< Psalms 141 >

1 A Psalm by David. LORD, I have called on you. Come to me quickly! Listen to my voice when I call to you.
Zaburi Mar Daudi. Aluongi, yaye Jehova Nyasaye, yie ibi ira piyo. Yie iwinj dwonda ka aluongi.
2 Let my prayer be set before you like incense; the lifting up of my hands like the evening sacrifice.
Mad lamona osiki e nyimi mana ka ubani miwangʼo, kendo bedena osik koriere kochomo malo mana ka misango mitimoni godhiambo.
3 Set a watch, LORD, before my mouth. Keep the door of my lips.
Yaye Jehova Nyasaye, ket jarit e dhoga; ketna jarit mondo okonya umo dhoga.
4 Do not incline my heart to any evil thing, to practice deeds of wickedness with men who work iniquity. Do not let me eat of their delicacies.
Kik iyie gimoro amora marach ywa chunya, ma dimi an bende atim timbe maricho, kaachiel gi joma timbe gi richo; rita mondo kik acham chiembgi mabeyonegi.
5 Let the righteous strike me, it is kindness; let him reprove me, it is like oil on the head; do not let my head refuse it; Yet my prayer is always against evil deeds.
Onego ngʼat makare ema ogoya, nikech mano chalo tim ngʼwono motimona; onego en ema okwera, nikech mano chalo mo mool e wiya; ok anyal dagi mondo ngʼama kare otimna kamano. To kata kamano obiro kwedo timbe joma richo e lemona;
6 Their judges are thrown down by the sides of the rock. They will hear my words, for they are well spoken.
chiengʼ ma nowit ruodhigi piny koa ewi got mabor, eka joma timbegi richo nongʼe ni kare wechena ne gin adier.
7 "As when one plows and breaks up the earth, our bones are scattered at the mouth of Sheol (Sheol h7585)."
Giniwach niya, “Mana kaka ngʼato puro kendo toyo lowo, e kaka chokewa osekere e dho bur liel.” (Sheol h7585)
8 For my eyes are on you, LORD, the Lord. I take refuge in you. Do not leave my soul destitute.
Anto atego wangʼa kuomi, yaye Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto; In e kar pondona, omiyo kik iwe atho.
9 Keep me from the snare which they have laid for me, from the traps of the workers of iniquity.
Kik iwe obadho ma gisechikona maka, ee, resa kuom otegu ma joma timbegi richo ochikona.
10 Let the wicked fall together into their own nets while I pass by.
Mad joma timbegi richogo moki e gokegi giwegi ka anto akadho maber mak gimoro otima.

< Psalms 141 >