< Ayub 6 >

1 Eka Ayub nodwoke kama:
Forsothe Joob answeride, and seide,
2 “Ka dine bed ni inyalo pimo chandruok ma an-go, kata pimo masira duto momaka e ratil,
Y wolde, that my synnes, bi whiche Y `desseruede ire, and the wretchidnesse which Y suffre, weren peisid in a balaunce.
3 to adier, dine gibedo mapek moloyo kwoyo mathoth manie dho nam, mano emomiyo wechena osebedo ka yombore.
As the grauel of the see, this wretchidnesse schulde appere greuousere; wherfor and my wordis ben ful of sorewe.
4 Aserni mag Jehova Nyasaye Maratego osechwoyo denda, ringra opongʼ gi kwiri marach ma asernigo okelo; kendo masiche mag Nyasaye olwora koni gi koni.
For the arowis of the Lord ben in me, the indignacioun of whiche drynkith vp my spirit; and the dredis of the Lord fiyten ayens me.
5 Donge punda nyalo mana ywak ka oonge lum mocham, kata rwath nyalo ywak kaonge chiemo?
Whether a feeld asse schal rore, whanne he hath gras? Ethir whether an oxe schal lowe, whanne he stondith byfor a `ful cratche?
6 Chiemo maboth bende inyalo cham ka ok oketie chumbi, koso mit mane miyudo ei nyai tongʼ marachar?
Ether whethir a thing vnsauery may be etun, which is not maad sauery bi salt? Ether whether ony man may taaste a thing, which tastid bryngith deeth?
7 Ok ahero chiemo ma kamago; nimar chiemo ma kamago miya tuo.
For whi to an hungri soule, yhe, bittir thingis semen to be swete; tho thingis whiche my soule nolde touche bifore, ben now my meetis for angwisch.
8 “Kuom mano, mad ayud gima akwayo, mad Nyasaye chiwna gima ageno yudo,
Who yyueth, that myn axyng come; and that God yyue to me that, that Y abide?
9 kendo oyie otoya matindo tindo mi onega chuth.
And he that bigan, al to-breke me; releesse he his hond, and kitte me doun?
10 Kotimona kamano eka chunya noyud hoch, anabed gi kwe, kata obedo ni an gi rem malit; nikech ok asedagi weche mag Ngʼama Ler.
And `this be coumfort to me, that he turmente me with sorewe, and spare not, and that Y ayenseie not the wordis of the hooli.
11 “Teko mane ma an-go ma dimi pod abed gi geno? Ber mane ma pod ni e nyima madimi abed mos?
For whi, what is my strengthe, that Y suffre? ethir which is myn ende, that Y do pacientli?
12 An gi teko machal gi teko kidi koso? Bende ringra olos gi nyinyo?
Nethir my strengthe is the strengthe of stoonus, nether my fleisch is of bras.
13 Bende an gi teko mar konyora kenda ka koro giga duto osegol kuoma?
Lo! noon help is to me in me; also my meyneal frendis `yeden awey fro me.
14 “E kinde ma ngʼato nigi chandruok kama, to osiepne onego okeche, kata obedo ni oseweyo luoro Jehova Nyasaye Maratego.
He that takith awei merci fro his frend, forsakith the drede of the Lord.
15 Owetena to oselokore joma ok nyal gen, mana ka aore matindo ma pigegi ok siki kata ka oula mogingore ndalo koth,
My britheren passiden me, as a stronde doith, that passith ruschyngli in grete valeis.
16 to pe manie wi gode lokore oula kendo mogingore gi pi mamol,
Snow schal come on hem, that dreden frost.
17 e kinde oro to gichungʼ ma ok ringi, kendo lal nono e yoregi kinde ma piny liet.
In the tyme wherynne thei ben scaterid, thei schulen perische; and as thei ben hoote, thei schulen be vnknyt fro her place.
18 Jowuoth baro weyo yoregi ma giluwo; gidhi nyaka piny motwo mi githo kuno.
The pathis of her steppis ben wlappid; thei schulen go in veyn, and schulen perische.
19 Jowuoth moa Tema gi johala moa Sheba manyo aore mondo oyudie pi.
Biholde ye the pathis of Theman, and the weies of Saba; and abide ye a litil.
20 Gibiro ka gin gi geno mar yudo pi, to ka gichopo kanyo to giyudo ni pi ma gineno onge, mi chunygi nyosre.
Thei ben schent, for Y hopide; and thei camen `til to me, and thei ben hilid with schame.
21 Koro in bende iselokori ngʼama ok nyal konyo; kineno gimoro mabwogo ji to luoro maki.
Now ye ben comun, and now ye seen my wounde, and dreden.
22 Bende asekwayoue mondo umiyae kony moro mugolo kuom mwandu mondo akonyrago,
Whether Y seide, Brynge ye to me, and yiue ye of youre catel to me? ethir,
23 kata mondo uresa e lwet wasika, kata resa e lwet jo-mahundu?
Delyuere ye me fro the hond of enemy, and rauysche ye me fro the hond of stronge men?
24 “Puonja, eka analingʼ, nyisa kama asedhie marach.
Teche ye me, and Y schal be stille; and if in hap Y vnknew ony thing, teche ye me.
25 Mano kaka weche madier lit kaka kudho! To weche mihango mathothgo, to nyiso angʼo?
Whi han ye depraued the wordis of trewthe? sithen noon is of you, that may repreue me.
26 Dibed ni iwuoyo kamano mondo omi iket weche ma awacho kare kendo mondo ikaw weche ngʼama neno malit ka gima nono?
Ye maken redi spechis oneli for to blame, and ye bryngen forth wordis in to wynde.
27 Ichalo ngʼama nyalo goyo ombulu mar nego nyathi kich kendo inyalo ndhogo kata mana osiepeni.
Ye fallen in on a fadirles child, and enforsen to peruerte youre frend.
28 “To koro yie ichomie wangʼi kuoma kendo iranga maber iparo ni anyalo wuondi e wangʼi?
Netheles fille ye that, that ye han bigunne; yyue ye the eere, and se ye, whether Y lie.
29 Lokri, iwe timo ne ji marach; par maber kendo, nikech an ngʼat makare.
Y biseche, answere ye with out strijf, and speke ye, and deme ye that, that is iust.
30 Bende nitie gimoro amora marach ma lewa osewacho? Donge an gi rieko mar ngʼeyo gima ok owinjore?
And ye schulen not fynde wickidnesse in my tunge, nethir foli schal sowne in my chekis.

< Ayub 6 >