< Mariko 15 >
1 Gokinyi mangʼich, jodolo madongo gi jodong oganda gi jopuonj Chik, kaachiel gi jobuch Sanhedrin ne joriwo paro kuom gima nowinjore gitim. Negitweyo Yesu mi gitere e nyim Pilato.
At earliest dawn, after the High Priests had held a consultation with the Elders and Scribes, they and the entire Sanhedrin bound Jesus and took Him away and handed Him over to Pilate.
2 Pilato nopenjo Yesu niya, “In e ruodh jo-Yahudi?” To Yesu nodwoke niya, “Ee, en kaka iwachono.”
So Pilate questioned Him. "Are you the King of the Jews?" he asked. "I am," replied Jesus.
3 Jodolo madongo nodonjone gi weche mathoth.
Then, as the High Priests went on heaping accusations on Him,
4 Omiyo Pilato nochako openje niya, “Dwokawa, donge ineno kaka gidonjoni gi ketho mangʼeny?”
Pilate again and again asked Him, "Do you make no reply? Listen to the many charges they are bringing against you."
5 To Yesu nolingʼ alingʼa kendo ma ok odwoke, mi Pilato nohum nono.
But Jesus made no further answer: so that Pilate wondered.
6 Ne en chik ni mondo ogony ngʼat achiel motwe e kinde mag sawo mar Pasaka kaluwore gi kwayo mar jopiny.
Now at the Festival it was customary for Pilate to release to the Jews any one prisoner whom they might beg off from punishment;
7 To e ndalono ja-kiragi moro ma nyinge Barabas, ne ni e od twech, kaachiel gi jojiemo mamoko manotwe kuom wach nek kod pingo loch.
and at this time a man named Barabbas was in prison among the insurgents--persons who in the insurrection had committed murder.
8 Ogandano nobiro mokwayo Pilato mondo otimnegi kaka nojatimo higa ka higa.
So the people came crowding up, asking Pilate to grant them the usual favour.
9 To Pilato nopenjogi niya, “Duher mondo agonynu ruodh jo-Yahudi koso?”
"Shall I release for you the King of the Jews?" answered Pilate.
10 Nimar nongʼeyo ni ich lit ema nomiyo jodolo madongo noketo Yesu e lwete.
For he could see that it was out of sheer spite that the High Priests had handed Him over.
11 To jodolo madongo nojiwo oganda mondo oyie gi dwarogi ni Pilato ogony mana Barabas.
But the High Priests urged on the crowd to obtain Barabbas's release in preference;
12 Pilato nopenjogi niya, “To koro atim angʼo gi Jal muluongo ni ruodh jo-Yahudini?”
and when Pilate again asked them, "What then shall I do to the man you call King of the Jews?"
13 Ne gikok matek niya, “Gure!”
they once more shouted out, "Crucify Him!"
14 Pilato nopenjogi niya, “Nangʼo, en ketho mane mosetimo madimi gure?” To negimedo kok matek moloyo kagiwacho niya, “Gure!”
"Why, what crime has he committed?" asked Pilate. But they vehemently shouted, "Crucify Him!"
15 Nikech Pilato ne dwaro mondo omor oganda, nogonyonegi Barabas. Yesu to nogolo chik mondo ochwadi bangʼe nokete e lwetgi mondo gigure.
So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the mob, released Barabbas for them, and after scourging Jesus handed Him over for crucifixion.
16 Askeche nokawo Yesu motero e laru mar od ruoth (tiende ni Paratori) kama ne ji romee, mine giluongo oganda mar askeche duto irgi.
Then the soldiers led Him away into the court of the Palace (the Praetorium), and calling together the whole battalion
17 Negibolo kuom Yesu kandho makwar, eka ne gikado osimbo mar kudho kendo gisidho e wiye.
they arrayed Him in crimson, placed on His head a wreath of thorny twigs which they had twisted,
18 Eka negichako jare niya, “Ber Ruodh jo-Yahudi.”
and went on to salute Him with shouts of "Long live the King of the Jews."
19 Kinde ka kinde negigoyo wiye gi luth, kendo ka gingʼulo kuome olawo, bende negikulore e nyime ka gigoyo chong-gi piny ka gilame.
Then they began to beat Him on the head with a cane, to spit on Him, and to do Him homage on bended knees.
20 To kane gisejare ne gilonyo kandho makwar mane girwakone mi girwakone lepe owuon. Bangʼe ne gitere oko mondo gigure.
At last, having finished their sport, they took the robe off Him, put His own clothes on Him, and led Him out to crucify Him.
21 Ngʼat moro ma ja-Kurene miluongo ni Simon, mane wuon Aleksanda gi Rufus, noyudo kadho kanyo koa e gwengʼ moro. Ne gichune mondo otingʼ msalaba.
One Simon, a Cyrenaean, the father of Alexander and Rufus, was passing along, coming from the country: him they compelled to carry His cross.
22 Koro ne gitero Yesu kama iluongo ni Golgotha (tiende ni “Hanga Wich”).
So they brought Him to the place called Golgotha, which, being translated, means 'Skull-ground.'
23 Kanyo negimiye divai moru gi yath makweyo rem miluongo ni mane-mane mondo omadhi, to nodagi.
Here they offered Him wine mixed with myrrh; but He refused it.
24 Eka negigure. Ne gipogore lepe, ka gigoyo ombulu mondo gingʼe gima ngʼato ka ngʼato onego okaw.
Then they crucified Him. This done, they divided His garments among them, drawing lots to decide what each should take.
25 Negigure sa adek okinyi.
It was nine o'clock in the morning when they crucified Him.
26 Ne nitie ndiko mondik ewi msalaba manyiso kethone niya: Ma en Ruodh Jo-Yahudi.
Over His head was the notice in writing of the charge against Him: THE KING OF THE JEWS.
27 Jomecho ariyo bende negiguro kode, achiel e bathe korachwich to machielo e bathe koracham. [
And together with Jesus they crucified two robbers, one at His right hand and one at His left.
28 Mano nochopo ndiko ma nondiki chon niya, “Nokwane e oganda joma richo.”]
29 Joma ne kadho kanyo nojare ka giyanye ka gikino wiyegi kendo giwacho niya, “Oo! In manyocha iwacho ni inyalo ketho hekalu mi ichak igere bangʼ ndalo adekni,
And all the passers-by reviled Him. They shook their heads at Him and said, "Ah! you who were for destroying the Sanctuary and building a new one in three days,
30 wuog ane e msalaba ilor piny kendo iresri kendi ane!”
come down from the cross and save yourself."
31 Machalre kamano bende jodolo madongo gi jopuonj chik e kindgi giwegi bende nojare kagiwacho niya, “Ne oreso jomoko to en koro ok onyal resore owuon!
In the same way the High Priests also, as well as the Scribes, kept on scoffing at Him, saying to one another, "He has saved others: himself he cannot save!
32 Kristo ma Ruodh jo-Israel koro olor ane oa ewi msalaba mondo wane, eka wayie kuome.” Jok mane ogur kode bende nodhuole gi ayany.
This Christ, the King of Israel, let him come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe." Even the men who were being crucified with Him heaped insults on Him.
33 Kar sa auchiel mar odiechiengʼ, mudho nobiro moimo piny duto nyaka sa ochiko.
At noon there came a darkness over the whole land, lasting till three o'clock in the afternoon.
34 Ka sa ochiko noromo Yesu noywak gi dwol maduongʼ kowacho niya, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabakthani?” (ma tiende ni, “Nyasacha, Nyasacha, iweya nangʼo?”).
But at three o'clock Jesus cried out with a loud voice, "Elohi, Elohi, lama sabachthani?" which means, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?"
35 Ka moko kuom joma nochungʼ machiegni nowinjo mano, negiwacho niya, “Winjuru, oluongo Elija.”
Some of the bystanders, hearing Him, said, "Listen, he is calling for Elijah!"
36 Ngʼato achiel noringo okawo siponj ma onyume e kongʼo makech, kendo nochome ewi odundu mabor bangʼe omiyo Yesu mondo omadhi. Kowacho niya, “Koro weyeuru mos, wane ka Elija biro mondo orese.”
Then a man ran to fill a sponge with sour wine, and he put it on the end of a cane and placed it to His lips, saying at the same time, "Wait! let us see whether Elijah will come and take him down."
37 Yesu noywak matek bangʼe chunye nochot.
But Jesus uttered a loud cry and yielded up His spirit.
38 Pasia mar hekalu noyiech e diere tir, chakre malo nyaka piny.
And the curtain in the Sanctuary was torn in two, from top to bottom.
39 To kane jatend jolweny mane ochungʼ e nyim Yesu ne owinjo kaka oywak bangʼe oneno kaka otho, nowacho niya, “En adier chuth ni jali ne en Wuod Nyasaye!”
And when the Centurion who stood in front of the cross saw that He was dead, he exclaimed, "This man was indeed God's Son."
40 Ne nitie mon moko mane ngʼicho gichien. Moko kuomgi ne gin Maria ma aa Magdala gi Maria min Jakobo matin, ma bende min Joses, kod Salome.
There were also a party of women looking on from a distance; among them being both Mary of Magdala and Mary the mother of James the Little and of Joses, and Salome--
41 Mon-gi ema ne luwo Yesu koa Galili ka gichiwone gik monego okonyrego. Mon mamoko mathoth ma noluwe koa kode Jerusalem bende ne ni kanyo.
all of whom in the Galilaean days had habitually been with Him and cared for Him, as well as many other women who had come up to Jerusalem with Him.
42 Ne en Chiengʼ Ikruok (ma en odiechiengʼ motelone Sabato). Omiyo ka nochopo seche mag odhiambo,
Towards sunset, as it was the Preparation--that is, the day preceding the Sabbath--
43 Josef ja-Arimathaya, mane en ngʼat mogen e Buch Jodongo, kendo mane en owuon orito neno pinyruoth Nyasaye, nodhi ir Pilato gi chir mokwayo ringre Yesu.
Joseph of Arimathaea came, a highly respected member of the Council, who himself also was living in expectation of the Kingdom of God. He summoned up courage to go in to see Pilate and beg for the body of Jesus.
44 Pilato nowuoro ka nowinjo ni Yesu osetho, omiyo noluongo jatend jolweny mopenje kapo Yesu nosetho adier.
But Pilate could hardly believe that He was already dead. He called, however, for the Centurion and inquired whether He had been long dead;
45 To kane owinjo kuom jatend jolweny ni ne en kamano, nochiwo ringre Yesu ne Josef.
and having ascertained the fact he granted the body to Joseph.
46 Eka Josef nongʼiewo nanga marep-rep, mi noloro ringre piny moboye gi nanga marep-rep eka nokete e bur mane osekunyo ariwa e kor lwanda. Bangʼe nongʼielo kidi mi oumogo dho liendno.
He, having bought a sheet of linen, took Him down, wrapped Him in the sheet and laid Him in a tomb hewn in the rock; after which he rolled a stone against the entrance to the tomb.
47 Maria ma aa Magdala kod Maria min Joses noneno kama nopiele Yesu.
Mary of Magdala and Mary the mother of Joses were looking on to see where He was put.