< Mariko 12 >

1 Bangʼ mano Yesu nochako wuoyo kodgi gi ngeche mopogore opogore kama: “Ngʼat moro ne opidho mzabibu e puothe. Nochiele gi ohinga, mi okunyo bugo mibiyoe olemo mochiek, kendo ogero ne osuch ngʼicho. Eka ne oketo puothe mar mzabibuno e lwet jopur moko bangʼe nowuok odhi e wuoth moro mabor.
And Jhesus bigan to speke to hem in parablis. A man plauntide a vynyerd, and sette an hegge aboute it, and dalf a lake, and bildide a toure, and hiryde it to tilieris, and wente forth in pilgrimage.
2 E kinde mar keyo nooro jatichne moro ir jopur puodho mondo oomne olembe moko mane ochiek e puoth mzabibu.
And he sente to the erthe tilieris in tyme a seruaunt, to resseyue of the erthe tilieris of the fruyt of the vynyerd.
3 To jopur puodho nomake, mogoye, moriembe gi lwete nono.
And thei token hym, and beeten, and leften hym voide.
4 Nochako ooro jatichne machielo irgi, to en bende ne gindayo wiye kendo timone tim wichkuot.
And eftsoone he sente to hem anothir seruaunt, and thei woundiden hym in the heed, and turmentiden hym.
5 Ngʼatno nonano, mochako ooro ngʼat machielo, to en neginege. Nomedo oro jotichne mamoko mangʼeny, mamoko kuomgi negigoyo to moko ginego.
And eftsoone he sente another, and thei slowen hym, and othir mo, betynge summe, and sleynge othere.
6 “Ne pod odongʼ gi ngʼat achiel mane koro onyalo oro: wuode owuon mane ohero gi lala. Ne oore mogik tik koparo ni, ‘Wuoda awuon to gibiro miyo luor.’
But yit he hadde a moost derworth sone, and he sente hym last to hem, and seide, Perauenture thei schulen drede my sone.
7 “To ka jopur puodho nowacho e kindgi giwegi ni, ‘Ma e jacham girkeni, biuru mondo wanege mondo girkeni odongʼnwa.’
But the erthetilieris seiden togidere, This is the eire; come ye, sle we hym, and the eritage schal be ourun.
8 Omiyo negimake mi ginege eka bangʼe to gidire oko mar puoth mzabibu.
And thei tokun hym, and killiden, and castiden out without the vynyerd.
9 “Uparo ni ka wuon puoth mzabibu obiro to angʼo mobiro timo? Obiro biro moneg jopur puodhogo mi ogol puoth mzabibuno e lwetgi mi enomi joma moko.
Thanne what schal the lord of the vynyerd do? He schal come, and lese the tilieris, and yyue the vynyerd to othere.
10 Donge usesomo Ndiko mawacho niya, “‘Kidi mane jogedo odagi osedoko kidi motegno moriwo kor ot;
Whether ye han not red this scripture, The stoon which the bilderis han disspisid, this is maad in to the heed of the corner?
11 Jehova Nyasaye ema osetimo mano, kendo en gima iwuoro ka waneno.’”
This thing is doon of the Lord, and is wondirful in oure iyen.
12 Koro jodolo madongo gi jopuonj Chik nochako manyo yo mane ginyalo makego nikech negingʼeyo ni ogetogi kod ngeroni. To negiluoro oganda, omiyo ne giweye mi gingʼwel gia kanyo.
And thei souyten to holde hym, and thei dredden the puple; for thei knewen that to hem he seide this parable; and thei leften hym,
13 Bangʼe negioro jo-Farisai gi jo-Herodia ir Yesu mondo odwar wach mawuok e dhoge mondo gimakego.
and thei wenten awei. And thei senten to hym summe of the Farisees and Erodians, to take hym in word.
14 Negibiro ire mi giwachone niya, “Japuonj wangʼeyo ni in ngʼama ja-ratiro. Ji ok nyal ywayi maloki nikech ok iluoro wangʼ ngʼato, to ipuonjo mana yor Nyasaye kaluwore gi adierane. Koro nyiswa ane, bende en gima kare mondo wagol osuru ne Kaisar koso ok owinjore?
Whiche camen, and seien to hym, Maistir, we witen that thou art sothfast, and reckist not of ony man; for nethir thou biholdist in to the face of man, but thou techist the weie of God in treuthe. Is it leeueful that tribute be youun to the emperoure, or we schulen not yyue?
15 Wagol koso kik wagol?” To kaka Yesu nongʼeyo wuondruokgi, nopenjogi niya, “Angʼo momiyo utema? Kelnauru ane dinari ka, mondo anone maber.”
Which witynge her pryuei falsnesse, seide to hem, What tempten ye me? brynge ye to me a peny, that Y se.
16 Negikelone pesa mamingli, bangʼe nopenjogi niya, “Kido man kuomeni en mag ngʼa? To weche mondikiegi to gin mar ngʼa?” Negidwoke niya, “Gin mag Kaisar.”
And thei brouyten to hym. And he seide to hem, Whos is this ymage, and the writyng? Thei seien to him, The emperouris.
17 Eka Yesu nowachonegi niya, “Miuru Kaisar gige Kaisar, to miuru Nyasaye gige Nyasaye.” Jogo ne dhogi omoko.
And Jhesus answeride and seide to hem, Thanne yelde ye to the emperour tho thingis that ben of the emperours; and to God tho thingis that ben of God.
18 Bangʼe jo-Sadukai mawacho ni chier onge nobiro ire gi penjo moro.
And thei wondriden of hym. And Saduces, that seien that ther is no ressurreccioun, camen to hym, and axeden hym,
19 Negipenje niya, “Japuonj, Musa nondikonwa ni ka ngʼato owadgi otho moweyo dhako ma pod onge gi nyithindo, to ngʼatno nyaka kend dhako ma chwore othono mondo onywolnego nyithindo.
and seiden, Maister, Moyses wroot to vs, that if the brother of a man were deed, and lefte his wijf, and haue no sones, his brother take his wijf, and reise vp seed to his brother.
20 Koro ne nitie owete moko abiriyo. Wuowi makayo nokendo to bangʼe notho ka oonge nyithindo.
Thanne seuene britheren ther weren; and the firste took a wijf, and diede, and lefte no seed.
21 Wuowi mar ariyo nokendo chi owadgi mane owadgi oweyono, to en bende notho kapok onywolo nyathi. Notimore kamano ni wuowi mar adek bende
And the secounde took hir, and he diede, and nether this lefte seed.
22 e gikone, yawuowi abiriyogo duto notho ma ok onywol gi chigino. Bangʼe achien dhakono bende ne otho.
And the thridde also. And in lijk manere the seuene token hir, and leften not seed. And the womman the laste of alle `is deed.
23 Koro chiengʼ chier dhakoni nobed chi ngʼa, nimar ji abiriyogo nokende?”
Thanne in the resurreccioun, whanne thei schulen rise ayen, whos wijf of these schal sche be? for seuene hadden hir to wijf.
24 Yesu nodwokogi kawacho niya, “Donge uketho nikech ukia Ndiko kata teko Nyasaye?
And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hem, Whether ye erren not therfor, that ye knowe not scripturis, nethir the vertu of God?
25 Ka joma otho ochier to ok ginikendi kata kend ok nokendgi ngangʼ, to ginichal gi malaike manie polo.
For whanne thei schulen rise ayen fro deeth, nether thei schulen wedde, nethir schulen be weddid, but thei schulen be as aungels of God in heuenes.
26 To kuom chier mar joma otho, donge usesomo e kitap Musa kama ondikie wach bungu maliel, kaka Nyasaye nowachone niya, ‘An Nyasach Ibrahim, Nyasach Isaka kendo Nyasach Jakobo?’
And of deed men, that thei risen ayen, han ye not red in the book of Moises, on the buysch, hou God spak to hym, and seide, Y am God of Abraham, and God of Isaac, and God of Jacob?
27 Ok en Nyasach joma otho, to en Nyasach joma ngima. Urwenyo mabor!”
He is not God of deed men, but of lyuynge men; therfor ye erren myche.
28 Achiel kuom jopuonj chik nobiro moyudo ka gimino wach. Kane owinjo ka Yesu odwokogi kare, nopenje niya, “Kuom Chike duto mag Nyasaye, en mane maduongʼ moloyo chike moko duto?”
And oon of the scribis, that hadde herde hem dispuytynge togidir, cam nyy, and saiy that Jhesus had wel answeride hem, and axide hym, which was the firste maundement of alle.
29 Yesu nodwoke kawacho niya, “Chik achiel maduongʼ moloyo en ma: ‘Winjuru, yaye jo-Israel, Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachwa en Jehova Nyasaye achiel.
And Jhesus answeride to him, that the firste maundement of alle is, Here thou, Israel, thi Lord God is o God;
30 Her Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachi gi chunyi duto kendo gi paroni duto, gi riekoni duto, kendo gi tekoni duto.’
and thou schalt loue thi Lord God of al thin herte, and of al thi soule, and of al thi mynde, and of al thi myyt.
31 Chik maduongʼ mar ariyo en ni, ‘Her wadu kaka iherori iwuon.’Onge chik maduongʼ moloyo magi.”
This is the firste maundement. And the secounde is lijk to this, Thou schalt loue thi neiybore as thi silf. Ther is noon other maundement gretter than these.
32 Ngʼatno nodwoke niya, “Iwacho kare, Japuonj. In kare kiwacho ni Nyasaye en achiel maonge moro machielo makmana En.
And the scribe seide to hym, Maister, in treuthe thou hast wel seid; for o God is, and ther is noon other, outakun hym;
33 Ka ihero Nyasaye gi chunyi duto gi riekoni duto gi tekoni duto, kendo kihero wadu kaka iherori iwuon to mano duongʼ moloyo misango miwangʼo pep gi misengini mamoko.”
that he be loued of al the herte, and of al the mynde, and of al the vndurstondynge, and of al the soule, and of al strengthe, and to loue the neiybore as hym silf, is gretter than alle brent offryngis and sacrifices.
34 Kane Yesu oneno ni ngʼatno odwoke gi rieko, nowachone niya, “Ok in mabor gi pinyruoth Nyasaye.” Chakre kanyo onge ngʼato kata achiel manohedhore penje penjo moro kendo.
And Jhesus seynge that he hadde answerid wiseli, seide to hym, Thou art not fer fro the kyngdom of God.
35 Kane Yesu pod puonjo ei hekalu, nopenjo niya, “Ere kaka Jopuonj Chik nyalo puonjo ni Kristo en wuod Daudi?
And thanne no man durste axe hym no more ony thing. And Jhesus answeride and seide, techynge in the temple, Hou seien scribis, that Crist is the sone of Dauid?
36 Ka Daudi owuon nowuoyo kuom teko mar Roho Maler kolero niya: “‘Ruoth nowachone Ruodha ni, “Bed e bada korachwich, nyaka aket wasiki e bwo tiendi.”’
For Dauid hym silf seide in the Hooli Goost, the Lord seide to my lord, Sitte on my riythalf, til Y putte thin enemyes the stool of thi feet.
37 Ka Daudi owuon luonge ni ‘Ruoth.’ Koro ere kaka onyalo bedo wuode kendo?” Oganda maduongʼ mane winje nopongʼ gi mor.
Thanne Dauid hym silf clepith him lord, hou thanne is he his sone? And myche puple gladli herde hym.
38 Yesu nomedo puonjogi kowacho niya, “Tangʼuru ne jopuonj chik. Gihero wuotho koni gi koni ka girwako lewni maboyo mayware piny, kendo kimosogi e chirni.
And he seide to hem in his techyng, Be ye war of scribis, that wolen wandre in stolis,
39 Gihero bedo e kombe moyiedhi manie sinagoke, kod kuonde ma imiyoe ji duongʼ e sewni.
and be salutid in chepyng, and sitte in synagogis in the firste chaieris, and the firste sittyng placis in soperis;
40 Giyako ute mon ma chwogi otho kendo gilamo lamo moyware mondo ginyisrego ni ji kaka gilony e lamo. Joma kamagi ibiro kum malit moloyo.”
whiche deuouren the housis of widewis vndur colour of long preier; thei schulen take the longer doom.
41 Yesu nobedo piny kama omanyore gi kama ne ji ketoe sadakagi mi nonono kaka ji ne keto pesagi e kar keno mar hekalu. Jo-mwandu mangʼeny ne diro pesa mojuol ojuol.
And Jhesus sittynge ayens the tresorie, bihelde hou the puple castide monei in to the tresorie; and many riche men castiden many thingis.
42 To dhako moro modhier ma chwore notho nobiro moketo pesa mamingli ariyo matindo tindo, pesa matinie mogik ma en ndururu.
But whanne a pore widewe was comun, sche keste two mynutis, that is, a ferthing.
43 Yesu nogwelo jopuonjrene ire mokonegi niya, “Awachonu adier dhako ma chwore otho modhierni osegolo pesa mangʼeny e keno moloyo ji mamoko duto.
And he clepide togidere hise disciplis, and seide to hem, Treuli Y seie to you, that this pore widewe keste more thanne alle, that kesten in to the tresorie.
44 Gin gisegolo mana matin nono kuom mwandu ma gin-go, to dhakono kata obedo ni odhier, to osechiwo duto ma en-go, duto mane onego okonyrego.”
For alle kesten of that thing that thei hadden plente of; but this of her pouert keste alle thingis that sche hadde, al hir lyuelode.

< Mariko 12 >