< Mariko 11 >

1 Kane gichiegni chopo Jerusalem, ka gin e miech Bethfage kod Bethania manie Got Zeituni, Yesu nooro jopuonjrene ariyo
And whanne Jhesus cam nyy to Jerusalem and to Betanye, to the mount of Olyues, he sendith tweyne of hise disciplis, and seith to hem,
2 kowachonegi niya, “Dhiuru e dala man nyimu cha, to ka udonjo e iye to ubiro nwangʼo nyathi kanyna mapok ngʼato oidho nyaka nene kotwe kanyo. Gonyeuru kendo ukele ka.
Go ye in to the castel that is ayens you; and anoon as ye entren there ye schulen fynde a colt tied, on which no man hath sete yit; vntie ye, and brynge hym.
3 Kapo ngʼato openjou ni, ‘Angʼo momiyo utimo timni?’ To udwoke ni, ‘Ruoth dware, kendo obiro duoge bangʼ seche manok!’”
And if ony man seye ony thing to you, What doen ye? seie ye, that he is nedeful to the Lord, and anoon he schal leeue hym hidir.
4 Negidhi mi giyudo nyathi kanyna kotwe oko e yo matin e dhorangach. To kane oyudo gigonye,
And thei yeden forth, and founden a colt tied bifor the yate with out forth, in the metyng of twei weies; and thei vntieden hym.
5 jomoko mane ochungʼ kanyo nopenjogi niya, “Utimo angʼono, ugonyo nyathi kanynano nangʼo?”
And summe of hem that stoden there seiden to hem, What doen ye, vntiynge the colt?
6 To negidwokogi mana kaka Yesu nonyisogi mondo gidwokgi mi jogo noweyogi gidhi.
And thei seiden to hem, as Jhesus comaundide hem; and thei leften it to hem.
7 Kane gikelo nyathi kanyna ne Yesu, ne gipedho lepgi e ngʼeye mi Yesu obetie.
And thei brouyten the colt to Jhesu, and thei leiden on hym her clothis, and Jhesus sat on hym.
8 Ji mangʼeny bende nopedho lepgi e yo, to jomoko nopedho oboke mag yiende mane gingʼado e puothe.
And many strewiden her clothis in the weie, othere men kittiden braunchis fro trees, and strewiden in the weie.
9 Jogo mane otelo e nyim Yesu gi jopuonjrene, kod mago mane odongʼ chien, ne goyo koko niya, “Hosana!” “Ogwedh ngʼat mabiro e nying Jehova Nyasaye.”
And thei that wenten bifor, and that sueden, crieden, and seiden, Osanna,
10 “Ogwedh pinyruoth mabiro mar Daudi kwarwa!” “Hosana manie polo malo!”
blissid is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; blessid be the kyngdom of oure fadir Dauid that is come; Osanna in hiyest thingis.
11 Yesu nodonjo Jerusalem mi odhi nyaka ei hekalu. Nowuotho e iye monono gik moko duto motimore, to nikech sa ne koro olewo, nowuok gi jopuonjrene apar gariyo mi odhi Bethania.
And he entride in to Jerusalem, in to the temple; and whanne he `hadde seyn al thing aboute, whanne it was eue, he wente out in to Betanye, with the twelue.
12 Kinyne kane oyudo gia Bethania, kech ne kayo Yesu.
And anothir daye, whanne he wente out of Betanye, he hungride.
13 Kane pod en gichien, noneno yadh ngʼowu moro ma ite odhukno mi odhi machiegni kode mondo oyudie olemo kuome ocham. Kane ochopo but yadhno ne ok oyudo gimoro kuome makmana ite kende, nikech ne ok en kinde ma ngʼowu chiekie.
And whanne he hadde seyn a fige tree afer hauynge leeues, he cam, if happili he schulde fynde ony thing theron; and whanne he cam to it, he foonde no thing, out takun leeues; for it was not tyme of figis.
14 Eka Yesu nowacho ni yadhno niya, “Ngʼato kik chak cham olemo mowuok kuomi kendo.” Jopuonjrene nowinje kowacho kamano. (aiōn g165)
And Jhesus answeride and seide to it, Now neuer ete ony man fruyt of thee more. And hise disciplis herden; (aiōn g165)
15 Kane gichopo Jerusalem, Yesu nodonjo ei hekalu mi noriembo oko joma ne ngʼiewo kendo uso gik moko kanyo. Noloko mesni mag jowil pesa ataro kod kombe mag joma ne uso akuche,
and thei camen to Jerusalem. And whanne he was entrid in to the temple, he bigan to caste out silleris and biggeris in the temple; and he turnede vpsodoun the bordis of chaungeris, and the chayeris of men that selden culueris;
16 kendo ne ok oyiene ngʼato mondo otingʼ misigo mar ohala moro amora kakalogo e dier agola mar hekalu.
and he suffride not, that ony man schulde bere a vessel thorou the temple.
17 Yesu nochako puonjogi kowachonegi niya, “Donge ondiki ni: ‘Oda noluongi ni od lamo mar ogendini duto’? To un useloke ‘kar chokruok mar jomecho.’”
And he tauyte hem, and seide, Whether it is not writun, That myn hous schal be clepid the hous of preyng to alle folkis? but ye han maad it a denne of theues.
18 Jodolo madongo gi jopuonj chik nowinjo wachni mochako chano yo mar nege, nimar ne giluore nikech oganda duto nowuoro puonjne.
And whanne this thing was herd, the princis of prestis and scribis souyten hou thei schulden leese hym; for thei dredden hym, for al the puple wondride on his techyng.
19 Ka piny koro noyuso, Yesu gi jopuonjre nowuok e dala maduongʼno mi gidhi e gwenge.
And whanne euenyng was come, he wente out of the citee.
20 Kinyne gokinyi kane oyudo giwuotho negineno yiend ngʼowu mane Yesu okwongʼo cha kosetwo, chakre tiendene.
And as thei passiden forth eerli, thei sayn the fige tree maad drye fro the rootis.
21 Petro noparo mowachoni Yesu niya, “Rabi! Ne yadh ngʼowu manyo ikwongʼo osetwo!”
And Petir bithouyte hym, and seide to hym, Maister, lo! the fige tree, whom thou cursidist, is dried vp.
22 To Yesu nodwoko kowacho niya, “Beduru gi yie kuom Nyasaye.
And Jhesus answeride and seide to hem, Haue ye the feith of God;
23 Awachonu adier ni ka ngʼato owacho ne godni ni, ‘Dhiyo mondo inyumri e nam,’ ma ok obedo gi kiawa e chunye kata matin, to oyie ni gima owachono biro timore, to gima odwarono notimre kamano.
treuli Y seie to you, that who euer seith to this hil, Be thou takun, and cast in to the see; and doute not in his herte, but bileueth, that what euer he seie, schal be don, it schal be don to hym.
24 Kuom mano anyisou ni gimoro amora mukwayo kulamo, beduru gi yie ni useyude mi nobed maru adier.
Therfor Y seie to you, alle thingis what euer thingis ye preynge schulen axe, bileue ye that ye schulen take, and thei schulen come to you.
25 To bende ka ichungʼ ilemo, to in-gi wach moro e kindi gi ngʼato, to nyaka iwene richone, eka mondo Wuonu manie polo bende oyie weyoni richoni. [
And whanne ye schulen stonde to preye, foryyue ye, if ye han ony thing ayens ony man, that youre fadir that is in heuenes, foryyue to you youre synnes.
26 To ka ok uweyo ni ji richogi, to Wuonu manie polo bende ok nowenu richou.]”
And if ye foryyuen not, nether youre fadir that is in heuenes, schal foryyue to you youre synnes.
27 Negichako gichopo Jerusalem kendo, to kane oyudo Yesu wuotho e laru mar hekalu, jodolo madongo gi jopuonj Chik, kaachiel gi jodongo nobiro ire.
And eftsoone thei camen to Jerusalem. And whanne he walkide in the temple, the hiyeste prestis, and scribis, and the elder men camen to hym,
28 Negipenje niya, “Itimo gigi gi teko mane, koso ngʼa momiyi teko mar timogi?”
and seyn to hym, In what power doist thou these thingis? or who yaf to thee this power, that thou do these thingis?
29 Yesu nodwokogi niya, “Abiro penjou penjo achiel. Dwokauru, to abiro nyisou teko ma atimogo gigi.
Jhesus answeride and seide to hem, And Y schal axe you o word, and answere ye to me, and Y schal seie to you in what power Y do these thingis.
30 Uparo ni batiso Johana noa e polo koso noa kuom dhano? Nyisaneuru!”
Whether was the baptym of Joon of heuene, or of men? answere ye to me.
31 Negiwuoyo kuom wachni e kindgi giwegi kendo giwacho niya, “Ka wawacho ni, ‘Noa e polo,’ to obiro penjowa ni, ‘Ka en kamano to angʼo momiyo nutamoru yie kuome?’
And thei thouyten with ynne hem silf, seiynge, If we seien of heuene, he schal seie to vs, Whi thanne bileuen ye not to him;
32 To ka wawacho ni, ‘Noa kuom dhano.’” (Negiluoro ji, nikech ji duto nokawo ni Johana ema janabi adier.)
if we seien of men, we dreden the puple; for alle men hadden Joon, that he was verili a prophete.
33 Omiyo negidwoko Yesu niya, “Ok wangʼeyo.” Yesu nowachonegi niya, “An bende ok abi nyisou kuma agole teko ma atimogo gigi.”
And thei answeryden, and seien to Jhesu, We witen neuer. And Jhesu answerde, and seide to hem, Nether Y seie to you, in what power Y do these thingis.

< Mariko 11 >