< Juda 1 >
1 An Juda ma misumba Yesu Kristo, kendo ma owadgi Jakobo, Andiko ni joma oseluongi, ma Nyasaye Wuoro ohero, kendo ma Yesu Kristo orito:
Jude a servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified in God the Father, and who are preserved and called in Jesus Christ;
2 Mad ngʼwono gi kwe kod hera mogundho obed kodu.
mercy, and peace, and love be multiplied unto you.
3 Osiepena mageno, kata obedo ni ne aikora ahinya mondo andiknu kuom wach warruok ma wan duto wan-go, naneno ni ber koro andiknu mondo ajiwu uked matek kuom wach yie mane ochiwne jomaler dichiel kendo mogik.
Beloved, having an earnest desire to write to you concerning the common salvation, I was under a necessity of writing to exhort you that ye would strive earnestly for the faith which was once delivered to the saints.
4 Nikech jomoko mane osendik kuomgi chon ni bura oloyo osedonjo e dieru lingʼ-lingʼ. Gin joma kia Nyasaye, maloko ngʼwono mar Nyasachwa dokonegi thuolo mar timo richo, kendo gidagi Ruodhwa achiel kende ma en Yesu Kristo.
For there have crept in some men, who have been of old described as under this condemnation, impious people, that turn the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and deny God the only Lord, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
5 Kata obedo ni usengʼeyo wechegi duto to pod nyaka aparnu ni Ruoth noreso joge mogologi e piny Misri, to bangʼe achien nokumo joma ne ok oyie.
But I would remind you of this, which ye know already, that though the Lord saved the people out of the land of Egypt, yet He afterwards destroyed those that believed not:
6 Kata mana malaike mane ok obedo kuondegi mag loch mane omigi, mago mane owuok oweyo keregi mane oketgie, gin bende osekanogi e mudho mandiwa, kotwegi gi nyoroche ma ok chodi nyaka chiengʼ, ka girito kum e odiechiengʼ maduongʼ. (aïdios )
and the angels that kept not their primitive state, but left their proper abode, hath He reserved in everlasting chains, under darkness, to the judgement of the great day: (aïdios )
7 Kamano bende Sodom gi Gomora, kaachiel gi mier molworogi ne jochiwore ne chode gi anjawo. Gin gibedo kaka ranyisi mar joma ikumo kiwangʼo e mach manyaka chiengʼ. (aiōnios )
as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them, in like manner with them committing lewdness, and going after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of perpetual fire. (aiōnios )
8 Mano e kaka jogi bende chalo. Lek ma gileko dwanyo ringregi kendo jogi odagi teko ma Ruoth nigo kendo giwuoyo marach kuom joma nigi duongʼ e polo.
So these vile dreamers also defile the flesh, despise authority, and speak evil of dignities.
9 To kata mana Mikael malaika maduongʼ kane gilaro gi Satan ringre Musa, ne ok ohedhore wuoyo kuome marach kohangone wach, to nowachone mana niya, “Ruoth mondo okweri!”
Whereas Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, did not presume to bring against him a railing accusation, but said, "The Lord rebuke thee."
10 Jogi to yanyo gimoro amora ma ok gingʼeyo to gik ma giketore ni gingʼeyo mana kaka le maonge rieko nyalo timo, mago e gik mabiro tiekogi.
But these men speak evil of what they know not: and what they know naturally, as brute animals, in these things they are corrupt.
11 Ginine malit! Giseluwo tim Kain, kendo gisemwomore e ketho mar Balaam nikech gihero pesa, omiyo osetiekgi kaachiel gi Kora nikech gisengʼanyo kaka Kora nongʼanyo.
Wo unto them; for they have gone in the way of Cain, and been carried away by Balaam's error, the love of lucre, and perished as in the contradiction of Korah.
12 Jogi gin mbelni e sewni magu mag hera, kendo gichiemo kodu ka wengegi tek, gin jokwath mapidhore kendgi! Gichalo rumbi ma yamo tero to ok kel koth kendo gichalo olemo mopidhi kinde opon bende gichalo gi yien ma ok nyag olemo kendo mopudh gi tiendegi, gionge tich.
These are spots in your love-feasts, feeding themselves without fear, when they are feasting with you: clouds without water, carried about by the winds; trees withered and without fruit, twice dead and rooted up; raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame;
13 Jogi onge gi wichkuot mana ka apaka mager mar nam, madhwolo buoyo kendo gibagni mana ka sulwe mabayo, gin joma osekan-negi kum mar mudho mandiwa manyaka chiengʼ. (aiōn )
wandering stars, for whom blackness of darkness is reserved for ever. (aiōn )
14 Enoka, mane odak e tiengʼ mar abiriyo bangʼ Adam, nokoro wach kuom jogi kowacho niya, “Neuru Ruoth biro gi oganda mangʼongo mar jomaler tara gi gana kuom tara gi gana
And Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied against these, saying, Behold the Lord cometh with his holy myriads,
15 mondo oyal ji duto kendo mondo okum joma richo duto kuom timbegi maricho magisetimo e yo ma ok mi Nyasaye duongʼ kendo kuom weche maricho duto ma joricho mochayo Nyasaye oseyanyego.”
to pass judgement upon all, and to convict all the ungodly among them of all their wicked works, which they have impiously committed, and of all the hard things which impious sinners have spoken against Him.
16 Jogi gin joma keko akeka kendo gin jomany ketho kuom ji; giluwo dwachgi giwegi maricho, bende giwuoyo gi sunga mathoth kuomgi giwegi. Kendo giwuondo ji gi weche mamit mondo giyud gik magidwaro.
These are murmurers, complainers, who walk according to their own irregular desires; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, with admiration of certain persons for some advantage of their own.
17 To osiepena mageno, paruru gik mane joote mag Ruodhwa Yesu Kristo okoro chon.
But, beloved, remember the words which were formerly spoken by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; for they told you,
18 Ne giwachonu niya, “E ndalo giko joma jaro ji nobedie ma noluw gombogi giwegi maricho.”
that in the latter days there will be scoffers, walking according to their own impious lusts.
19 Magi e joma kelo pogruok e kindu, kendo gombogi mag ringruok ema chikogi, gionge Roho.
These are they who separate themselves, sensualists, not having the Spirit.
20 To un, osiepena mageno, gerreuru e yie maru maler, kendo lemuru ka un ei Roho Maler.
But ye, beloved, edifying yourselves in your most holy faith, and praying in the holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God,
21 Sikuru ei hera Nyasaye ka urito ngʼwono mar Ruodhwa Yesu Kristo mondo okelu e ngima mochwere. (aiōnios )
looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. (aiōnios )
22 Kechuru joma riwo gi kiawa,
And on some have compassion, making a difference; others save with fear,
23 resgiuru ka ugologi e mach mondo ures ngimagi, to moko kuomgi to kechuru kutangʼ kendo kuluor, ka umon kata mana gi lepgi ma gombogi mag richo osechido.
as snatching them out of the fire: hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
24 Ne en manyalo ritou mondo kik upodhi e richo, kendo manyalo kelou e nyim duongʼne ka uonge ketho kendo ka un gimor maduongʼ
Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy:
25 mad duongʼ makende, gi loch gi teko, kod nyalo odogne Nyasaye Jawarwa kuom Yesu Kristo Ruodhwa, e tienge duto, sani kendo nyaka chiengʼ! Amin. (aiōn )
to the only wise God our Saviour be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and for ever. Amen. (aiōn )