< Salme 25 >

1 En Psalme af David. Til dig, Herre! opløfter jeg min Sjæl.
Unto the end. A Psalm of David. To you, Lord, I have lifted up my soul.
2 Jeg forlader mig paa dig, min Gud! lad mig ikke beskæmmes, at mine Fjender ikke skulle fryde sig over mig.
In you, my God, I trust. Let me not be put to shame.
3 Ja, ingen, som bier efter dig, skal beskæmmes; beskæmmes skulle de, som handle troløst uden Aarsag.
And do not let my enemies laugh at me. For all who remain with you will not be confounded.
4 Herre! lad mig kende dine Veje, lær mig dine Stier.
May all those who act unjustly over nothing be confounded. O Lord, demonstrate your ways to me, and teach me your paths.
5 Gør, at jeg gaar frem i din Sandhed, og lær mig den; thi du er min Frelses Gud, jeg bier efter dig den ganske Dag.
Direct me in your truth, and teach me. For you are God, my Savior, and I remain with you all day long.
6 Herre! kom din Barmhjertighed og din Miskundhed i Hu; thi de have været fra Evighed.
O Lord, remember your compassion and your mercies, which are from ages past.
7 Kom ikke mine Ungdoms Synder eller mine Overtrædelser i Hu; men kom du mig i Hu efter din Miskundhed for din Godheds Skyld, Herre!
Do not remember the offenses of my youth and my ignorances. Remember me according to your mercy, because of your goodness, O Lord.
8 Herren er god og oprigtig, derfor underviser han Syndere om Vejen.
The Lord is sweet and righteous. Because of this, he will grant a law to those who fall short in the way.
9 Han skal gøre, at de ydmygede komme til Ret, og han skal lære de ydmygede sin Vej.
He will direct the mild in judgment. He will teach the meek his ways.
10 Alle Herrens Stier ere Miskundhed og Sandhed for dem, som bevare hans Pagt og hans Vidnesbyrd.
All the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth, to those who yearn for his covenant and his testimonies.
11 For dit Navns Skyld, Herre, forlad mig dog min Misgerning; thi den er stor.
Because of your name, O Lord, you will pardon my sin, for it is great.
12 Hvo er den Mand, som frygter Herren? han skal undervise ham om den Vej, som han skal udvælge.
Which is the man who fears the Lord? He has established a law for him, on the way that he has chosen.
13 Hans Sjæl skal bo i Lyksalighed, og hans Sæd skal arve Landet.
His soul will dwell upon good things, and his offspring will inherit the earth.
14 Herrens Omgang er med dem, som frygte ham, og hans Pagt er med dem, til at lade dem kende den.
The Lord is a firmament to those who fear him, and his covenant will be made manifest to them.
15 Mine Øjne ere stedse til Herren; thi han skal drage mine Fødder ud af Garnet.
My eyes are ever toward the Lord, for he will pull my feet from the snare.
16 Vend dit Ansigt til mig og vær mig naadig; thi jeg er enlig og elendig.
Look upon me and have mercy on me; for I am alone and poor.
17 Mit Hjertes Ængstelser have vidt udbredt sig; før mig ud af mine Trængsler!
The troubles of my heart have been multiplied. Deliver me from my needfulness.
18 Se hen til min Elendighed og min Møje, og forlad mig alle mine Synder!
See my lowliness and my hardship, and release all my offenses.
19 Se hen til mine Fjender, thi de ere mange; og de hade mig med uretfærdigt Had.
Consider my enemies, for they have been multiplied, and they have hated me with an unjust hatred.
20 Bevar min Sjæl og red mig, at jeg ikke beskæmmes, thi jeg tror paa dig.
Preserve my soul and rescue me. I will not be ashamed, for I have hoped in you.
21 Lad Retsindighed og Oprigtighed bevare mig; thi jeg bier efter dig.
The innocent and the righteous have adhered to me, because I have remained with you.
22 Forløs, o Gud, Israel af al dets Nød!
Free Israel, O God, from all his tribulations.

< Salme 25 >