< Ordsprogene 24 >
1 Vær ikke misundelig paa onde Mennesker, og hav ikke Lyst til at være hos dem!
Do not envy evil people; do not desire to associate with them,
2 Thi deres Hjerte grunder paa Ødelæggelse, og deres Læber udtale, hvad der er til Fortræd.
because they are [constantly] thinking about acting violently, and whenever they speak [MTY], they talk about (causing trouble/hurting someone).
3 Ved Visdom bygges et Hus, og ved Forstand befæstes det;
People make good houses (OR, families) by doing what is wise, and they make their houses (OR, families) strong by [heeding] good advice.
4 og ved Kundskab blive Kamrene fulde af alt dyrebart og yndigt Gods.
By using good sense, [they are able to buy] valuable and beautiful things and put them in the rooms of their houses.
5 En viis Mand er stærk, og en kyndig Mand styrker sin Kraft.
Being wise is better than being strong/powerful; those who know [many things can accomplish more] than those who are [very] strong.
6 Thi efter Vejledning skal du føre din Krig, og hvor mange Raadgivere ere, der er Frelse.
Leaders can fight battles if they have wise advisors, and they win those battles if they have many good advisors.
7 Visdommen er for høj for en Daare, for Retten skal han ikke oplade sin Mund.
Foolish people cannot understand wise sayings/talk; at public meetings they are not [able to] say anything [that is useful].
8 Hvo som tænker paa at gøre ondt, ham kalder man en skalkagtig Mand.
Those who are [always] planning to do evil things will be called troublemakers.
9 Daarskabs Anslag er Synd, og en Spotter er en Vederstyggelighed iblandt Folk.
It is sinful to plan to do foolish things, and people hate those who make fun of [everything that is good].
10 Du viste Svaghed paa Nødens Dag; din Kraft var ringe.
If you [act as though] you are helpless when you have troubles, you are [truly very] weak.
11 Red dem, som føres til Døden, dem, som vaklende drage hen at miste Livet; maatte du dog holde dem tilbage!
[If it is unjustly decided] that someone must be executed, [try hard to] rescue them [DOU].
12 Naar du siger: „Se, vi kende det ikke”, mon da ikke den, som prøver Hjerter, forstaar det, og den, som tager Vare paa din Sjæl, kender det, saa at han betaler et Menneske efter dets Gerning?
If you say, “I did not know anything about it, [so (it is not my concern/I did not try to help him)],” remember that God knows what we have done, and he knows what we were thinking [IDM, RHQ], and he will certainly [RHQ] repay us as we deserve for what we have done or for not doing what we should have done.
13 Æd Honning, min Søn! thi den er god, og Honningkage er sød for din Gane;
My child/son, eat honey, because it is good [for you]; the honey that drips from honeycombs tastes [very] sweet.
14 lær saaledes Visdom for din Sjæl; naar du finder den, og der er en Eftertid, skal din Forhaabning ikke tilintetgøres.
Similarly, being wise is good for your soul; if you become wise, you will be [happy in] the future, and [God] will certainly [do for you what you are] confidently expecting him to do [LIT].
15 Lur ikke, du ugudelige! paa den retfærdiges Bolig; ødelæg ikke hans Hjem!
Do not be like wicked people who [hide and] wait to break into the houses of righteous/good [people] and rob/steal things.
16 Thi en retfærdig kan falde syv Gange og staa op igen; men de ugudelige skulle styrte i Ulykken.
[Even if] good people fall down seven/many times, they [always] stand/get up again, but when a disaster happens to wicked [people], it ruins/destroys them.
17 Glæd dig ikke, naar din Fjende falder, og lad dit Hjerte ikke fryde sig, naar han snubler;
Do not be happy when something bad happens to one of your enemies; do not rejoice when he stumbles and falls,
18 at ikke Herren skal se det, og det maatte være ondt i hans Øjne, og han skal vende sin Vrede fra ham til dig.
because Yahweh will know what you are thinking, and he will not like it, and [as a result] he will not punish that enemy of yours.
19 Lad ikke din Vrede optændes imod de onde; vær ikke misundelig paa de ugudelige!
Do not become angry/upset about those who do what is evil, and do not [SYN] envy them,
20 Thi den onde skal ingen Eftertid have; de ugudeliges Lampe skal udslukkes.
because [nothing good] will happen to wicked people; they are [like] a lamp that will soon be extinguished [MET].
21 Min Søn! frygt Herren og Kongen; bland dig ikke iblandt dem, der hige efter Forandringer!
My child/son, revere Yahweh and [also] honor the king, and do not associate with people who want to rebel against either of them,
22 Thi Ulykke fra dem kommer hastelig, og Fordærvelse fra dem begge — hvo kender den?
because those people will suddenly experience disasters; and no one knows [RHQ] what great disasters that God or the king can cause to happen to them.
23 Ogsaa dette er af de vise: At anse Personer i Dommen er ikke godt.
Here are more things that wise [people] have said: It is wrong for judges to decide matters unfairly [IDM].
24 Hvo som siger til den skyldige: Du er retfærdig, ham skulle Folkeslægter forbande; Folkefærd skulle vredes paa ham.
If they say to people who are guilty, “You (are innocent/have not done something that is wrong),” [even] people in other nations will curse and despise them,
25 Men dem, som straffe ham, skal det gaa vel, og der skal komme en god Velsignelse over dem.
but if judges say that guilty people must be punished, things will go well for those judges, and (they will receive blessings/God will bless them).
26 Kys paa Læber giver den, som svarer med rette Ord.
Those who answer others honestly show that they are truly their friends [IDM].
27 Beskik din Gerning derude, og gør den færdig for dig paa Ageren; byg saa siden dit Hus!
First, do the work [that needs to be done] outside [your house], and prepare your fields, [and then plant things], and after you finish doing that, build your house.
28 Bliv ikke letsindigt Vidne imod din Næste; og du skulde besvige med dine Læber?
[In the courtroom] do not testify against someone when you have no reason to do that, and do not [try to] deceive [people] by what you say [MTY].
29 Sig ikke: Ligesom han gjorde mig, saa vil jeg gøre ham; jeg vil betale enhver efter hans Gerning.
Do not say, “I will do to him what he did to me; I will pay him back for [the bad things that] he did to me.”
30 Jeg gik over en lad Mands Ager og over et uforstandigt Menneskes Vingaard,
One day I walked by the vineyards of a lazy man, a man who did not have good sense.
31 og se, den var aldeles løbet op i Tidsler, dens Overflade var skjult med Nælder, og Stengærdet derom var nedbrudt.
I was surprised to see that the fields were full of all kinds of thorny bushes, and the stone wall [around the garden] had (collapsed/fallen down).
32 Der jeg saa det, lagde jeg mig det paa Hjerte; jeg saa til, jeg annammede en Lærdom:
When I saw that, I thought about it, and I learned this:
33 At sove lidt, at slumre lidt, at folde Hænderne lidt for at ligge —,
[If you spend a lot of time] sleeping and napping and folding your hands while you rest,
34 saa skal din Armod komme som en Vandringsmand og din Mangel som skjoldvæbnet Mand.
[soon] you will become poor; [it will be as though] [PRS, SIM] a bandit who had a weapon in his hand [attacked you and stole all that you had].