< Tich Joote 27 >

1 Kane osengʼad wach ni onego okwangʼwa wadhi Italia, Paulo kod joma otwe mamoko noketi e lwet jatend jolweny moro ma nyinge Julias. Ngʼatno ema ne jatend oganda lweny mane iluongo ni Jorit Dala Ruoth.
And Festos commanded concerning him that he should be sent unto Caesar in Italia. And he delivered Paulos, and other prisoners with him, to a certain man, a centurion of the band of Sebaste, whose name was Julios.
2 Ne wadonjo ei yie moro moa Adramutio mane onego ogow e mier mamoko manie dho nam molworo piny Asia. Bangʼe ne wasiayo yie mi wawuok. Aristarko ja-Makedonia moa Thesalonika bende ne nikodwa.
And when he would proceed, we went down to a ship which was from Adramantos the city, to go to the region of Asia. And Aristarkos, a Makedonoya who was of Thessalunike the city,
3 Kinyne ne wagowo Sidon, kendo kanyo Julias notimo ngʼwono ni Paulo mi nomiye thuolo mar dhi ir osiepene mondo gimiye gik mane ochando.
entered the ship with us. And the day after we came to Tsaidon. And the centurion behaved with kindness towards Paulos, and permitted him to go to his friends and be refreshed.
4 Kane waa kanyo to ne wasiayo yie e nam kendo, to nikech yamo mager ne kudho kochomowa tir, ne waluwo bath chula mar Saipras koma ogengʼore gi yamo.
And from thence we voyaged; and because the winds were contrary we made a circuit unto Cypros.
5 Kane wasekwangʼ wangʼado ataro mar nam, machiegni kod Kilikia gi Pamfilia, ne wagowo e dho wadh Mura, e piny Lukia.
And we went through the sea of Cilicia and of Pamphulia, and came to Mura, a city of Lukia.
6 Kanyo jatend jolweny nonwangʼo yie ja-Aleksandria moro madhi Italia, mi noketowa ei yieno.
And the centurion found there a ship from Aleksandria which was going to Italia, and he placed us in her.
7 Ne wakwangʼ mos gi thagruok kuom ndalo mangʼeny nikech kwangʼ ne rach, eka achien ne wachopo machiegni gi dho wadh Sinido. Kaka yamo koro nomedore ma ok wanyal chome tir, ne wakwangʼ kwagengʼore e bath Krete, mochomore gi sori mar Salmone.
And because she sailed heavily, (after) many days we had scarce come over against Knidos the island, and as the wind did not permit us to go directly, we went round by Kreta against Salmona the city;
8 Ne wamedo kwangʼ gi thagruok ka waluwo bath nam mine wachopo kamoro miluongo ni Mbita Mokwe, but dala mar Lasea.
and hardly voyaging we passing around it came to the place which is called the Fair Havens. AND it was nigh to the city named Lasia.
9 Kaka koro ne waseketho seche mathoth, to kwangʼ bende bedo marach, kendo kinde mag Sap Tweyo Chiemo bende nosekadho, Paulo nongʼado rieko ni jokwangʼ kowacho niya,
And we were there much time, until the day when the day of the fast of the Jihudoyee had also passed, and there had become danger for one to voyage by sea. And Paulos counselled them
10 “Jowadwa, aneno ni ka wawuok ka, to wuodhwani biro bedo marach kendo yiewani kaachiel gi gik motingʼo biro kethore kendo wan bende wanyalo tho.”
and said, Men, I perceive that with distress and much loss we are to voyage, not only to the burden of the ship, but also to our own lives.
11 To jatend jolweny ne ok odewo chik kata winjo gima Paulo ne owacho, makmana nowinjo mana wach wuon yie kod jatend yie.
But the centurion hearkened to the governor and to the lord of the ship rather than to the counsel of Paulos.
12 Dho wath kanyo ne ok ber betie ndalo chwiri, omiyo thoth ji mane wan-go nongʼado wach mondo wadhi nyime gi kwangʼ, ka giparo ni ne wanyalo chopo Foinike mondo wabedie ndalo chwiri. Foinike ne en dho wadh Krete, momanyore gi milambo ma yo podho chiengʼ kod nyandwat ma yo podho chiengʼ.
And because that haven was not convenient to winter in, many of us desired to proceed thence, and if possible to come and winter in a certain harbour in Kreta, called Phoniks, and which looked to the south.
13 Ka yamb milambo makudho mos nochako kudho, negiparo ni ne giseyudo gima negidwaro kendo ni wuodhgi koro ber, omiyo negibolo nanga e pi mine gichako kwangʼ ka giluwo tiend dho nam mar Krete.
And when the wind of the south blew, and we thought we could come as we desired, we sailed round Kreta.
14 To kane pok gikwangʼ mabor, yamb ahiti miluongo ni Yurakulo, nochako kudho matek koa e chulano.
And after a little there came forth against us a blowing of the tempest which is called Tuphonikos Euroklidon;
15 Ahitino nomako yie motame muomo yamono, omiyo ne waweyo mondo yamo olok yie oterwa atera kuma okudho kochomo.
and the ship was carried away, and could not stand against the wind, and we gave her into its hand.
16 Kane oyudo wakalo e tiend chula moro matin miluongo ni Kauda, ne wabedo gi pek mar keto yie matin mar resruok kama ber, mondo kik okethre.
And when we had passed a certain isle that is called Cyra; we could scarcely take up the boat.
17 Kane chwo mane wan-go osekete ei yie maduongʼ mane wantie, negitweyo yie gi tonde molwore mondo kik obarre. To nikech negiluor ni yie ne nyalo terogi kuonde mathany-thany motimo kuoyo man e dho nam mar Afrika, ne giloro nanga mar yie mi giweye mondo yamo otere atera.
And when we had uplifted her, we girded and strengthened the ship. And because we feared lest we should fall into the precipitancy of the sea, we brought down the sails, and so went forward. i
18 Ahiti nomedo goyo yie matek mi kinyne negichako wito gik mane ni ei yie e nam.
And while there rose against us the hard tempest, the next day we threw the goods into the sea.
19 Odiechiengʼ mar adek, ne giwito ei nam gik moko duto michikogo yie.
And the third day the things of the ship itself we cast forth. And when the storm had held more days,
20 Kuom ndalo mangʼeny, ne ok wanyal neno wangʼ chiengʼ kata sulwe, kendo yamo nomedo kudho matek mi geno duto mane oyudo wan-go ni dipo koreswa norumo chuth.
and neither the sun was seen, nor the moon, nor stars, the hope that we should be saved at all was cut off.
21 Kane ji koro oseriyo kech kuom ndalo mangʼeny, Paulo nochungʼ malo e nyimgi mowachonegi niya, “Jowadwa ka dine uwinj wachna ma wawe kwangʼ ka waa Krete, to dine utony mi ok uneno chandruok gi lal maduongʼ ma kama.
And while no man had taken any food, then stood Paulos among them, and said, Men, if you had been persuaded by me, you would not have voyaged from Kreta, and we should have been exempted from loss, and from this distress.
22 To koro akwayou ni umed bedo gi chir, nikech kata ngʼat achiel kuomu ok bi tho, makmana yie kende ema biro kethore.
Yet now I counsel you to be without anxiety; for not one of you will perish, but the ship only.
23 Otieno mokalo, malaika mar Nyasaye, ma an ngʼate, kendo ma atiyone, nochungʼ batha,
For in this night there appeared to me the angel of Aloha, (of) him whose I am, and whom I serve.
24 mowachona ni, ‘Kik iluor Paulo, ibiro chopo nyaka nyim Kaisar mi yali kuno, nikech Nyasaye osemiyi kuom ngʼwonone, ngima ji duto makwangʼ kodi.’
And he said to me, Fear not, Paulos, for thou art to stand before Caesar; and, behold, Aloha hath given thee the gift of all who voyage with thee.
25 Kuom mano, beduru gi chir, jowadwa, nikech ayie ni Nyasaye biro timo mana kaka nonyisa.
Therefore, men, take courage; for I believe Aloha, that so it shall be as he hath told me.
26 To ochunore ni yie nyaka moki e chula moro.”
Nevertheless, upon a certain island we have to be cast.
27 Otieno mar apar gangʼwen ne pod watangni mana e dier Nam mangʼongo mar Mediterania. To kane ochopo odiwuor tir, to jokwangʼ ne paro ni gisechopo e lowo motwo.
AND after fourteen days (in) which we had wandered and been beaten in the sea of Hadrios, in the dividing of the night, the mariners thought that we drew nigh to land.
28 Omiyo ne giluto tol motwene kidi e pi, mi giyudo ni tut pigno romo fut mia achiel gi piero ariyo. Bangʼ mano negichako gipime mi ginwangʼo ni en fut piero ochiko.
And they cast the lead, and found twenty cubits; and again a little they proceeded, and found fifteen cubits.
29 Luoro nomakowa ni dipo ka watwomo lwanda. Omiyo negibolo nanga angʼwen yo kachien yie, eka gilemo mondo piny oyawre.
And fearing lest we should be found in a place in which were rocks, they cast forth from the hinder part of the ship four anchors, and prayed that it would become day.
30 Jokwangʼ notemo mondo gitony gia e yie, kendo negitemo mondo giket yie matin mar resruok e pi, ka giwuondore ni gidwaro bolo nanga moko yo ka wi yie.
But the mariners sought to escape from the ship, and lowered from her the boat into the sea, on the pretext that they would go in her, and bind the ship to the land.
31 Eka Paulo nowachone jatend jolweny kod jolweny duto niya, “Ka jogi ok osiko kodwa ei yie ka, to ok ubi tony.”
And when Paulos saw, he said to the centurion and to the soldiers, If these in the ship remain not, you cannot be saved.
32 Omiyo jolweny nongʼado tonde ma notwego yie matin mar resruok, mi giweyo yieno okwangʼ modhi.
Then cut the soldiers the cable of the boat from the ship, and let her drive.
33 Kane piny chiegni yawore, Paulo nosayo jokwangʼ duto mondo ochiem, kowachonegi niya, “Kuom ndalo apar gangʼwen mosekadho, usebedo ka unie chandruok ma ok nunyal chiemo.
But Paulos himself, until it was morning, persuaded all of them to take food, saying to them, To-day it is fourteen days (in which) from danger you have tasted nothing.
34 Koro yieuru koda mondo uchamie gimoro matin mondo ubed mangima. Awachonu ni onge ngʼato kata achiel kuomu mabiro wito kata mana yie wiye achiel.”
Wherefore I beseech you receive meat for the establishment of your lives; for a hair of the head of one of you will not perish.
35 Kane osewacho mano, nokawo makati mi ogoyo ni Nyasaye erokamano e nyimgi giduto. Eka nongʼingo makatino mochako chiemo.
And when these he had said, he took bread, and praised Aloha before them all, and he broke and began to eat.
36 Jogo chunygi noduogo, mi ngʼato ka ngʼato kuomgi nokawo chiemo mondo ocham.
And they were all comforted, and received food.
37 Kar romb ji duto mane ni e yie ne gin mia ariyo gi piero abiriyo gauchiel.
But we were in the ship two hundred and seventy and six souls.
38 Kane ji duto osechiemo moyiengʼ, ne giwito cham duto modongʼ e nam mondo yie odongʼ mayot.
And when they were satisfied with food, they lightened the ship, and took up the wheat and sent it into the sea.
39 Kane piny oseyawore, jokwangʼ ne ok ongʼeyo piny mane gintie, to negineno mbita moro motimo kwoyo; mi giparo mondo gichom yie kuno mondo kanyalore to gimoki bute.
And when it was day, the sailors knew not what land it was; but they saw along the coast a certain inlet of the sea, (into) which they purposed if possible to drive the ship.
40 Negingʼado tonde motwego nanga mi gibolo e nam bangʼe gingʼado tonde mane omakgo ngai. Bangʼ mano negichungo tanga yo ka wi yie, bangʼe gisiayo yie ka gichomo dho wath.
And they cut the anchors from the ship, and left them in the sea, and they loosed the bands of the oars, and raised a small sail to the wind which blew, and went forward to the face of the land.
41 To gikanyo yie notuomo kuoyo mathany-thany momoko ti. Eka yo ka wiye nomako matek ma ok nyal yukni, kendo apaka nogoyo yo kachien yieno mi obarore matindo tindo.
And the ship struck on a high place between two depths of the sea, and infixed herself in it; and her forepart stood upon it, and was immovable, but her afterpart was loosed from the violence of the waves.
42 Jolweny ne dwaro nego joma otwe mondo ogengʼ gi kik gigo abal mi giring gitony.
And the soldiers would have killed the prisoners, lest they should cast forth to swim, and escape from them;
43 To nikech jatendgi ne dwaro reso ngima Paulo, notamogi ni kik gineg-gi. Nogol chik mondo ngʼato angʼata mane nyalo goyo abal nyaka e dho wath okuong ochikre e pi mondo odhiyo.
and the centurion restrained them from this, because he was willing to save Paulos. And those who could cast forth to swim he commanded to be the first to swim, and to pass to the land.
44 Eka joma odongʼ ne biro luwo bangʼ-gi ka jomoko omako mberni, to moko omako bepe mane owuok e yie mane osebarore. Kamano e kaka ne wachopo e lowo motwo waduto ka wangima.
And the rest, on boards, and on other timbers of the ship, passed; and thus all of them escaped to land.

< Tich Joote 27 >