< Apostelenes gerninger 22 >
1 „I Mænd, Brødre og Fædre! hører nu mit Forsvar over for eder!‟
“Brothers and fathers, listen to the defense which I am about to make.”
2 Men da de hørte, at han talte til dem i det hebraiske Sprog, holdt de sig end mere stille. Og han siger:
When they heard that he was speaking to them in Hebrew, they were still more quiet; and Paul went on:
3 „Jeg er en jødisk Mand, født i Tarsus i Kilikien, men opfostret i denne Stad, oplært ved Gamaliels Fødder efter vor Fædrenelovs Strenghed og nidkær for Gud, ligesom I alle ere i Dag.
“I am a Jew, from Tarsus in Cilicia, but I was brought up in this city under the teaching of Gamaliel, and educated in accordance with the strict system of our ancestral Law. I was as zealous in God’s service as any of you who are here today.
4 Og jeg forfulgte denne Vej indtil Døden, idet jeg lagde baade Mænd og Kvinder i Lænker og overgav dem til Fængsler,
In my persecution of this Way I did not stop even at the taking of life. I put in chains, and imprisoned, men and women alike –
5 som ogsaa Ypperstepræsten vidner med mig og hele Ældsteraadet, fra hvem jeg endog fik Breve med til Brødrene i Damaskus og rejste derhen for ogsaa at føre dem, som vare der, bundne til Jerusalem, for at de maatte blive straffede.
And to that the high priest himself and all the council of elders can testify. For I had letters of introduction from them to our fellow Jews at Damascus, and I was on my way to that place, to bring those whom I might find there prisoners to Jerusalem for punishment.
6 Men det skete, da jeg var undervejs og nærmede mig til Damaskus, at ved Middag et stærkt Lys fra Himmelen pludseligt omstraalede mig.
While I was still on my way, just as I was getting close to Damascus, about midday, suddenly there flashed from the heavens a great light all around me.
7 Og jeg faldt til Jorden og hørte en Røst, som sagde til mig: Saul! Saul! hvorfor forfølger du mig?
I fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to me ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?’
8 Men jeg svarede: Hvem er du, Herre? Og han sagde til mig: Jeg er Jesus af Nazareth, som du forfølger.
‘Who are you, Lord?’ I replied. Then the voice said ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you are persecuting.’
9 Men de, som vare med mig, saa vel Lyset, men hørte ikke hans Røst, som talte til mig.
The men with me saw the light, but did not hear the speaker’s voice.
10 Men jeg sagde: Hvad skal jeg gøre, Herre? Men Herren sagde til mig: Staa op og gaa til Damaskus; og der skal der blive talt til dig om alt, hvad der er bestemt, at du skal gøre.
Then I said ‘What am I to do, Lord?’ ‘Get up and go into Damascus,’ The Lord said to me, ‘and there you will be told all that you have been appointed to do.’
11 Men da jeg havde mistet Synet ved Glansen af hint Lys, blev jeg ledet ved Haanden af dem, som vare med mig, og kom saaledes ind i Damaskus.
In consequence of that dazzling light I could not see, but my companions held me by the hand, until I reached Damascus.
12 Men en vis Ananias, en Mand, gudfrygtig efter Loven, som havde godt Vidnesbyrd af alle Jøderne, som boede der,
There a man named Ananias, a strict observer of our Law, well spoken of by all the Jewish inhabitants, came to see me.
13 kom til mig og stod for mig og sagde: Saul, Broder, se op! Og jeg saa op paa ham i samme Stund.
Standing close to me, he said ‘Saul, my brother, recover your sight.’ And then and there I recovered my sight and looked up at him.
14 Men han sagde: Vore Fædres Gud har udvalgt dig til at kende hans Villie og se den retfærdige og høre en Røst af hans Mund.
Then he said ‘The God of our ancestors has appointed you to learn his will, and to see the righteous one, and to hear words from his lips;
15 Thi du skal være ham et Vidne for alle Mennesker om de Ting, som du har set og hørt.
for you will be a witness for him to all the world of what you have just seen and heard.
16 Og nu, hvorfor tøver du? Staa op, lad dig døbe og dine Synder aftvætte, idet du paakalder hans Navn!
And now why wait any longer, Be baptized at once, wash away your sins, and invoke his name.’
17 Og det skete, da jeg var kommen tilbage til Jerusalem og bad i Helligdommen, at jeg faldt i Henrykkelse
After my return to Jerusalem, while I was praying one day in the Temple, I fell into a trance,
18 og saa ham, idet han sagde til mig: Skynd dig, og gaa hastigt ud af Jerusalem, thi de skulle ikke af dig modtage Vidnesbyrd om mig.
and saw Jesus saying to me ‘Make haste and leave Jerusalem at once, because they will not accept your testimony about me.’
19 Og jeg sagde: Herre! de vide selv, at jeg fængslede og piskede trindt om i Synagogerne dem, som troede paa dig,
‘Lord,’ I answered, ‘these people know that I used to imprison and scourge, in synagogue after synagogue, those who believed in you;
20 og da dit Vidne Stefanus's Blod blev udgydt, stod ogsaa jeg hos og havde Behag deri og vogtede paa deres Klæder, som sloge ham ihjel.
and, when the blood of your martyr, Stephen, was being shed, I was myself standing by, approving of his death, and took charge of the clothes of those who were murdering him.’
21 Og han sagde til mig: Drag ud; thi jeg vil sende dig langt bort til Hedninger.‟
But Jesus said to me ‘Go; for I will send you to the Gentiles far away’.”
22 Men de hørte paa ham indtil dette Ord, da opløftede de deres Røst og sagde: „Bort fra Jorden med en saadan! thi han bør ikke leve.‟
Up to this point the people had been listening to Paul, but at these words they called out, “Kill him! A fellow like this ought not to have been allowed to live!”
23 Men da de skrege og reve Klæderne af sig og kastede Støv op i Luften,
As they were shouting, tearing off their clothes, and throwing dust in the air,
24 befalede Krigsøversten, at han skulde føres ind i Borgen, og sagde, at man med Hudstrygning skulde forhøre ham, for at han kunde faa at vide, af hvad Aarsag de saaledes raabte imod ham.
the commanding officer ordered Paul to be taken into the Fort, and directed that he should be examined under the lash so that he might find out the reason for their outcry against him.
25 Men da de havde udstrakt ham for Svøberne, sagde Paulus til den hosstaaende Høvedsmand: „Er det eder tilladt at hudstryge en romersk Mand, og det uden Dom?‟
But just as they had tied him up to be scourged, Paul said to the centurion standing near, “Is it legal for you to scourge a Roman citizen, unconvicted?”
26 Men da Høvedsmanden hørte dette, gik han til Krigsøversten og meldte ham det og sagde: „Hvad er det, du er ved at gøre? denne Mand er jo en Romer.‟
On hearing this, the centurion went and reported it to the commanding officer. “Do you know what you are doing?” he said. “This man is a Roman citizen.”
27 Men Krigsøversten gik hen og sagde til ham: „Sig mig, er du en Romer?‟ Han sagde: „Ja.‟
So the commanding officer went up to Paul and said, “Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?” “Yes,” replied Paul.
28 Og Krigsøversten svarede: „Jeg har købt mig denne Borgerret for en stor Sum.‟ Men Paulus sagde: „Jeg er endog født dertil.‟
“I had to pay a heavy price for my position as citizen,” said the officer. “I am one by birth,” rejoined Paul.
29 Da trak de, som skulde til at forhøre ham, sig straks tilbage fra ham. Og da Krigsøversten fik at vide, at han var en Romer, blev ogsaa han bange, fordi han havde bundet ham.
The men who were to have examined Paul immediately drew back, and the officer, finding that Paul was a Roman citizen, was alarmed at having put him in chains.
30 Men den næste Dag, da han vilde have noget paalideligt at vide om, hvad han anklagedes for af Jøderne, løste han ham og befalede, at Ypperstepræsterne og hele Raadet skulde komme sammen, og han førte Paulus ned og stillede ham for dem.
On the next day the commanding officer, wishing to find out the real reason why Paul was denounced by the Jewish leaders, had his chains taken off, and directed the chief priests and the whole of the High Council to assemble, and then took Paul down and brought him before them.