisi uni yaqturup qalatti.
16 Esther was taken to King Xerxes into his royal palace, in the tenth month, the month of Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign.
Padishah Ahashwérosh seltenet sürüp yettinchi yilining oninchi éyigha, yeni Tebet éyigha kelgende, Ester uning bilen bille bolushqa shahane ordigha bashlap kirildi.
17 The king loved Esther more than all the other women. He treated her more favorably and with greater kindness than all of the other virgins. So he placed the royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti.
Padishah Esterni bashqa barliq qizlardin yaxshi körüp qalghachqa, shundaqla Ester uning iltipati hem amraqliqigha érishken bolghachqa, padishah xanish tajini uning béshigha kiydürüp, uni Washtining ornigha xanish qilip tiklidi.
18 The king gave a great feast for all his officials and administrators—Esther's feast. He also declared it a holiday throughout the provinces and distributed generous gifts.
Andin padishah özining barliq emirliri we beg-hakimlirigha Esterning izzet-hörmiti üchün katta ziyapet berdi; u yene herqaysi ölkilerge baj-alwandin azad mezgil bolsun dep élan chiqardi hemde shahane bayliqliridin séxiyliq bilen in’amlarni berdi.
19 Even though there had been a second gathering of virgins, and Mordecai had been given a position by the king,
Ikkinchi qétim qizlar shundaq yighilghan waqitta Mordikayning orda derwazisida olturidighan orni bar bolghanidi
20 Esther still did not let anyone know about her family or her nationality, as Mordecai had ordered her. She followed Mordecai's instructions just as she did when he brought her up.
(Ester Mordikayning tapilighini boyiche, özining milliti we tégi-tektini yenila bashqilargha éytmighanidi; chünki Ester Mordikayning gépini ilgiri baqqan waqtida anglighandek anglaytti).
21 At that time, as Mordecai was doing his work at the palace gate, Bigthan and Teresh, two eunuchs who guarded the entrance to the king's rooms, became furious with King Xerxes and looked for a way to assassinate him.
U künlerde, Mordikay orda derwazisidiki ornida olturghan waqtida, padishahning Bigtan we Teresh dégen ikki derwaziwen heremaghisi padishah Ahashwéroshqa ghezeplinip, uninggha qol sélishni qestlewatqanidi.
22 Mordecai found out about the plot and reported it to Queen Esther. Esther in turn told the king on Mordecai's behalf.
Bu suyiqestni Mordikay sézip qélip, uni xanish Esterge éytti; Ester bu ishni Mordikayning namida padishahqa sözlep berdi.
23 When the plot was investigated and found to be true, both men were impaled on poles. This was recorded in the official Book of Records by order of the king.
Bu ish sürüshte qiliniwidi, rast bolup chiqti we u ikkisi dargha ésildi. Bu weqe padishahning köz aldida tarix-tezkire kitabida pütüldi.

< Esther 2 >