< Første Krønikebog 13 >

1 Efter at have raadført sig med Tusindførerne og Hundredførerne, alle Øversterne,
David had discussions with all his leaders, including the army commanders of thousands and hundreds.
2 sagde David til hele Israels Forsamling: »Hvis det tykkes eder godt, og det er HERREN vor Guds Vilje, lad os saa sende Bud til vore Brødre, der er tilbage i alle Israels Landsdele, og ligeledes til Præsterne og Leviterne i Byerne, hvor de har deres Græsmarker, at de skal samles hos os,
Then he addressed the whole assembly of Israel, saying, “If you agree, and if God approves, let us send an invitation to every Israelite in the land, including the priests and Levites in their towns and pastures, to come and join us.
3 for at vi kan bringe vor Guds Ark tilbage til os, thi i Sauls Dage spurgte vi ikke om den.«
Let us bring the Ark of our God back to us, because we forgot about it during the time of Saul.”
4 Og hele Forsamlingen svarede, at det skulde man gøre, thi alt Folket fandt Forslaget rigtigt.
The whole assembly was pleased with the proposal, agreeing that this would be a good thing to do.
5 Saa samlede David hele Israel lige fra Sjihor i Ægypten til Egnen ved Hamat for at hente Guds Ark i Kirjat-Jearim.
So David summoned all of Israel, from the Shihor River of Egypt up to Lebo-hamath, to help bring the Ark from Kiriath-jearim.
6 Derpaa drog David og hele Israel op til Ba'ala, til Kirjat-Jearim i Juda for der at hente Gud HERRENS Ark, over hvilken hans Navn er nævnet, han, som troner over Keruberne.
So David and all of Israel went to Baalah (otherwise called Kiriath-jearim) in Judah to bring back the Ark of God the Lord, whose throne is between the cherubim and who is called by the Name.
7 De førte da Guds Ark bort fra Abinadabs Hus paa en ny Vogn, og Uzza og Ajo kørte Vognen.
They loaded the Ark of God onto a brand new cart and brought it from Adinadab's house, with Uzzah and Ahio directing it.
8 David og hele Israel legede af alle Kræfter for Guds Aasyn til Sang og til Citre, Harper, Pauker, Cymbler og Trompeter.
David and all of Israel were celebrating before the Lord as loudly as possible, singing sings and playing music on lyres, harps, tambourines, cymbals, and trumpets.
9 Men da de kom til Kidons Tærskeplads, rakte Uzza Haanden ud for at gribe fat i Arken, fordi Okserne snublede.
But when they came to the threshing floor of Chidon, the oxen stumbled and Uzzah stretched out his hand to stop the Ark falling.
10 Da blussede HERRENS Vrede op mod Uzza, og han slog ham, fordi han rakte Haanden ud mod Arken, og han døde paa Stedet for Guds Aasyn.
The Lord was angry with Uzzah for daring to touch the Ark like this so he struck him down, and Uzzah died there before the Lord.
11 Men David græmmede sig over, at HERREN havde tilføjet Uzza et Brud. Derfor kaldte man Stedet Perez-Uzza, som det hedder den Dag i Dag.
David became angry with the Lord for his violent outburst against Uzzah. He named the place Perez-uzzah, and it is still called that today.
12 Og David grebes den Dag af Frygt for Gud og sagde: »Hvor kan jeg da lade Guds Ark komme hen hos mig!«
David became afraid of God that day. “How can I ever bring back the Ark of God home to me?” he asked.
13 Og David flyttede ikke Arken hen hos sig i Davidsbyen, men lod den sætte ind i Gatiten Obed-Edoms Hus.
So David did not move the Ark of God to be with him in the City of David. Instead, he had it taken to the home of Obed-edom the Gittite.
14 Guds Ark blev saa i Obed-Edoms Hus tre Maaneder, og HERREN velsignede Obed-Edoms Hus og alt, hvad hans var.
The Ark of God remained in Obed-edom's home for three months, and the Lord blessed Obed-edom's household and all that he had.

< Første Krønikebog 13 >