< 2 Timotheo 2 >

1 To in, Wuoda, bed motegno kuom ngʼwono ma wan-go kuom Kristo Yesu.
You then, my child, must be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
2 Weche mane iwinjo ka apuonjo e nyim joneno mathoth keti e lwet joma inyalo geno, manyalo puonjo joma moko bende.
All that you have been taught by me in the hearing of many witnesses, you must hand on to trusty men who shall themselves, in turn, be competent to instruct others also.
3 Bed modhil e chandruok kaachiel kodwa kaka jalweny maber mar Kristo Yesu.
As a good soldier of Christ Jesus accept your share of suffering.
4 Onge jalweny ma dwodore gi weche mag dala nimar odwaro mondo obed malongʼo kowinjo jatende ma chike.
Every one who serves as a soldier keeps himself from becoming entangled in the world's business--so that he may satisfy the officer who enlisted him.
5 Kamano bende e kaka jangʼwech mapiem e ngʼwech ok nyal yudo mich mar jaloch ka ok oringo kaluwore gi chike moketi.
And if any one takes part in an athletic contest, he gets no prize unless he obeys the rules.
6 Japur matiyo matek bende ema owinjore ocham nyak mokwongo mar cham.
The harvestman who labours in the field must be the first to get a share of the crop.
7 Par matut kuom gima awacho. Ruoth biro miyi rieko mar winjo tiend weche duto.
Mark well what I am saying: the Lord will give you discernment in everything.
8 Injili malando en ni Yesu Kristo ma Nyakwar Daudi ne ochier oa kuom joma otho.
Never forget that Jesus Christ has risen from among the dead and is a descendant of David, as is declared in the Good News which I preach.
9 Wach maberno emomiyo isanda kendo itweya ka ngʼat matimo richo. To wach Nyasaye ok otwe.
For preaching the Good News I suffer, and am even put in chains, as if I were a criminal: yet the word of God is not imprisoned.
10 Omiyo adhil kuom duto nikech adwaro ni joma Nyasaye oyiero bende oyudie warruok miyudo kuom Kristo Yesu, kendo makelo duongʼ mochwere. (aiōnios g166)
For this reason I endure all things for the sake of God's own people; so that they also may obtain salvation--even the salvation which is in Christ Jesus--and with it eternal glory. (aiōnios g166)
11 Ma e wach mar adier: Ka wasetho kode, to wanabed mangima kode bende;
Faithful is the saying: "If we died with Him, we shall also live with Him;
12 to ka watimo kinda, to wanalochi kode bende; to ka wakwede, to en bende nokwedwa;
"If we patiently endure pain, we shall also share His Kingship; "If we disown Him, He will also disown us;
13 to ka ok wabedo jo-adiera, en pod obedo mana ja-adiera, nikech ok onyal kwedore owuon.
"And even if our faith fails, He remains true--He cannot prove false to Himself."
14 Par nigi wechegi kisiemogi e nyim Nyasaye ni giwe dhawo kuom weche maonge ohala maketho mana chuny joma winjogi.
Bring all this to men's remembrances, solemnly charging them in the presence of God not to waste time in wrangling about mere words, a course which is altogether unprofitable and tends only to the ruin of the hearers.
15 Tem matek mondo ichiwri ne Nyasaye kaka jatich molony ma wiye ok kuodi kendo mapuonjo Wach mar adiera e yo makare.
Earnestly seek to commend yourself to God as a servant who, because of his straightforward dealing with the word of truth, has no reason to feel any shame.
16 Pogri kod mbekni manono mag piny nikech jok moketo chunygi e gik ma kamago medo bedo mabor moloyo gi Nyasaye.
But from irreligious and frivolous talk hold aloof, for those who indulge in it will proceed from bad to worse in impiety,
17 Puonj mag joma kamago biro landore ka adhola malandore. Achiel kuomgi gin Humenayo gi Fileto,
and their teaching will spread like a running sore. Hymenaeus and Philetus are men of that stamp.
18 mosebayo yo moweyo adiera. Giseweyo adiera ka gipuonjo ni chier osetimore, kendo giketho yie mar ji moko.
In the matter of the truth they have gone astray, saying that the Resurrection is already past, and so they are overthrowing the faith of some.
19 Kata kamano mise mongirore mar Nyasaye ochungʼ motegno kendo ondikie ndiko ma ok ruchre mawacho niya, “Ruoth ongʼeyo joge,” kendo niya, “Ngʼato ka ngʼato maluongo nying Ruoth nyaka pogre gi timbe maricho.”
Yet God's solid foundation stands unmoved, bearing this inscription, "The Lord knows those who really belong to Him." And this also, "Let every one who names the Name of the Lord renounce all wickedness."
20 Ongʼere in e ot moro amora maduongʼ nitie gige tedo molos gi dhahabu kata fedha, to bende nitie moko molosi gi bao kata lowo. Mokwongogo itiyogo tije mogen, to mokogo itiyogo tich aticha.
Now in a great house there are not only articles of gold and silver, but also others of wood and of earthenware; and some are for specially honourable, and others for common use.
21 Omiyo ka ngʼato opwodhore kuom puonj mochido to enobed kaka gir tich mitiyogo tije mogen. Enodok ngʼat maler ma Ruoth oyiego kaka jatichne makare kendo moikore tiyo tich moro amora maber.
If therefore a man keeps himself clear of these latter, he himself will be for specially honourable use, consecrated, fit for the Master's service, and fully equipped for every good work.
22 Ring iwe gombo maricho mag jomatindo kendo ket chunyi mar luwo ngima maler, gi yie, gihera, kod kwe, kaachiel gi joma lamo Ruoth Nyasaye gi chuny maler.
Keep a strong curb, however, on your youthful cravings; and strive for integrity, good faith, love, peace, in company with all who pray to the Lord with pure hearts.
23 Pogri chuth gi mbekni mofuwo maonge rieko, kingʼeyo ni gikelo dhawo.
But avoid foolish discussions with ignorant men, knowing--as you do--that these lead to quarrels;
24 To jatich Ruoth ok owinjore bed makwiny, to onego obed mangʼwon gi ji duto kendo onego obed japuonj molony ma hore mos.
and a bondservant of the Lord must not quarrel, but must be inoffensive towards all men, a skilful teacher, and patient under wrongs.
25 Joma dagi puonjne nyaka orie gi muolo, ka en gi geno ni Nyasaye nyalo miyogi thuolo mar lokruok mar weyo richo mi gingʼe adiera,
He must speak in a gentle tone when correcting the errors of opponents, in the hope that God will at last give them repentance, for them to come to a full knowledge of the truth
26 kendo kogeno ni pachgi nyalo yawore mi gitony gia e obadho mar Satan moseketogi e twech mar timo dwarone.
and recover sober-mindedness and freedom from the Devil's snare, though they are now entrapped by him to do his will.

< 2 Timotheo 2 >