< Jeremiah 2 >

1 Now the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
Yawe alobaki na ngai:
2 “Go and proclaim in the hearing of Jerusalem that this is what the LORD says: ‘I remember the devotion of your youth, your love as a bride, how you followed Me in the wilderness, in a land not sown.
« Kende kotatola na matoyi ya Yelusalemi: Tala liloba oyo Yawe alobi: ‹ Nakanisi lisusu bolingo oyo ozalaki na yango epai na Ngai tango ozalaki elenge; ozalaki kolinga Ngai makasi ndenge kaka mwasi mpe mobali balinganaka, mpe ozalaki kolanda Ngai na esobe, kati na mokili oyo ekawuka.
3 Israel was holy to the LORD, the firstfruits of His harvest. All who devoured her found themselves guilty; disaster came upon them,’” declares the LORD.
Isalaele abulisamaki mpo na Yawe lokola mbuma ya liboso ya milona na Ye: moto nyonso oyo azalaki kolia yango azalaki komema ngambo, mpe pasi ezalaki kokomela ye, › » elobi Yawe.
4 Hear the word of the LORD, O house of Jacob, and all you families of the house of Israel.
Oh libota ya Jakobi, bino bituka nyonso ya Isalaele, boyoka Liloba na Yawe!
5 This is what the LORD says: “What fault did your fathers find in Me that they strayed so far from Me, and followed worthless idols, and became worthless themselves?
Tala liloba oyo Yawe alobi: « Mabe nini batata na bino bazwaki Ngai mpo ete basundola Ngai? Basepelaki kolanda banzambe ya bikeko oyo ezanga tina, mpe bango moko bakomaki bato pamba.
6 They did not ask, ‘Where is the LORD who brought us up from the land of Egypt, who led us through the wilderness, through a land of deserts and pits, a land of drought and darkness, a land where no one travels and no one lives?’
Bamitunaki te: ‹ Wapi Yawe oyo abimisaki biso na Ejipito mpe amemaki biso kati na esobe? Wapi Yawe oyo atambolisaki biso na mokili oyo ekawuka mpe ya mabulu, mokili ya molili mpe ya kufa, mokili oyo baleki nzela balekelaka te mpe mokili oyo bato bavandaka soki moke te? ›
7 I brought you into a fertile land to eat its fruit and bounty, but you came and defiled My land, and made My inheritance detestable.
Namemaki bino na mokili oyo mabele na yango ebotaka malamu mpo ete bolia mbuma na yango ya kitoko; kasi boyaki nde kokomisa mokili na Ngai mbindo mpe kokomisa libula na Ngai eloko ya nkele.
8 The priests did not ask, ‘Where is the LORD?’ The experts in the law no longer knew Me, and the leaders rebelled against Me. The prophets prophesied by Baal and followed useless idols.
Banganga-Nzambe bamitunaki te mpo na koluka koyeba: ‹ Yawe azali wapi? › Balakisi ya Mobeko balukaki koyeba Ngai te, bakambi batombokelaki Ngai; basakoli bazalaki kosakola na kombo ya Bala mpe balandaki banzambe ya bikeko oyo ezanga tina.
9 Therefore, I will contend with you again, declares the LORD, and I will bring a case against your children’s children.
Yango wana, nakosambisa bino, » elobi Yawe. « Nakosambisa bino elongo na bakitani na bino,
10 Cross over to the coasts of Cyprus and take a look; send to Kedar and consider carefully; see if there has ever been anything like this:
Bokatisa na ngambo ya bisanga ya kitimi mpe botala malamu, botinda bato na Kedari mpe botala malamu; botala malamu penza soki likambo ya boye esila kosalema.
11 Has a nation ever changed its gods, though they are no gods at all? Yet My people have exchanged their Glory for useless idols.
Boni, ezali na ekolo oyo etikaka banzambe na yango mpo na kosambela banzambe mosusu? Nzokande, banzambe yango ezalaka kutu banzambe ya solo te. Kasi bato na Ngai basundoli Ye oyo azali Nkembo na bango mpo na kolanda banzambe ya bikeko oyo ezanga tina.
12 Be stunned by this, O heavens; be shocked and utterly appalled,”
Oh likolo, tika ete likambo oyo ekamwisa yo mpe epesa yo somo makasi, » elobi Yawe.
13 “For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living water, and they have dug their own cisterns— broken cisterns that cannot hold water.
« Bato na Ngai basali masumu mibale: Basundoli Ngai oyo nazali etima ya bomoi, mpe batimoli bango moko mabulu ya mayi, mabulu oyo ekawukaka noki.
14 Is Israel a slave? Was he born into slavery? Why then has he become prey?
Boni, Isalaele azali solo mowumbu to abotama kati na ndako ya bowumbu? Mpo na nini akomi lokola eloko pamba na miso ya bikolo mosusu?
15 The young lions have roared at him; they have growled with a loud voice. They have laid waste his land; his cities lie in ruins, without inhabitant.
Bankosi engalaki na koganga mpo na kolengisa ye, ekomisaki mokili na ye lokola esobe; batumbaki bingumba na ye mpe etikalaki lisusu na bato te.
16 The men of Memphis and Tahpanhes have shaved the crown of your head.
Mpe lisusu, bato ya Mefisi mpe ya Dafine babuki moto na yo.
17 Have you not brought this on yourself by forsaking the LORD your God when He led you in the way?
Mpo na nini makambo oyo nyonso ezali kokomela yo? Boni, ezali te mpo ete osundulaki Yawe, Nzambe na yo, tango azalaki nanu kotambolisa yo na nzela?
18 Now what will you gain on your way to Egypt to drink the waters of the Nile? What will you gain on your way to Assyria to drink the waters of the Euphrates?
Bongo sik’oyo, mpo na nini ozali kokende komela mayi ya ebale Nili kati na Ejipito? Mpo na nini ozali kokende komela mayi ya ebale Efrate kati na Asiri?
19 Your own evil will discipline you; your own apostasies will reprimand you. Consider and realize how evil and bitter it is for you to forsake the LORD your God and to have no fear of Me,”
Mabe na yo ekomemela yo etumbu, kotomboka na yo ekomemela yo pamela. Tala malamu mpe sosola ete ezali penza mabe mpe bololo mpo na yo kosundola Yawe, Nzambe na yo, mpe kozanga kotosa Ngai, » elobi Nkolo Yawe, Mokonzi ya mampinga.
20 “For long ago you broke your yoke and tore off your chains, saying, ‘I will not serve!’ Indeed, on every high hill and under every green tree you lay down as a prostitute.
« Wuta kala, ozalaki kobuka ekangiseli na yo mpe kokata minyololo na yo. Ozalaki koloba: ‹ Nakozala lisusu mowumbu na yo te. › Yango wana, okomaki komilalisa na bangomba nyonso ya milayi mpe na se ya banzete nyonso ya mibesu lokola mwasi ya ndumba.
21 I had planted you like a choice vine from the very best seed. How could you turn yourself before Me into a rotten, wild vine?
Nzokande, Ngai nalonaki yo lokola nzete kitoko ya vino mpo ete obotaka mbuma ya malamu na tembe te. Bongo, ndenge nini sik’oyo obalukeli Ngai mpe okomi nzete oyo nayebi te, nzete oyo ebotaka mbuma mabe?
22 Although you wash with lye and use an abundance of soap, the stain of your guilt is still before Me,”
Ata soki omisukoli na kisi oyo basalelaka sabuni to omipakoli sabuni ndenge nini, masumu na yo ekolongwa te liboso na Ngai, » elobi Nkolo Yawe.
23 “How can you say, ‘I am not defiled; I have not run after the Baals’? Look at your behavior in the valley; acknowledge what you have done. You are a swift young she-camel galloping here and there,
« Ndenge nini okoki penza koloba: ‹ Namikomisi na ngai mbindo te, nazali kolanda banzambe ya Bala te? › Tala nanu ndenge ozalaki kotambola kati na lubwaku mpe kanisa malamu makambo oyo ozalaki kosala. Okomaki lokola shamo ya mwasi oyo eyengaka-yengaka bisika nyonso;
24 a wild donkey at home in the wilderness, sniffing the wind in the heat of her desire. Who can restrain her passion? All who seek her need not weary themselves; in mating season they will find her.
lokola ane ya zamba oyo emesana na esobe, oyo ebendaka mopepe na zolo soki ekomi na posa ya kosangisa nzoto. Bongo, nani akoki kokanga posa na yango ya kosangisa nzoto na mpunda ya mobali? Mpunda nyonso ya mobali oyo ekolanda yango ekomona pasi te, pamba te ekozwa yango na tango ya posa ya kosangisa nzoto na mpunda ya mobali.
25 You should have kept your feet from going bare and your throat from being thirsty. But you said, ‘It is hopeless! For I love foreign gods, and I must go after them.’
Sala keba! Noki te okotikala makolo ngulu mpe okokawuka mongongo likolo ya bitambola-tambola! Kasi ozali koloba: ‹ Tika na yo! Ngai nalingaka banzambe ya bapaya mpe nakolanda kaka bango. ›
26 As the thief is ashamed when he is caught, so the house of Israel is disgraced. They, their kings, their officials, their priests, and their prophets
Ndenge basambwisaka moyibi soki bakangi ye, ndenge wana mpe ekosalema mpo na libota ya Isalaele: bakonzi mpe bakambi na bango, Banganga-Nzambe mpe basakoli na bango bakosambwa.
27 say to a tree, ‘You are my father,’ and to a stone, ‘You gave me birth.’ For they have turned their backs to Me and not their faces, yet in the time of trouble they beg, ‘Rise up and save us!’
Balobaka na nzete: ‹ Ozali tata na ngai, › mpe na libanga: ‹ Yo nde obotaki ngai. › Bapesaki Ngai mikongo, kasi bilongi na bango te. Nzokande soki bakomi na pasi, babelelaka: ‹ Yaka kobikisa biso! ›
28 But where are the gods you made for yourselves? Let them rise up in your time of trouble and save you if they can; for your gods are as numerous as your cities, O Judah.
Wapi sik’oyo banzambe na bino, banzambe oyo bosalaki na maboko na bino? Tika ete eya kobikisa bino na tango ya pasi, soki penza ekokoka! Pamba te, oh bato na Yuda, ndenge motango ya bingumba na bino ezali, ndenge wana mpe motango ya banzambe na bino ezali.
29 Why do you bring a case against Me? You have all rebelled against Me,”
Mpo na nini bozali kosambisa Ngai? Nzokande, ezali bino nyonso nde botombokelaki Ngai, » elobi Yawe.
30 “I have struck your sons in vain; they accepted no discipline. Your own sword has devoured your prophets like a voracious lion.”
« Napesaki bato na yo etumbu ya pamba; pamba te bazwaki na bango kaka mayele te. Mopanga na yo ebomi basakoli na yo ndenge nkosi ebomaka bato.
31 You people of this generation, consider the word of the LORD: “Have I been a wilderness to Israel or a land of dense darkness? Why do My people say, ‘We are free to roam; we will come to You no more’?
Bino bato ya tango oyo, boyoka Liloba na Yawe: Boni, nazali lokola esobe to mokili ya molili makasi mpo na mokili ya Isalaele? Mpo na nini bato na Ngai bazali koloba: ‹ Tozali na bonsomi ya kokende epai tolingi mpe tokoya lisusu epai na yo te? ›
32 Does a maiden forget her jewelry or a bride her wedding sash? Yet My people have forgotten Me for days without number.
Boni, elenge mwasi abosanaka penza biloko na ye ya monzele? Boni, mobandami ya libala abosanaka solo mayaka na ye? Nzokande, bato na Ngai babosani Ngai mikolo ebele.
33 How skillfully you pursue love! Even the most immoral of women could learn from your ways.
Oh, tala ndenge otondi na mayele ya koluka bolingo! Na etamboli na yo, okoki ata kopesa mayele yango ezala na basi oyo baleki mabe!
34 Moreover, your skirts are stained with the blood of the innocent poor, though you did not find them breaking in. But in spite of all these things
Kino na bilamba na yo, bato bamonaka makila ya babola, ya bato oyo bayebi likambo te mpe okangi bango na mabe te.
35 you say, ‘I am innocent. Surely His anger will turn from me.’ Behold, I will judge you, because you say, ‘I have not sinned.’
Kati na makambo oyo nyonso, ozali koloba: ‹ Nayebi ata likambo moko te, kanda ya Nzambe ekokweyela ngai te. › Kasi Ngai nakopesa yo etumbu mpo ete ozali koloba: ‹ Nasali masumu te. ›
36 How unstable you are, constantly changing your ways! You will be disappointed by Egypt just as you were by Assyria.
Mpo na nini omipesi na koyengayenga na nzela nyonso? Okosambwa mpo na Ejipito ndenge osambwaki mpo na Asiri.
37 Moreover, you will leave that place with your hands on your head, for the LORD has rejected those you trust; you will not prosper by their help.”
Okotika lisusu esika yango, maboko na moto, pamba te Yawe asundoli bato oyo ozalaki kotiela motema; mpe bango bakosunga yo te. »

< Jeremiah 2 >