< Psalms 36 >
1 For the end, by David the servant of the Lord. The transgressor, that he may sin, says within himself, [that] there is no fear of God before his eyes.
Dāvida, Tā Kunga kalpa, dziesma. Dziedātāju vadonim. Savā sirds dziļumā es nomanu vienu Dieva vārdu par bezdievīgā pārkāpšanu: ka Dieva bijāšanas nav priekš viņa acīm.
2 For he has dealt craftily before him, to discover his iniquity and hate it.
Jo tas pārrunājās pats savās acīs, ka viņa noziegumu neatradīs un nenīdēs.
3 The words of his mouth are transgression and deceit: he is not inclined to understand [how] to do good.
Viņa mutes vārdi ir nelietība un viltība, viņš vairs neprot laba darīt.
4 He devises iniquity on his bed; he gives himself to every evil way; and does not abhor evil.
Viņš izdomā nelietību savā gultā, viņš iet pa tādu ceļu, kas nav labs, ļaunu viņš neatmet.
5 O Lord, your mercy is in the heaven; and your truth [reaches] to the clouds.
Ak Kungs, Tava žēlastība sniedzās līdz pat debesīm, un Tava patiesība līdz padebešiem.
6 Your righteousness is as the mountains of God, your judgements are as a great deep: O Lord, you will preserve men and beasts.
Tava taisnība stāv tāpat kā Dieva kalni, Tavas tiesas kā lieli dziļumi; Kungs, Tu palīdzi cilvēkiem un lopiem.
7 How have you multiplied your mercy, O God! so the children of men shall trust in the shelter of your wings.
Cik dārga ir, ak Dievs, Tava žēlastība, ka cilvēku bērni patveras apakš Tavu spārnu ēnas!
8 They shall be fully satisfied with the fatness of your house; and you shall cause them to drink of the full stream of your delights.
Tie top pildīti no Tava nama taukumiem, un Tu tos dzirdini no Tava garduma upēm,
9 For with you is the fountain of life: in your light we shall see light.
Jo pie Tevis ir dzīvības avots, Tavā gaismā mēs redzam gaismu.
10 Extend your mercy to them that know you; and your righteousness to the upright in heart.
Izplet Savu žēlastību pār tiem, kas Tevi pazīst, un Savu taisnību pār sirds skaidriem.
11 Let not the foot of pride come against me, and let not the hand of sinners move me.
Lai lepno kāja nenāk pār mani, un bezdievīgo roka lai mani nevajā.
12 There have all the workers of iniquity fallen: they are cast out, and shall not be able to stand.
Redzi, ļaundarītāji krīt; tie top zemē gāzti un vairs nevar celties.